F-117 Nighthawk
This is one of the last years to see the original Stealth Fighter, the F-117A in action. I...
published: 03 Jun 2007
author: SemperApollo
F-117 Nighthawk
F-117 Nighthawk
This is one of the last years to see the original Stealth Fighter, the F-117A in action. Its due to retire sometime in 2008. If you can't see one at an airsh...- published: 03 Jun 2007
- views: 134046
- author: SemperApollo
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Strike Aircraft
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Strike Fighter HQ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhyjGiHks1g&fmt;=...
published: 27 Feb 2007
author: MediaMayhem
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Strike Aircraft
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Strike Aircraft
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Strike Fighter HQ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhyjGiHks1g&fmt;=18 Video from The Military Channel Music by John Powell.- published: 27 Feb 2007
- views: 1067320
- author: MediaMayhem
F117 Stealth Jet Crash
F117 stealth jet fighter crash on September 14 1997 in Essex, Maryland at air show.Listen ...
published: 11 Nov 2008
author: robertcg7900
F117 Stealth Jet Crash
F117 Stealth Jet Crash
F117 stealth jet fighter crash on September 14 1997 in Essex, Maryland at air show.Listen to the crowds reaction and what the announcer says to try to keep t...- published: 11 Nov 2008
- views: 1564315
- author: robertcg7900
F-117 Shot down in pilots own words
Kinda Quiet so you might need to turn it up. Excerpt from an audio Presentation by Lt. Col...
published: 09 Nov 2007
author: Knightfang1
F-117 Shot down in pilots own words
F-117 Shot down in pilots own words
Kinda Quiet so you might need to turn it up. Excerpt from an audio Presentation by Lt. Colonel Dale Zelko, available online at http://www.nationalmuseum.af.m...- published: 09 Nov 2007
- views: 193005
- author: Knightfang1
How to make a paper stealth nighthawk
this is a tutorial on how to make a f-117 stealth nighthawk out of paper, feel free to com...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: protogenius
How to make a paper stealth nighthawk
How to make a paper stealth nighthawk
this is a tutorial on how to make a f-117 stealth nighthawk out of paper, feel free to comment rate and subscribe to my YouTube channel.- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 120080
- author: protogenius
Maszyny wojenne - F 117 Nighthawk - dokumenty historyczne - cały film - lektor pl
[Dokumenty historyczne - cały film dokument z polskim lektorem pl] Dokumenty m.in o: Wietn...
published: 24 Feb 2014
Maszyny wojenne - F 117 Nighthawk - dokumenty historyczne - cały film - lektor pl
Maszyny wojenne - F 117 Nighthawk - dokumenty historyczne - cały film - lektor pl
[Dokumenty historyczne - cały film dokument z polskim lektorem pl] Dokumenty m.in o: Wietnamie, druga ll wojna światowa, Korei, sensacje XX wieku i inne. Obecny dokument to: Wojna w Wietnamie - Kawaleria powietrzna - cały film historyczny - polski lektor pl. Maszyny wojenne - F 117 Nighthawk - dokumenty historyczne - cały film - lektor pl. F-117 Nighthawk -- amerykański odrzutowy samolot bombowy wykonany w technologii stealth, produkowany przez firmę Lockheed wydział Skunk Works. Służył w United States Air Force od 1983 do 2008. Pomimo oznaczenia "F", stosowanego w lotnictwie USA do klasyfikacji myśliwców, F-117 był taktycznym bombowcem, przeznaczonym do wykonywania precyzyjnych ataków na cele naziemne. Samolot F-117 Nighthawk był używany w kilku operacjach wojskowych. Pierwsza misja bojowa odbyła się podczas operacji Just Cause w Panamie w 1989 roku. Podczas tej misji samoloty F-117 zbombardowały lotnisko Rio Hato. Dwa lata później, podczas operacji Desert Storm nad Irakiem, samoloty F-117 dokonywały zrzutów naprowadzanych bomb na irackie cele. Samoloty F-117 brały także udział operacji Allied Force w byłej Jugosławii w 1999 roku. Zostały również użyte podczas misji "Trwała Wolność" (ang. Enduring Freedom) w Afganistanie w latach 2001-2002 oraz operacji "Iracka Wolność" (ang. Iraqi Freedom) w Iraku. Jedna maszyna F-117 została zestrzelona 27 marca 1999 roku koło wsi Budanovci podczas operacji Allied Force nad Kosowem. Zestrzelenia dokonano przy pomocy systemu rakiet S-125 "Newa". Samolot został wykryty z odległości 15 kilometrów, czyli takiej, na jaką została przewidziana "niewidzialność" przez jego konstruktorów, w związku ze zwiększeniem współczynnika odbicia, spowodowanego otwarciem komory bombowej. Do namierzenia samolotu przyczynił się również sposób ustalania trasy lotów F-117, polegający na wykorzystywaniu kilkakrotnie tej samej trasy nalotu, jako jedynej możliwej w górzystym terenie. Pilot przeżył i został uratowany przez siły NATO. . - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Luftwaffe (Government Agency) dokumenty historyczne dokument ll wojna światowa sensacje xx wieku Lektor Wojna cały film historyczne Wietnam dwudziestego dokumentalny Documentary Stalingrad Dokument historyczny Ofensywa historia cały film lektor pl tajemnice blizkrieg sensacje światowa luftwafe samoloty Vietnam History polskie Wojenny sekrety wojenny polska polsku wojnie hitler dritte wojna 1939 Korea wieku druga adolf reich armia War drei wojenne Film ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dokumenty historyczne cały film dokument Luftwaffe (Government Agency) film dokumentalny historyczne polski history wojna swiatowa lektor pl Rzeczpospolita po polsku sensacje historia wojenne piłsudski pilsudski naczelnik marszałek marszalek naczelny luftwafe samoloty wojna document generał dowódca józef jozef armia war- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 25
X-77 Stealth cloaking, invisible replacement to F-117 Stealth, a movie Flight of Fury
This is the latest newest extremist advanced technology of a cloaking, invisible X-77 Stea...
published: 20 Nov 2013
X-77 Stealth cloaking, invisible replacement to F-117 Stealth, a movie Flight of Fury
X-77 Stealth cloaking, invisible replacement to F-117 Stealth, a movie Flight of Fury
This is the latest newest extremist advanced technology of a cloaking, invisible X-77 Stealth aircraft. This is really science into facts. This X-77 body metal sheet skin is a corbamine element that is "not in the Earth's element Periodic Table" that repels any flame temperature excess of 10 million degrees Fahrenheit. It repels blue flame, laser, descent atmosphere friction & sun flame repellant. It cannot penetrate gamma rays nor radioactive & more. There's a dilithium 15-Crystalline which is a heat insulator that can stand a flame of 10,000 degrees Farenheit. The skeletal structure is made of Titanium mixed with other impregnated alien natural grown chemical element substance lightweight that it cannot be broken or bent or hammered or exploded by ballistic/bomb which is now element 123 as shown in Philip Schneider's conference lecture which we may call it "indestructible" skeletal structure. It's equipped with electromagnetic & electronic extremist advanced technology such as night vision/heat sensor/HD-Hubble, radar detector/auto-sensor (?), GPS, & more incredible technology that will surprise us. This movie It really put only to the test flight that not only invisible to radar, the fact that it really "invisibly cloaks". The US Military understood when it put to the flight test, of course, while in a flight test they put it in the movie to celebrate and enjoy the movie & proudly presents the extremist advanced technology of X-77 Stealth aircraft replacement to F-117 stealth. The future is now......Enjoy in today's any electronic gadgets technology that all we can usefully hold it, use it and play.- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 36
Story of F117 Pt.3 The sudden ground kissing decision
http://onlyflyingmachines.com http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product-category/multirotors/ ...
published: 13 Nov 2009
author: alishanmao
Story of F117 Pt.3 The sudden ground kissing decision
Story of F117 Pt.3 The sudden ground kissing decision
http://onlyflyingmachines.com http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product-category/multirotors/ http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product-category/pnp_fpv_combos/ Here...- published: 13 Nov 2009
- views: 1644242
- author: alishanmao
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Aircraft
Radar invisibility is the ultimate ability on dangerous combat missions. The nighthawk pay...
published: 20 Dec 2012
author: worldmilitarytech
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Aircraft
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Aircraft
Radar invisibility is the ultimate ability on dangerous combat missions. The nighthawk pays a deadly visit to the enemy in the night or day with long range m...- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 1776
- author: worldmilitarytech
F-117 Stealth Fighter 70MM RTF EDF Flight Review! Full Retracts and Bomb Bay! AWESOME!
http://www.bananahobby.com/ This has got to be the best Ready To Fly F-117 Stealth Fighter...
published: 01 Jul 2009
author: bananahobby
F-117 Stealth Fighter 70MM RTF EDF Flight Review! Full Retracts and Bomb Bay! AWESOME!
F-117 Stealth Fighter 70MM RTF EDF Flight Review! Full Retracts and Bomb Bay! AWESOME!
http://www.bananahobby.com/ This has got to be the best Ready To Fly F-117 Stealth Fighter on the market today! Flight performance is AWESOME! Super fast and...- published: 01 Jul 2009
- views: 440085
- author: bananahobby
RC F-117 with V-TAILS Modification
We have detailed information and an active Forum on our website homepage: http://www.RCPow...
published: 04 Dec 2010
author: RCSuperPowers
RC F-117 with V-TAILS Modification
RC F-117 with V-TAILS Modification
We have detailed information and an active Forum on our website homepage: http://www.RCPowers.com Please drop in and see what others are saying about this! . .- published: 04 Dec 2010
- views: 74795
- author: RCSuperPowers
Nuevos F117 Fuerza Aerea Del Chile 2018.años
Fuerza Aerea de Chile USA vende F-117 a Chile Buscando información sobre las futuras compr...
published: 08 Jan 2012
author: MARCOS76398
Nuevos F117 Fuerza Aerea Del Chile 2018.años
Nuevos F117 Fuerza Aerea Del Chile 2018.años
Fuerza Aerea de Chile USA vende F-117 a Chile Buscando información sobre las futuras compras de la FACH encontré esto: Pentágono confirma venta a Chile de do...- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 12447
- author: MARCOS76398
how to Build the New F117 64mm EDF RC Fighter Jet by 3DT
64mm edf kit for $49 at Nitroplanes.com http://www.nitroplanes.com/78a117-f117black-kit.ht...
published: 05 Feb 2010
author: nitroplanes
how to Build the New F117 64mm EDF RC Fighter Jet by 3DT
how to Build the New F117 64mm EDF RC Fighter Jet by 3DT
64mm edf kit for $49 at Nitroplanes.com http://www.nitroplanes.com/78a117-f117black-kit.html HobbyPartz 40A Brushless ESC http://www.hobbypartz.com/volcano-4...- published: 05 Feb 2010
- views: 48289
- author: nitroplanes
Vimeo results:
Aerobatics With Attitude - Tim Decker
It's nearly impossible to capture on video what Tim Decker can do with his Pitts S2B. Her...
published: 20 Sep 2011
author: TimnEvan
Aerobatics With Attitude - Tim Decker
It's nearly impossible to capture on video what Tim Decker can do with his Pitts S2B. Here's my best effort.
Tim served his country for 20 years in the USAF and has flown the F-117, the T-38, and the U-2.
More about Tim here http://evanflys.com/tim_decker
Danger in the Clouds
A 3D animation of two F-117 Stealth Bombers flying through clouds. The clip is an experime...
published: 01 Aug 2008
author: Jonas Ussing
Danger in the Clouds
A 3D animation of two F-117 Stealth Bombers flying through clouds. The clip is an experiment in rendering volumetric clouds in 3D Studio Max without plugins.
Vehicle Scanner
This is a VFX cut I created for an assignment concerning augmented reality. The Vehicle Sc...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: Asbjørn Nedrehagen
Vehicle Scanner
This is a VFX cut I created for an assignment concerning augmented reality. The Vehicle Scanner is a futuristic information app in holographic form, which extracts data from what ever vehicle you scan. In this case its the stealth fighter Nighthawk f-117 manufactured by Lockheed. Get yours today!
After Effects CS5
3ds MAX 2012
Element 3D
Photoshop CS5
Cutting Edge Technology
Be sure to click the play button and then pause it for a few minutes to let this load!
published: 31 May 2010
author: TimnEvan
Cutting Edge Technology
Be sure to click the play button and then pause it for a few minutes to let this load!
We took our friend Dean "Wilbur" Wright, the lead pilot of the Patriots Jet Team for a ride in the Collings Foundations B-17G "Nine-O-Nine."
For the USAF Wilbur flew A-10's, F-117's, Harriers and even F-16's. He was on the USAF Thunderbirds and we wanted him to share his impressions of a cutting edge war plane of 1944 compared to what the military flies now.
Filmed with a Panasonic GH1 and a little bit with a Panasonic ZS3.
Edited with Adobe Premiere Elements
Youtube results:
RC F117 Dropping Exploding Bombs
http://onlyflyingmachines.com http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product-category/multirotors/ ...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: alishanmao
RC F117 Dropping Exploding Bombs
RC F117 Dropping Exploding Bombs
http://onlyflyingmachines.com http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product-category/multirotors/ http://onlyflyingmachines.com/product-category/pnp_fpv_combos/ Its ...- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 803955
- author: alishanmao
RC F-117 with BOMB!!!
We have detailed information and an active Forum on our website homepage: http://www.RCPow...
published: 25 May 2008
author: RCSuperPowers
RC F-117 with BOMB!!!
RC F-117 with BOMB!!!
We have detailed information and an active Forum on our website homepage: http://www.RCPowers.com Please drop in and see what others are saying about this! . .- published: 25 May 2008
- views: 2944714
- author: RCSuperPowers
Revell 1/48 Lockheed F-117 A Nighthawk Model Final Reveal
Revell 1/48 Lockheed F-117 A Nighthawk We Finally Got There....
published: 08 Jun 2014
Revell 1/48 Lockheed F-117 A Nighthawk Model Final Reveal
Revell 1/48 Lockheed F-117 A Nighthawk Model Final Reveal
Revell 1/48 Lockheed F-117 A Nighthawk We Finally Got There.- published: 08 Jun 2014
- views: 125
A scratch built plane RC F-117 Stealth Fighter ONLY $10 / build in 3.5 hours!!
GET THE PDF PLANS HERE http://mikeysrc.com/F_117.html http://www.mikeysrc.com/F_117.html M...
published: 24 Dec 2009
author: MikeysRC
A scratch built plane RC F-117 Stealth Fighter ONLY $10 / build in 3.5 hours!!
A scratch built plane RC F-117 Stealth Fighter ONLY $10 / build in 3.5 hours!!
GET THE PDF PLANS HERE http://mikeysrc.com/F_117.html http://www.mikeysrc.com/F_117.html Made out of cheap durable foam board. (Depron with paper on either s...- published: 24 Dec 2009
- views: 42193
- author: MikeysRC