Last updated: February 28, 2014

Weather: Sydney 20°C - 24°C . shower or two.


Thought for the day 28 February 2014

We are now in the Dark Of The Moon, the special time each month when there's no moon to be seen in the night sky. It's when many psychics, sensitives and mediums report enhanced abilities. Even those who don't believe themselves born blessed with such powers often get vivid dreams, odd premonitions or 'feelings in their bones.' And just as some people find, at Full Moon, that even small amounts of alcohol are more intoxicating than usual, this time just before New Moon can make us prone to feeling overwhelmed by emotions we might normally take in our stride.

I've also got lots to tell you about your future in your 'spookily accurate' video and audio forecasts. They're free - and they are here!

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


Are you doing what you think is expected of you? Or are you doing what you know to be right? The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. But nor are these purposes automatically aligned. It is important to draw the distinction in order to be clear in your mind. The right angle from Jupiter to Uranus, insists this is no time to be playing out a game of charades. If you act out a pretence you will come to regret it. Regardless of the impact that it may have on your popularity, you must be true to yourself this weekend. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


You feel responsible and you also feel rather tense. It seems as if a lot now depends on you and what you choose to do next. You want, of course, to do what is best. You are not so sure, though, that you know what the best thing actually is. Yet it is also clear that a decision must be reached. Your head may not be so sure of the answer but your heart is fully conscious of a solution. All you have to do, this weekend, if you want to stride forward with full confidence, is listen to your heart - and then do what it is urging you to. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


There is apprehension surrounding an adventure that you are now strongly inclined to embark on. Yet how can there really be any alternative course of action? You are pursuing a passion. You are exploring a deep, important, impulse. This can't be wrong. So it follows, logically enough, that you can't go too far wrong. Even if you don't achieve all that you hope you will, you will never regret making the attempt. If you apply your talent and accept the help that is now on offer, you will do well this weekend. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Apr 21 - May 21


Do you feel lucky? I hesitate to ask. There have been times in the past when you have felt very lucky, until you actually tried your luck. Sometimes, a feeling of luck is all we get. It doesn't turn into anything else. But, then, sometimes a feeling of luck is all we need. We feel fortunate; we tend not to worry. When we tend not to worry, problems tend not to come along. Don't push your luck too far this weekend, give it time to settle before you ask it to stretch itself. But make it feel welcome and it will return the favour. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


May 22 - June 22


'Slow but steady wins the race.' That is what they say. But then they also say, 'It's not the winning that counts, it's the taking part.' And all along, the fast and furious are attaining their accolades. Or so it seems. How hard are you willing to work? How much is a 'success' now worth to you? How objective, how detached, how wise can you manage to be? Pressure won't go away this weekend. But nor will it intensify into a force that demands all of your attention. Unless, that is, you inadvertently overreact to it. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


When you first arrived on this planet, you were cute and tiny. You had no opinions about what you were supposed to be doing - and nobody had any great expectations of you. They didn't mind how you spent your day, as long as you ate, slept and didn't cry too much. And you were happy just to live in such a spirit. Now, you have got a list of things you like and things you don't. A reputation to live up to. Responsibilities to honour. Some of it, you can't escape. But there is quite a bit you can ignore this weekend. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


What really matters? What's truly crucial? What deserves your time, effort and energy? What constitutes a diversion you can ill afford to take? Be careful how you answer! This weekend's dark of the moon speaks of the need to re-evaluate your priorities. You are currently trying very hard to do what other people seem to think you ought to be doing. Are they right, though? You need to have more faith in your own assessment of a sensitive situation. It is your instinct that you need to trust now, not your sense of obligation. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Why is it that everything you want to stabilise keeps moving and shifting - while everything that you want to alter stays resolutely, defiantly still? As Mercury now comes to the end of its retrograde phase, expect one event to boost your self-esteem and another to help you understand that you are highly sought-after and admired. There may not be endless wealth, love or power at your disposal this weekend, but you will soon feel a lot less as if you are struggling to cope with an unco-operative universe. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


It is time to grab this coming weekend firmly by the scruff of the neck and give it a good talking to. It is already displaying a worryingly suspicious tendency to present you with issues you would prefer not to encounter or situations that do not match your idea of what is desirable. It needs to be told who is boss. Make your mark on it. Actively pursue the ambition that you are reluctant to make a commitment to. Set in motion a process that will take you further down the only road you now actually wish to travel. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


A remote, heavily guarded fortress may help to keep enemies at bay, but it soon turns the occupant of the castle into a prisoner. A tough, cynical attitude may reduce your chance of ending up with a broken heart, but it will also reduce your ability to be sensitive. There's always a price to be paid for protection. Sometimes, that price is too high. It's better to be soft, vulnerable and 'truly human' than to be hard, sharp and short of compassion. Ideally, you need a balance. If in doubt this weekend, err on the side of open-heartedness. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


'And they all lived happily ever after.' That's how we hope every story in our life will end. We yearn for a nicely-rounded, neatly-completed, picture-perfect outcome, even though we know that this is Planet Earth where such things never happen. In reality most solutions end up fudged. We reach uneasy compromises. We settle for 'the best we can get' and, if we're lucky, we learn to love it. Life now presents you with an answer that sort of works, and sort of doesn't. Give it time, it may yet turn out to be strangely ideal. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Honesty, they say, is the best policy. They repeat this over and over again. But all the while they are stuffing documents under mattresses, shredding photographs, deleting incriminating e-mail. Interrupt them and ask them what they are doing, they will reply, 'Oh, nothing...' They will even keep insisting that, 'honesty is the best policy' whilst lying through their teeth. Thankfully, you have a natural ability to recognise the output of the back end of a bull when you encounter it. Trust your nose for the truth this weekend. Who are you really? And what lies in store for you in the year, and years ahead? Let me draw up a full horoscope chart based on your actual birth details. Make a new start! Get yours here!