The Behlim(Belim) are a Muslim Rajput community found mainly in North India. A large number are also found in the cities of Karachi and Multan in Pakistan.
Behlim (Belim) is sub-caste of Rajput. Behlol Lodhi is also Rajput and he started this sub-cast with his name in 1486. The Behlim (Belim) trace their descent the Sufi Masud Ghazi, and the word is said to be a corruption of the word ba-ilm, meaning those who are knowledgeable in Arabic. There are in fact two distinct communities of Behlim (Belim), those of Gujarat, who are found mainly in Mehsana and Banaskantha districts, while those of Uttar Pradesh, who are found mainly in the Doab region of that state.
The Behlim (Belim) families are present all over Pakistan, especially in Multan. Behlim (Belim) is sub-caste of Rajput. Behlol Lodhi is also Rajput and he started this sub-caste with his name in 1486. There are many welfare societies with Rajput name but Punjabi Rajput Welfare Society is well known society in Multan. Behlim (Belim) family played front line role in the foundation of this society. These families migrated from India during the partition.
Je tire cent fois, sans foi ni loi
Le souffle alerte, cours ma perte
En apne, la gorge noue
Faire table rase du pass A quoi je sers ?
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou sommes-nous les eaux troubles
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande
L'esprit amer, mes rves la mer
Je ne sais mme plus, pour qui, pourquoi ?
Je marche encore et je me bats
Soldat en vain sans lendemain
A quoi a sert ?
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que du vent ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande
(Je suis) lass qu'on m'appelle
Et qu'on me manque de respect
Rendez moi mon bleu ciel
Car je n'aime gure que la paix !
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que des pions ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande.
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que du vent ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande?