
SPECIAL!!! Aloha Fluffy: Gabriel Iglesias Live from Hawaii Part 1
THE COMPLETE SHOW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orq3CBKkmbg...
published: 04 Dec 2013
SPECIAL!!! Aloha Fluffy: Gabriel Iglesias Live from Hawaii Part 1
SPECIAL!!! Aloha Fluffy: Gabriel Iglesias Live from Hawaii Part 1
THE COMPLETE SHOW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orq3CBKkmbg- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 1368

Destination Unknown The Big Island of Hawaii,
Hawaii is one beaytiful place....
published: 16 May 2013
author: railaybay
Destination Unknown The Big Island of Hawaii,
Destination Unknown The Big Island of Hawaii,
Hawaii is one beaytiful place.- published: 16 May 2013
- views: 13957
- author: railaybay

EXILE ATSUSHIのNEW ALBUM「Music」がいよいよ3月12日(水)に発売!
published: 24 Feb 2014
http://exile.jp/ EXILE ATSUSHIのNEW ALBUM「Music」がいよいよ3月12日(水)に発売! そして初回生産限定豪華盤に収録される<EXILE ATSUSHI SPECIAL SOLO LIVE in HAWAII>のLIVE DVD (Blu-ray)が遂に完成! 青い空、真っ赤に染まる夕日、ゆるやかに流れるハワイの空気に包まれた、これまでに見たことのないATSUSHIのライブ・ステージが幕を開ける! 一夜限りの"スペシャル・ソロ・ライブ"だからこそ実現した、世界と日本の数々の名曲カバーにも感動が止まらない! EXILE ATSUHI 全てを注ぎ込んだ2年振りのセカンド・アルバム!! 「Music」 2014年3月12日発売 大ヒットシングル「MELROSE 〜愛さない約束〜」から最新シングル「青い龍」まで、そして新曲「MAKE A MIRACLE」「LA LA 〜孤独な夜に〜」「ALIVE feat. m-flo」(新バージョン)を加えた全15曲の超豪華フル・アルバム!! DVD(Blu-ray)には新作Music Video「MAKE A MIRACLE」「Real Valentine」「愛燦燦」「我願意」(パッケージ初収録)を含む全11曲のMVに加え、アルバム制作までのATSUSHIの2年間を追った40分を越えるドキュメンタリー巨編を収録!! 初回生産限定豪華盤には、EXILE第一章時代の名曲を新たにレコーディングして制作した"感動必至"のセルフカバー楽曲&超話題の新曲「The Impossible Is Real 〜My Lucky Star〜 / EXILE ATSUSHI & 清木場俊介」が入った<BONUS DISC>を特別収録!さらに!2013年11月にハワイで行われた一夜限りの"伝説のソロ・ライブ"<EXILE ATSUSHI SPECIAL SOLO LIVE in HAWAII>を全22曲完全収録したLIVE DVD(Blu-ray)も収録!この二つのスペシャル・ディスクは初回生産盤が完売次第、二度と手に入らない永久保存盤!! ■EXILE ATSUSHI 2nd ALBUM 「Music」収録内容 CD-1 〈ALBUM〉 1. MAKE A MIRACLE 2. Colorful Love 3. MELROSE 〜愛さない約束〜 4. Real Valentine 5. 道しるべ 6. それでも、生きてゆく / EXILE ATSUSHI & 辻井伸行 7. 懺悔 / EXILE ATSUSHI & 久石 譲 8. LA LA 〜孤独な夜に〜 9. 青い龍 10. Interlude 11. ふるさと 12. 煌きの歌 13. 赤とんぼ 14. 愛燦燦 15. ALIVE feat. m-flo CD-2 〈BONUS DISC〉 (初回生産限定豪華盤のみ収録) EXILE第一章楽曲のセルフカバー + 新曲 1.Choo Choo TRAIN 2.Eternal... 3.砂時計 4.fallin' / EXILE ATSUSHI & 清木場俊介 5.The Impossible Is Real 〜My Lucky Star〜 / EXILE ATSUSHI & 清木場俊介 DVD-1 〈Music Video+ Document〉 1.MAKE A MIRACLE 2.MELROSE ~愛さない約束~ 3.Real Valentine 4.それでも、生きてゆく / EXILE ATSUSHI & 辻井伸行 5.道しるべ 6.懺悔 / EXILE ATSUSHI & 久石 譲 7.ふるさと 8.煌きの歌 9.愛燦燦 10. 青い龍 11. 我願意 12. LIFE -Album Document- DVD-2 (初回生産限定豪華盤のみ収録) 〈EXILE ATSUSHI SPECIAL SOLO LIVE in HAWAII〉 (DVD & Blu-ray) 1. What's Going On 2. Choo Choo TRAIN 3. Hawaiian Paradise 4. Me Ka Mahalo 5. Nightbird 6. Amanogawa 7. 酒と泪と男と女 8. 君を忘れない 9. 慕情 10. EXILE ATSUSHI SOLOメドレー (Change My Mind / Anoter World / Ooo Baby / いつかきっと・・・ / 道しるべ / 願い / MELROSE ~愛さない約束~ / You're my "HERO") 11. 涙の数だけ (ENCORE) En-1. Georgia On My Mind En-2. 見上げてごらん夜の星を En-3. 上を向いて歩こう En-4. SEPTEMBER- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 10887

Girl Meets Hawaii - Best Deals
Samantha Brown finds good deals around the Hawaiian islands, including o Aston Waikiki Sho...
published: 16 Dec 2010
author: John Telleria
Girl Meets Hawaii - Best Deals
Girl Meets Hawaii - Best Deals
Samantha Brown finds good deals around the Hawaiian islands, including o Aston Waikiki Shore condos o The Bus Circle Island route with stops at Waimea Valley...- published: 16 Dec 2010
- views: 75729
- author: John Telleria

Cliff Jumping Hawaii - Proof
http://www.iwantproof.com Use the promo code "devinsupertramp" on their website for 15% of...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: devinsupertramp
Cliff Jumping Hawaii - Proof
Cliff Jumping Hawaii - Proof
http://www.iwantproof.com Use the promo code "devinsupertramp" on their website for 15% off everything :) Huge thanks to my friends awesome sun glass company...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 4796552
- author: devinsupertramp

Hawaii's Big Island Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
The Island of Hawai'i is also known as the Big Island. Green jungles, blue waves and red h...
published: 29 Oct 2013
Hawaii's Big Island Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Hawaii's Big Island Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
The Island of Hawai'i is also known as the Big Island. Green jungles, blue waves and red hot lava please the senses on this North Pacific island with its equally colorful Polynesian history. Find most resorts and attractions around Kailua-Kona on the west coast. To see green sea turtles, visit Kahalu'u bay or Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park. For a break from beaches, the grand Hulihe'e Palace and the sacred site of Pu'uhonua are worth exploring. The highest point of the island is the Mauna Kea volcano. Hikers will also love Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. During a dawn or dusk cruise, the active Kīlauea volcano makes for a spectacular sight when the glowing lava seems to set the ocean on fire. On the opposite side of the island, on its northern tip, is the lush Pololū Valley with its nearby rustic towns. The Big Island's windward coast gets a lot of rain but Hilo has enough indoor attractions to keep families entertained for hours. For sunset, order a Lava Flow cocktail on Hapuna Beach and say cheers to earth, water, wind, and fire, which so magnificently collide on The Island of Hawai'i.- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 631

What is the WORST thing about Living in Hawaii?
The worst thing about living in Hawaii is??? There are a few things that bring me down whe...
published: 24 Jun 2013
author: Thailand Living
What is the WORST thing about Living in Hawaii?
What is the WORST thing about Living in Hawaii?
The worst thing about living in Hawaii is??? There are a few things that bring me down when living on one of the Hawaiian islands. Oahu is different from the...- published: 24 Jun 2013
- views: 384
- author: Thailand Living

Haunted Hawaii - Paranormal Documentary
Haunted Hawaii - Paranormal Documentary
The Polynesians who arrived here 1,000 years ago ...
published: 28 Nov 2013
Haunted Hawaii - Paranormal Documentary
Haunted Hawaii - Paranormal Documentary
Haunted Hawaii - Paranormal Documentary The Polynesians who arrived here 1,000 years ago believed the islands harbored Mana or the spirits of life and today, spirits are still said to be everywhere in Hawaii. They are thought to have incredible power, controlling both nature and human life, and must be respected to avoid violent, inexorable wrath. Allegedly home to a volcano goddess, the ghosts of fierce native warriors, and spirits that attack their victims in the dead of night, Hawaii is a place steeped in both the natural and supernatural. HAUNTED HISTORY ventures deep into the ghostly lore of the Hawaiian Islands to reveal a place of ethereal beauty, mystery, and enchantment. Offering a thorough account of Hawaii s ancient spiritual beliefs as well as the region s eerie regional folklore, HAUNTED HISTORY: HAWAII investigates the paranormal activity of some of the world s most spectacular islands.- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 9

Hawaii House Tour!
Want to see whe...
published: 22 Feb 2014
Hawaii House Tour!
Hawaii House Tour!
http://www.MeganElizabeth.com/durian http://www.MeganElizabeth.com/books Want to see where I live? This is one of my most requested videos - so come on in! We're about a mile from the ocean, a couple minute walk to the local farmer's market and a short drive to some of Hawaii's best swimming spots. Leave me a comment if you want to see a tour of some of these spots as well. Want to come to Hawaii? Wait until you see next week's video :) Like Me On Facebook - http://www.MeganElizabeth.com/facebook http://youtu.be/nKQKVL_28mU- published: 22 Feb 2014
- views: 10447

Alaska Airlines First Class to Hawaii
Alaska Airlines 737-800 SAN-LIH First Class. Kauai is our favorite Hawaiian island. This i...
published: 30 Jun 2013
author: Tranlanderful
Alaska Airlines First Class to Hawaii
Alaska Airlines First Class to Hawaii
Alaska Airlines 737-800 SAN-LIH First Class. Kauai is our favorite Hawaiian island. This is our second trip to the islands on Alaska and it becomes very appa...- published: 30 Jun 2013
- views: 3733
- author: Tranlanderful

Paalaa Kai Mini-Mart for Local Hawaii Food on the North Shore
Paalaa Kai Mini Mart is great little shop in Waialua, Hawaii, on the north shore, that has...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Paalaa Kai Mini-Mart for Local Hawaii Food on the North Shore
Paalaa Kai Mini-Mart for Local Hawaii Food on the North Shore
Paalaa Kai Mini Mart is great little shop in Waialua, Hawaii, on the north shore, that has amazing fried chicken and SPAM musubi. Click here for details: http://migrationology.com/2014/01/paalaa-kai-mini-mart-waialua-hawaii/ One of the best things to do when you're in Hawaii is stop by a small little local restaurant to pick up local Hawaiian food and head to the beach. When I'm in Haleiwa, I have to make the short drive to Waialua, to go to a small hole in the wall known as Paalaa Kai Mini Mart, which is located right next to the famous bakery by the same name. Inside of the mini mart there are all sorts of goodies to choose from. There's the full assortment of foods and drinks available at any convenience store, but the real attraction at Paalaa Kai Mini Mart is the beautiful range of pre-made things to eat. As soon as you step foot in the store, you'll get it a whiff of fried chicken. Their fried chicken is one of their claims to fame, and you can't go there without getting one or a few pieces of their fried chicken. Along with fried chicken, there's a bunch of different kinds of bentos already packaged and waiting for you. Many of the foods are Hawaiian style Korean dishes, as the owners are Korean in origin. They also have a fridge full of fresh poke, and sashimi, as well as smoked marlin and a few other fish, but I have yet to try those. Along with fried chicken Paalaa Kai Mini Mart specializes in SPAM musubi, which is a ball of rice topped with a piece of SPAM, and then wrapped in a piece of seaweed. But at Paalaa Kai Mini Mart, they don't just include a piece of spam, the spam is first marinated in teriyaki sauce and then added to the rice and seaweed. This gives it some amazing flavor, and it's nearly impossible to resist. So anyway we headed into Paalaa Kai Mini Mart, and after a little bit of contemplation, I decided to buy a couple of spam musubis, and a bento filled with rice, chicken, and Korean glass noodle salad. After buying my food, I could not resist taking a bite of the spam musubi, as soon as I got in the car. I thought I would just take one bite and then drive to the beach, but it was so good I had to eat the whole thing right then and there. After finishing that off, we then took a drive over to Waimea Bay, where we found a nice place to sit and enjoy the rest of our beach food takeaway from Paalaa Kai Mini Mart. If you happen to visit the North Shore of Oahu in Hawaii, and are looking for a good local Hawaiian food shop, be sure to drop by Paalaa Kai Mini Mart for some pretty tasty things to eat - and don't miss out on their spam musubi. Address: 66-945 Kaukonahua Rd Waialua, HI 96791 Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network Get my FREE street food guide: http://wp.me/Psd9b-4pl Follow my adventures on http://migrationology.com/blog & http://www.eatingthaifood.com/blog/ Bangkok 101 Guide: http://migrationology.com/ebook-101-things-to-do-in-bangkok/ Thai Food Guide: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/eating-thai-food-guide/ Thank you so much for watching this food and travel video by Mark Wiens. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss my next tasty adventure. You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology- published: 23 Feb 2014
- views: 1941

Furious World Tour | Hawaii - Surfing, Pineapples, Huge Omelets/Burgers/Pancakes, Luau and more!
More World Tour Episode ► http://bit.ly/1dzMLcV
Buy Team Furious Apparel ► http://shop.fur...
published: 15 Jan 2014
Furious World Tour | Hawaii - Surfing, Pineapples, Huge Omelets/Burgers/Pancakes, Luau and more!
Furious World Tour | Hawaii - Surfing, Pineapples, Huge Omelets/Burgers/Pancakes, Luau and more!
More World Tour Episode ► http://bit.ly/1dzMLcV Buy Team Furious Apparel ► http://shop.furiouspete.com/ Subscribe to future videos! ► http://bit.ly/Sub2FuriousPete We went to Hawaii for this World Tour, and we spent most of our time over on Maui and Oahu. Some awesome Surfing, Canoeing, Luau, Pineapples, Challenges and more! Click that LIKE/FAV button! Thanks for watching! My place for all my Fitness/Supp Needs ► http://bit.ly/11TnUfi Follow Me Here if you want (please follow me, I need friends): Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Furiouspete123 Google+ http://gplus.to/furiouspete YouNow - http://www.younow.com/users/furiouspete Tumblr - http://furiouspete.tumblr.com/ Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/furiouspete Bodyspace- http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/Dedicatedforlif/ Send me stuff: Furious Pete 1801 Lakeshore Rd W Unit 6 PO Box 52559 Turtle Creek Mississauga, ON, L5J 4S6 Canada Check out my other Channels: Vlogs - http://www.youtube.com/furioustalks Supplement Reviews - http://www.youtube.com/suppsreviews The Furious Dog - http://www.youtube.com/thefuriousdog Furious Eats - http://www.youtube.com/furiouspete Furious GamePlay - http://www.youtube.com/FuriousGamePlay Thanks for subscribing! For Business inquires only: Businessinquiries [at] thecollective-la.com or events [at] furiouspete.com - Peter Czerwinski, aka 'Furious Pete', is a Professional Competitive Eater, Master in Engineering Graduate and Fitness Guru. He began doing Eating YouTube videos in 2007, which landed him into his first eating contest a year later (he has done 100 contests to date winning 85% of them). Through his online eating, breaking numerous Guinness World Records and eating contests, he has landed a number of TV spots for National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Sport Science, Travel Channel and currently hosts a show on German TV (Abenteuer Leben on Kabel Eins), doing a world eating tour. Through his difficult times and passion for fitness he aims to show the world that you can still have a good time in life, go out with friends, party it up, eat some burgers and still maintain a good and healthy physique. Stay Sexy, Stay Hungry, Get Laid my friends...and of course stay Dedicated For Life.- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 58976
Youtube results:

HAWAII HD (The Islands of Aloha) "Waydes World Hawaii"
http://waydesworldhawaii.com Please consider watching PART II after this by pressing here:...
published: 18 Mar 2010
HAWAII HD (The Islands of Aloha) "Waydes World Hawaii"
HAWAII HD (The Islands of Aloha) "Waydes World Hawaii"
http://waydesworldhawaii.com Please consider watching PART II after this by pressing here: http://youtu.be/snjbfspSJrI I wanted to make this video in dedicat...- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 559800

Antonia - Hawaii
http://www.facebook.com/AntoniaOfficial / Produced by The Farmers....
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: ThisIsAntonia
Antonia - Hawaii
Antonia - Hawaii
http://www.facebook.com/AntoniaOfficial / Produced by The Farmers.- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 2128272
- author: ThisIsAntonia

HAWAII by Marco Berger (Argentina 2013; Drama) Hawaii is a film about a helpless man that ...
published: 02 May 2013
author: MediaLunaNewFilms
HAWAII by Marco Berger (Argentina 2013; Drama) Hawaii is a film about a helpless man that is reunited with a childhood friend who helps him, creating a bond ...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 13644
- author: MediaLunaNewFilms

follow me on twitter @fiammettaG27
published: 14 Nov 2013
follow me on twitter @fiammettaG27 I TRIED TO PUT EVERYTHING I 'VE LIVED WHEN I LIVED IN OHAU. IT WAS DIFFICULT IN 10 MINUTS BUT I DO MY BEST. HAVE FUN . ALOHAAA AND MAHALO FOR THE LIKE ! 10 minuti ho cercato di metterci tutto quello che ho vissuto, quando vivevo alle hawaii. Ohau è l'isola protagonista di questa esperienza ma ci sono state anche Maui e K'auai. ALOHA!! E MAHALO PER I LIKE!- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 679