
Dear Ryan - Evil Twin
Leave a question in the comments below and you could be responsible for the next video!
published: 29 Sep 2013
Dear Ryan - Evil Twin
Dear Ryan - Evil Twin
Leave a question in the comments below and you could be responsible for the next video! Check out my 2nd Channel for more vlogs: http://www.youtube.com/higatv Follow me on TWITTER for more useless stuff about me http://www.twitter.com/therealryanhiga Like my FACEBOOK page if you're into that sorta stuff http://www.facebook.com/higatv Oh and here is MY SITE... for TEEHEE and LESS THAN THREE merch: http://www.higatv.com OR see some boring pics of me on INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/notryanhiga- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 487025

Thrift Shop on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/thrift-shop-feat.-wanz-single/id55...
published: 29 Aug 2012
Thrift Shop on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/thrift-shop-feat.-wanz-single/id556955707 The Heist physical deluxe edition: http://www.macklemoremerch.com The Heist digital deluxe on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=560097651 The Heist on Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00908DDZM The Heist in-stores NOW! Credits: VIDEO Directed By Jon Jon Augustavo, Ryan Lewis, Ben Haggerty Produced By Hollis Wong-Wear, Tricia Davis, Zach Quillen Lead Grip: David Herberg Grip Assistants: Josh Marten, Jay Neilson Stylists: Annie Murphy, Alex Nordstrom MUSIC Written by Ben Haggerty Produced by Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz Additional vocals by Brooklyn Grinnell Scratches by DV One SPECIAL THANKS TO Goodwill Outlet Value Village Capitol Hill Red Light Vintage Fremont Vintage Mall Unicorn/Narwhal Northwest African American Museum Sara Stapleton, JR Ewing and Inner City Empire, Faisal Jaswal, Clay Davis http://www.macklemore.com http://www.twitter.com/macklemore http://www.twitter.com/ryanlewis http://www.facebook.com/macklemore http://www.facebook.com/ryanlewisproductions- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 460253252

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis present the official music video for Can't Hold Us feat. Ray Dalto...
published: 17 Apr 2013
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis present the official music video for Can't Hold Us feat. Ray Dalton. Can't Hold Us on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cant-hold-us-feat.-ray-dalton/id560097651?i=560097694 The Heist CD deluxe edition: http://www.macklemoremerch.com The Heist digital deluxe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-heist-deluxe-edition/id560097651 The Heist on Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00908DDZM The Heist in-stores NOW! Note from Ryan Lewis: It seems like when a music video comes out, the title that receives all of the credit and travels with a film is that of the director. It's as though the director is the "artist" or "creator" of the music video, when in reality a music video is first a written treatment, produced (putting together ingredients like actors and locations), shot and directed, cut on the editing board and finally color graded. The music might be fine tuned and scored specifically for that film. There are so many variables that are completely equal if not sometimes more complicated than directing, it's a shame that so much credit comes down to whoever fulfills that position. A director wouldn't have shit to direct without a producer. A producer would have nothing to produce without a writer, and so forth. For our team, I think it's even more complicated because roles tend to cross over. We simply don't work within the conventional hierarchy of the film industry (director, producer, etc.) Sure, people have concrete pre-defined roles based on their expertise, but our team has the remarkable ability to wear multiple hats. Can't Hold Us was a video that showcased this well. After three months of shooting, finally getting to those last few frames where you reveal the credits, it's a tense moment. There isn't exactly a sensible way to do it, if we're trying to fit people into classic film roles. It leads me to the point that although we do our best to give people titles, this was a video fully created by seven individuals at the forefront. Take any of those people out of the equation, you'd be watching a very different video. I write this in hopes that you don't fall under the illusion that one person creates a music video, particularly at the Macklemore camp. We are constantly challenging and enhancing each others ideas and I take pride in believing that's the reason we make great videos. - Ryan Lewis Music Video: Written By Ben Haggerty Ryan Lewis Tricia Davis Directed By Ryan Lewis Jason Koenig Jon Jon Augustavo Produced By Tricia Davis Honna Kimmerer Jenny Koenig Starring Ben Haggerty Ryan Lewis Ray Dalton Owuor Arunga Da Kadu Brown Director of Photography Jason Koenig Ryan Lewis Mego Lin Stedicam Operators Chris Duerkopp Rhys Duncan Ant Ireland Alex Kornreich Production Assistants Linda SImonsen Jackie Ganger Edward Tran Adam Leeman Nic Adenau Johnny Valencia Ben Campofreda Seth McDonald Mitchell Overton Lei Tao Editing & Color Grading Ryan Lewis Jason Koenig Post Production Supervisor Erik Hustad Special Thanks RED Panavision Victory Studios Koerner Camera Space Needle Ryan Sanson Lady Washington Logan Neitzel Sierra Blu Kennels USC FIJI House Niche Camera Karen Stimwell & Co. Hollywood Props, Auckland Helicopters Northwest Niche Camera Oppenheimer Absolute Technologies Court in the Square First Scene Costume, Auckland Painted Camels Unlimited Graeme Menzies Colin McKay Daniel Cooper Mercury Bay Aero Club Whitianga Charters Dylan Henderson Jason Bosch Kyle Bosch Hollywood Animals Michael Barrett/United Reprographics Peter Pathe Music: Can't Hold Us feat. Ray Dalton (B. Haggerty, R. Lewis, R. Dalton) Macklemore Publishing BMI, Ryan Lewis Publishing BMI Produced by Ryan Lewis for Macklemore DBA Ryan Lewis LLC Written by Macklemore Additional Vocals by Ray Dalton, Camila Recchi, Victoria Fuangaromya, Tyler Andrews Trumpet by Owuor Arunga Trombone by Greg Kramer Violin, Bells, and String Arrangement by Andrew Joslyn Violin by Caroline Faflak Violin by Jared MacFarlane Viola by Elisa Clegg Cello by Danah Olivetree Cello by Natalie Mai Hall Recorded and Mixed by Ryan Lewis, Ben Haggerty Macklemore/RyanLewis Studios, Seattle, WA Mastered by "Big Bass" Brian Gardner, Hollywood, CA Url's: http://www.macklemore.com http://www.twitter.com/macklemore http://www.twitter.com/ryanlewis http://www.facebook.com/macklemore http://www.facebook.com/ryanlewisproductions Subscribe To The Channel: goo.gl/1UmcM Macklemore & Ryan Lewis managed by Zach Quillen Can we go back, this is the moment Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us Like the ceiling can't hold us- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 157995769

RYAN - TETAP MENGERTI (Kerispatih) - Spektakuler Show 01 - Indonesian Idol 2014
Vote RYAN on TWITTER. Register at vote.indonesianidol.com, and tweet using: #VoteRyan
published: 21 Feb 2014
RYAN - TETAP MENGERTI (Kerispatih) - Spektakuler Show 01 - Indonesian Idol 2014
RYAN - TETAP MENGERTI (Kerispatih) - Spektakuler Show 01 - Indonesian Idol 2014
Vote RYAN on TWITTER. Register at vote.indonesianidol.com, and tweet using: #VoteRyan GET READY INDONESIA! IT'S SPEKTAKULER SHOW! The journey to become The Next Indonesian Idol getting closer. The 13 contestant will compete against each other to show that they worthy to continue their journey in this this amazing show. Watch every performance and decide who will stay to the next round and who will go home. Inilah malam Specta Show Indonesian Idol 2014. Persaiangan semakin ketat diantara 13 kontestan yang berhasil lolos. Saksikan setiap penampilan dari kontestan Indonesian Idol. Siapakaha yang akan pulang dan siapa saja yang akan terus melanjutkan langkah mereka ke babak selanjutnya. Get ready Indonesia for the NEXT SUPER STAR and the most SPECTACULAR SHOW you've ever seen. Subscribe now for more Indonesian Idol 2014 videos: http://youtube.com/IndonesianIdol. New videos uploaded here, following the TV show every Friday at 8:00 PM WIB (local time) on RCTI Like Indonesian Idol on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/IndonesianIdolOfficial Follow Indonesian Idol on Twitter: http://twitter.com/IndonesianIdol Visit Official Site of Indonesian Idol 2014: http://www.indonesianidol.com- published: 21 Feb 2014
- views: 301

Dear Ryan - What Does The Fox Say?
What I have to say about what the fox is saying about what he says...
But really, I record...
published: 27 Nov 2013
Dear Ryan - What Does The Fox Say?
Dear Ryan - What Does The Fox Say?
What I have to say about what the fox is saying about what he says... But really, I recorded this on this on garageband.. Big Thank you to Andy Lange for helping with the music! Subscribe to him! http://www.youtube.com/andylangemusic Check out my 2nd Channel for bloopers/behind-the-scenes and vlogs: http://www.youtube.com/higatv Follow me on TWITTER for more useless stuff about me http://www.twitter.com/therealryanhiga Like my FACEBOOK page if you're into that sorta stuff http://www.facebook.com/higatv Oh and here is MY SITE... for TEEHEE and LESS THAN THREE merch: http://www.higatv.com OR see some boring pics of me on INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/notryanhiga Send me mail or whatever you want here! PO Box 232355 Las Vegas, NV 89105- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 1033803

Dear Ryan - Army of Lamps!
Leave a Dear Ryan question in the comments section and you could be responsible for the ne...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: nigahiga
Dear Ryan - Army of Lamps!
Dear Ryan - Army of Lamps!
Leave a Dear Ryan question in the comments section and you could be responsible for the next video! Check out my 2nd Channel for more vlogs: http://www.youtu...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 3221431
- author: nigahiga

Ryan O'Shaughnessy - No Name - Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition - UK version
Relive Ryan O'Shaughnessy's heart-melting song No Name about a mystery girl as he wows the...
published: 31 Mar 2012
author: Britain\'s Got Talent
Ryan O'Shaughnessy - No Name - Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition - UK version
Ryan O'Shaughnessy - No Name - Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition - UK version
Relive Ryan O'Shaughnessy's heart-melting song No Name about a mystery girl as he wows the BGT Judges with his song-writing and singing skills. See more from...- published: 31 Mar 2012
- views: 19497272
- author: Britain\'s Got Talent

Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?
An idea permeates our modern view of relationships: that men and women have always paired ...
published: 20 Feb 2014
Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?
Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?
An idea permeates our modern view of relationships: that men and women have always paired off in sexually exclusive relationships. But before the dawn of agriculture, humans may actually have been quite promiscuous. Author Christopher Ryan walks us through the controversial evidence that human beings are sexual omnivores by nature, in hopes that a more nuanced understanding may put an end to discrimination, shame and the kind of unrealistic expectations that kill relationships. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 33493

Ryan Kendall Plays | Hexxit Episode 5
● Subscribe (It's Free) - http://bit.ly/RyanKendallOfficial
● Twitter - http://bit.ly/Ryan...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Ryan Kendall Plays | Hexxit Episode 5
Ryan Kendall Plays | Hexxit Episode 5
● Subscribe (It's Free) - http://bit.ly/RyanKendallOfficial ● Twitter - http://bit.ly/RyanK_Twitter ● Facebook - http://bit.ly/RyanK_Facebook ● Website - http://www.youtube.ryan-kendall.com- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 12963

Dear Ryan - Stop Posting Videos!
Leave your questions In the comments below for the next Dear Ryan video! Other things.. Tw...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: nigahiga
Dear Ryan - Stop Posting Videos!
Dear Ryan - Stop Posting Videos!
Leave your questions In the comments below for the next Dear Ryan video! Other things.. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheRealRyanHiga Facebook: http://www....- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 5552081
- author: nigahiga

VS Episode 51 - Ryan vs. Jack
In this week's episode of VS, Jack challenges Ryan to a little game of trivia. Who will kn...
published: 20 Feb 2014
VS Episode 51 - Ryan vs. Jack
VS Episode 51 - Ryan vs. Jack
In this week's episode of VS, Jack challenges Ryan to a little game of trivia. Who will know more random facts? Watch and find out! RT Store: http://roosterteeth.com/store/ Rooster Teeth: http://roosterteeth.com/ Achievement Hunter: http://achievementhunter.com Subscribe to the RT Channel: http://bit.ly/13y3Gum Subscribe to the Let's Play Channel: http://bit.ly/11ac5D0 Subscribe to the Game Fails Channel: http://bit.ly/15RbCXV Watch RWBY: http://bit.ly/TB15cO Watch Red vs. Blue: http://bit.ly/pzMiJR Watch RT Animated Adventures: http://bit.ly/HNFDNi Watch RT Life: http://bit.ly/12gfe7p Watch RT Shorts: http://bit.ly/190OLL7 Watch Immersion: http://bit.ly/WNcblG- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 380515

The Ryan Higa Show - Sean Fujiyoshi
My good friend Mr. Sean Fujiyoshi was in town so I decided to interview him for ya! Follow...
published: 16 Mar 2013
author: nigahiga
The Ryan Higa Show - Sean Fujiyoshi
The Ryan Higa Show - Sean Fujiyoshi
My good friend Mr. Sean Fujiyoshi was in town so I decided to interview him for ya! Follow Sean on Instagram (His channel will be announced soon!) http://www...- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 3659778
- author: nigahiga

Achievement HUNT #18 - Geoff vs. Ryan
This week's Achievement HUNT, brings you Geoff vs. Ryan.
published: 26 Feb 2014
Achievement HUNT #18 - Geoff vs. Ryan
Achievement HUNT #18 - Geoff vs. Ryan
This week's Achievement HUNT, brings you Geoff vs. Ryan. FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS 50+ (Offer ends 2/28/14) - http://bit.ly/1iQe9f2 RT Store: http://roosterteeth.com/store/ Rooster Teeth: http://roosterteeth.com/ Achievement Hunter: http://achievementhunter.com Subscribe to the RT Channel: http://bit.ly/13y3Gum Subscribe to the Let's Play Channel: http://bit.ly/11ac5D0 Subscribe to the Game Fails Channel: http://bit.ly/15RbCXV Watch RWBY: http://bit.ly/TB15cO Watch Red vs. Blue: http://bit.ly/pzMiJR Watch RT Animated Adventures: http://bit.ly/HNFDNi Watch RT Life: http://bit.ly/12gfe7p Watch RT Shorts: http://bit.ly/190OLL7 Watch Immersion: http://bit.ly/WNcblG- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 120099

Draw My Life - Ryan Higa
So i was pretty hesitant to make this video... but after all of your request, here is my D...
published: 11 Apr 2013
Draw My Life - Ryan Higa
Draw My Life - Ryan Higa
So i was pretty hesitant to make this video... but after all of your request, here is my Draw My Life video! Check out my 2nd Channel for more vlogs: http://www.youtube.com/higatv Follow me on TWITTER for more useless stuff about me http://www.twitter.com/therealryanhiga Like my FACEBOOK page if you're into that sorta stuff http://www.facebook.com/higatv Oh and here is MY SITE... Get teehee merch here if ya want!: http://www.higatv.com OR see some boring pics of me on INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/notryanhiga- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 11562987
Vimeo results:

A Day in California
See the Sequel, called Imagine California, here: https://vimeo.com/78562451
A Day in Cal...
published: 05 Aug 2011
author: Ryan Killackey
A Day in California
See the Sequel, called Imagine California, here: https://vimeo.com/78562451
A Day in California is comprised of 10,000+ individual photographs, taken on beginner Canon equipment. It is the result of a year and a half of travel around Southern California to capture some of the wonderful and unique locations that this great state has to offer. To learn more about the story behind A Day in California, check out my Huffington Post interview: http://huff.to/qdnc4O
This video has been featured on CBS, NBC, Gizmodo, CNET, LAist, and many others. It is a Vimeo Staff Favorite, and received recognition by being #1 on Facebook, Google+, and Reddit.
To have a video made or licensing opportunities, send me an email.
Email: ryan@ryankillackey.com
Web: RyanKillackey.com
Twitter: twitter.com/RyanKillackey
Music by Cinematic Orchestra (Song: Arrival of the Birds): http://amzn.to/A9NJxw

The German
Written & Directed by Nick Ryan
Starring Toby Kebbell and Christian Brassington
10 minut...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: Nick Ryan
The German
Written & Directed by Nick Ryan
Starring Toby Kebbell and Christian Brassington
10 minute short film
A British fighter pilot pursues the german ace that shot down his friend across sky and country... with murder in mind. But he discovers it's not so easy to kill a man when you have to look them in the eye
This was funded by an Irish Film Board scheme called 'Short Cuts' and was shot in November 2007. The Budget was €70K, and was used entirely on the live action components of the film - leaving a grand total of ZERO for visual effects!
I completed all the visual effects shots, over 120 in total, entirely by myself here at Image Now Films. Dave Head modelled the aircraft (and truck), but I textured, lit, animated and composited the shots over a six month period in 2008.

Light-Paint Piano Player
For information about the follow up to this video visit:
published: 17 Jun 2008
author: Ryan Cashman
Light-Paint Piano Player
For information about the follow up to this video visit:
Animated light paintings of a little piano player performing. Filmed at night with the lovely I-5 and San Diego skyline in the background. I would like to thank everyone for the fantastic feedback I have received lately. To answer a few questions, I wrote the music and recorded it first. The frames were photographed with a Canon Rebel using 20-30 second exposure time. I used a small green LED keychain light to draw each frame. Once all the positions were photographed they were strung together and synchronized to the music in After Effects.
Featured in Shutterbug magazine web profiles March 2009!
Part of Pictoplasma Berlin Festival 2010. Characters in Motion 3. http://berlin.festival.pictoplasma.com/
Ryan Cashman:
Creator, Director, Animator, Editor
Sean Fau-Burnitz:
Director of Photography, Camera Operator

Toronto Tempo
If you like my work please visit www.reemond.com
I love this city. As tribute, I’ve piece...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: Ryan Emond
Toronto Tempo
If you like my work please visit www.reemond.com
I love this city. As tribute, I’ve pieced together thousands of photos that I think capture Toronto’s beautiful skyline, and the essence of the lively downtown core. All but one of the scenes in this time-lapse were shot between September and October of this year.
In some ways, my presentation of Toronto is a follow up to a recent summer fling in Ottawa, where I produced Capital Cruising; thanks to CTV Ottawa’s interest in using the video as an introduction to their 6 o’clock news, I was able to devote myself to the creation of what I hope is a piece that everyone in the city can enjoy.
Thank you to CTV Ottawa for utilizing my last video Capital Cruising (http://vimeo.com/26830842) for their 6 o’clock news segment, which indirectly funded this project.
Thank you, Matt Black, of One King West hotels. You gave me the opportunity to behold some of the best views of the city. You should make this hotel a priority if you are visiting! http://www.onekingwest.com/
Thank you 1loveto for keeping in touch these past couple months and launching the video. Check them out at: http://www.1loveto.com/
Thank you to my family, Jon B, and Martin L.
In the future, I’d like to set my sights on Vancouver, and my camera on the province’s sprawling landscape. Or a longer, properly funded Toronto film. If you have any interest in helping me accomplish this goal, e-mail me at: ryaneemond@gmail.com.
Licensing requests: ryaneemond@gmail.com
Youtube results:

Ryan becomes the first pitcher to fan 4,000
7/11/85: Nolan Ryan strikes out Danny Heep to become the first pitcher in Major League his...
published: 24 Feb 2014
Ryan becomes the first pitcher to fan 4,000
Ryan becomes the first pitcher to fan 4,000
7/11/85: Nolan Ryan strikes out Danny Heep to become the first pitcher in Major League history to reach 4,000 strikeouts Check out http://MLB.com/video for more! About MLB.com: About MLB.com: Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters, extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game over the Internet when the Texas Rangers and New York Yankees faced off at Yankee Stadium. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides an array of mobile apps for fans to choose from, including At Bat, the highest-grossing iOS sports app of all-time. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters and award-winning national columnists, the largest contingent of baseball reporters under one roof, that deliver over 100 original articles every day. MLB.com also offers extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Major League Baseball consists of 30 teams split between the American and National Leagues. The American League consists of the following teams: Baltimore Orioles; Boston Red Sox; Chicago White Sox; Cleveland Indians; Detroit Tigers; Houston Astros; Kansas City Royals; Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim; Minnesota Twins; New York Yankees; Oakland Athletics; Seattle Mariners; Tampa Bay Rays; Texas Rangers; and Toronto Blue Jays. The National League, originally founded in 1876, consists of the following teams: Arizona Diamondbacks; Atlanta Braves; Chicago Cubs; Cincinnati Reds; Colorado Rockies; Los Angeles Dodgers; Miami Marlins; Milwaukee Brewers; New York Mets; Philadelphia Phillies; Pittsburgh Pirates; San Diego Padres; San Francisco Giants; St. Louis Cardinals; and Washington Nationals. Visit MLB.com: http://mlb.mlb.com Subscribe to MLB.TV: http://mlb.mlb.tv Download MLB.com At Bat: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/atbat Download MLB.com At The Ballpark: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/attheballpark Play Beat The Streak: http://mlb.mlb.com/bts Get MLB Tickets: http://mlb.mlb.com/tickets Get Official MLB Merchandise: http://mlb.mlb.com/shop Connect with us: YouTube: http://youtube.com/MLB Facebook: http://facebook.com/mlb Twitter: http://twitter.com/mlb Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/MLBAM Instagram: http://instagram.com/mlbofficial Tumblr: http://mlb.tumblr.com Google+: http://plus.google.com/MLB- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 222

Dear Ryan - Superhero
"Dear Ryan: Can you be a superhero?" Feel free to leave you questions and if they're good,...
published: 14 May 2010
author: nigahiga
Dear Ryan - Superhero
Dear Ryan - Superhero
"Dear Ryan: Can you be a superhero?" Feel free to leave you questions and if they're good, I'll answer them in the next video and give you credit at the end ...- published: 14 May 2010
- views: 14223565
- author: nigahiga

Brass Knuckles feat. John Ryan - As Long As I'm Alive (Alvino Remix) [Cover Art]
Out now!
Beatport: http://www.beatport.com/release/as-long-as-im-alive-remixes-part-2/1236...
published: 25 Feb 2014
Brass Knuckles feat. John Ryan - As Long As I'm Alive (Alvino Remix) [Cover Art]
Brass Knuckles feat. John Ryan - As Long As I'm Alive (Alvino Remix) [Cover Art]
Out now! Beatport: http://www.beatport.com/release/as-long-as-im-alive-remixes-part-2/1236766 iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ALAIARMXS from Ultra Music Subscribe to Ultra Music - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ultrarecords Subscribe to UltraTV - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ultratv Ultra Music is an American independent electronic music record label based in New York City. Ultra's current roster includes deadmau5, Benny Benassi, Kaskade, Wolfgang Gartner, The Bloody Beetroots, Steve Aoki, Lil Jon, Armin van Buuren, Above & Beyond, Ferry Corsten, Alex Gaudino, Congorock, Adrian Lux, Fedde Le Grand, Axwell, TOKiMonsta, Alexandra Stan and others. Ultra has featured releases from the aforementioned artists and many others including Tiësto, Avicii, Paul van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, The Crystal Method, Sasha & John Digweed, and others. Ultra Music Online: http://www.ultramusic.com http://www.twitter.com/ultrarecords http://www.facebook.com/ultramusic http://www.youtube.com/ultratv http://store.bandmerch.com/ultrarecords/- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 5840

Madeira Review - with Ryan Metzler
Ryan takes a look at the board game Madeira
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.co...
published: 25 Feb 2014
Madeira Review - with Ryan Metzler
Madeira Review - with Ryan Metzler
Ryan takes a look at the board game Madeira Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 2711