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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review
Asalaam e Ishqum - Song - GUNDAY
E-girls / Diamond Only (Music Video)
自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ SEL1018レビュー
Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto
OMD EM10 3-Axis Stabilisation Tests  -  OM-D E-M10 Day 1
Making a Real Life-Size Wall-E Robot (Geek Week!)
Vasco Rossi - E...
e-volo Firmenportrait Volocopter VC200
Maurizio Crozza



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  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:08
  • Updated: 01 Feb 2014

テレビ朝日がお送りする新コンテンツ「E-girls movies!!」 E-girlsが更なる成長をするために海外を旅して感性を磨い­­­ていきます! 2013年、年末『MusicStationスーパーライブ』など、 年末音楽番組出演のE-girlsに密着!!年末音楽番組出演のE-girlsに密着!
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:49
  • Updated: 09 Feb 2014

Buy the OM-D E-M10 at and support us! For more, SUBSCRIBE and like Get my Photography Buying Guide: Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': Buy the #1 book with 7+ HOURS of video: Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': OR, search for "Tony Northrup" in your Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook stores. All versions include 6+ hours of video, free lifetime updates, and free support. Questions? Add a comment and I'll reply. My camera gear: * Best beginner camera: * Canon 70D: * Canon 5D Mark III: * Canon 50mm f1.4: * Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS: * Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L IS MkII: * Canon 500mm f/4 L IS: * Sigma 150mm macro: * Rokinon fisheye: * YongNuo 568EX Flash:
Asalaam e Ishqum - Song - GUNDAY
Asalaam e Ishqum - Song - GUNDAY
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:39
  • Updated: 29 Jan 2014

Release Date: 14th February 2014 ► Buy from iTunes: ► Own The Music of "Gunday" Now - Starring: Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra & Irrfan Khan Written & Directed by: Ali Abbas Zafar Produced by: Aditya Chopra Director of Photography: Aseem Mishra Music: Sohail Sen Lyrics: Irshad Kamil Executive Producer: Aashish Singh Editor: Rameshwar S. Bhagat Production Designer: Rajat Poddar Sound: Dileep Subramanium Action Director: Sham Kaushal Director of Choreography: Bosco-Caesar Costume Designer: Subarna Ray Chaudhuri Additional Dialogues: Sanjay Masoom Background Score: Julius Packiam Line Producer: Padam Bhushan Casting Director: Shanoo Sharma 1st Assistant Director: Tanmay Mohan Publicity Design: Fayyaz Badruddin (YRF - Design Cell) Stills: Zahir Abbas Khan Music on: YRF Music ► Subscribe to yrf ► Like us on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ► Circle us on YRF G+ ► Follow us on Instagram ► Follow us on Pinterest When they ran to save their lives for the first time, they were mere 12-year-old boys, and the world called them 'refugees'. The war of 1971 gave birth to a new country - Bangladesh. It also gave birth to two young orphans - Bikram and Bala. They witnessed the war and its aftermath, where the world tried to trample over them. Fighting for survival, they clung to each other and escaped to Calcutta. Before they knew the world, they knew each other. Such was their bond, such was their friendship. Each time they sought new beginnings, each time they would rise, the world would crush them down. So, they fought again... and again. Together they were unbeatable. They were unstoppable. They were inseparable. In the years that passed, Bikram and Bala, became Calcutta's most loved, most celebrated, most reckless, most fearless and most powerful GUNDAY! They had everything... then, one fine day, bells rang... Nandita, the most beautiful cabaret dancer, walked into their lives, and they lost everything to her. Their murky world turned magical and colourful. They fell head over heels in love with her. But that was only a blissful lull before an impending storm... And then entered ACP Satyajeet Sarkar, the right for every wrong, a law for every outlaw and a counter force for Bikram and Bala. What follows from here is the most sensational-most thrilling-most dramatic story ever told!
E-girls / Diamond Only (Music Video)
E-girls / Diamond Only (Music Video)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:46
  • Updated: 03 Feb 2014 強く願う事でそれぞれの色で輝き出せる-ひとりひとりがDiamondの原石-。さらに輝きを増すE-girlsの最新スーパーダンスポップ!
自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ SEL1018レビュー
自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ SEL1018レビュー
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:06
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014

ブログ このレンズ高いけど高いなりに使い勝手が良すぎる。もしEマウント用カメラを持っていて自撮りする人は欲しくなっちゃうはずだ! ▼広角レンズSEL1018購入ページ ▼NEXカメラ購入ページ 【動画】ヨナナスレビュー 【動画】初めてのケーキ作り # Facebook # Twitter ★カズのチャンネル一覧 メインチャンネル: サブチャンネル: カズ旅チャンネル: カズ飯チャンネル: ゲームチャンネル: ★自己紹介 ------------ 初めましてKazuと申します。仕事はWEB屋で、まぁ普通の一般人です。人生そう長くはないし、いろんな事にチャレンジしてみようと思いYouTubeとブログを始めました。内容としては商品レビューを始め、運動、海外旅行など幅広い事を好き勝手にやってます。プロフィールやよくある質問は下記にまとめたのでよかったらご覧下さい。ではー(^^)v プロフィール: よくある質問: レビューポリシー: ★Kazuのブログ ------------ メインBLOG: カズ旅BLOG: ダイエットBLOG: Apple製品BLOG: アウトドアBLOG: 料理BLOG: ゲームBLOG:自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ_SEL1018レビュー
Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto
Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto "Un corpo e un'anima" Promo Sanremo 2014
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014

Eccovi il terzo promo del Festival di Sanremo. Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto sono la coppia della televisione dei nostri anni. Il loro modo di giocare, battibeccare, prendersi e lasciarsi, dichiararsi amore e subito dopo litigare è diventato un 'genere' ormai consolidato.'anima_Promo_Sanremo_2014
"The Real Chuck E. Cheese"
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:02
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014

Highly requested Creepy Pasta Check out My New Website for More Creepy Pasta Narrations: Original story: Music: Sound effects: Like me on Facebook & Tumblr Be sure to submit a story to or Download MP3s Visit the store TAGS: creepy pasta creepypasta horror scary story reading narration telling mrcreepypasta
OMD EM10 3-Axis Stabilisation Tests  -  OM-D E-M10 Day 1
OMD EM10 3-Axis Stabilisation Tests - OM-D E-M10 Day 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:40
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014

Is the OMD EM-10's 3 Axis IBIS good? The OM-D E-M10 is the latest addition to Olympus' range of the highly reviewed OMD series of Micro four thirds cameras. But unlike the E-M5 and E-M1 that preceded it and sit above it in the OMD series which have the much acclaimed 5-axis image stabilisation system, the EM10 has a 3- Axis image stabilisation system, but built upon the same technology... so how effective is it? lets's find out... (Remember, this is my "Day 1" with this camera, AND as is the way with kit lenses, nothing here represents the highest image quality possible with the camera... More tests with OLY's awesome prime lenses to come in the full review series of course ;) ) Sneak-peek still I posted (as mentioned in the video); All shots were performed completely hand-held and free of any other kind of support, Video was shot in either Aperture priority or manual mode. All shots (except for the final few as indicated in the video) were performed with the new 14-42mm collapsing pancake style, kit lens; M.Zuiko 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 EZ All shots are straight out of camera, no grading, filters, post-production stabilisation or adjustments of any kind have been made. Music; "End of summer Chantings" By Teknoaxe
Making a Real Life-Size Wall-E Robot (Geek Week!)
Making a Real Life-Size Wall-E Robot (Geek Week!)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:39
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013

The beloved Wall-E robot was just computer generated graphics in the Pixar movie, but fans have spent years trying to bring him to life. We visit Mike McMaster's workshop to see his incredible life-size Wall-E, a remote controlled robot that lives among an R2-D2 droid and other pets on Mike's orange farm. Subscribe for more Tested videos! Watch more YouTube Geek Week videos at Find more general awesomeness at!
Vasco Rossi - E...
Vasco Rossi - E...
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:58
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Music video by Vasco Rossi performing E....
e-volo Firmenportrait Volocopter VC200
e-volo Firmenportrait Volocopter VC200
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:26
  • Updated: 22 Nov 2013

Vielen Dank an alle Investoren für das sehr erfolgreiche Crowdfunding! Der Volocopter von e-volo ist eine Luftfahrt-Revolution made in Germany. Sicherer, einfacher und sauberer als je zuvor, ändert er die Art sich fortzubewegen.
Maurizio Crozza
Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:00
  • Updated: 04 Feb 2014

Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014
Trickshot: Artistic Pool Trick Shots Pt 2
Trickshot: Artistic Pool Trick Shots Pt 2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:54
  • Updated: 21 Oct 2006

More Videos at WHOOMP.COM
Violetta 2: Diego e Vilu cantano
Violetta 2: Diego e Vilu cantano "Yo soy asi" - (Episodio 20)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:39
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Violetta - Seconda Stagione - Disney Channel - Martina Stoessel - Diego Dominguez Facebook: All rights go to D...
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 106:17
  • Updated: 08 Nov 2013

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E-girls / 「ごめんなさいのKissing You」 ~Short ver.~
E-girls / 「ごめんなさいのKissing You」 ~Short ver.~
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:27
  • Updated: 09 Sep 2013

E-girls Official site E-girls 待望の6thシングル! 豪華4曲入り!! リード曲「ごめんなさいのKissing You」Lyric Video ごめんなさいから始まる究極のラブソング♡ 9月28日公開 超話題の映画『謝罪の王様』主題歌!「ごめんなさいのKissing_You」_~Short_ver~
Amar'e Stoudemire Poster Dunk #SCtop10
Amar'e Stoudemire Poster Dunk #SCtop10
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:22
  • Updated: 06 Feb 2014

Amar'e Stoudemire turns back the clock with this #SCtop10 poster dunk over Meyers Leonard.'e_Stoudemire_Poster_Dunk_SCtop10
The E Song
The E Song
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:58
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

It's a phonics song to teach children the short vowel sound /e/ of the letter E. This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123. Cop...
e-girls - クルクル
e-girls - クルクル
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:02
  • Updated: 16 Nov 2013

131112 E-girls 7th Single クルクル (KuruKuru)クルクル
Isolated: The Zo'é tribe (full documentary)
Isolated: The Zo'é tribe (full documentary)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 57:56
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: t...'é_tribe_full_documentary
Tayyip Erdoğan'dan Habertürk'e Talimat: Kaldırın şu Bahçeli haberini
Tayyip Erdoğan'dan Habertürk'e Talimat: Kaldırın şu Bahçeli haberini
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:45
  • Updated: 04 Feb 2014

TAYYİBİN YENİ SES KAYDI! HABERTÜRK'E BİZZAT TALİMAT VERİYOR: KALDIRIN ŞU BAHÇELİNİN HABERİNİ! AKP Cemaat savaşı ses kaseti sızdırmalarıyla devam ediyor. Bu kez de Başbakan Erdoğan'ın Habertürk'e talimat vererek Bahçeli'nin haberini kaldırtması ile ilgili tapeler ortaya çıktı. Tapelerdeki kayıtlara göre, Başbakan Erdoğan, Fatih Saraç'a Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül ve Devlet Bahçeli ile ilgili haberlerden rahatsızlığını iletiyor ve haberlerin kaldırılması talimatını veriyor. Erdoğan'ın müdahale ettiği haber, Devlet Bahçeli'nin Gezi Parkı eylemleri ile ilgili Cumhurbaşkanı Gül'ü göreve çağırması ile ilgili konuşma. Gezi olaylarının ilk günlerinde yaşanan bu müdahalede Erdoğan Mehmet Fatih Faraç'ı Fas'tan arıyor. O sırada henüz alt yazısı verilen haberin kaldırılmasını ve görüntülerin verilmemesi talimatı veriyor. Karşısındaki ses ise "emriniz olur" diyerek haberi geri çekiyor. WWW.THEEXPOSE.ORGğan'dan_Habertürk'e_Talimat_Kaldırın_şu_Bahçeli_haberini
Making of the Song  - Jashn e Ishqa - GUNDAY
Making of the Song - Jashn e Ishqa - GUNDAY
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:50
  • Updated: 21 Jan 2014

Release Date: 14th February 2014 ► Buy from iTunes: ► Own The Music of "Gunday" Now - Starring: Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra & Irrfan Khan Written & Directed by: Ali Abbas Zafar Produced by: Aditya Chopra Director of Photography: Aseem Mishra Music: Sohail Sen Lyrics: Irshad Kamil Executive Producer: Aashish Singh Editor: Rameshwar S. Bhagat Production Designer: Rajat Poddar Sound: Dileep Subramanium Action Director: Sham Kaushal Director of Choreography: Bosco-Caesar Costume Designer: Subarna Ray Chaudhuri Additional Dialogues: Sanjay Masoom Background Score: Julius Packiam Line Producer: Padam Bhushan Casting Director: Shanoo Sharma 1st Assistant Director: Tanmay Mohan Publicity Design: Fayyaz Badruddin (YRF - Design Cell) Stills: Zahir Abbas Khan Music on: YRF Music ► Subscribe to yrf ► Like us on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ► Circle us on YRF G+ ► Follow us on Instagram ► Follow us on Pinterest When they ran to save their lives for the first time, they were mere 12-year-old boys, and the world called them 'refugees'. The war of 1971 gave birth to a new country - Bangladesh. It also gave birth to two young orphans - Bikram and Bala. They witnessed the war and its aftermath, where the world tried to trample over them. Fighting for survival, they clung to each other and escaped to Calcutta. Before they knew the world, they knew each other. Such was their bond, such was their friendship. Each time they sought new beginnings, each time they would rise, the world would crush them down. So, they fought again... and again. Together they were unbeatable. They were unstoppable. They were inseparable. In the years that passed, Bikram and Bala, became Calcutta's most loved, most celebrated, most reckless, most fearless and most powerful GUNDAY! They had everything... then, one fine day, bells rang... Nandita, the most beautiful cabaret dancer, walked into their lives, and they lost everything to her. Their murky world turned magical and colourful. They fell head over heels in love with her. But that was only a blissful lull before an impending storm... And then entered ACP Satyajeet Sarkar, the right for every wrong, a law for every outlaw and a counter force for Bikram and Bala. What follows from here is the most sensational-most thrilling-most dramatic story ever told!
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu (Áudio Oficial)
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu (Áudio Oficial)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:37
  • Updated: 13 Dec 2013

Essa música faz parte da parceria da marca Bavária com a dupla Jorge & Mateus. Baixe no iTunes: | Twitter: @jorgeemateus | Facebook:| Instagram: @jorgeemateus_ Logo Eu (Compositor: Samuel Deolli - Filipe) Eu te vi e já te quis Me vi tão feliz Um amor que pra mim era sonho, Surpreendente provar Do que eu só ouvi falar E você resolveu me mostrar Logo eu que nem pensava Eu não imaginava, te merecer E agora sou o dono desse amor Eu nem quero saber porque Eu só preciso viver O resto dessa vida com você Te vi e já te quis Me vi tão feliz Um amor que pra mim era sonho, Surpreendente provar Do que eu só ouvi falar E você resolveu me mostrar Eu que nem pensava Não imaginava, te merecer E agora sou o dono desse amor Eu nem quero saber porque Eu só preciso viver O resto dessa vida com você, Com você, com você O resto dessa vida com você.Áudio_Oficial

テレビ朝日がお送りする新コンテンツ「E-girls movies!!」 E-girlsが更なる成長をするために海外を旅して感性を磨い­­­ていきます! 2013年、年末『Musi...
published: 01 Feb 2014
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review
Buy the OM-D E-M10 at and support us! For more, SUBSCRIBE and like http...
published: 09 Feb 2014
Asalaam e Ishqum - Song - GUNDAY
Release Date: 14th February 2014 ► Buy from iTunes: ► Own The Music o...
published: 29 Jan 2014
E-girls / Diamond Only (Music Video) 強く願う事でそれぞれの色で輝き出せる-ひとりひとりがDiamondの原石-。さらに輝きを増すE-girlsの最新スーパーダンスポップ...
published: 03 Feb 2014
自撮りYouTuberが欲しくなる広角Eマウントレンズ SEL1018レビュー
ブログ このレンズ高いけど高いなりに使い勝手が良すぎる。もしEマウント用カメラを持っていて自撮りする人は欲しくなっちゃうはず...
published: 07 Feb 2014
Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto "Un corpo e un'anima" Promo Sanremo 2014
Eccovi il terzo promo del Festival di Sanremo. Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto sono la c...
published: 08 Feb 2014
"The Real Chuck E. Cheese"
Highly requested Creepy Pasta Check out My New Website for More Creepy Pasta Narrations: ...
published: 07 Feb 2014
OMD EM10 3-Axis Stabilisation Tests - OM-D E-M10 Day 1
Is the OMD EM-10's 3 Axis IBIS good? The OM-D E-M10 is the latest addition to Olympus' ran...
published: 07 Feb 2014
Making a Real Life-Size Wall-E Robot (Geek Week!)
The beloved Wall-E robot was just computer generated graphics in the Pixar movie, but fans...
published: 04 Aug 2013
Vasco Rossi - E...
Music video by Vasco Rossi performing E.......
published: 13 Mar 2009
author: emimusic
e-volo Firmenportrait Volocopter VC200
Vielen Dank an alle Investoren für das sehr erfolgreiche Crowdfunding! http://www.seedmatc...
published: 22 Nov 2013
Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014
Maurizio Crozza "Casini e Berlusconi come Romina e Albano" 04/02/2014...
published: 04 Feb 2014
Trickshot: Artistic Pool Trick Shots Pt 2
More Videos at WHOOMP.COM...
published: 21 Oct 2006
Violetta 2: Diego e Vilu cantano "Yo soy asi" - (Episodio 20)
Violetta - Seconda Stagione - Disney Channel - Martina Stoessel - Diego Dominguez Facebook...
published: 30 May 2013
Youtube results:
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo
Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo Tico E Teco E Donald Em Português Completo Ti...
published: 08 Nov 2013
E-girls / 「ごめんなさいのKissing You」 ~Short ver.~
E-girls Official site E-girls 待望の6thシングル! 豪華4曲入り!! リード曲「ごめんなさいのKis...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Amar'e Stoudemire Poster Dunk #SCtop10
Amar'e Stoudemire turns back the clock with this #SCtop10 poster dunk over Meyers Leonard....
published: 06 Feb 2014
The E Song
It's a phonics song to teach children the short vowel sound /e/ of the letter E. This song...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: KidsTV123
photo: AP / Andrew Lubimov
A man in unmarked uniform looks from atop of a military vehicle while standing guard as troops taking control the the Coast Guard offices in Balaklava, outskirts of Sevastopol, Ukraine, Saturday, March 1, 2014.
Edit The Observer
02 Mar 2014
Pro-Russian protesters in Simferopol, the Crimean capital Photograph. Sean Gallup/Getty Images. This is perhaps the most dangerous point in Europe's history since the end of the cold war. Direct confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian forces will draw in the United States, one way or another. While there is still time, it's extremely important to understand what each party involved is aiming for ... Moscow now has two options ... Share ... ....(size: 9.5Kb)
photo: AP / Ivan Sekretarev
A woman sweeps away the broken glass as two unidentified armed men guard the entrance to the local government building in downtown Simferopol, Ukraine, on Sunday, March 2, 2014.
03 Mar 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Although it has become commonplace to attack the overreaching actions of the National Security Agency (NSA), it now has an opportunity to absolve itself by accurately analyzing the Ukrainian Crisis. With calls for a new Cold War, and as has happened in the past, the secretive and incongruent organization can prevent another U.S. armed intervention and military disaster from occurring ... (3)....(size: 6.3Kb)
photo: AP / RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, pool
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin speaks during the Cabinet meeting in Moscow on Monday, Feb. 9, 2009.
Edit Voa News
04 Mar 2014
Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country is prepared to use all options to protect Russians in Ukraine, but that he hopes it will not have to use force. President Putin's comments Tuesday come amid a growing crisis over Russia's military presence in the Ukrainian region of Crimea. The United States and its European allies are considering sanctions against Russia for its troop movements into Ukraine. Mr ... U.S ... U.S ... ....(size: 4.4Kb)
photo: AP
Police officers patrol outside a railway station after an attack by knife wielding men left some 27 dead in Kunming, in southwestern China's Yunnan province, Saturday March 1, 2014.
Edit Syracuse
02 Mar 2014
BEIJING -- More than 10 knife-wielding attackers slashed people at a train station in southwestern China late Saturday in what authorities called a terrorist attack by Uighur separatists, and police fatally shot four of the assailants, leaving 33 people dead and 130 others wounded, state media said ... "They just fell on the ground," Yang said. One suspect was arrested, Xinhua said ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)

Edit noodls
05 Mar 2014
(Source. Federal Bureau of Investigation - Miami Field Office). Wifredo A. Ferrer, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Michael B. Steinbach, Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Miami Field Office; and Jose A ... Cooper was sentenced to 57 months in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release ... Bryant's sentencing is scheduled for April 11, 2014 ... Mr ... Attorney Cynthia R. Wood....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit noodls
05 Mar 2014
(Source. First American Financial Corporation). March 4, 2014, ANNAPOLIS, Md. TSS Software, a leading technology solutions provider to the title and settlement services industry, today announced the integration of its TitleExpress software with Fidelity National Title Group's agentTRAX product ... About TSS Software ... (noodl....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit The Miami Herald
05 Mar 2014
Serena Williams captured the paparazzi’s attention with a daring gown at the Vanity Fair Oscars party in Los Angeles on Sunday night. In two weeks, she’ll be back to making headlines on the court as she returns to the Sony Open in Key Biscayne in hopes of defending her title. The 17-time Grand Slam champion plays her first match during the day session on March 20. Her opponent will be announced after the draw on March 16 ... ....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit noodls
05 Mar 2014
(Source. FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association). Carles Puyol entered FC Barcelona's La Masia academy in 1995 at the age of 17. Almost two decades later, on 30 June this year, the centre-back will hang up his boots at the club, despite his contract running for a further two years ... pays tribute to the battle-hardened defender, highlighting five of his best moments with Los Azulgrana. 2 October 1999 ... 2009 ... (noodl....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit BBC News
05 Mar 2014
England wing Jack Nowell described the emotion Wales feel towards them as "hate" ahead of the Six Nations clash between the two title rivals on Sunday. The two sides meet for the 125th time, with England looking to gain revenge for last year's 30-3 defeat that clinched the title for Wales. "We're playing against a team that hate you and want to beat you up or beat you in the game," said Nowell ... print. ....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit noodls
05 Mar 2014
(Source. Mississippi State University). Brent Funderburk, top, and his work "Beauty is Not Enough" from the "New Solar Myths" exhibit. STARKVILLE, Miss.--Works of a veteran Mississippi State University art professor are on display through April 30 at the Walter Anderson Museum of Art in Ocean Springs. Titled "New Solar Myths ... A March 13 opening reception and illustrated lecture by Funderburk will begin at 6 p.m....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit The Daily Telegraph Australia
05 Mar 2014
<a href="http.//" ......(size: 0.6Kb)
Edit The Hollywood Reporter
05 Mar 2014
2. 0. 0. 0. 0. Email Print Comments. Mark Wahlberg, Jack Reynor and Nicola Peltz star in the Michael Bay film. After a Super Bowl spot, a handful of posters and a 10-second title sequence, the teaser trailer for Transformers ... 'Transformers ... PHOTOS ... 2. 0 ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit The Irish Times
05 Mar 2014
The 30-year-old is no stranger to success having previously enjoyed a fair bit of it at Derry and especially Bohemians but if he is right and, as he claims, St Patrick’s were only building last year, then the next few seasons could be remarkable ones for the most famous of the Brennan brothers ... Won the title ... Dundalk ran St Patrick’s the closest but were beaten in what was regarded as a title showdown towards the end of the campaign ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit Empire
05 Mar 2014
The adaptation of John D. MacDonald’s first Travis McGee novel has been in development since at least 2009, , intending to star. That detail hasn’t worked out, mostly thanks to DiCaprio’s ever-busy schedule, but the studio is ploughing on ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit noodls
05 Mar 2014
(Source. Walsh University). Men's Basketball, 2014-03-04. Walsh (21-5, 17-5) opens GLIAC Quarterfinal Tournament action on Wednesday night as the number three seed in the eight-team tournament, and plays host to sixth seeded Northwood University (18-12, 14-8) ... Click here for complete notes ... (noodl....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit The Examiner
05 Mar 2014
Addressing your wedding invitations is not as simple as putting your guests names and addresses on the envelopes. There is a specific etiquette for addressing wedding invitations. If you are having a formal wedding, there are certain etiquette guidelines to follow when addressing your wedding envelopes. •Do not use abbreviations. •Do not use the "&" sign, spell it out ... If the state name does not fit, then you may abbreviate ... and Mrs ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
05 Mar 2014
Forgive Mike Helmer, despite all his gifts, for being a little aggrieved. He has his reasons. “I can’t get comfortable,” said Helmer, in his sixth season as Butler Community College’s women’s basketball coach. “I guess it’s just the way things have gone for us this year. It’s common sense.”. Why, might you ask, would a man with a 30-1 record, Jayhawk East title and No ... 12....(size: 4.1Kb)

E! Entertainment Television is an American basic cable and satellite television network, owned by NBCUniversal. It features entertainment-related programming, reality television, feature films and occasionally series and specials unrelated to the entertainment industry.

E! currently has an audience reach of 88 million cable and satellite viewers in the U.S. and 600 million homes internationally.

E! Entertainment Television was founded by Larry Namer and Alan Mruvka.

The network launched on July 31, 1987 as Movietime, a service that aired movie trailers, entertainment news, event and awards coverage, and interviews as an early example of a national barker channel. Early Movietime hosts included Greg Kinnear, Paula Abdul, Katie Wagner, Julie Moran, Suzanne Kay (daughter of Diahann Carroll), Mark DeCarlo, Sam Rubin and Richard Blade. Three years later, in June 1990, Movietime was renamed E! Entertainment Television to emphasize its widening coverage of the celebrity-industrial complex, contemporary film, television and music, daily Hollywood gossip, and fashion.

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Luciana Littizzetto (born 29 October 1964 in Turin, Piedmont) is an Italian comedy actress and writer from Piedmont in NW Italy. She grew up in the San Donato district, where her family owned a milk and cheese shop.

Luciana graduated in 1984 from Torino Conservatory with a piano playing degree. She later obtained a Bachelor's degree from the University of Turin, College of Letters and also attended an acting school in Moncalieri, a suburb of Turin.

She became a school teacher, but kept her stand-up comedy and acting skills in check, by performing at local theaters in Torino and province. Television appearances on Maurizio Costanzo Show allowed her to eventually give up on the teaching career and focus on her entertainer talents.

In 1993, she was part of the Cielito Lindo TV show cast, playing the sketch character Sabrina. As such she had her first catch phrase: "Minchia Sabbry!" Luciana Littizzetto is very famous in Italy for her irreverent gags, where she lampoons government ministers and church prelates alike. She created numerous famous characters and entertained the Italian public with her fertile and varied Television, Film, Theater and Literary work. In recent years, together with moderate TV personality Fabio Fazio on the TV show Che tempo che fa she brings attention to cultural, social and political facts that confirm her as a prominent mind of contemporary Italy.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Vasco Rossi (born 7 February 1952), also known as Vasco or with the nickname Il Blasco, is an Italian singer-songwriter. During his career, he has published 26 albums (not including unofficial releases) and has written over 150 songs, as well as lyrics for other artists. He calls himself a "provoca(u)tore" (an Italian portmanteau for "provoking author") as throughout his career he has been regularly criticized over his choice of lifestyle and the lyrics in his songs.

Vasco Rossi was born in Zocca, in the province of Modena (Emilia-Romagna). His father, Carlo Rossi, was a truck-driver, and his mother, Novella, a housewife. It was his mother herself who decided to enroll him in singing school when he was a little boy, a choice that must have seemed rather peculiar within the mentality of a small village in the Apennines like Zocca. Nonetheless, Rossi fell in love with music and at the age of 14 began playing with his first band.

Rossi and his family moved to Bologna, Italy, where he studied accounting in high school. Upon graduating he opened a music club, Punto Club, and enrolled in university at the faculty of Economics and Business. In the meantime he supported himself by working as a DJ and founding, along with friends, one of the first private radio stations in Italy, "Punto Radio", with which he began slowly and timidly showcasing his own songs.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Amar'e Carsares Stoudemire Sr. (pronunciation: /əˈmɑr ˈstɒdəmaɪər/; born November 16, 1982) is an American professional basketball player who plays as a power forward and center for the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association.

Stoudemire played high school basketball for six different schools, before graduating from Cypress Creek High School and declaring for the NBA draft as a prep-to-pro player. In high school, Stoudemire won several honors most notably being selected as Mr. Basketball for the state of Florida. He was selected in the first round with the ninth overall pick in the 2002 NBA Draft by the Phoenix Suns and would spend eight seasons with them before signing with the New York Knicks. Stoudemire is listed at 6 feet 11 inches (211 cm) and 260 pounds (120 kg).

Stoudemire is known for having a relatively successful career despite having chronic knee problems and having microfracture surgery on his knees. Stoudemire won the NBA Rookie of the Year Award in 2003, made six appearances in the NBA All-Star Game, was a first-team All-NBA selection in 2007, and won a bronze medal with the United States men's national basketball team at the 2004 Olympic Games.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

I've got your face burned in my head
From the first night we met
You were lost, twenty-two, tired of it all
Eyes like stop on black holes
I was living alone
The world went by down below
Through the window I watched it all
You've been here seven years clothes on the floor
Shadows crawling along the walls
Reminisce reticence learn to move on
Without you 'I would be' is gone
Try or fail to forgive
Nothing left to relive
I watch your black hair blow in the wind
Can we love again?
Do you feel a thing?
Will you take my hand?
I want to live again
In your eyes I see the sky go gray
Looking down as I say
'give me one more day'
In the distance I hear the rain

I've been waiting all my life
I've been waiting for you to call me
Seasons are passing
Have i wasted my time?
Forty-eight hours have sustained
Fifteen minutes of real pain
How i survived this, i don't have a clue
I've been grasping to you
I will not come again
Say what you will coz i know what you're feeling
I will not come again
Do what you want coz i know why you're bleeding
I will not come again
Please don't take long coz the weight is impeding
I will not come again
I'm feeling alone and you're all that i'm needing
I've been waiting all my life
I've been waiting for you to call me
It's time for decisions so what will you do?
Will you still have to choose?
You may be too good for someone to hold
You're surely an angel that never grows old
Why am i calm when it's eating me up
Am i falling asleep?

Someone tell me how
They got crazies to make a circle
Something I never thought I'd see
Everyone should speak
Don't and they will make you
I can feel each person watching
Check myself out
While I check myself in
I'm doing the work
I'm baby stepping
Baby so maybe you won’t
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Where's that god damn wishing well
The one that sorta works
It's early still, so hopefully no line
I have enough regrets, like this room full of jerks
But the smell of guilt and law suits me just fine
Sleep with an angel, but sitting with demons
I'm not the same as them, I know I'm better
Hope you know so you won't
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Give me the chance and I might disappoint you
Better that I had the chance, than no chance at all
Save me a dance and I'll never let you go
This is the only thing that matters
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again


Ascertain things are left
Vagueness cause it ain't over till it's over
For reasons I have not disovered
I feel full of beans
WAylay outside unseen trouble
Where means are often
PAssing phases
Even-handed young and happy
Wipe out all my sins
You know I cared
You know I've cared I'd care
I'll care
You know I'd care....
Send up all the one's before
You someday I will soon recover
Breed a star of broken idols
Imagine what it'll be
Slip inside a sheltered corner
Well think I'm fine and never healthy
Criticize my table-manner
I feel full of beans
Chain all my ankles to the sky
Sure I'll soon know before I leave
I promise you I'll give it up
I'm going down...down..down..

A gente quer valer o nosso amor
A gente quer valer nosso suor
A gente quer valer o nosso humor
A gente quer do bom e do melhor
A gente quer carinho e atenção
A gente quer calor no coração
A gente quer suar, mas de prazer
A gente quer é ter muita saúde
A gente quer viver a liberdade
A gente quer viver felicidade
A gente não tem cara de panaca
A gente não tem jeito de babaca
A gente não está com a bunda exposta
Na janela pra passar a mão nela
A gente quer viver pleno direito
A gente quer viver todo respeito
A gente quer viver uma nação
A gente que é ser um cidadão
É, é, é, é...

what you've done to me
is not for the world to see
does bring back the anger,
it's crawling deep inside of me
'cause you're all I have worth waiting for,
left alone once more
what do you intend to do now?
when you dance for
when you dance through the night,
you know it's not right
you're not who you are,
you're losing it by far
heaven knows I do care,
'cause you're all I have been living for
now it don't seem so sure,
what do I intend to do now?
what do I intend to do now?
Do now do now
when you dance for,
when you dance through the night,
you know it's not right
when you dance for,
when you dance through the night,

a gente quer valer o nosso amor
a gente quer valer nosso suor
a gente quer valer o nosso humor
a gente quer do bom e do melhor
a gente quer carinho e atenção
a gente quer calor no coração
a gente quer suar, mas de prazer
a gente quer é ter muita saúde
a gente quer viver a liberdade
a gente quer viver felicidade
a gente não tem cara de panaca
a gente não tem jeito de babaca
a gente não está com a bunda exposta na janela
pra passar a mão nela
a gente quer viver pleno direito
a gente quer viver todo defeito
a gente quer viver uma nação
a gente quer é ser um cidadão
a gente quer viver uma nação
É, é,é,é,é,é,é,é,é...

Vuoi da bere
Vieni qui
Tu per me
Te lo dico sottovoce
Amo te
Come non ho fatto in fondo
con nessuna
resta qui un secondo
se hai bisogno
e non mi trovi
cercami in un sogno amo te
quella che non chiede mai
non se la prende
se poi non l'ascolto
E... uo... e...
sei un piccolo fiore per me
e l'odore che hai
mi ricorda qualcosa
va bè...
non sono fedele mai
forse lo so
quando sento
il tuo piacere che si muove lento
ho un brivido
tutte le volte che il tuo cuore
batte con il mio
poi nasce il sole...
E... uo... e...
ho un pensiero che parla di te
tutto muore ma tu
sei la cosa più cara che ho
e se mordo una fragola
mordo anche te
uo... E...
sei un piccolo fiore per me
se l'odore che hai
mi ricorda qualcosa
va bè...
non sono fedele mai
