
Dāna — The Act of Philanthropy [Hindi]
Krishna instructs Arjuna on the charity of three types. First, the charity that is sātvika...
published: 30 Mar 2012
author: Om Swami
Dāna — The Act of Philanthropy [Hindi]
Dāna — The Act of Philanthropy [Hindi]
Krishna instructs Arjuna on the charity of three types. First, the charity that is sātvika, the one done in the mode of goodness, secondly, rājasī, performed...- published: 30 Mar 2012
- views: 415
- author: Om Swami

Hārūn ar-Raschīd und Bahlul Dāna [Tausend Schätze aus einer Erzählung]
http://www.ahlu-sunnah.de http://www.sunniforum.de https://www.facebook.com/ahlusunnah.de....
published: 26 Mar 2012
author: Batyralp
Hārūn ar-Raschīd und Bahlul Dāna [Tausend Schätze aus einer Erzählung]
Hārūn ar-Raschīd und Bahlul Dāna [Tausend Schätze aus einer Erzählung]
http://www.ahlu-sunnah.de http://www.sunniforum.de https://www.facebook.com/ahlusunnah.de.- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 362
- author: Batyralp

Phalawakia : 18 Sarasamuccaya, 188.flv
1.I Gde MardanaPembaca 2.I Wayan BudiarsaPenerjemah DÉYANING AWÉHA DĀNA, Hendaknya orang m...
published: 19 Apr 2010
author: bhaskarags
Phalawakia : 18 Sarasamuccaya, 188.flv
Phalawakia : 18 Sarasamuccaya, 188.flv
1.I Gde MardanaPembaca 2.I Wayan BudiarsaPenerjemah DÉYANING AWÉHA DĀNA, Hendaknya orang memberikan sedekah, HAYWA MAPRAYOJANA PĀLĔMAN, jangan disertai tujua...- published: 19 Apr 2010
- views: 141
- author: bhaskarags

merit is happiness..give more than you get
Hi everyone, 5 May in Thailand is Chakri day, the day remind to Chakri dynasty has ruled T...
published: 09 May 2010
author: agelways
merit is happiness..give more than you get
merit is happiness..give more than you get
Hi everyone, 5 May in Thailand is Chakri day, the day remind to Chakri dynasty has ruled Thailand,today is holiday..what was I doing ? I went to market for b...- published: 09 May 2010
- views: 118
- author: agelways

Learning Itivuttaka - The Group of Threes in English [3/5]
Learning This Was Said (by the Blessed One). The Group of Threes (sutta 76 - 84 ) of Itivu...
published: 20 Nov 2013
Learning Itivuttaka - The Group of Threes in English [3/5]
Learning Itivuttaka - The Group of Threes in English [3/5]
Learning This Was Said (by the Blessed One). The Group of Threes (sutta 76 - 84 ) of Itivuttaka in Khuddaka Nikaya (Tipitaka). "Iti" -- This "Vuttam" -- was said (by the Blessed One) Further meanings (pls. rely on your own investigation):- [English - Pāli] bliss -- sukha (non-sensual happiness/inner contentment & peace) virtue -- sīla (includes dana i.e. virtue of giving/generosity) evil -- pāpa consciousness -- viññāṇa birth & death -- jātimaraṇa peace -- santi beings -- sattā beings of low disposition -- hīnādhimuttikā sattā admirable disposition -- kalyāṇādhimuttikā Enjoying activity, delighting in chatter, enjoying sleep, and restless -- kammārāmo bhassarato niddārāmo ca uddhato unskillful thinking -- akusalavitakka concentration -- samādhi heedful -- appamāda man of integrity -- sappuriso subtle in view & clear-seeing -- sukhumadiṭṭhivipassaka clinging -- upādāna disciple of the noble ones -- ariyasāvako Deathless -- amata "The All" = the six senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, & ideation) and their respective objects. This covers every aspect of experience that can be described, but does not include nibbāna. This body falls apart; consciousness is subject to fading; all acquisitions are inconstant, stressful, subject to change -- Bhidurāyaṃ bhikkhave kāye viññāṇaṃ virāgadhammaṃ sabbe upadhi aniccā dukkhā vipariṇāmadhammā'ti. I have seen beings conquered both by receiving offerings and by not receiving offerings — their minds overwhelmed — at the break-up of the body, after death, reappearing in the plane of deprivation, the bad destination, the lower realms, in hell -- Diṭṭhā mayā bhikkhave sattā sakkārena ca asakkārenadu cabhayena abhibhūtā pariyādinnacittā kāyassa bhedā parammaraṇā apāyaṃ duggatiṃ vinipātaṃ nirayaṃ upapannā. When a deva is about to pass away from the company of devas, five omens appear -- Yadā bhikkhave devo devakāyā cavanadhammo hoti, pañcassa pubbanimittāni pātubhavanti. destroying living creatures -- include all human beings or living beings. not given -- stealing or cheating. sexual misconduct -- "One conducts oneself wrongly in matters of sex; one has intercourse with those under the protection of father, mother, brother, sister, relatives or clan, or of their religious community; or with those promised to someone else protected by law, and even with those betrothed with a garland." incorrect speech -- false speech, tale-bearing, harsh (abusive) speech and idle chatter (gossip). For source of above extract, please go to:- http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/iti/iti.3.050-099.than.html [An acknowledgment of appreciation and thanks to Venerable Thanissaro Bhikkhu and "accesstoinsight.org" for the text available online]. The Khuddaka Nikaya, or "Collection of Little Texts" (Pali khudda = "smaller; lesser"), the fifth division of the Sutta Pitaka, is a wide-ranging collection of fifteen books (eighteen in the Burmese Tipitaka) containing complete suttas, verses, and smaller fragments of Dhamma teachings. ~ accesstoinsight "The gift of truth excels all other gifts." ~ Buddha- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 4

Establishing the Appamāda Viharī Meditation Center with Ven Sayalay Susila
The number of practitioners who have attended Venerable Sayalay's Sutta studies, meditatio...
published: 08 Feb 2014
Establishing the Appamāda Viharī Meditation Center with Ven Sayalay Susila
Establishing the Appamāda Viharī Meditation Center with Ven Sayalay Susila
The number of practitioners who have attended Venerable Sayalay's Sutta studies, meditation classes and retreats is increasing day by day. In order to better serve the growing number of students and for the convenience of propagating the Dhamma, Sayalay Susīla is establishing the Appamāda Viharī Meditation Centre, a permanent monastery in Penang. In Pāli, Appamāda Vihari means "dwelling in diligence." Currently, we have paid off an acre of land and will start construction soon. Unity of will is an impregnable stronghold. As long as we are united -- with supporters sending their mettā and donating generously -- sufficient funds will be raised to support the completion of this project. Dāna, or the practice of generosity, allows the giver to reap the benefits of longevity, beauty, happiness, physical fitness, and wisdom.- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 58

Learning Itivuttaka - The Group of Fours [Final] in English [2/2]
Learning This Was Said (by the Blessed One). The final Group of Fours (sutta 106 - 112) of...
published: 24 Nov 2013
Learning Itivuttaka - The Group of Fours [Final] in English [2/2]
Learning Itivuttaka - The Group of Fours [Final] in English [2/2]
Learning This Was Said (by the Blessed One). The final Group of Fours (sutta 106 - 112) of Itivuttaka in Khuddaka Nikaya (Tipitaka). "Iti" -- This "Vuttam" -- was said (by the Blessed One) Further meanings (pls. rely on your own investigation):- [English - Pāli] mātāpitaro -- mother and father (or parents). teachers -- ācariya. revered -- pūjita. designation -- adhivacana. worthy of gifts -- āhuṇeyya (or worthy of adoration or offerings). brahmans & householders -- brāhmaṇagahapati. admirable in the beginning -- ādikalyāṇa (or beautiful in the beginning). admirable in the middle -- majjhekalyāṇa. admirable in the end -- pariyesānakalyāṇa (or quest). [The above can be interpreted as referring to 1.Sīla 2.Samādhi 3.Paññā in the Noble Eight-fold Path]. Sīla -- virtue (includes Dāna i.e. giving/generosity, respect, patience etc), morality (ethical conduct, integrity & conscience), precepts (training rules), Pātimokkha (rules for monks & nuns). Samādhi -- comprises of Right Effort, Right Mindfulness & Right Concentration. Paññā -- wisdom, right knowledge, insight which is right view, right understanding and right resolves/intention that leads to final/total liberation, Unbinding (Nibbāna). true dhamma -- saddhamma. mutual dependance -- aññoññanissita. householders & homeless -- sāgāra anagāra. conviction -- saddahana. noble discernment -- ariyapaññā. thought of sensuality, thought of ill-will, thought of harmfulness -- kāmavitakka vyāpādavitakka vihiṃsāvitakka. lack of ardency & concern -- anātāpī anottappī. lethargic -- kusīto (or slothful/indolent). low in persistence -- hīnaviriya. mindfulness -- sati. awareness-tranquillity -- cetosamatha. directly knowing -- abiññā. mind well-released -- vimuttacitta. attainer-of-wisdom -- vedagu. fulfilled the holy life -- vusitabrahmacariya. greed, ill will, sloth & drowsiness, restlessness & anxiety, uncertainty (or skeptical doubt) -- refers to the 5 mental hindrances or unskillful mental qualities. as is really is -- yathātatha (or true/real/factual). fermentations -- āsava (or mental effluent/outflow). Unbinding -- nibbāna. a lion -- a simile for foremost conquest & courage. world -- loka. Brahma-wheel -- brahmacakka. Deceitful, stubborn, talkers, frauds, arrogant, un-centered: they don't grow in the Dhamma taught by the Rightly Self-awakened One -- Kuhā thaddhā lapā siṅgī unnaḷā asamāhitā, Na te dhamme virūhanti sammāsambuddhadesite. Alert, with a mind well-released, touch release now here, now there. An attainer-of- wisdom, having fulfilled the holy life, is said to have gone to the end of the world, gone beyond -- Sammappajāno suvimuttacitto Vimuttiyā phassaye tattha tattha Sa vedagu vusitabrahmacariyo Lokantagu pāragato'ti vuccatī"ti. Āraddhaṃ hoti viriyaṃ asallīnaṃ, upaṭṭhitā sati asammuṭṭhā, passaddho kāyo asāraddho, samāhitaṃ cittaṃ ekaggaṃ -- if his persistence (viriya) is aroused and not lax; if his mindfulness (sati) is established and unmuddled; if his body (kāya) is calm and unaroused; if his mind (citta) is centered and unified (ekagga or calm/tranquil/concentrated). then a monk walking with such ardency and concern is called continually and continuously resolute, one with persistence aroused -- carampi bhikkhave bhikkhū evambhūto ātāpī ottappī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhaviriye pahitatto'ti vuccati. Whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, whoever thinks evil thoughts, related to the household life, is following no path at all, smitten with delusory things. He's incapable, a monk like this, of touching superlative self-awakening -- "Caraṃ vā yadi vā tiṭṭhaṃ nisinno uda vā sayaṃ, Yo vitakkaṃ vitakketi pāpakā gehanissitaṃ. Kummaggaṃ paṭipanno so mohaneyyesu mucchito, Abhabbo tādiso bhikkhu phuṭṭhuṃ sambodhimuttamaṃ. For source of above extract, please go to:- http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/iti/iti.4.100-112.than.html [An acknowledgment of appreciation and thanks to Venerable Thanissaro Bhikkhu and "accesstoinsight.org" for the text available online, and cuteleaflet1 for availability of music]. The Khuddaka Nikaya, or "Collection of Little Texts" (Pali khudda = "smaller; lesser"), the fifth division of the Sutta Pitaka, is a wide-ranging collection of fifteen books (eighteen in the Burmese Tipitaka) containing complete suttas, verses, and smaller fragments of Dhamma teachings. ~ accesstoinsight "The gift of truth excels all other gifts." ~ Buddha- published: 24 Nov 2013
- views: 13

អង្គការធម្មទានសង្គមSocial Dhāmma Dāna Organization ទំនាក់ទំនងៈ វត្តបទុមវតី (រាជវរារាម) ទូរ...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: Art Ain
អង្គការធម្មទានសង្គមSocial Dhāmma Dāna Organization ទំនាក់ទំនងៈ វត្តបទុមវតី (រាជវរារាម) ទូរស័ព្ទលេខៈ ០៩៧ ៩០២ ៥៨៨១ / ០៧០ ៧១៣ ៦៩១ or E-mail famming@gmail.com ww...- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 28
- author: Art Ain

Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno - Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Song Name: Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno Official Name: Gopinath (Part one) Author: Bhaktivi...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: krsnavideo
Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno - Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno - Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Song Name: Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno Official Name: Gopinath (Part one) Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura Book Name: Kalyana Kalpataru (Section: Upalabdhi Vijna...- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 1089
- author: krsnavideo

Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Jive Doya Kori
Song Name: Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Jive Doya Kori Author: Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Sin...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: krsnavideo
Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Jive Doya Kori
Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Jive Doya Kori
Song Name: Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Jive Doya Kori Author: Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Singer: HG Agnidev Prabhu Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Saranagati I...- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 813
- author: krsnavideo

Gopinath - Gopinath band (live 1997)
Gopinath band (live in Ljubljana, 1997) Avadhuta-lead vocal,harmonium Bhadra Madhavi,Mandi...
published: 27 Dec 2008
author: jagatinho
Gopinath - Gopinath band (live 1997)
Gopinath - Gopinath band (live 1997)
Gopinath band (live in Ljubljana, 1997) Avadhuta-lead vocal,harmonium Bhadra Madhavi,Mandi Tangi-lead vocals Tat Purusha-guitar Moksa Rupi-bass guitar Udakse...- published: 27 Dec 2008
- views: 3738
- author: jagatinho

Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession (04)
After having roamed the entire area during the night time , the Almsgiving Procession fina...
published: 01 Jan 2011
author: NickVenture1
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession (04)
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession (04)
After having roamed the entire area during the night time , the Almsgiving Procession finaly arrives at the monks house at dawn. Most offerings are loaded on...- published: 01 Jan 2011
- views: 832
- author: NickVenture1

Learning Dhamma - PURPOSE [~ Ven. Dr. K.Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera] in English
Learning dhamma in PURPOSE [~ Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Maha Thera ] in English. ...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: mysongbox
Learning Dhamma - PURPOSE [~ Ven. Dr. K.Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera] in English
Learning Dhamma - PURPOSE [~ Ven. Dr. K.Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera] in English
Learning dhamma in PURPOSE [~ Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Maha Thera ] in English. TEN KINDS OF MERITORIOUS DEEDS ~ KUSALA KAMMA 1. Dāna- generosity w...- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 337
- author: mysongbox
Youtube results:

Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (03)
Sri Lanka, කොළඹ, Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (03) Almsgiving Procession with trad...
published: 15 Jan 2011
author: NickVenture1
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (03)
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (03)
Sri Lanka, කොළඹ, Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (03) Almsgiving Procession with traditional music live, recorded monk chanting and drums . The processi...- published: 15 Jan 2011
- views: 374
- author: NickVenture1

Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession (01)
Almsgiving Procession with free-lance life trumpet music, drums and traditional recorded m...
published: 01 Jan 2011
author: NickVenture1
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession (01)
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession (01)
Almsgiving Procession with free-lance life trumpet music, drums and traditional recorded monk song : The procession will roam the area arround a monks reside...- published: 01 Jan 2011
- views: 155
- author: NickVenture1

Babylon Zoo - Blue Nude (B-Side of the fortunately hip one hit Wonder Spaceman crap u know)
You're welcome! and vice versa truly ~ yours dignified, Abhaya Dāna FAN-tastic´ aromatic t...
published: 22 Apr 2011
author: Abhaya Dana
Babylon Zoo - Blue Nude (B-Side of the fortunately hip one hit Wonder Spaceman crap u know)
Babylon Zoo - Blue Nude (B-Side of the fortunately hip one hit Wonder Spaceman crap u know)
You're welcome! and vice versa truly ~ yours dignified, Abhaya Dāna FAN-tastic´ aromatic tasting lyrics Jazzy :D Here we go! Silence.... Croud of the silver ...- published: 22 Apr 2011
- views: 1018
- author: Abhaya Dana

Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (04)
Almsgiving Procession with traditional music live, recorded monk chanting and drums . The ...
published: 15 Jan 2011
author: NickVenture1
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (04)
Sri Lanka,ශ්රී ලංකා,Buddhist Almsgiving Procession Night (04)
Almsgiving Procession with traditional music live, recorded monk chanting and drums . The procession will roam the area arround a monks residency or temple d...- published: 15 Jan 2011
- views: 112
- author: NickVenture1