GUERRA: GUARDA NACIONAL UCRANIANA recruta moradores de Donets Basin(15/05/2014)
published: 15 May 2014
GUERRA: GUARDA NACIONAL UCRANIANA recruta moradores de Donets Basin(15/05/2014)
GUERRA: GUARDA NACIONAL UCRANIANA recruta moradores de Donets Basin(15/05/2014)
DECLARAÇÃO DE ÓDIO DO PT AO BRASIL E A SEUS TRABALHADORES | #ForaPT 2014 - LINK: http://youtu.be/5uoaFQDRPq0 A SUBVERSÃO COMUNISTA (ANTICRISTO) X SOCIEDADE CAPITALISTA (JUDAICO-CRISTÃ) ASSISTA AO VÍDEO E ENTENDA O PORQUE O PAPA É O REI DA DITADURA COMUNISTA, MUITAS PROVAS!!! - LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri0KmK4-WxA&list;=UUVm5ZdgG_KHRD8CdThWyQ6w SUBVERSÃO: "Se eu fosse o DIABO" | Profecia de Paul Harvey de 1964, torna-se a realidade do BRASIL - LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxPz7aY1YTA JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQC1dGlciGo EXÉRCITO ALERTA: BRASIL a 3 PASSOS de 1 GUERRA CIVIL, CONFIRA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UHYQokSZiU ALERTA URGENTE: 84 Malas Atômicas RUSSAS (de 1 KILOTON cada) foram roubadas em 1990 (06/03/2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsxyL3LJ3a8 O "DECÁLOGO", ESCRITO POR LÊNIN O LÍDER COMUNISTA DA URSS (UNIÃO SOVIÉTICA) EM 1913 . Decálogo de Lênin e a atualidade: Em 1913, Lênin escreveu o "Decálogo" que apresentava ações táticas para a tomada do Poder. a) Qualquer semelhança com os dias de hoje, não é mera coincidência b) Tendo a História se encarregado de pôr fim à questão ideológica, a meditação dos ideais, então preconizada, poderá revelar assombrosas semelhanças nos dias de hoje, senão vejamos: 1.. Corrompa a juventude e dê-lhe liberdade sexual; 2.. Infiltre e depois controle todos os veículos de comunicação de massa; 3.. Divida a população em grupos antagônicos, incitando-os a discussões sobre assuntos sociais; 4.. Destrua a confiança do povo em seus líderes; 5.. Fale sempre sobre Democracia e em Estado de Direito, mas, tão logo haja oportunidade, assuma o Poder sem nenhum escrúpulo; 6.. Colabore para o esbanjamento do dinheiro público; coloque em descrédito a imagem do País, especialmente no exterior e provoque o pânico e o desassossego na população por meio da inflação; 7.. Promova greves, mesmo ilegais, nas indústrias vitais do País; 8.. Promova distúrbios e contribua para que as autoridades constituídas não as coíbam; 9.. Contribua para a derrocada dos valores morais, da honestidade e da crença nas promessas dos governantes. Nossos parlamentares infiltrados nos partidos democráticos devem acusar os não comunistas, obrigando-os, sem pena de expô-los ao ridículo, a votar somente no que for de interesse da causa socialista; 10.. Procure catalogar todos aqueles que possuam armas de fogo, para que elas sejam confiscadas no momento oportuno, tornando impossível qualquer resistência à causa... MALDITOS sejam todos pertencentes aos IDEAIS ESQUERDISTAS das DOUTRINAS VERMELHAS do COMUNISMO, NAZISMO, FASCISMO... URGENTE: CENSURA da INTERNET | STJ rasga a LEI e Inaugura a DITADURA COMUNISTA [#ForaPT 2014] LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeRMyoVXzR4&list;=UUVm5ZdgG_KHRD8CdThWyQ6w NÃO VOTE em 2014! Saiba os MOTIVOS e | [#ForaPT 2014] LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcjtTJrPEP8&list;=UUVm5ZdgG_KHRD8CdThWyQ6w SUBVERSÃO: A DESTRUIÇÃO dos VALORES MORAIS de uma SOCIEDADE CAPITALISTA(Por: Yuri Besmenov) - LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBsGu0bJFm4 É incrível que o que Paul Harvey previu em 1964 tornou-se realidade hoje NO BRASIL. E agora "O resto da história" Sabe, porém, isto: que nos "últimos dias" sobrevirão tempos trabalhosos. Porque haverão: 1 - Homens amantes de si mesmos; 2 - Avarentos; 3 - Presunçosos; 4 - Soberbos; 5 - Blasfemos; 6 - Desobedientes a pais e mães; 7 - Ingratos; 8 - Profanos; 9 - Sem afeto natural(Gays,lésbicas); 10 - Irreconciliáveis; 11 - Caluniadores; 12 - Incontinentes; 13 - Cruéis; 14 - Sem amor para com os bons; 15 - Traidores; 16 - Obstinados; 17 - Orgulhosos; 18 - Mais amigos dos deleites da vida do que amigos de Deus; Tendo aparência de piedade, mas negando a eficácia dela. Destes afasta-te. Porque deste número são os que se introduzem pelas casas, e levam cativas mulheres néscias carregadas de pecados, levadas de várias concupiscências; Que aprendem sempre, e nunca podem chegar ao conhecimento da VERDADE. E, como Janes e Jambres resistiram a Moisés, assim também estes resistem à verdade, sendo homens corruptos de entendimento e réprobos quanto à fé. Não irão, porém, avante; porque a todos será manifesto o seu desvario, como também o foi o daqueles. Tu, porém, SEGUES a minha Doutrina, modo de Viver, intenção, fé, longanimidade, amor, paciência. (2° Timóteo 3:1-10) DENÚNCIA: PT tenta calar o Dr. OLAVO DE CARVALHO e o Pr. MARCO FELICIANO (28/02/2014) - LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1QWw4en-yU- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 7
AOD vs STFU - Donets Basin Attack - Ensk Side 2 - 02.05.2012
AOD vs STFU BC: Conflict Result: Victory....
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: HighPitchWOT\'s channel
AOD vs STFU - Donets Basin Attack - Ensk Side 2 - 02.05.2012
AOD vs STFU - Donets Basin Attack - Ensk Side 2 - 02.05.2012
AOD vs STFU BC: Conflict Result: Victory.- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 198
- author: HighPitchWOT\'s channel
Olukord Donetsk, Ukraina , Lenin Square , Kalmius River , Donbassi Palace , Donbassi Arena
Olukord Donetsk, Ukraina , Lenin Square , Kalmius River , Donbassi Palace , Donbassi Arena...
published: 06 Mar 2014
Olukord Donetsk, Ukraina , Lenin Square , Kalmius River , Donbassi Palace , Donbassi Arena
Olukord Donetsk, Ukraina , Lenin Square , Kalmius River , Donbassi Palace , Donbassi Arena
Olukord Donetsk, Ukraina , Lenin Square , Kalmius River , Donbassi Palace , Donbassi Arena mäng : http://www.purposegames.com/game/cities-of-ukraine-game Olukord Donetsk , Donetsk , Ukraina, Lenin Square , Kalmius River , Donbassi Palace , Donbassi Arena , Lenin , Lenini kuju, Sergei Bubka , kaevandamine, kaevandused , mäetööstus , rooside linn , roosid, Venemaa , Venemaa- Euroopa , ukraina Putin , Stalino , Stalin , Yuzovka , Donetski oblast , Donets Basin , John Hughes , vene lipp , Ukraina lipp , majandus -, tööstus- , linnamiljonit roosid, terasetööstus , teras, Vladimir Putin , europe , ^ Donetsk asutati 1869 kui Yuzovka . ^Elanikkonnast pealinna on alates 2004 . Donetsk ( Ukraina : Донецьк Ukraina hääldus : [ donɛt͡s ʲ k ] TRANSLIT . Donets'k , vene : Донецк , tr. Donetsk, IPA : [ dɐn ʲ et͡sk ] endised nimed : Yuzovka , Stalino , vt ka linnade alternatiivne nimi), on tööstuslik linn Ida- UkrainaKalmius River. Administratiivselt onkesklinnas Donetsk oblast, kuigi ajalooliselt onmitteametlik pealinn ja suurim linnsuurem majanduslik ja kultuuriline Donets Basin ( Donbasi ) piirkonnas. Linna Donetsk on kõrval teine suur linn Makiivka ja koos teiste ümbritsevate linnadesse moodustab olulise valglinnastumise ja linnastu piirkonnas. Donetsk on peamine majandus-, tööstus- ja teaduskeskus Ukraina kõrge kontsentratsioon ettevõtete ja kvalifitseeritud tööjõudu. Linna asutas 1869Welsh ärimees John Hughes , kes ehitatudterasest tehas ja mitu söekaevanduste piirkonnas;linn oli seega nimega Yuzovka ( Юзовка ) tunnustades tema rolli selle asutamisest ( " yüz " on Venemaa või Ukraina õigusaktide Hughes ) . Nõukogude ajal , linna terasetööstuse laienes . Aastal 1924 oli see ümber Stalino ( Сталино ) ja 1932 linna sai kesklinnasDonetsk piirkonnas. Ümbernimetatud Donetsk 1961 linna täna endiselt kesklinnas Ukraina söekaevanduses ja tähelepanuväärne terasetööstuse keskus . Donetsk praegu elab üle 982000 elaniku kohta ( 2010 ) [ 1 ] ja onpealinna üle 2000000 elanikku ( 2011 ) . Vastavalt 2001 Ukraina loenduse Donetsk on suuruselt viies linn Ukrainas . [ 2 ] Donetsk on hüüdnimega "City ofMillion Roses " . [ 3 ] Mängi seda tasuta mäng umbes linnades Ukraina Vaata kirjelduses leida link Linnade ja Ukrainas , Kiiev, Odessa , Lviv , Donetsk , Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporižžja , Krõvõi , Mykolaiv , linnad Ukraina ukranian linnad , linn,- published: 06 Mar 2014
- views: 16
How to Pronounce Kharkiv
Learn how to say Kharkiv correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials...
published: 07 Dec 2012
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Kharkiv
How to Pronounce Kharkiv
Learn how to say Kharkiv correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of Kharkiv (oxford dictionary): an industrial city in ...- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 69
- author: Emma Saying
Blood for Oil in Ukraine
"Economic interests, such as untapped shale gas resources, already sliced and diced by Wes...
published: 19 May 2014
Blood for Oil in Ukraine
Blood for Oil in Ukraine
"Economic interests, such as untapped shale gas resources, already sliced and diced by Western energy giants, are behind the Kiev government's 'anti-terrorist' operation against the pro-federalist regions, foreign policy expert Nebojsa Malic tells RT. The eastern Donetsk and Lugansk regions cut ties with Kiev and declared independence from Kiev after a popular vote last Sunday. Yet federalist activists have no doubt that a new wave of government crackdown is on its way. And they do have every reason to think so, because, as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports, reinstating control over the restive regions isn't the only agenda driving Kiev's ongoing offensive, as the core of the conflict is probably only business as usual. Eastern Ukraine is not only of people who don't want to be under the Kiev coup-installed government's control, but there are also natural energy resources in the region, such as coal and more specifically, shale natural gas, untapped deposits of which lie underground in the Dnieper-Donets basin. The cities Kiev is now striving to force into submission by making them war zones are situated in the area of shale gas deposits. Tensions are highest in the city of Slavyansk in the Donetsk region: it has been besieged by Kiev's troops and armed militants of the Right Sector neo-Nazi union for weeks. The self defense forces in eastern Ukraine's newly-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic are on high alert. It's in the Donetsk Region that Shell signed, in January 2013, a 50-year profit sharing deal with the government of Ukraine to explore and drill for natural gas in shale rock formations. These are future profits that Kiev doesn't want to lose. "I would say that the economic interest in this case is what's driving the coup regime in Kiev to launch military actions against its own citizens, because they stand to make a profit from these contracts signed by the previous government," foreign affairs expert Nebojsa Malic commented to RT. US energy giant Chevron signed a similar deal for $10 billion last year, but it is focusing on developing shale gas reserves in the West of Ukraine. Yet it's not just energy giants that have a stake in Ukraine's reserves. The recent appointment of the US Vice President's son, Hunter Biden, to the board of directors of Ukraine's largest private gas producer, Burisma Holdings, has put the Ukrainian shale gas development deal into a new perspective. Burisma holds licenses covering the Dnieper-Donets basin in the eastern Ukraine and Biden jr. is not the only American with political ties to have recently joined the company's board. Devon Archer, a former senior advisor to current Secretary of State John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign and a college roommate of Kerry's stepson, signed up with Burisma in April. "There is certainly no better demonstration of altruism and humanitarianism in a free market than criticizing a country for corruption, sponsoring a coup to overthrow the allegedly corrupt government - and then appointing sons and friends of American officials to be on boards of companies having interests in that country," Nebojsa Malic said. "Surely, that is perfectly legal and above board," he added. Washington now props up the coup-imposed government in Kiev in any way it can, justifying its crackdown on the pro-federalist protesters under the pretext of maintaining the nation's territorial integrity. The interim government does not hesitate to use the army against the protesters in the East, including unarmed civilians, dubbing them 'terrorists' and 'pro-Russian activists,' which makes people in the eastern Ukraine strongly believe that it is not their interests that Kiev and its Western backers have at heart. According to the UN, the death toll of victims in the Ukraine conflict that started last autumn has already surpassed 250, but the end of the crisis seems nowhere near. - Courtesy RT News- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 9
Donetsk and Area. EURO 2012.
Donetsk is a large city in Eastern Ukraine on the Kalmius river. This is a center of Donet...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: Dnleaf55
Donetsk and Area. EURO 2012.
Donetsk and Area. EURO 2012.
Donetsk is a large city in Eastern Ukraine on the Kalmius river. This is a center of Donetsk Oblast, and at the same time it is the unofficial capital and la...- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 1278
- author: Dnleaf55
Nick Lido in Donetsk, Ukraine' 2012 : Movie
Movie. Produced by Nick Lido (previously Nikolai Shevchenko) Featured by Lido's Travel Jou...
published: 19 May 2014
Nick Lido in Donetsk, Ukraine' 2012 : Movie
Nick Lido in Donetsk, Ukraine' 2012 : Movie
Movie. Produced by Nick Lido (previously Nikolai Shevchenko) Featured by Lido's Travel Journal at www.youtube.com/nicklido and http://nicklido.com Nick visited Donetsk, Ukraine, in 2012 to meet with his relatives and friends, that he haven't seen for decades! Thanks to Svetlana Shevchenko (now Tsurikova), Nick found his biological father's grave on central cemetery in Gorlovka near Donetsk (Nick was looking for his native father's grave for decades). Beside Gorlovka, Nick visited famous Svyatogorsk (Святогорская Лавра) with its amazing Оrthodax cathedrals (see upcoming video on youtube soon). DONETSK' HISTORY: Donetsk is an industrial city officially in eastern Ukraine on the Kalmius River. Administratively, it is a centre of Donetsk Oblast, while historically, it is the unofficial capital and largest city of the larger economic and cultural Donets Basin (Donbas) region. The city of Donetsk is adjacent to another major city of Makiivka and along with other surrounding cities forms a major urban sprawl and conurbation in the region. Donetsk is a major economic, industrial and scientific centre of Ukraine with a high concentration of companies and a skilled workforce. The city was founded in 1869 by a Welsh businessman, John Hughes, who constructed a steel plant and several coal mines in the region; the town was thus named Yuzovka (Юзовка) in recognition of his role in its founding ("Yuz" being a Russian or Ukrainian approximation of Hughes). During Soviet times, the city's steel industry was expanded. In 1924 it was renamed Stalino (Сталино), and in 1932 the city became the centre of the Donetsk region. Renamed Donetsk in 1961, the city today remains the centre for Ukraine's coal mining and notable steel industry centre. Donetsk currently has a population of over 982,000 inhabitants (2010) and has a metropolitan area of over 2,000,000 inhabitants (2011). According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, Donetsk is the fifth-largest city in Ukraine. Donetsk is nicknamed "The City of a Million Roses"- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 4
Nick Lido in Donetsk, Ukraine' 2012 : Slideshow
Movie. Produced by Nick Lido (previously Nikolai Shevchenko) Featured by Lido's Travel Jou...
published: 19 May 2014
Nick Lido in Donetsk, Ukraine' 2012 : Slideshow
Nick Lido in Donetsk, Ukraine' 2012 : Slideshow
Movie. Produced by Nick Lido (previously Nikolai Shevchenko) Featured by Lido's Travel Journal at www.youtube.com/nicklido and http://nicklido.com Nick visited Donetsk, Ukraine, in 2012 to meet with his relatives and friends, that he haven't seen for decades! Thanks to Svetlana Shevchenko (now Tsurikova), Nick found his biological father's grave on central cemetery in Gorlovka near Donetsk (Nick was looking for his native father's grave for decades). Beside Gorlovka, Nick visited famous Svyatogorsk (Святогорская Лавра) with its amazing Оrthodax cathedrals (see upcoming video on youtube soon). DONETSK' HISTORY: Donetsk is an industrial city officially in eastern Ukraine on the Kalmius River. Administratively, it is a centre of Donetsk Oblast, while historically, it is the unofficial capital and largest city of the larger economic and cultural Donets Basin (Donbas) region. The city of Donetsk is adjacent to another major city of Makiivka and along with other surrounding cities forms a major urban sprawl and conurbation in the region. Donetsk is a major economic, industrial and scientific centre of Ukraine with a high concentration of companies and a skilled workforce. The city was founded in 1869 by a Welsh businessman, John Hughes, who constructed a steel plant and several coal mines in the region; the town was thus named Yuzovka (Юзовка) in recognition of his role in its founding ("Yuz" being a Russian or Ukrainian approximation of Hughes). During Soviet times, the city's steel industry was expanded. In 1924 it was renamed Stalino (Сталино), and in 1932 the city became the centre of the Donetsk region. Renamed Donetsk in 1961, the city today remains the centre for Ukraine's coal mining and notable steel industry centre. Donetsk currently has a population of over 982,000 inhabitants (2010) and has a metropolitan area of over 2,000,000 inhabitants (2011). According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, Donetsk is the fifth-largest city in Ukraine. Donetsk is nicknamed "The City of a Million Roses"- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 4
Ukraine: Protesters enter Donetsk regional administration
W/S Protesters
W/S Pavel Gubarev addressing protesters
W/S Flags of Russian presiden...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Ukraine: Protesters enter Donetsk regional administration
Ukraine: Protesters enter Donetsk regional administration
W/S Protesters W/S Pavel Gubarev addressing protesters W/S Flags of Russian presidency W/S Protesters M/S Woman holding sign reading "Keep your Bandera's hands off Holy Russia" W/S Protesters M/S Protester W/S People chanting "Russia" W/S People chanting "Russia" W/S Woman holding pictures of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary and chanting "Russia" W/S People trying to get into building W/S Broken glass and Russian flag M/S Broken glass W/S Armoured police at front gates W/S Gubarev and supporters walking towards building entrance W/S Police in riot gear inside building W/S Pavel Gubarev at regional assembly session W/S Gubarev and others asking to speak M/S Gubarev addressing MPs W/S Shevchenko Boulevard in Donetsk SCRIPT Ukraine: Protesters enter Donetsk regional administration Around 2,000 people gathered for a third day Monday in front of the regional administration in Donetsk, protesting against the appointment of new regional governor Sergei Taruta. Protesters also demanded a referendum be held on the future of the Donets Basin region, which Donetsk is the unofficial capital of. One of the organisers of the protesters, Pavel Gubarev and several others attempted to enter the regional administration building during the rally to talk to MPs holding a session inside the building, but police prevented their entry. A glass on one of the main doors was smashed. After that, Gubarev entered the building from the back side, where he and others asked the chairperson if they could speak in front of MPs, which was allowed. Gubarev said that the people refuse to listen to the new governor and the Kiev-based interim government, and that people wanted him to be governor. After his speech, Gubarev and his group left the building.- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 3
Mariupol. ANTI- Akhmetov Protest. 21.05.2014
ALSO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rinat_Akhmetov
published: 21 May 2014
Mariupol. ANTI- Akhmetov Protest. 21.05.2014
Mariupol. ANTI- Akhmetov Protest. 21.05.2014
ALSO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rinat_Akhmetov UKRAINIAN TYCOOK'S CALL FOR RALLY AGAINST SEPARATISTS GOES LARGELY UNHEEDED MARIUPOL, Ukraine — A plea by Ukraine's richest man for demonstrations against Russian-backed separatists met with a mixed response Tuesday as many of his own workers stayed on their jobs. But many Ukrainians still saw the gesture by billionaire Rinat Akhmetov as a welcome, if symbolic, attempt to end the country's fraternal strife while European leaders searched for diplomatic solutions to the crisis before Sunday's presidential election. Akhmetov, whose coal, steel and other holdings are the industrial might of the Donets Basin in eastern Ukraine, asked his 300,000 employees to join a noon peace rally against the separatist movement that, he said, could wreck the region's economy. The call followed Akhmetov's decision last week to form worker patrols to help police restore order on the streets of Mariupol, an industrial port city in southeastern Ukraine. In Donetsk, several hundred pro-Ukrainian residents rallied just before noon at Donbas Arena. Organizers played the noise of a deafening factory whistle and urged the crowd to download a version of it that they could sound at noon every day as a show of unity. But at the entrance to Akhmetov's Ilyich steel plant in this city on the Sea of Azov, nobody stepped outside the factory gate when the plant whistle sounded at noon. "You see for yourself," said a bus driver in a red and gray uniform of Akhmetov's Metinvest company, pointing to routine traffic at the factory gate. "The main thing is nobody's shooting." Minutes after the sirens sounded, Denis Pushilin, a leader of the separatists' self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, sent out a tweet saying rebels would begin nationalizing the properties of "regional oligarchs" for their refusal to pay taxes to the Donetsk People's Republic. "Akhmetov made his choice," the rebel leader said. "Unfortunately, it is a choice against the people of Donbas." http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/ukrainian-tycoons-calls-for-rallies-against-separatists-go-largely-unheeded/2014/05/20/567deaae-e00e-11e3-9743-bb9b59cde7b9_story.html- published: 21 May 2014
- views: 37
Ukraine: Pro-Russia protesters enter Donetsk regional admin building
W/S People entering the regional administration building in Donetsk
W/S People entering...
published: 04 Mar 2014
Ukraine: Pro-Russia protesters enter Donetsk regional admin building
Ukraine: Pro-Russia protesters enter Donetsk regional admin building
W/S People entering the regional administration building in Donetsk W/S People entering the regional administration building W/S Police cordon and a protester C/U Broken frame and blood on the floor M/S Radiator on the floor and pieces of broken window M/S Windowsill and a carpet on it W/S People entering the regional administration building W/S Man watching police from inside building W/S People climbing stairs W/S People on stairs and police W/S People going through the window on the roof on the first floor W/S People with Soviet Naval Ensign W/S Protesters in front of the regional administration building SOT, Protester at regional administration building (speaking Russian): "It's a Russian spirit here, it's a smell of Russia here, and no matter what Westerners say and do, here are Russian people, and the Russian language will always be spoken here." M/S Russian flag at the entrance of the building W/S People inside the regional administration building W/S Police behind fence W/S Police behind fence M/S Man with poster depicting 'anti' symbol over Nazi swastika and American flag SCRIPT Ukraine: Pro-Russia protesters enter Donetsk regional admin building Pro-Russia protesters partially occupied the regional administration building in Donetsk Monday, after regional MPs had fled following attempted talks. Several MPs are still inside the building. Police let people inside the ground floor and first floor of the building, but didn't let them go further. Protesters walked around the building with flags, while police guarded all entrances. The protesters rallied against the local and central government, calling them illegitimate and demanding a referendum be held for the Donets Basin region to join Russia.- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 0
Ukraine gunmen seize two buildings in Sloviansk 2014
Ukraine gunmen seize two buildings in Sloviansk
Armed men have seized a police station and...
published: 12 Apr 2014
Ukraine gunmen seize two buildings in Sloviansk 2014
Ukraine gunmen seize two buildings in Sloviansk 2014
Ukraine gunmen seize two buildings in Sloviansk Armed men have seized a police station and a security services building in eastern Ukraine, officials say. Police said the men fired shots and used stun grenades to seize the offices in Sloviansk, near the Russian border. The interior minister called the gunmen "terrorists" and said special forces would repel the attack. Pro-Russian activists have seized government buildings elsewhere in east Ukraine. Kiev accuses Moscow of orchestrating the unrest. Interim Foreign Minister Andrei Deshchytsia urged Moscow to end "provocative" actions by its agents. Protesters wave the Russian flag in front of police station in Slaviansk 12/04/2014 Tensions are rising in the east, as pro-Russian activists continue a stand-off with Ukraine's new government Eastern Ukraine has a large Russian-speaking population and has seen a series of protests since the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych in February. Protesters in largely Russian-speaking Donetsk, 130km (80 miles) from Sloviansk, have been occupying government buildings for days and demanding a referendum on becoming part of Russia. A similar move prompted a Russian takeover of Ukraine's Crimea region earlier this year. The US and EU have put sanctions on Russian and Crimean people they Russia has denied responsibility for the protests in eastern Ukraine, but Western nations have expressed concern over a build-up of Russian troops along the border. Interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk visited Donetsk on Friday and attempted to placate anti-government groups by guaranteeing that no restrictions would be put on the use of the Russian language. The Kiev government had set a deadline of Friday for all occupations to end, but trouble continued in several cities in the east. Meanwhile, regional police spokesman Ihor Dyomin described how armed men were bussed to the police station in Sloviansk. "Six or seven unknown persons got out. They fired several shots in the air and attempted to storm the police department," he said. He added that "people in camouflage uniform" and with weapons" were inside the building. Interim Interior Minister Arsen Avakov promised to deal with the attackers. "The response will be very tough because there is a difference between protesters and terrorists," he said in Ukrainian on his Facebook page. The Interior Ministry said the aim of the attack was to seize arms from the police station, where some 40 automatic rifles and 400 pistols were stored along with ammunition. One of those who seized the police station said the group had gone to Sloviansk to fight people who represented the illegal authorities of interim President Oleksandr Turchynov, according to a video posted on Youtube. Interviewed in Russian, the man said they represented the People's Front of Donbass - the industrial Donets Basin region in eastern Ukraine. He said those involved were peaceful Donbass residents and "not fascists". The BBC's David Stern, who was briefly in Sloviansk on Saturday, said from what he saw the take-over was well-organised and the gunmen were quickly spreading their control throughout the town and beyond. The roadblocks were being reinforced with more tyres as he left, and the people manning them were well-armed, he said. The occupation by pro-Russian groups of the local government building in Donetsk is meanwhile continuing. Alexander Gnezdilov, the protesters' unofficial spokesperson, told the BBC the group that seized Sloviansk police HQ was "an independent group who are supporting the Donetsk protest". Also on Saturday, hundreds of pro-Russian protesters marched towards a police station in the regional capital Donetsk. They threatened to storm the building, demanding the resignation of city police chief Kostyantyn Pozhydayev. He later told the protesters he was standing down. Armed men stand in front of the police headquarters building in Sloviansk, April 12- published: 12 Apr 2014
- views: 9
Second Police Building Seized In East Ukraine
Pro-Russia militants have taken over a police headquarters in the eastern Ukraine city of ...
published: 12 Apr 2014
Second Police Building Seized In East Ukraine
Second Police Building Seized In East Ukraine
Pro-Russia militants have taken over a police headquarters in the eastern Ukraine city of Kramatorsk, local media and witnesses say. This followed a gun battle with the police defending the building as the attackers stormed it. Several other official buildings were reported to have been seized in eastern Ukraine on Saturday. The confrontations come amid rising tension between the new government and pro-Russia protesters. Earlier, gunmen occupied a police station and a security services building in the town of Sloviansk. Official buildings in Druzhkovka were also reported to have been taken over. A Donetsk regional police chief also quit after pro-Russia crowds marched on a police station demanding his resignation. Eastern Ukraine has a large Russian-speaking population and has seen a series of protests since the ousting of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych in February. The new government in Kiev accuses Moscow of orchestrating the unrest in eastern Ukraine. But Russia denies responsibility. Repelled Protesters in largely Russian-speaking Donetsk, 130km (80 miles) from Sloviansk, have been occupying government buildings for days and demanding a referendum on becoming part of Russia. Trouble continued in several towns and cities on Saturday despite the Kiev government setting a deadline of Friday for all occupations to end. "Kramatorsk. An attack is under way. Unknown persons fired shots at the district police department. The police are firing shots in response. A shootout is under way," acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov wrote on his Facebook page late on Saturday. Video clips running on Ukraine's Hromadske TV appear to show scenes at dusk outside the police building at Kramatorsk, with people gathered on nearby streets watching. At one point in the unverified video clips, loud and prolonged firing can be heard. A local media account of the shooting said there had been no injuries, and that the flag of the Donetsk Republic had been raised at the building after the gunmen seized it. The attackers, toting assault rifles and wearing camouflage and masks, introduced themselves as fighters of the "people's militia" and addressed residents, the report in Vostochnyy Proyek website said. "We are not Ukrainian troops, we are people's militia. We are the people who have risen up to drive away the corrupt Kiev police," the attackers said. Mr Avakov also reported that an attack on police buildings in Krasny Liman late in the day had been repelled. The gunmen there had been equipped with Russian-made Kalashnikov assault rifles, he added. Earlier, in the town of Sloviansk, dozens of unidentified armed men in camouflage uniform seized the police station and security service premises. The aim of the attack at the police station - according to the Interior Ministry - was to seize arms as some 40 automatic rifles and 400 pistols were stored there along with ammunition. But a member of the group involved in the Sloviansk seizure said they wanted to fight people who represented the illegal authorities of interim President Oleksandr Turchynov, according to a video posted on Youtube. Protesters came to me. So to prevent bloodshed, I decided to tender my resignation" Kostyantyn Pozhydayev Donetsk region police chief Interviewed in Russian, the man said they represented the People's Front of Donbass - the industrial Donets Basin region in eastern Ukraine. He said those involved were peaceful Donbass residents and "not fascists". The acting interior minister has promised a "very tough" response. In the regional centre Donetsk, police chief Kostyantyn Pozhydayev stood down after pressure from pro-Russia protesters. "Protesters came to me. So as to prevent bloodshed, I decided to tender my resignation to the [interior] minister," he said in remarks broadcast by Ukrainian TV channel 5 Kanal. The same channel also showed his deputy, Andriy Anosov - captioned as police chief - inviting pro-Russia protesters to work together with the police to prevent violence and looting.- published: 12 Apr 2014
- views: 23
The Battle for Kharkov 1941
The 1st Battle of Kharkov so named by Wilhelm Keitel was the 1941 tactical Wehrmacht battl...
published: 09 Nov 2011
author: specops24th
The Battle for Kharkov 1941
The Battle for Kharkov 1941
The 1st Battle of Kharkov so named by Wilhelm Keitel was the 1941 tactical Wehrmacht battle for the city of Kharkiv (Ukrainian SSR) during the final phase of...- published: 09 Nov 2011
- views: 3429
- author: specops24th
Youtube results:
coal mining process in south africa
Home | Coal of:http://ww23.psui.cn/Home coal mining jobs in South Africa |:http://ww23.psu...
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: Ashley Stacey
coal mining process in south africa
coal mining process in south africa
Home | Coal of:http://ww23.psui.cn/Home coal mining jobs in South Africa |:http://ww23.psui.cn/coal Coal:http://ww23.psui.cn/Coal South African Coal Mining H...- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 185
- author: Ashley Stacey
FC Shakhtar vs Nordsjælland (Texeira Goal)
IGNORE -- FC Shakhtar Donetsk (Ukrainian: Шахтар Донецьк) is a Ukrainian professional asso...
published: 02 Feb 2011
author: StreetPoetReloaded
FC Shakhtar vs Nordsjælland (Texeira Goal)
FC Shakhtar vs Nordsjælland (Texeira Goal)
IGNORE -- FC Shakhtar Donetsk (Ukrainian: Шахтар Донецьк) is a Ukrainian professional association football club, playing in the city of Donetsk, the capital ...- published: 02 Feb 2011
- views: 2136
- author: StreetPoetReloaded
Joe Biden's Son Appointed to Ukraine's Largest Gas Co.
Jackass Joe Biden's son was conveniently appointed to the board of directors of Ukraine's ...
published: 15 May 2014
Joe Biden's Son Appointed to Ukraine's Largest Gas Co.
Joe Biden's Son Appointed to Ukraine's Largest Gas Co.
Jackass Joe Biden's son was conveniently appointed to the board of directors of Ukraine's Largest Gas Co. Remember when Cheney was attacked by the media for his ties with Halliburton? Bad then but OK now. Bad for Russia to help in Ukraine but OK for US to interfere. USA hypocrisy. "Hunter Biden, son of US VP Joe Biden, is joining the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest private gas producer. The group has prospects in eastern Ukraine where civil war is threatened following the coup in Kiev. Biden will advise on "transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities" to "contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine." Joe Biden's senior campaign adviser in 2004, financier Devon Archer, a business partner of Hunter Biden's, also joined the Bursima board claiming it was like 'Exxon in the old days'. Biden Jr.'s resume is unsurprisingly sprinkled with Ivy-league dust -- a graduate of Yale Law School he serves on the Chairman's Advisory Board for the National Democratic Institute, is a director for the Center for National Policy and the US Global Leadership Coalition which comprises 400 American businesses, NGOs, senior national security and foreign policy experts. Former US President Bill Clinton appointed him as Executive Director of E-Commerce Policy and he was honorary co-chair of the 2008 Obama-Biden Inaugural Committee. Burisma Holdings was set up in 2002. Its licenses cover Ukraine's three key hydrocarbon basins, including Dnieper-Donets (in eastern Ukraine), Carpathian (western) and Azov-Kuban (southern Ukraine). The Biden board news came as Gazprom moved Ukraine to a prepaid gas delivery regime and sent Naftogaz, Ukraine's gas champion, a $1.66 billion bill that is due June 2, or Moscow will halt supplies. Ukraine currently has about 9 billion cubic meters of gas in storage, but by the winter needs 18.5bcm. Kiev bought 27.7 billion cubic meters from Gazprom for which it still owes some $3.5 bn in 2013. Gazprom is demanding Kiev pays $485 per 1,000 cubic meters, raised from $268.50 after Moscow was forced to cancel several discounts agreed upon under Yanukovich's tenure as president. Kiev rejects the new price as "politically motivated" and says it will only pay its debt if Gazprom lowers the price back to $268.50, or else open an arbitration case against the company in Stockholm." The White House brushed off questions about any ethical issues on appointing the vice-president's son, Hunter Biden, to a leading post at a Ukrainian gas company. The concerns come amid US attempts to affect Kiev's energy policy. Biden Jr. was appointed to board of directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest private gas producer on Tuesday. Speaking about his new position, Hunter Biden said he will advise on "transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities" to "contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine." The decision immediately sparked questions if US actually supported Biden's promotion, as his father, US Vice-President Joe Biden, has frequently spoken about the need to increase Ukraine's energy independence, including during his recent visit to Kiev. "Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family are obviously private citizens, and where they work does not reflect an endorsement by the administration or by the vice-president or president," White House press secretary Jay Carney said. State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki also responded bluntly to the questions, saying only that Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Joe Biden spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff also said "the vice-president does not endorse any particular company and has no involvement with this company." However, Curtis Ellis, executive director at American Jobs Alliance, told RT that it is a typical Washington politics to exploit a foreign crisis for personal gain. "The US ... are trying to portray in the most altruistic and platonic fashion possible. However, it is very difficult to disentangle business interests from national interests," he said. Hunter Biden, 44, has a very impressive resume. A graduate of Yale Law School, he serves on the Chairman's Advisory Board for the National Democratic Institute. He is also a director for the Center for National Policy and the US Global Leadership Coalition, which comprises 400 American businesses, NGOs, senior national security and foreign policy experts. Former US President Bill Clinton appointed him as Executive Director of e-Commerce Policy and he was honorary co-chair of the 2008 Obama-Biden Inaugural Committee. The licenses of Burisma Holdings, founded in 2002, cover Ukraine's three key hydrocarbon basins, including Dnieper-Donets (in eastern Ukraine), Carpathian (western) and Azov-Kuban (southern Ukraine)." - Courtesy RT News- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 44
WW2 - Battle for Kiev
German Capture of Kiew In the initial attack on the Soviet Union, Panzer Group 1, under Ge...
published: 01 Aug 2008
author: Pzkfw5
WW2 - Battle for Kiev
WW2 - Battle for Kiev
German Capture of Kiew In the initial attack on the Soviet Union, Panzer Group 1, under General von Kleist, had punched deep into the Western Ukraine, unhing...- published: 01 Aug 2008
- views: 127723
- author: Pzkfw5