
テレビ朝日がお送りする新コンテンツ「E-girls movies!!」
published: 01 Feb 2014
テレビ朝日がお送りする新コンテンツ「E-girls movies!!」 E-girlsが更なる成長をするために海外を旅して感性を磨いていきます! 2013年、年末『MusicStationスーパーライブ』など、 年末音楽番組出演のE-girlsに密着!!- published: 01 Feb 2014
- views: 35492

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review
Buy the OM-D E-M10 at http://sdp.io/em10 and support us!
For more, SUBSCRIBE and like http...
published: 09 Feb 2014
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review
Buy the OM-D E-M10 at http://sdp.io/em10 and support us! For more, SUBSCRIBE and like http://fb.com/NorthrupPhotography Get my Photography Buying Guide: http://amzn.to/163yztj Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': http://sdp.io/buybg Buy the #1 book with 7+ HOURS of video: http://amzn.to/1dCRJWA Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': http://sdp.io/sdpbook OR, search for "Tony Northrup" in your Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook stores. All versions include 6+ hours of video, free lifetime updates, and free support. Questions? Add a comment and I'll reply. My camera gear: * Best beginner camera: http://amzn.to/NRcEOP * Canon 70D: http://amzn.to/1653aFw * Canon 5D Mark III: http://amzn.to/YV9PQT * Canon 50mm f1.4: http://amzn.to/106naWd * Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS: http://amzn.to/TLUmyK * Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L IS MkII: http://amzn.to/TZngc3 * Canon 500mm f/4 L IS: http://amzn.to/VsA0Yd * Sigma 150mm macro: http://amzn.to/VNK8O2 * Rokinon fisheye: http://amzn.to/PmNeYM * YongNuo 568EX Flash: http://amzn.to/10ouomT- published: 09 Feb 2014
- views: 355

Asalaam e Ishqum - Song - GUNDAY
Release Date: 14th February 2014
► Buy from iTunes: http://goo.gl/kRzBfr
► Own The Music o...
published: 29 Jan 2014
Asalaam e Ishqum - Song - GUNDAY
Asalaam e Ishqum - Song - GUNDAY
Release Date: 14th February 2014 ► Buy from iTunes: http://goo.gl/kRzBfr ► Own The Music of "Gunday" Now - http://goo.gl/wbUbEj Starring: Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra & Irrfan Khan Written & Directed by: Ali Abbas Zafar Produced by: Aditya Chopra Director of Photography: Aseem Mishra Music: Sohail Sen Lyrics: Irshad Kamil Executive Producer: Aashish Singh Editor: Rameshwar S. Bhagat Production Designer: Rajat Poddar Sound: Dileep Subramanium Action Director: Sham Kaushal Director of Choreography: Bosco-Caesar Costume Designer: Subarna Ray Chaudhuri Additional Dialogues: Sanjay Masoom Background Score: Julius Packiam Line Producer: Padam Bhushan Casting Director: Shanoo Sharma 1st Assistant Director: Tanmay Mohan Publicity Design: Fayyaz Badruddin (YRF - Design Cell) Stills: Zahir Abbas Khan Music on: YRF Music ► Subscribe to yrf http://goo.gl/Y4p3k ► Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GundayTheFilm ► Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/GundayTheFilm ► Circle us on YRF G+ https://plus.google.com/+yrf ► Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/yrf ► Follow us on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/yrf When they ran to save their lives for the first time, they were mere 12-year-old boys, and the world called them 'refugees'. The war of 1971 gave birth to a new country - Bangladesh. It also gave birth to two young orphans - Bikram and Bala. They witnessed the war and its aftermath, where the world tried to trample over them. Fighting for survival, they clung to each other and escaped to Calcutta. Before they knew the world, they knew each other. Such was their bond, such was their friendship. Each time they sought new beginnings, each time they would rise, the world would crush them down. So, they fought again... and again. Together they were unbeatable. They were unstoppable. They were inseparable. In the years that passed, Bikram and Bala, became Calcutta's most loved, most celebrated, most reckless, most fearless and most powerful GUNDAY! They had everything... then, one fine day, bells rang... Nandita, the most beautiful cabaret dancer, walked into their lives, and they lost everything to her. Their murky world turned magical and colourful. They fell head over heels in love with her. But that was only a blissful lull before an impending storm... And then entered ACP Satyajeet Sarkar, the right for every wrong, a law for every outlaw and a counter force for Bikram and Bala. What follows from here is the most sensational-most thrilling-most dramatic story ever told!- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 9521

E-girls / Diamond Only (Music Video)
published: 03 Feb 2014
E-girls / Diamond Only (Music Video)
E-girls / Diamond Only (Music Video)
http://e-girls-ldh.jp/ 強く願う事でそれぞれの色で輝き出せる-ひとりひとりがDiamondの原石-。さらに輝きを増すE-girlsの最新スーパーダンスポップ!- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 32818

自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ SEL1018レビュー
ブログ http://kazuch.com/2253.html
published: 07 Feb 2014
自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ SEL1018レビュー
自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ SEL1018レビュー
ブログ http://kazuch.com/2253.html このレンズ高いけど高いなりに使い勝手が良すぎる。もしEマウント用カメラを持っていて自撮りする人は欲しくなっちゃうはずだ! ▼広角レンズSEL1018購入ページ http://amzn.to/1nbVR4O ▼NEXカメラ購入ページ http://amzn.to/1ezlU5a 【動画】ヨナナスレビュー http://youtu.be/PVZg2pdHSM8 【動画】初めてのケーキ作り http://youtu.be/vVE6r0EP-r8 # Facebook http://bit.ly/fb-kazuch0924 # Twitter http://bit.ly/kazuTwitter ★カズのチャンネル一覧 メインチャンネル: http://www.youtube.com/kazuch0924 サブチャンネル: http://www.youtube.com/kazuch0924p カズ旅チャンネル: http://www.youtube.com/kazutabitv カズ飯チャンネル: http://www.youtube.com/kazumeshi ゲームチャンネル: https://www.youtube.com/kazuch0924games ★自己紹介 ------------ 初めましてKazuと申します。仕事はWEB屋で、まぁ普通の一般人です。人生そう長くはないし、いろんな事にチャレンジしてみようと思いYouTubeとブログを始めました。内容としては商品レビューを始め、運動、海外旅行など幅広い事を好き勝手にやってます。プロフィールやよくある質問は下記にまとめたのでよかったらご覧下さい。ではー(^^)v プロフィール: http://bit.ly/QhERN5 よくある質問: http://bit.ly/PY6YSa レビューポリシー: http://bit.ly/kazuReview ★Kazuのブログ ------------ メインBLOG: http://bit.ly/Kazuch0924 カズ旅BLOG: http://bit.ly/kazutabi ダイエットBLOG: http://bit.ly/kazudiet Apple製品BLOG: http://bit.ly/kazpod アウトドアBLOG: http://bit.ly/sotokazu 料理BLOG: http://bit.ly/kazumeshi ゲームBLOG: http://kazugames.jp/- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 15766

Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto "Un corpo e un'anima" Promo Sanremo 2014
Eccovi il terzo promo del Festival di Sanremo. Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto sono la c...
published: 08 Feb 2014
Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto "Un corpo e un'anima" Promo Sanremo 2014
Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto "Un corpo e un'anima" Promo Sanremo 2014
Eccovi il terzo promo del Festival di Sanremo. Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto sono la coppia della televisione dei nostri anni. Il loro modo di giocare, battibeccare, prendersi e lasciarsi, dichiararsi amore e subito dopo litigare è diventato un 'genere' ormai consolidato.- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 1120

"The Real Chuck E. Cheese"
Highly requested Creepy Pasta
Check out My New Website for More Creepy Pasta Narrations:
published: 07 Feb 2014
"The Real Chuck E. Cheese"
"The Real Chuck E. Cheese"
Highly requested Creepy Pasta Check out My New Website for More Creepy Pasta Narrations: http://www.creepypastanetwork.com Original story: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Real_Chuck_E._Cheese Music: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji http://www.incompetech.com http://www.youtube.com/user/AudionicUK Sound effects: http://www.freesound.org Like me on Facebook & Tumblr http://www.facebook.com/mrcreepypasta http://themrcreepypasta.tumblr.com Be sure to submit a story to http://www.creepypasta.com or http://creepypasta.wikia.com Download MP3s http://www.mediafire.com/folder/4txql3uxzvy4c/Creepy_Pasta Visit the store http://mrcreepypasta.spreadshirt.com TAGS: creepy pasta creepypasta horror scary story reading narration telling mrcreepypasta- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 62589

OMD EM10 3-Axis Stabilisation Tests - OM-D E-M10 Day 1
Is the OMD EM-10's 3 Axis IBIS good?
The OM-D E-M10 is the latest addition to Olympus' ran...
published: 07 Feb 2014
OMD EM10 3-Axis Stabilisation Tests - OM-D E-M10 Day 1
OMD EM10 3-Axis Stabilisation Tests - OM-D E-M10 Day 1
Is the OMD EM-10's 3 Axis IBIS good? The OM-D E-M10 is the latest addition to Olympus' range of the highly reviewed OMD series of Micro four thirds cameras. But unlike the E-M5 and E-M1 that preceded it and sit above it in the OMD series which have the much acclaimed 5-axis image stabilisation system, the EM10 has a 3- Axis image stabilisation system, but built upon the same technology... so how effective is it? lets's find out... (Remember, this is my "Day 1" with this camera, AND as is the way with kit lenses, nothing here represents the highest image quality possible with the camera... More tests with OLY's awesome prime lenses to come in the full review series of course ;) ) Sneak-peek still I posted (as mentioned in the video); https://plus.google.com/+NateBurr/posts/HwK4WEy7rJ1 All shots were performed completely hand-held and free of any other kind of support, Video was shot in either Aperture priority or manual mode. All shots (except for the final few as indicated in the video) were performed with the new 14-42mm collapsing pancake style, kit lens; M.Zuiko 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 EZ All shots are straight out of camera, no grading, filters, post-production stabilisation or adjustments of any kind have been made. Music; "End of summer Chantings" By Teknoaxe http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_2.php?q=455- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 1077

Making a Real Life-Size Wall-E Robot (Geek Week!)
The beloved Wall-E robot was just computer generated graphics in the Pixar movie, but fans...
published: 04 Aug 2013
Making a Real Life-Size Wall-E Robot (Geek Week!)
Making a Real Life-Size Wall-E Robot (Geek Week!)
The beloved Wall-E robot was just computer generated graphics in the Pixar movie, but fans have spent years trying to bring him to life. We visit Mike McMaster's workshop to see his incredible life-size Wall-E, a remote controlled robot that lives among an R2-D2 droid and other pets on Mike's orange farm. Subscribe for more Tested videos! http://youtube.com/testedcom?sub_confirmation=1 Watch more YouTube Geek Week videos at http://youtube.com/geekweek Find more general awesomeness at http://www.tested.com- published: 04 Aug 2013
- views: 2398392

e-volo Firmenportrait Volocopter VC200
Vielen Dank an alle Investoren für das sehr erfolgreiche Crowdfunding! http://www.seedmatc...
published: 22 Nov 2013
e-volo Firmenportrait Volocopter VC200
e-volo Firmenportrait Volocopter VC200
Vielen Dank an alle Investoren für das sehr erfolgreiche Crowdfunding! http://www.seedmatch.de/e-volo Der Volocopter von e-volo ist eine Luftfahrt-Revolution made in Germany. Sicherer, einfacher und sauberer als je zuvor, ändert er die Art sich fortzubewegen.- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 44930

Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014
Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014...
published: 04 Feb 2014
Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014
Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014
Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 677

Violetta 2: Diego e Vilu cantano "Yo soy asi" - (Episodio 20)
Violetta - Seconda Stagione - Disney Channel - Martina Stoessel - Diego Dominguez Facebook...
published: 30 May 2013
author: DisneyCartoonChannel
Violetta 2: Diego e Vilu cantano "Yo soy asi" - (Episodio 20)
Violetta 2: Diego e Vilu cantano "Yo soy asi" - (Episodio 20)
Violetta - Seconda Stagione - Disney Channel - Martina Stoessel - Diego Dominguez Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DisneyMundialVioletta All rights go to D...- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 9077787
- author: DisneyCartoonChannel
Youtube results:

Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
published: 08 Nov 2013
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 21751

E-girls / 「ごめんなさいのKissing You」 ~Short ver.~
E-girls Official site http://e-girls-ldh.jp/
E-girls 待望の6thシングル! 豪華4曲入り!!
published: 09 Sep 2013
E-girls / 「ごめんなさいのKissing You」 ~Short ver.~
E-girls / 「ごめんなさいのKissing You」 ~Short ver.~
E-girls Official site http://e-girls-ldh.jp/ E-girls 待望の6thシングル! 豪華4曲入り!! リード曲「ごめんなさいのKissing You」Lyric Video ごめんなさいから始まる究極のラブソング♡ 9月28日公開 超話題の映画『謝罪の王様』主題歌!- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 133815

Amar'e Stoudemire Poster Dunk #SCtop10
Amar'e Stoudemire turns back the clock with this #SCtop10 poster dunk over Meyers Leonard....
published: 06 Feb 2014
Amar'e Stoudemire Poster Dunk #SCtop10
Amar'e Stoudemire Poster Dunk #SCtop10
Amar'e Stoudemire turns back the clock with this #SCtop10 poster dunk over Meyers Leonard.- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 5529

The E Song
It's a phonics song to teach children the short vowel sound /e/ of the letter E. This song...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: KidsTV123
The E Song
The E Song
It's a phonics song to teach children the short vowel sound /e/ of the letter E. This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123. Cop...- published: 19 Apr 2011
- views: 1996280
- author: KidsTV123