Emperors of Rome: Valentinian III
Emperors of Rome continues with Valentinian III, the great-grandson, the grandson, the son...
published: 29 Mar 2012
author: Adrian Murdoch
Emperors of Rome: Valentinian III
Emperors of Rome: Valentinian III
Emperors of Rome continues with Valentinian III, the great-grandson, the grandson, the son, cousin, and nephew of Roman Emperors, still an ineffectual ruler ...- published: 29 Mar 2012
- views: 527
- author: Adrian Murdoch
476 A.D. Flashback Sequence of Flavius Aëtius' Legions after defeating Attila at Châlons 451 A.D.
476 A.D. Excerpt. A Sneak Peek from the Feature Film "476 A.D.". This is a Flashback Seque...
published: 15 May 2012
author: Ivan Pavletic
476 A.D. Flashback Sequence of Flavius Aëtius' Legions after defeating Attila at Châlons 451 A.D.
476 A.D. Flashback Sequence of Flavius Aëtius' Legions after defeating Attila at Châlons 451 A.D.
476 A.D. Excerpt. A Sneak Peek from the Feature Film "476 A.D.". This is a Flashback Sequence / Scene of the adult General Aëtius Patrius Majorian rememberin...- published: 15 May 2012
- views: 2648
- author: Ivan Pavletic
Emperors of Rome: Valentinian II
Emperors of Rome continues with Valentinian II, the younger son of Valentinian who was mar...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: Adrian Murdoch
Emperors of Rome: Valentinian II
Emperors of Rome: Valentinian II
Emperors of Rome continues with Valentinian II, the younger son of Valentinian who was marginalised after the death of his brother and committed suicide.- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 349
- author: Adrian Murdoch
476 A.D. Excerpt from Celebrations in Rome, after Victory over Attila at the Battle of Châlons
476 A.D. Excerpt from the Celebrations in Rome, after Flavius Aëtius' Victory over Attila ...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: Ivan Pavletic
476 A.D. Excerpt from Celebrations in Rome, after Victory over Attila at the Battle of Châlons
476 A.D. Excerpt from Celebrations in Rome, after Victory over Attila at the Battle of Châlons
476 A.D. Excerpt from the Celebrations in Rome, after Flavius Aëtius' Victory over Attila the Hun, at the Battle of Châlons in 451 A.D. This excerpt is from ...- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 285
- author: Ivan Pavletic
Alex's Movie Review: "Attila" (the 2001 tv mini-epic)
This is my review for the USA Network's original mini-epic, "Attila" (which premiered in 2...
published: 23 Dec 2012
author: xprinceofmacedonx
Alex's Movie Review: "Attila" (the 2001 tv mini-epic)
Alex's Movie Review: "Attila" (the 2001 tv mini-epic)
This is my review for the USA Network's original mini-epic, "Attila" (which premiered in 2001). DIRECTED BY: - Dick Lowry STARRING: - Gerard Butler (Attila) ...- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 4107
- author: xprinceofmacedonx
Die Germanen - Die Vandalen
Die Vandalen werden in Pannonien von Aurelian geschlagen.
Krieg zwischen Vandal...
published: 13 Dec 2013
Die Germanen - Die Vandalen
Die Germanen - Die Vandalen
270 Die Vandalen werden in Pannonien von Aurelian geschlagen. 335 Krieg zwischen Vandalen und Goten. Vandalen siedeln am Plattensee bis zum Ende des 4. Jahrhunderts. 401 Die Vandalen erreichen die Rheingrenze. Stilicho zieht Truppen vom Rhein ab. 406 Übergang bei Mainz über den Rhein mit Quaden, Sveben und Alanen. Zug durch Gallien bis Toulouse. 409 Ansiedlung in Spanien. König Gunderich ruft in Barcino einen Maximus (409-411) zum Gegenkaiser aus. 411 Die Vandalen halten sich mit den Alanen und Sveben als foederati in Galizien und der Baetica auf. Die Alanen werden von den Vandalen absorbiert. Gunderichs Titel lautet nun rex Vandalorum et Alanorum. 422 Die Vandalen dringen ins heutige Andalusien vor, wo sie von den Westgoten und Römern bedrängt werden. Flottenbau, Raubzüge bis Balearen und Mauretanien. 428 -- 477 Geiserich herrscht über die Vandalen. 429 Die Vandalen setzen nach Afrika über. 429 -- 534 Vandalenreich in Afrika. 430 Eroberung von Hippo Regius. Tod des Augustinus. Die Vandalen siedeln im Gebiet von Tunis. 435 Anerkennung als foederati durch Valentinian III. 439 Eroberung von Karthago. Karthago wird Hauptstadt der Vandalen. Beginn der Münzprägung. 439 Jahr 1 der vandalischen Zeitrechnung. 442 Anerkennung des Vandalenreichs durch Rom (Valentinan III.) als souveräner Staat. Erste germanische Reichsgründung auf weströmischem Gebiet. Die vandalische Flotte beherrscht das westliche Mittelmeer (Sardinien, Korsika, Balearen, Teile Siziliens) und damit die Getreidelieferungen aus Afrika nach Rom. Kriegszüge bis in die Ägäis 445 Geiserichs Sohn Hunerich wird als „Vertragspfand" an Valentinian III. übergeben. Er gilt offiziell als Verlobter der Kaisertochter Eudocia. Valentinians Nachfolger erzwingt die Auflösung der Verlobung. 455 Geiserich erobert und plündert Rom, verschleppt die Kaiserinwitwe Eudoxia und deren Töchter Eudocia sowie Placidia nach Nordafrika. Hunerich heiratet Eudocia, wodurch das Kaiserhaus mit den Vandalen verbunden wird. Die Vandalen dehnen ihren Machtbereich auf die Mittelmeerinseln aus. 468 Abwehr von „kaiserlichen" Expeditionen aus West- und Ostrom nach Illyrien und Griechenland. 474 Anerkennung der Eroberung der Provinz Afrika durch Zeno („Ewiger Frieden"). 476 Das Ende Westroms. 476/477 Die Vandalen erliegen im Kampf gegen Odovaker und verlieren Sizilien. 477 Nach dem Tod Geiserichs entstehen innere Zerwürfnisse zwischen dem vandalischen König und dem Adel. Verfolgung der Katholiken (ab 483) sowie Kämpfe gegen Mauren und Nomaden. 496 --523 König Thrasamund wendet sich Byzanz zu. 500 Bündnis mit Ostgoten. 523 -- 530 König Hilderich wird von den Mauren besiegt, abgesetzt und 533 hingerichtet. 525 Synode von Karthago. 533/4 --535 Zerstörung des Vandalenreichs durch Belizar. Einnahme Karthagos. März 534 König Gelimer ergibt sich. Die Vandalen werden versklavt. 3000 Vandalenkrieger werden später als vandali lustiniani an der persischen Grenze eingesetzt.- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 5
GIVEAWAY- Galaxy S III Spigen SPG Valentinus Wallet Case Full Review
http://DroidModderX.com http://DroidModderX.com/galaxys3 Twitter @DroidModderX Grab the ca...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: DroidModd3rX
GIVEAWAY- Galaxy S III Spigen SPG Valentinus Wallet Case Full Review
GIVEAWAY- Galaxy S III Spigen SPG Valentinus Wallet Case Full Review
http://DroidModderX.com http://DroidModderX.com/galaxys3 Twitter @DroidModderX Grab the case here: http://www.spigen.com/cell-phone/samsung/galaxy-s3/samsung...- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 693
- author: DroidModd3rX
Emperors of Rome: Petronius Maximus
Emperors of Rome continues with Petronius Maximus, the first of the eight shadow emperors ...
published: 14 Apr 2012
author: Adrian Murdoch
Emperors of Rome: Petronius Maximus
Emperors of Rome: Petronius Maximus
Emperors of Rome continues with Petronius Maximus, the first of the eight shadow emperors to reign from 455 and who came to the throne in the aftermath of th...- published: 14 Apr 2012
- views: 420
- author: Adrian Murdoch
Szombathely to Vasegerszeg : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 64
I leave t...
published: 23 Dec 2013
Szombathely to Vasegerszeg : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 64
Szombathely to Vasegerszeg : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 64
SEE MY MOTORHOME GROUP ON FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/motorhomefulltime I leave the Tesco car park at Szombathely which is to the east of the town on the by pass. I note how cheap the milk is having spent most of the previous eight months in Italy - and most of that in Sicily - where milk is considerably more expensive, indeed I had to pay EUR1.80 per litre in the village where I lived! As I leave you get a good idea of the size of the nice retail park at Szombathely. It is a Friday evening which does not seem a good time to do your shopping there but by the time I leave the queue has gone done somewhat. Hungary built a motorway system during the socialist era, unlike other communist countries who only made often illogical attempts. I discuss this as I drive north east as we can see the construction of a motorway which I get the chance to use sporadically - as it is under construction, no doubt much to the relief of the people who live in the villages I pass through. I also note various 'television towers' in the countryside which I term as being UFOs due to their unusual appearance. As I leave Szombathely, it is now 19:30 in the evening and it is time to start looking for somewhere to sleep, not yet pressing as it is June but I like to have this sort of thing resolved by around 20:00. You can see how I look for a suitable overnight stop in this film. I show one failed attempt but my second attempt was successful. Szombathely is the 10th largest city in Hungary. It is the administrative centre of Vas county and probably the oldest city in Hungary. It was founded by the Romans in 45CE under the name of Colonia Claudia Savariensum (Claudius' Colony of Savarians), and it was the capital of the Pannonia Superior province of the Roman Empire. It lay close to the important "Amber Road" trade route. The city had an imperial residence, a public bath and an amphitheatre. In 2008, remains of a mithraeum were discovered. Emperor Constantine the Great visited Savaria several times. He ended the persecution of Christians, which previously claimed the lives of many people in the area, including Bishop St. Quirinus, St. Rutilus and St. Irenaeus. The emperor reorganised the colonies and made Savaria the capital of the province Pannonia Prima. This era was the height of prosperity for Savaria: its population grew, and new buildings were erected, among them theatres and churches. St. Martin of Tours was born here. After the death of Emperor Valentinian III, the Huns invaded Pannonia. Attila's armies occupied Savaria between 441 and 445. The city was destroyed by an earthquake in 456. My channel on you tube : http://www.youtube.com/alanheath is very prolific. I have produced over 2,500 original films. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects. For those that want to know more, I have groups on facebook related to motorhome travelling, history and industrial packaging. Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating! I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- http://www.ceepackaging.com - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers. Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine! Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 10
No one represents the unbridled fury and savagery of barbarism as much as Attila the Hun. ...
published: 30 Dec 2013
No one represents the unbridled fury and savagery of barbarism as much as Attila the Hun. Even in the twentieth century one of the worst names that could be found for the Germans was to call them Huns. Attila, as the greatest Hun leader, is the stereotypical sacker of cities and killer of babies. In his own day he and his Huns were known as the "Scourge of God," and the devastation they caused in Gaul before the great Battle of Chalons in 451 AD became a part of medieval folklore and tradition. The clash at Chalons was one of those rare monumental conflicts, pitting against one another two of the towering figures of Late Antiquity, the fierce and passionate Attila and the noble Aetius, sometimes called "the last of the Romans." By 451 Aetius had been the foremost general in the Roman Empire for many years, and he was also the chief political adviser to the Emperor of the West, Valentinian III. In the previous forty years the once great Empire had suffered staggering setbacks, especially in the West. Aetius had done more than anyone else to keep what remained of the Roman world strong and prosperous. Despite Aetius' efforts, when Attila crossed the Rhine with the Huns in 451, he threatened a tottering relic of power. The Western Roman Empire had already been ravaged by Visigoths, Vandals, Suebi, Alamanni, Burgundians and other barbarian tribes. Visigoths had an independent kingdom in Aquitaine, and Vandals occupied North Africa with a capital at Carthage. Roman rule in many parts of Gaul and Spain was merely nominal. - HistoryDocumentaryTV HistoryDocumentaryTV- published: 30 Dec 2013
- views: 1
This ended up as accidental footage leakage, and it automatically had 100 views in a matte...
published: 06 Aug 2013
This ended up as accidental footage leakage, and it automatically had 100 views in a matter of the first hour. It is not even completely finalized and touched up. The eerie Nightmare sequence is still being worked on. Enjoy while it is still up and running before it gets removed :) COURTESY OF ARTISK, INC. © 2013. Artisk, Inc. © 2013 Artisk Film Production Company. 476 A.D. LLC. All Rights Reserved- published: 06 Aug 2013
- views: 2745
476 A.D. From the beginning of the movie. Roman Map changes animation 117 A.D. - 476 A.D.
Here is the 476 A.D. Roman Map changes animation from the beginning of the movie "476 A.D....
published: 22 Oct 2013
476 A.D. From the beginning of the movie. Roman Map changes animation 117 A.D. - 476 A.D.
476 A.D. From the beginning of the movie. Roman Map changes animation 117 A.D. - 476 A.D.
Here is the 476 A.D. Roman Map changes animation from the beginning of the movie "476 A.D." which appears during the opening text, which explains the backstory of the film. It slowly shows different changes within the borders of the Empire between its greatest extent in Pax Romana, during the reign of Emperor Trajan in 117 A.D. until its smallest extent during the reign of Emperor Romulus Augustulus at the very end in 476 A.D. It starts from its biggest size in the 2nd century A.D. from the borders of Scotland in the North West and Morocco in the South West, to the Caucasus Mountains of Armenia and Georgia in the North East, and the deserts of Arabia and the Persian Gulf in the South East. Until the very end in 476 A.D. When the Western Roman Empire was reduced to it's last and smallest remains of the Alpe-Adreatic region of the City of Rome it self, most of the Italian Peninsula, and most of the Eastern Coast of the Adriatic sea, of what is today's West and South Croatia and the Islands. As well as a tiny bit of today's coastal Slovenia and the City of Trieste on the very North of Adriatic. James Russell as Aëtius Patrius Majorian Kirsten Deane as Valeria Spencer Kane as Libius Severus Igor Galo as Caesar Valentinian III Special Effects by Bradley Burrows Directed and Produced by Ivan Pavletić COURTESY OF ARTISK, INC. © 2013 Artisk, Inc. © 2013 Artisk Film Production Company. 476 A.D. LLC. All Rights Reserved- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 124
Basilica di S Pietro in Vincoli - Roma
website: http://digitalrainbowproductions.weebly.com La basilica è detta anche Eudossiana ...
published: 20 Apr 2009
author: donchisciotte62
Basilica di S Pietro in Vincoli - Roma
Basilica di S Pietro in Vincoli - Roma
website: http://digitalrainbowproductions.weebly.com La basilica è detta anche Eudossiana in quanto venne fatta ricostruire per volere di Eudossia, moglie de...- published: 20 Apr 2009
- views: 14484
- author: donchisciotte62
Excerpt from 476 A.D.-Showdown in the Senate between Aëtius Patrius Majorian and Senator Magnus
This is an excerpt from the feature film "476 A.D." It is from the sequence of the film kn...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: Ivan Pavletic
Excerpt from 476 A.D.-Showdown in the Senate between Aëtius Patrius Majorian and Senator Magnus
Excerpt from 476 A.D.-Showdown in the Senate between Aëtius Patrius Majorian and Senator Magnus
This is an excerpt from the feature film "476 A.D." It is from the sequence of the film known as the Rumble in the Senate, or the Final Showdown in the Roman...- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 377
- author: Ivan Pavletic
Youtube results:
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, Ravenna, Italy
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is a Roman building in Ravenna, Italy. It was listed with ...
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: Pietro Pecco
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, Ravenna, Italy
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, Ravenna, Italy
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is a Roman building in Ravenna, Italy. It was listed with seven other structures in Ravenna in the World Heritage List in 199...- published: 26 Feb 2012
- views: 61
- author: Pietro Pecco
The Roman Emperors
The rulers of the Roman Empire (west) starting with Julius Caesar whose adopted heir Octav...
published: 28 Aug 2009
author: Mad Monarchist
The Roman Emperors
The Roman Emperors
The rulers of the Roman Empire (west) starting with Julius Caesar whose adopted heir Octavian became the first Roman Emperor as Augustus Caesar. The original...- published: 28 Aug 2009
- views: 10099
- author: Mad Monarchist
Samsung Galaxy S3 SGP / Spigen Leather Wallet Case Valentinus Review
Pick up your own right here! - http://amzn.to/Onz5Ih Here is my review of the SGP / Spigen...
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: Sam Pullen
Samsung Galaxy S3 SGP / Spigen Leather Wallet Case Valentinus Review
Samsung Galaxy S3 SGP / Spigen Leather Wallet Case Valentinus Review
Pick up your own right here! - http://amzn.to/Onz5Ih Here is my review of the SGP / Spigen Valentinus Leather Wallet Supplied by - http://j.mp/sjpspigen Chec...- published: 18 Aug 2012
- views: 9402
- author: Sam Pullen