As described in the 9th century Zoroastrian text Dadestan-i Denig ("Religious Decisions"),hamēstagān is a neutral place or state for the departed souls of those whose good deeds and bad deeds were equal in life. Here these souls await Judgment Day. Meanwhile, those who did mostly good experience bliss and those who did mostly evil suffer torment. Religious Decisions was written in Persia (modern day Iran) when Islam was replacing Zoroastrianism as the majority religion.
Hamistagan can be compared to Roman Catholic purgatory because it occupies a position between heaven and hell, but hamistagan is a place of waiting, not punishment and purification. As a neutral place, hamistagan is more like the Roman Catholic limbo.
Islam does not have a similar neutral place where some await Judgment Day. The angels Nakir and Munkar interrogate a recently deceased soul, which then remains in its grave in a state of bliss or torment until Judgment Day.
"En ce 10 mai 1992,
la mort fit sont chemin jusqu'a lui.
D'un elan de folie il le tua par jalousie.
Cet hymne a la mort,
Nous l'avons composee pour toi Remy.
Jour de fete, fete des mere,
Ont s'en christ, nous autres ont jam!
Y manque quelqu'un,
Que c'est qui fait?
Y manque Remy ou c'est qui est?
TV, radio, journaux
sont tout excites.
Y s'grouille le cul d'annoncer la nouvelle en premier!
Il se font un devoir
de vous montrer cette boucherie!
Car il n'a que 14 ans le responsable d'la tragedie!
Toe mon tabarnak,
On n'est pas pret de t'oublier!
Pour qui tu t'prend mon sacrament!
Pour decider d'faire gicler le sang!
T'es parents te haIssais,
C'est pour notre chum qu'on comprendra jamais!
T'es parents te ha&luml;ssais