Last updated: February 28, 2014

Weather: Sydney 20°C - 24°C . shower or two.

Friday, 28 February

Palmer to block Qantas ownership amendment

QANTAS'S hopes of being unshackled from foreign ownership restrictions appears to have hit a roadblock in the form of billionaire MP Clive Palmer.

Spin speed determines spiral galaxy size

THE spinning speed of spiral galaxies determines if they bulge or are flat discs, Perth astronomers say.

Concerns mount over PM's parental scheme

PRIME Minister Tony Abbott's signature paid parental leave policy is causing discontent within his own government.

Thursday, 27 February

Bishop spiked rhino program, hearing told

THE coalition has scrapped a $3 million Labor commitment to help save the Sumatran rhinoceros, a Senate hearing has heard.

Don't lose interest in Greste: colleague

A SMALL crowd has rallied at Sydney's Martin Place in support of three journalists, including Australian Peter Greste, imprisoned in Egypt.

Qantas cuts 5000 jobs, sparks debate

THE coalition and Labor are at odds over government steps to help Qantas return to profit, as the airline announces 5000 job cuts.

Sunshine Coast on measles alert

QUEENSLAND'S Sunshine Coast is on measles alert, and health authorities are trying to trace people who might have been in contact with the infected person.

Nepotism probe needed: Qld integrity boss

QUEENSLAND integrity commissioner Dr David Solomon says safeguards are needed to ensure chief executives and directors-general are hired on merit.

Johnston queries $50b defence budget

DEFENCE Minister David Johnston says claims of a $50 billion defence budget in 10 years aren't credible.

Smokey Vic town safe, but no comparison

VICTORIAN Premier Denis Napthine has offered his home to people wanting respite from the Morwell smoke, but says the town is safe.

Explosion before body found in fire ground

THE WA bomb squad has been called in after reports of a large explosion before a scrub fire in suburban Perth, where human remains were later found.

Abused woman furious system still broken

A WOMAN who suffered horrific abuse at a state-run girl's home at Parramatta has told the Royal Commission children in care are still at great risk.