New Internationalist

Advertise with New Internationalist

New Internationalist Media Pack
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New Internationalist Rate Card Summary
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*New Internationalist* has 45,000 print subscribers. Our high paid circulation shows the value we bring to our readers. Our readers are a loyal, committed audience. They are informed, discerning and highly educated – over 70% have a degree or diploma. Through New Internationalist they keep up with what is happening in the world: on the environment, on human rights and with the global economy. After reading New Internationalist 22% say they joined a campaign, 31% switched to a more ethical service provider, 61% made a purchase and 23% donated to charity.

New Internationalist readers are typically interested in:

  • Travel and travel guides books
  • Courses and conferences
  • International development education
  • Volunteer work
  • Environmental organizations
  • Music and the arts
  • Human rights
  • Advocacy organizations
  • Educational and public appointments
  • Development work
  • Postings where second and multiple languages are used

Advertising in the New Internationalist magazine is a specialist service available only to specially approved clients of the New Internationalist. It is ideal for NGOs, educational organisations and campaigning organisations who wish to promote causes of social justice, poverty, racism, international understanding, environment, social responsibility and world peace. Because NI magazine subscribers are enthusiastic supporters of these causes and are paying by subscription to receive NI magazine which focuses on these topics, New Internationalist is an excellent placement for cause-related advertising.

Note that NI is very careful to screen all advertising in the magazine, so all advertising bookings are made subject to NI’s approval of the particular advertisement to be placed.

Who to contact

Contact Michael York -
Print ads:
Online ads:

North America Click here to view the rate card.

International Brian Loffler e-mail:

Australia Brian Loffler e-mail:

Aotearoa / New Zealand e-mail:

Japan Moro Hideki e-mail:

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