5 min 38 sec

Fast Food Lasagna - Epic Meal Time
We got 45 burgers, a whole bunch of liquor and bacon.... this is Fast Food Lasagn...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Fast Food Lasagna - Epic Meal Time
Fast Food Lasagna - Epic Meal Time
LIKE/FAV We got 45 burgers, a whole bunch of liquor and bacon.... this is Fast Food Lasagna. Buy TSHIRTS!! Click Here! http://shop.epicmealtime.com/ Like on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/EpicMealTime Follow on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/EpicMealTime- published: 23 Feb 2014
9 min 47 sec

Street Food - Beijing - 14 July 08 - Part 1
China's economy is expanding at an astounding rate - but its waistlines are too.
The food...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Street Food - Beijing - 14 July 08 - Part 1
Street Food - Beijing - 14 July 08 - Part 1
China's economy is expanding at an astounding rate - but its waistlines are too. The food of the streets tells the story of a culture torn between tradition and modernity, the customs of an ancient past competing with the convenience age of the new. What will survive and what will be lost? In a China which has gone within two generations from mass starvation to mass obesity, what does the future hold?- published: 23 Feb 2014
23 min 15 sec

Fault Lines - Fast food, fat profits: Obesity in America
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.c...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Fault Lines - Fast food, fat profits: Obesity in America
Fault Lines - Fast food, fat profits: Obesity in America
http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/faultlines/ Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/AJFaultLines Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/AJFaultLines Follow us on Tumblr: http://ajfaultlines.tumblr.com Obesity in America has reached a crisis point. Two out of every three Americans are overweight, one out of every three is obese. One in three are expected to have diabetes by 2050. Minorities have been even more profoundly affected. African-Americans have a 50 per cent higher prevalence of obesity and Hispanics 25 per cent higher when compared with whites. How did the situation get so out of hand? On this week's episode of Fault Lines, Josh Rushing explores the world of cheap food for Americans living at the margins. What opportunities do people have to eat healthy? Who is responsible for food deserts and processed food in American schools? Fault Lines finds food revolutions taking place and speaks with the people that are fighting back.- published: 23 Feb 2014
20 min 48 sec

Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed full version
Alex Jones addresses one of the darkest modes of...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed full version
Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed full version
http://www.infowars.com/food-the-ulti... Alex Jones addresses one of the darkest modes of power the globalists have used to control the population-- food. The adulteration of the planet's staple crops, genetically-altered species and intentionally-altered water, food and air all amount to a Eugenics operation to weaken the masses and achieve full spectrum domination. People the world over, but especially in the United States are under chemical attack. Deadly and dangerous toxins ranging from Aspartame to Fluoride, GMO, Mercury-tainting, pesticides, cross-species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon have all entered into our diets and environments-- whether we want it or not. Many of these substances knowingly cause or are linked with sterility, low birth weight, miscarriages, smaller or deformed offspring, as well as organ failure, cancer, brain tumors and Death itself, what you DON'T know about on your grocery shelves can hurt you. Further, Alex demonstrates that a pattern of buried studies, fraudulent statistics and a will reduce global population all point to the deliberate criminal poisoning of the food and water supply. Suffer no fools and warn those you love about need to stop their food from being used as a Depopulation-weapon against us all. Please share this important video with everyone, so the truth about these substances can be known.- published: 23 Feb 2014
49 min 7 sec

A bite of China English subtitles 舌尖上的中國 EP2 The Story of Staple food
A bite of China is a series of food documentary produced by CCTV. Total of 7 episodes.
It ...
published: 23 Feb 2014
A bite of China English subtitles 舌尖上的中國 EP2 The Story of Staple food
A bite of China English subtitles 舌尖上的中國 EP2 The Story of Staple food
A bite of China is a series of food documentary produced by CCTV. Total of 7 episodes. It tells the histories and stories behind Chinese cuisine: The meaning and the symbol each represents;The relation between the nature and the people; The creation of unique foods and traditional recipes. The food culture that every Chinese is proud of. Get to know Chinese life philosophy and the respect they have for the nature and food. This is the video you can't miss. **This is a self studying project, the English translation is not for commercial purpose.** **I do not own the copyrights and contents of the video.** For those whom want a copy of the subtitles, here's the link (inbox me if it doesn't work) : http://www.sendspace.com/file/9mnkt7 -The reason I translated it into English ,is because I would like those people, who are into Chinese food and culture, would be able to enjoy the video, too. It isn't perfect yet should be good enough to understand the contents. Cheers :)- published: 23 Feb 2014
59 min 0 sec

BBC Future of Food - Part 1: India
Future of Food - Part 1: India
In the past year, we have seen food riots on three continen...
published: 23 Feb 2014
BBC Future of Food - Part 1: India
BBC Future of Food - Part 1: India
Future of Food - Part 1: India In the past year, we have seen food riots on three continents, food inflation has rocketed and experts predict that by 2050, if things don't change, we will see mass starvation across the world. This film sees George Alagiah travel the world in search of solutions to the growing global food crisis. From the two women working to make their Yorkshire market town self-sufficient to the academic who claims it could be better for the environment to ship in lamb from New Zealand, George Alagiah meets the people who believe they know how we should feed the world as demand doubles by the middle of the century. George joins a Masai chief among the skeletons of hundreds of cattle he has lost to climate change and the English farmer who tells him why food production in the UK is also hit. He spends a day eating with a family in Cuba to find out how a future oil shock could lead to dramatic adjustments to diets. He visits the breadbasket of India to meet the farmer who now struggles to irrigate his land as water tables drop, and finds out why obesity is spiralling out of control in Mexico. Back in Britain, George investigates what is wrong with people's diets, and discovers that the UK imports an average of 3000 liters of water per capita every day. He talks to top nutritionist Susan Jebb, DEFRA minister Hilary Benn and Nobel laureate Rajendra Pachauri to uncover what the future holds for our food.- published: 23 Feb 2014
58 min 20 sec

BYOD - TheTruth About Your Food with FOOD, INC. Filmmaker Robert Kenner
published: 23 Feb 2014
BYOD - TheTruth About Your Food with FOOD, INC. Filmmaker Robert Kenner
BYOD - TheTruth About Your Food with FOOD, INC. Filmmaker Robert Kenner
https://twitter.com/#!/onditimoner http://www.facebook.com/thelip.tv http://www.facebook.com/BYODOC http://thelip.tv/ Oscar-nominated director, Robert Kenner joins us to talk about the film and food industries and his film's runaway success. Showcasing clips from the movie, we go into the inspiration behind the production, as well as the process of shooting and how the film's success has spring-boarded Robert into a new realm of being an activist. GUEST BIO: Robert Kenner's Food, Inc., is one of the top grossing theatrical documentaries of all time, selling nearly 500,000 DVDs. Food Inc. received widespread critical acclaim, including an Academy Award nomination, and has influenced current food policy decisions. An esteemed collaborator with PBS American Experience, he received a Peabody and an Emmy for Two Days in October, in addition to directing The Road To Memphis for the Martin Scorsese series, The Blues. Mr. Kenner continues to work in film and social media action to transform the food system. ADD'L LINKS: http://robertkennerfilms.com/ http://www.FixFood.org/ https://twitter.com/#!/onditimoner http://www.facebook.com/thelip.tv http://www.facebook.com/BYODOC http://thelip.tv/ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 00:01 BYOD Introduction. 00:23 Food, Inc., Clip: "The Dollar Menu." 02:46 Subsidizing food that makes us sick, and how cheap food is expensive. 04:49 Food, Inc., Clip: Medication bills and Diabetes. 06:35 Robert's choices for shooting the family. 08:25 The effects of the film on the family and their community. 09:53 Finding the story as a filmmaker. 11:31 Concerns over taking on the food industry and being sued. 14:31 The national school lunch program--accepting all grades of "food." 15:01 Describing "pink slime," and the new chemical based food system. 18:15 Food, Inc., Clip: Barbara Kowalcyk. 23:13 Robert gives more information on the case of the Kowalcyks and food-born illness. 25:31 Keeping the film entertaining while exposing the lie. 27:19 Deciding which areas of the food industry to feature. 27:55 Food, Inc., Clip: Chicken farming. 31:16 Paying the cost for talking to Food, Inc, and a whole other species of chicken. 33:27 Upgrading farms into factory standards. 34:35 FixFood and going from filmmaker to activist. 38:19 Ten films inside one issue and being free from knowledge. 40:45 Fewer farmers than ever and the subsidized market. 43:11 Food, Inc., Clip: Farmer Joel and the debate for centralized oversight. 47:06 The new film industry about the food industry. 47:44 How did the film find an audience, DVD sales and support from Oprah. 50:26 The Daily Dig Down. 55:22 Parting words from Robert.- published: 23 Feb 2014
10 min 40 sec

Top 10 Best Foods - Nutrition by Natalie
Be My Friend - http://www.myspace.com/psychtruth
Nutrition by Natalie
Top Ten Best Foods...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Top 10 Best Foods - Nutrition by Natalie
Top 10 Best Foods - Nutrition by Natalie
Be My Friend - http://www.myspace.com/psychtruth Nutrition by Natalie Top Ten Best Foods Natalie counts down the top 10 best foods you could eat. In a fast food nation, eating healthy food becomes difficult to do. Yet a poor diet contributes to low energy, obesity, stress, health problems and high medical bills. If you eat better, you will feel better and this video discusses some of the foods you should avoid. Please visit Natalies website at http://www.nutritionbynatalie.com This video was produced by Psychetruth http://www.myspace.com/psychtruth http://www.youtube.com/psychetruth http://www.livevideo.com/psychetruth- published: 23 Feb 2014
48 min 30 sec

Bad Seed - Danger of Genetically Modified Food
In the last thirty years global demand for food has doubled. In a race to feed the planet,...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Bad Seed - Danger of Genetically Modified Food
Bad Seed - Danger of Genetically Modified Food
In the last thirty years global demand for food has doubled. In a race to feed the planet, scientists have discovered how to manipulate DNA, the blueprint of life, and produce what they claim are stronger, more disease-resistant crops. However, fears that Genetically Modified Food may not be safe for humans or the environment has sparked violent protest. Are we participating in a dangerous global nutritional experiment? This informative film helps the viewer decide if the production of genetically modified food is a panacea for world hunger or a global poison. NOW on DVD - LOADED with Bonus Features and Interviews - Cat# K596 - Go to http://www.UFOTV.com.- published: 23 Feb 2014
6 min 42 sec

FOOD FIGHT - Saving Kids From Processed Junk - Earth Amplified feat. Stic.Man of Dead Prez
A boy must escape a world where the processed food is killing his neighborhood -- literall...
published: 23 Feb 2014
FOOD FIGHT - Saving Kids From Processed Junk - Earth Amplified feat. Stic.Man of Dead Prez
FOOD FIGHT - Saving Kids From Processed Junk - Earth Amplified feat. Stic.Man of Dead Prez
A boy must escape a world where the processed food is killing his neighborhood -- literally. SHARE to teach kids who is behind it, and how to escape. visit http://SOSjuice.com/foodfight for School Curriculum + Song Download We want to get the word out -- we broke our goal of 5,000 views, 10,000, 25,000 and 35,000 views in the first two days...100,000 in the first four. Can you help us reach 150K? Buy Earth Amplified album: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/earth-amplified/id378828717 Song Produced & Mixed by J.Bless & Golden Horns Outro song "On the Way": produced by J.Bless from the album "Earth Amplified" Support the movement, donate to SoS Juice: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/341222/x/13223 Credits Crew: Ben Zolno - Story, Producer, Director, Shooter, Editor AshEl "Seasunz" Eldridge - Lyrics, Performance, Casting, Locations Stic Man - Final Verse Lyrics, Performance Rebecca Quinn - AD/Key PA, 2nd Assistant Editor Matt Davis - 1st AC, 2nd Unit Director, Shooter Sashwa Burrous - 1st AC, 2nd Unit Director, Shooter, Titles, FX Sabrina Davidson - Production Coordinator Cameron Williams - 2nd AC, PA Elana Isaacs - PA Ashleigh Papp - PA Brian Pierce - PA Ryan Dexter - Titles, FX Cast: Guide - AshEL "Seasunz" Eldridge Final Verse Writer/Performer - Stic Man Kid - Anthony Samuels and Chioke Bakari Mom - Kanchan Hayes Vandana Shiva - TV interviewee Powdered Doughnut Junkies - Franceyes Jackson Energy-Drink Junkie - Jahahara Alkebulan-Maat Corn Chip/Nacho Cheese Junkie - Ambessa Cantave Twizzlers Junkie - Jose Manuel Ramirez Suit (Fried Chicken Dealer) - John Harrison Suit (Driver) - Aaron Lehmer Hamburger Helper - Jessica M. Young, Rana Chang, Sabrina Davidson Toucan Sam - Lisa Aurora Lucky Charms - Alexia Stratton Tony the Tiger - Manuel Martinez, Jake Schoneker, Rebecca Quinn Homeless Man - Colin Hussey KFC Junkie - Gary Whitaker Little Debbie - Becca Hike LYRICS VANDANA SHIVA: "Once they have established the norm -- that seed can be owned as their property -- royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it; it's strategic. It's more powerful than bombs. It's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations of the world." CHORUS: That's what the streets them say. That's what police them say. That's what the Babylon say. Put cola upon lips and get popped the same way now. That's what The Pentagon say. That's what the generals say. That's what the empire say. Put death down your throat, you get dropped the same way. SEASUNZ: There's a war going on inside, no man is safe from: DDTs, PCBs, every corner in the hood got a KFC or McD's. It's crack speed like RED Bull-ish they pulpit -- so caffeine, Kit Kat like a click-clack holes in your genes Cuz everything at market ain't all what it seems. Little Debbie bussing biscuits at sugar-high fiends. Ain't nothing but a G thing -- GMO, MSG, genocide of street gangs. Aspartame or street cane. Monsanto is Rambo. Round Up with ammo. Who would have known you can die from a diet Diabetes and the -itis from the dairy and the dose of the high fructose cuz your ribs too close so you might start a riot. Might be a FOOD FIGHTER! CHORUS REPEATED SEASUNZ: They shootin'! Made you look at the labels on the food that you cook. Just say no to cocoa box cuz when you Google the ingredients, you might get got. Is your milk on drugs? Cuz your brain on Fox. Factory farming spawning the Meatrix plot, Globally warming us all, enough cows and NOx driving the climate, driving a hummer or not. Drive-in like a drive-by. E.coli served super sized with a side of super lies. so tell me what's more gangsta than that? Bullets or burgers both blaze burners to black. Breakfast is a little like Texas, Petro is everything that you're eating on My pesto is backyard like choppin' chard. My school lunch pack a punch. FOOD FIGHT IS ON! CHORUS REPEATED STIC.MAN: What's Beef? Beef is when you're 12 years old and obese clogged arteries, can't see your own feet until you're up in ICU, guaranteed to be an 'I see you" From that processed food. Suicide. It's a suicide. Don't want no microwaves, no pesticides. Fast food's a slow death in disguise. It's the wild wild westernized world of deception and lies. What's Beef? Beef is when you starve in a famine. Nothing won't grow and the land stays barren. Pollution in the river, mercury in the salmon. What sense do it make, being at war with the planet? We're at war for the mind so impressionable. Instead of vegetables, we reach for Red Bulls. Poor diets kill more brothers than pistols. We're fighting for our lives like Michael Vic's pit bulls. Dog eat dog, America eats the young, We die from beef, but more from meat than the gun. Bullets for breakfast and mass murder meals. Enemy of the state, and your plate is the battlefield in this FOOD FIGHT!- published: 23 Feb 2014
20 min 25 sec

Today's Modern Food: It's not what you think - Part 1 of 2
This video examines the truth about our Nation's food supply. The food we buy today is the...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Today's Modern Food: It's not what you think - Part 1 of 2
Today's Modern Food: It's not what you think - Part 1 of 2
This video examines the truth about our Nation's food supply. The food we buy today is the product of a business who's more concerned about their own profits than their customers health and the government regulators are looking out for the interests of the businesses rather than the American people's well being. The complete script for this video, as well as all the links to the articles, websites and videos in this presentation are available here: http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/jeffbenner/food.html ------------- The Miami Herald wrote on June 23rd 2011, chemically treated produce, highly processed foods, and refined ingredients like white flour and sugar cause sickness and disease as well as a host of minor ailments such as digestive issues and lack of energy. The Herald Sun wrote on June 24th 2011, The New England Journal of Medicine published research that advised weight-watchers to cut out sugar-sweetened drinks, potatoes and refined grain foods such as white bread, white rice and low-fibre cereals. They urged people to eat more "natural" foods, such as On June 19, 1999 The Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA) to prohibit the use of potassium bromate, which is used to strengthen bread dough. They charged that the FDA has known for years that bromate causes cancers in laboratory animals, but has failed to ban it. The most common pesticide found in flour, 49% of all flour tested, is Malathion, believed to be a possible carcinogen, Neurotoxin and Hormone disruptor. On January 28th, 2009 the Washington Post reported, "Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury." The articles reports that "Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies. " On July 27th, 1989 the Los Angeles Times reported, "FDA allows Genetically-Modified rBGH to Endanger Milk: FDA Ignores Evidence on Cancer Risks" On December 7th, 2006 the Harvard University Gazette reported, "Hormones in milk can be dangerous." The article states, "The milk we drink today is quite unlike the milk our ancestors were drinking" without apparent harm for 2,000 years, she said. "The milk we drink today may not be nature's perfect food. Butter, meat, eggs, milk, and cheese are implicated in higher rates of hormone-dependent cancers in general, she said. Breast cancer has been linked particularly to consumption of milk and cheese." On Feb 11th, 2009, CBS News reported, "Link Eyed Between Beef And Cancer." In feed lots across the country, beef cattle are given growth hormones to make them fatter faster, to save money. Now questions are being raised about one of the most widely-used hormones, Zeranol, a synthetic estrogen implanted in cattle. A series of tests done for the Pentagon show a possible link between breast cancer and Zeranol. On March 30th, 2011 Discovery News reported, "Food Packaging Harbors Harmful Chemicals" Plastic wrappers, food cans and storage tubs deposit at least two potentially harmful chemicals into our food, confirmed a new study. By cutting out containers, people can dramatically reduce their exposures to these toxins. The chemicals -- bisphenol A, or BPA, and a phthalate called DEHP -- are known to disrupt hormonal systems in the bodies of both animals and people, leading to developmental and reproductive problems, as well as cancers, heart disease and brain disorders. And both appear in a wide variety of food packaging materials. Because the manufacturers and the government ignore our concerns, it is going to be up to us to take charge of our nutrition and well-being.There are a few alternatives to the chemically laden foods available at your local supermarket. You can buy organic, which unfortunately because of the current economics of food production, is more expense. Or you can grow and raise your own food, which is time consuming and hard work. But you have to ask yourself, "Is it worth improving the health of my family?" If your diet and health is important to you, you will want to these eye-opening and heart-stopping documentaries on the truth about the foods we buy and eat every day. Food Inc. Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0 Food Matters Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4DOQ6Xhqss King CornTrailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr5HQrgg9mM The World According to Monsanto Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8hFuuDAZjk- published: 23 Feb 2014
8 min 50 sec

FOOD BATTLE 2012 SHIRT: http://bit.ly/FB2012shirt
published: 23 Feb 2014
FOOD BATTLE 2012 SHIRT: http://bit.ly/FB2012shirt WATCH BLOOPERS & ALTERNATE SCENES: http://bit.ly/FB2012xtras WATCH THIS EPISODE EN ESPAÑOL: http://youtu.be/R7WrlRBEhyQ WATCH THE PREVIOUS FOOD BATTLES: http://bit.ly/FBPlaylist For the seventh consecutive year, Anthony and Ian fight to the death to prove which of their favorite foods can do more every day tasks. Who will win? Who will DIE? ------------------------------------ Hey it's our very own website: http://smosh.com Oh and our Facebook page: http://facebook.com/smosh Want to know when we're filming and/or pooping? Now you can: http://twitter.com/smosh- published: 23 Feb 2014
3 min 17 sec

Fast Food Ravioli - Epic Meal Time
LIKE/FAV this video
EpicMealTime is about to give Chef Boyardee a run for his money! We're...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Fast Food Ravioli - Epic Meal Time
Fast Food Ravioli - Epic Meal Time
LIKE/FAV this video EpicMealTime is about to give Chef Boyardee a run for his money! We're switching up the fastfood game by stuffing a bunch of burgers and nuggets inside some custom pasta dough. Where you at Boyardee? Time to get your head back in the game. Order the official EpicMealTime Cookbook: http://www.epicmealtime.com- published: 23 Feb 2014
11 min 32 sec

WATCH THE NEWEST EPISODE: http://bit.ly/FkingSillyBands
published: 23 Feb 2014
WATCH THE NEWEST EPISODE: http://bit.ly/FkingSillyBands MARI'S SMOSH PIT WEEKLY: http://youtu.be/WHYSnxjyrmQ OUR NEW CARTOON CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/shutupcartoons Mari stops by to help Ian try crazy and gross foods from ASIA! ------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT LINKS: http://smoshpit.com http://smosh.com http://facebook.com/smosh http://twitter.com/smosh http://twitter.com/smoshian http://twitter.com/smoshanthony ------------------------------------------- published: 23 Feb 2014
Vimeo results:

A ball of dough ist taken out of the fridge. It has to unfreeze b...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: Emanuel Strixner
A ball of dough ist taken out of the fridge. It has to unfreeze before it gets cooked.
Year: 2012
Director: Emanuel Strixner
Production Company: Kitchen

'mute.' DVD - Official trailer
'mute' is a film directed by Greg Mirzoyan
The DVD is available on the 26th of november 20...
published: 12 Nov 2010
author: FOOD
'mute.' DVD - Official trailer
'mute' is a film directed by Greg Mirzoyan
The DVD is available on the 26th of november 2010

Clement Boucau - Section from Mute DVD
Clement Boucau - Section from Mute DVD (2010) by Greg Mirzoyan.
A FOOD production: https:/...
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: FOOD
Clement Boucau - Section from Mute DVD
Clement Boucau - Section from Mute DVD (2010) by Greg Mirzoyan.
A FOOD production: https://www.facebook.com/food.prod

Nicolas Auroux - Section from Mute DVD
Clement Boucau - Section from Mute DVD (2010) by Greg Mirzoyan.
A FOOD production: www.fac...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: FOOD
Nicolas Auroux - Section from Mute DVD
Clement Boucau - Section from Mute DVD (2010) by Greg Mirzoyan.
A FOOD production: www.facebook.com/food.prod