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Henan dialect
【Travelogue HQ】 Kaifeng of Henan / 河南 开封 1/2
Fruit Ponchi vol.7@ねるとん口説き MCBATTLE アスベスト vs HENAN (2011.5.8)
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20 準決勝 第1試合 チプルソ vs HENAN (11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその3
[Beautiful China 720HD] Henan Province / 河南
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.18 HENAN vs エイジ(11.6.18)@BEST BOUTその5
上昇気流MC BATTLE Vol.2(12.2.12)BEST BOUT 19.ベスト4 HENAN VS LA GLORIA
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20BEST8第1試合mol53 vs HENAN(11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその4
QaQa Znjiray 15 Zhn Henan درامای قاقا زنجیرەی١٥ ژن هێنان
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.17マキシム vs HENAN (11.1.9)@BEST BOUTその7
Erhu - Ballad of North Henan Province  豫北叙事曲


Radio Stations - Henan

Tianjin Economic Radio Talk,Discussion China
Foshan Radio FM946 Contemporary China
Beibu Bay Radio Guangxi Varied,World Asia China
Foshan Radio FM985 Contemporary China
Anhui General Radio Varied,World Asia China
ST Shenghuo Talk China
TianJin WenYi Varied China
Beijing Happy Hour Radio Varied China
Beijing Traffic Radio World Asia China
ST Zonghe Guangbo Jiaoton Varied,News Updates China
LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio Varied China
GD music 99.3 Varied China
CNR 4 都市之声 Talk,Discussion China
Dong Guan FM 107.5 music & traffic Easy,News Updates China
ST Xinwenzixun Talk China
xiangsheng World Asia China
QMOON Music Radio (911 Pop) Pop China
Beijing Oldies Radio Oldies China
Shanghai 990 AM News Talk China
Galaxy Storytelling 银河台长篇评书 Talk China
Beijing Foreign Language Radio World Asia China
Xiamen V O Minnan 101.2 FM Varied,Folk,World Asia China
Tianjin Life FM Varied,World Asia China
Anhui Life Radio Varied,World Asia China
Xiamen News / General 99.6 FM Varied,World Asia,Public China
Tianjin Crosstalk Radio Talk,Discussion China
ZHBS Zhuhai Radio 95.1 Varied China
Yantai News Radio News Talk,World Asia,Discussion China
Anhui Traffic Radio Varied,World Asia China
Tianjin Novel Radio Talk China
CNR 3 音乐之声 Pop China
Xiamen Economic / Traffic 107.0 FM Varied,Talk,World Asia China
Guangxi Economic Radio Varied China
Chinese Music World (Chinese Classical Music) Classical China
Beijing Opera Unknown China
CNR 7 华夏之声 Talk China
Beijing Music Radio Varied China
Tianjin Coastal Radio Varied,World Asia China
Anhui Music Radio Varied,World Asia China
Beijing Urban Management World Asia China
Hangzhou Traffic Public China
CNR 1 中国之声 News China
Hong Kong Radio 5 World Asia China
Galaxy Crosstalk And Bagatelle 银河台相声小品 Talk,Discussion China
Guangdong Economic Life Talk China
CNR 9 文艺之声 Varied,Talk,World Asia China
CRI Easy FM World Asia China
CNR 2 经济之声 News China
CNR 5 中华之声 News,Talk China
Mop Radio Varied China
ZHBS Zhuhai Radio 87.5 Varied China


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Henan dialect
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:15
  • Updated: 27 May 2013

Henan dialect

A brief dialogue between two Mandarin speakers and a speaker of Henan Zhumadian dialogue. dialect
【Travelogue HQ】 Kaifeng of Henan / 河南 开封 1/2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:28
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2013

【Travelogue HQ】 Kaifeng of Henan / 河南 开封 1/2

Channel: CCTV-News International Program: Travelogue Date: 2009-03-03 Description: Kaifeng of Henan / 河南 开封 1/2 Video Series ID: aJkYd92Xa98H9CeBuUbLLQ== Mul...【Travelogue HQ】 Kaifeng of Henan / 河南 开封 1/2
Fruit Ponchi vol.7@ねるとん口説き MCBATTLE アスベスト vs HENAN (2011.5.8)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:37
  • Updated: 05 May 2013

Fruit Ponchi vol.7@ねるとん口説き MCBATTLE アスベスト vs HENAN (2011.5.8)

「Fruit Ponchi vol.7」 2011.5.8(Sun) @渋谷UNDER BAR にて行われた「ねるとんMCBATTLE」の模様です。 ◇ねるとんMCBATTLE公式ルール◇ MCは客席から好きな異性を指名 。 好みの異性を16小節で口説く。 判定は口説かれる側の異性のみ!! 好みのタイプが被った場... Ponchi vol.7@ねるとん口説き MCBATTLE アスベスト vs HENAN (2011.5.8)
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20 準決勝 第1試合 チプルソ vs HENAN (11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:26
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013

戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20 準決勝 第1試合 チプルソ vs HENAN (11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその3

MC BATTLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MCBATTLE!! 今回でラストの第20回大会! BEST BOUT 配信 チプルソ/服部緑地公園(大阪)/無所属 vs HENAN/U.G.M/横浜 ************************...
  • published: 25 Nov 2011
  • views: 79580
  • author: senritumc戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20 準決勝 第1試合 チプルソ vs HENAN (11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその3
[Beautiful China 720HD] Henan Province / 河南
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:02
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

[Beautiful China 720HD] Henan Province / 河南

Date: 2008-12-25 Resolution: 720HD Program: Beautiful China Title: Henan Province / 河南Video Series ID: ileOR#OPFQpeS80oNqypAA==[Beautiful China 720HD] Henan Province / 河南
  • Order:
  • Duration: 56:48
  • Updated: 16 Jul 2013


This is the documentary that started my China Odyssey. In 2002, I got a phone call from my good friend, Kit Clements. He asked me if I wanted to go to China ... HENAN CHINA
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.18 HENAN vs エイジ(11.6.18)@BEST BOUTその5
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:01
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013

戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.18 HENAN vs エイジ(11.6.18)@BEST BOUTその5

MC BATTLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MCBATTLE!! BEST BOUT 配信 その5 エイジ/坂ヶ島POSSE vs HENAN/U.G.M/横浜 **************************************** 戦...
  • published: 16 Jul 2011
  • views: 9679
  • author: senritumc戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.18 HENAN vs エイジ(11.6.18)@BEST BOUTその5
上昇気流MC BATTLE Vol.2(12.2.12)BEST BOUT 19.ベスト4 HENAN VS LA GLORIA
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:26
  • Updated: 21 May 2013

上昇気流MC BATTLE Vol.2(12.2.12)BEST BOUT 19.ベスト4 HENAN VS LA GLORIA上昇気流MC BATTLE Vol.2(12.2.12)BEST BOUT 19.ベスト4 HENAN VS LA GLORIA
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20BEST8第1試合mol53 vs HENAN(11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその4
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013

戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20BEST8第1試合mol53 vs HENAN(11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその4

MC BATTLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MCBATTLE!! 今回でラストの第20回大会! BEST BOUT 配信 HENAN/U.G.M/横浜 vs mol53/宮崎.NNC/くそRecording *******************...
  • published: 25 Nov 2011
  • views: 14355
  • author: senritumc戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.20BEST8第1試合mol53 vs HENAN(11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその4
QaQa Znjiray 15 Zhn Henan درامای قاقا زنجیرەی١٥ ژن هێنان
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:33
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

QaQa Znjiray 15 Zhn Henan درامای قاقا زنجیرەی١٥ ژن هێنان

QaQa Znjiray 15 Zhn Henan درامای قاقا زنجیرەی١٥ ژن هێنان
  • published: 24 Jul 2013
  • views: 9621 Znjiray 15 Zhn Henan درامای قاقا زنجیرەی١٥ ژن هێنان
戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.17マキシム vs HENAN (11.1.9)@BEST BOUTその7
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013

戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.17マキシム vs HENAN (11.1.9)@BEST BOUTその7

MC BATTLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて奇数月第二日曜開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MCBATTLE!! BEST BOUT 配信 その7 HENAN/U.G.M/横浜 vs マキシム(当日エントリー) **********************************...
  • published: 17 Feb 2011
  • views: 3083
  • author: senritumc戦慄MC BATTLE Vol.17マキシム vs HENAN (11.1.9)@BEST BOUTその7
Erhu - Ballad of North Henan Province  豫北叙事曲
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:54
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Erhu - Ballad of North Henan Province 豫北叙事曲

Performed by Yu Hongmei 于红梅 Yu Hongmei's Offical Website - Associate Professor of Department of Traditional Chinese Music, the Central ...
  • published: 26 May 2012
  • views: 595472
  • author: kwwkwwkww - Ballad of North Henan Province 豫北叙事曲
Chinese Breakfast at a Street Restaurant in Zhengzhou, Henan, China!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:40
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Chinese Breakfast at a Street Restaurant in Zhengzhou, Henan, China!

Check out the great food in China! It's delicious and inexpensive at this "outdoor Chinese cafe." This is an example of what breakfast can be like on a beaut...
  • published: 09 Sep 2011
  • views: 1427
  • author: Randy Rambo Breakfast at a Street Restaurant in Zhengzhou, Henan, China!
Henan, China (Part 1 of 2)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:42
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013

Henan, China (Part 1 of 2)

April in Henan, China is Springtime. The air is cool and refreshing, with the sweet fragrance of peony flowers everywhere. The object of our trip was to see ...
  • published: 10 Aug 2011
  • views: 3983
  • author: Ronald Kuan, China (Part 1 of 2)

Henan dialect

A brief dialogue between two Mandarin speakers and a speaker of Henan Zhumadian dialogue.

Henan di­alect
A brief di­a­logue be­tween two Man­darin speak­ers and a speak­er of Henan Zhu­ma­di­an di­a­logue....
pub­lished: 27 May 2013
au­thor: sm­cwu­laoshi
【Trav­el­ogue HQ】 Kaifeng of Henan / 河南 开封 1/2
Chan­nel: CCTV-News In­ter­na­tion­al Pro­gram: Trav­el­ogue Date: 2009-03-03 De­scrip­tion: Kaifeng...
pub­lished: 23 Aug 2011
Fruit Ponchi vol.7@ねるとん口説き MC­BAT­TLE アスベスト vs HENAN (2011.5.8)
「Fruit Ponchi vol.7」 2011.5.8(Sun) @渋谷UNDER BAR にて行われた「ねるとんMC­BAT­TLE」の模様です。 ◇ねるとんMC­BAT­TLE公式...
pub­lished: 26 May 2011
au­thor: fruit­ponchi01
戦慄MC BAT­TLE Vol.20 準決勝 第1試合 チプルソ vs HENAN (11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその3
MC BAT­TLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MC­BAT­TLE!! 今回でラストの第20回大会! BEST BOU...
pub­lished: 25 Nov 2011
au­thor: sen­ri­tumc
[Beau­ti­ful China 720HD] Henan Province / 河南
Date: 2008-12-25 Res­o­lu­tion: 720HD Pro­gram: Beau­ti­ful China Title: Henan Province / 河南Vide...
pub­lished: 05 Sep 2011
This is the doc­u­men­tary that start­ed my China Odyssey. In 2002, I got a phone call from my...
pub­lished: 19 Apr 2012
戦慄MC BAT­TLE Vol.18 HENAN vs エイジ(11.6.18)@BEST BOUTその5
MC BAT­TLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MC­BAT­TLE!! BEST BOUT 配信 その5 エイジ/坂ヶ...
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2011
au­thor: sen­ri­tumc
上昇気流MC BAT­TLE Vol.2(12.2.12)BEST BOUT 19.ベスト4 HENAN VS LA GLO­RIA
pub­lished: 27 Feb 2012
戦慄MC BAT­TLE Vol.20BEST8第1試合mol53 vs HENAN(11.10 .30)@BEST BOUTその4
MC BAT­TLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MC­BAT­TLE!! 今回でラストの第20回大会! BEST BOU...
pub­lished: 25 Nov 2011
au­thor: sen­ri­tumc
QaQa Zn­ji­ray 15 Zhn Henan درامای قاقا زنجیرەی١٥ ژن هێنان
QaQa Zn­ji­ray 15 Zhn Henan درامای قاقا زنجیرەی١٥ ژن هێنان...
pub­lished: 24 Jul 2013
戦慄MC BAT­TLE Vol.17マキシム vs HENAN (11.1.9)@BEST BOUTその7
MC BAT­TLEマニアの祭典!!埼玉浦和BASEにて奇数月第二日曜開催中!! UMB上位入賞者、優勝経験者も多く参加する戦慄MC­BAT­TLE!! BEST BOUT 配信 その7...
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2011
au­thor: sen­ri­tumc
Erhu - Bal­lad of North Henan Province 豫北叙事曲
Per­formed by Yu Hong­mei 于红梅 Yu Hong­mei's Off­i­cal Web­site - http://​yuhongmei.​com/​ As­so­ci­ate...
pub­lished: 26 May 2012
au­thor: kwwk­wwk­ww
Chi­nese Break­fast at a Street Restau­rant in Zhengzhou, Henan, China!
Check out the great food in China! It's de­li­cious and in­ex­pen­sive at this "out­door Chi­nese...
pub­lished: 09 Sep 2011
au­thor: Randy Rambo
Henan, China (Part 1 of 2)
April in Henan, China is Spring­time. The air is cool and re­fresh­ing, with the sweet fra­gra...
pub­lished: 10 Aug 2011
au­thor: Ronald Kuan
Youtube results:
上昇気流MC BAT­TLE Vol.4(12.6.10)BEST BOUT 03.一回戦 SIMON JAP VS HENAN
pub­lished: 24 Jun 2012
Erhu - Bal­lad of North Henan Province 豫北叙事曲 HQ
Per­formed by Yu Hong­mei 于红梅Yu Hong­mei's Off­i­cal Web­site - http://​yuhongmei.​com/​ As­so­ci­ate ...
pub­lished: 26 May 2012
au­thor: kwwk­wwk­ww
China Henan News Broad­cast ~ Study w Mas­ter Chi­nese Medicine Doc­tor, Dr. Zhao & Danc­ing on TV!
Some­how the Chi­nese media got news that a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl from the U.S. was ...
pub­lished: 19 May 2013
Get­ting Break­fast in Up­town Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China; DSCN1398.​AVI
Yangx­i­tao and I went to an in­door-out­door cafe for break­fast about 9:00 on July 15, 2011. ...
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2011
au­thor: Randy Rambo
photo: AP / Lai Seng Sin
Passengers walk past a signboard of Malaysia Airlines at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, March 8, 2014.
Edit Swissinfo
08 Mar 2014
 . Reuters. Image Caption.. A woman, believed to be the relative of a passenger onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, cries at the Beijing Capital International Airport (reuters tickers). March 8, 2014 - 04.06. By Stuart Grudgings ... Flight MH370, operating a Boeing B777-200 aircraft left Kuala Lumpur at 12.21 a.m. (1621 GMT Friday) and had been expected to land in the Chinese capital at 6.30 a.m. (2230 GMT) the same day ... Reuters ... U.S ... ....(size: 16.3Kb)
photo: AP / Rusty Kennedy
Michael Jackson performs at the Super Bowl XXVII in Pasadena, Ca. during the halftime show, on January 31, 1993.
Edit Syracuse
07 Mar 2014
"Billie Jean" is not Jacko's lover -- but maybe his father was. A man claiming to be Michael Jackson's illegitimate son Thursday provided a DNA test showing the King of Pop is the biological father of 31-year-old singer Brandon Howard with 99.9 percent accuracy. Howard's mother is Miki Howard, who was nicknamed "Billy" in the '80s and allegedly inspired MJ's 1982 song with the line "the kid is not my son." ... Salvation." ... Mockingjay" movies....(size: 4.6Kb)

Edit FourFourTwo
09 Mar 2014
AustraliaUKMalaysiaSingapore. User menu. Log In Register. Social buttons. Twitter UK Facebook UK Google+ UK. Buy the magazine. Home News FeaturesAnalysis Interviews Match Previews Stories Talentspotter Funny Top 10/50/100 Retro Stats Zone Performance Win. Search form. Search. AFC Champions League Preview ... 56 min ago. Topics ... They followed it up with a 3-0 league win over Henan Jianye but a trip to Nissan Stadium shapes as a much tougher test ... ....(size: 7.9Kb)
Edit noodls
08 Mar 2014
(Source. Xinxing Cathay International Group Co Ltd). Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes AG obtained the contract with Henan, Hebei Province segment multi-project in 2012 and 2013 separately ... Currently, the Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes 'south-north water transfer project in Henan Section works have all been completed, using ductile iron pipe for 73 km with a total number of 19,700 tons ... distributed by ... Ltd. and was initially posted at 3.0Kb)
Edit All Africa
08 Mar 2014
... one in Xinxiang city in Henan China and another one in Hong Kong....(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit China Daily
08 Mar 2014
Aug 24, 2010Yichun, Heilongjiang province. A Brazilian-made ERJ-190 jet operated by Henan Airlines crashes while landing at Lindu Airport in Yichun city in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province ... Nov 21, 2004Baotou, Inner Mongolia autonomous region ... May 7, 2002Dalian, Liaoning province ... ....(size: 1.3Kb)
Edit China Daily
08 Mar 2014
Seven cities in North China's Hebei province, Jinan of East China's Shandong province, Xi'an of Northwest China's Shaanxi province and Zhengzhou of Central China's Henan province were the 10 cities with the worst air quality in 2013, said Wu on the sidelines of the ongoing annual session of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit China Daily
08 Mar 2014
Chinese travel agencies reported booking some flights on the Malaysia Airlines jetliner that went missing on Saturday, shortly after contact was lost with the plane ... All three left Beijing for Kuala Lumpur half a month ago ... She also said tourism officials are expanding their presence from first-tier cities into second-tier cities, such as Henan province’s capital Zhengzhou and Yunnan province’s capital Kunming ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit China Daily
08 Mar 2014
Amid the shock and anger arising from the Kunming terrorist attack comes a new voice of rationality, a grassroots effort to separate the terrorists from the masses who reside in Xinjiang. Every cloud has a silver lining ... It must be rooted out ... The top victim for this kind of geographically oriented stigma could be Henan, a central province with a population of almost 100 million and a relatively low level of economic development ...  ....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit Mail Guardian South Africa
07 Mar 2014
"With Henan Guoji settled [in] its business in Zimbabwe, ministry of lands and ministry of local government intend to transfer the land to Zim Guoji in use for developing a high-end residential community ... On January 25, Chombo met Xu Ming Zheng, general manager of Henan Guoji in Harare ... Zim Guoji is the Zimbabwe arm of the Henan Guoji Industry ......(size: 6.4Kb)
Edit FourFourTwo
07 Mar 2014
Beijing Guoan, Guangzhou, Guizhou Toro, Hangzhou Lucheng, Henan Jianye, Jiangsu Shuntian, Changchun Yatai, Dalian Aerbin, Liaoning Hongyun, Shandong Luneng, Shanghai Shenhua, Tianjin Teda, Guangzhou RandF, CSL ... Reigning champions Guangzhou Evergrande will begin their defence of the CSL title on Saturday when promoted Henan Jianye visit the Tianhe Stadium....(size: 7.6Kb)
Edit South China Morning Post
07 Mar 2014
“The central government will take action on the charity legislation as soon as the two sessions are over," National People’s Congress (NPC) deputy for Henan province Zhou Sen said. Zhou wants the law to make it compulsory for Chinese citizens to donate part of their earnings to charity, much like they must pay tax....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit South China Morning Post
07 Mar 2014
An NPC official on Friday vowed speedy government action on a long-awaited charity bill which could make donations compulsory for every Chinese citizen. Even though charities have recieved little attention in this year's National People's Congress proceedings, deputy for Henan province Zhou Sen said an overhaul of the charity sector had not been dropped....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
07 Mar 2014
2014 Market Review and Forecast” prepared by Merchant Research & Consulting and recently published by Market Publishers Ltd ... Diamond Innovations, Abrasivos Industriais, Industrial Diamond Laboratories, OJSC ALROSA, Henan Sifang Super Hard Material, Drex-Chem, De Beers Consolidated Mines, Argyle Pink Diamonds and Murowa Diamond Mine are amid the top companies in the worldwide industrial diamond arena ... Report Details.. Title ... Pages....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
07 Mar 2014
2014 Market Review and Forecast” prepared by Merchant Research & Consulting and recently published by Market Publishers Ltd ... Diamond Innovations, Abrasivos Industriais, Industrial Diamond Laboratories, OJSC ALROSA, Henan Sifang Super Hard Material, Drex-Chem, De Beers Consolidated Mines, Argyle Pink Diamonds and Murowa Diamond Mine are amid the top companies in the worldwide industrial diamond arena ... Report Details.. Title ... Pages....(size: 4.7Kb)

Coordinates: 33°54′N 113°30′E / 33.9°N 113.5°E / 33.9; 113.5

Henan (Chinese: 河南; pinyin: Hénán; Wade–Giles: Ho-nan), is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the central part of the country. Its one-character abbreviation is "豫" (yù), named after Yuzhou (豫州 Yù Zhōu), a Han Dynasty state (zhou) that included parts of Henan. Although the name of the province (河南) means "south of the river", approximately a quarter of the province lies north of the Yellow River, also known as the "Huang He".

Henan is often referred to as Zhongyuan (中原 zhōngyuán) or Zhongzhou (中州 zhōngzhōu) which literally means "central plains" or "midland", although the name is also applied to the entirety of China proper. Henan is the birthplace of Chinese civilization with over 5,000 years of history, and remained China's cultural, economical, and political center until approximately 1,000 years ago. Numerous heritages have been left behind including the ruins of Shang Dynasty capital city Yinxu and the Shaolin Temple. Four of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China, Luoyang, Anyang, Kaifeng, and Zhengzhou are located in Henan.

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