
Elvis Presley - The Last 24 Hours
An informative, well constructed documentary which includes unseen footage and home video ...
published: 21 Jun 2012
Elvis Presley - The Last 24 Hours
Elvis Presley - The Last 24 Hours
An informative, well constructed documentary which includes unseen footage and home video material including the Eddie Fadal footage from the 1950s and scenes filmed by audiences of Elvis' performances in 1970s. It shows the journey of the last 24 hours in the life of Elvis and includes memories from members of the Memphis Mafia including Sonny West, Billy Smith, Larry Geller, Joe Esposito, Jerry Schilling, Marty Lacker and Lamar Fike. Narrated by Duncan Wells, Produced and Directed by Mike Parkinson For more info on our great videos and exciting clips please... Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneMediaMusic Like our page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/One-Media-Music-Vision/151146565056341?fref=ts- published: 21 Jun 2012
- views: 675566

David Thibault - Elvis - Blue Christmas
David Thibault, 16 ans, personnificateur d'Elvis était de passage dans les Nonos de la rad...
published: 09 Dec 2013
David Thibault - Elvis - Blue Christmas
David Thibault - Elvis - Blue Christmas
David Thibault, 16 ans, personnificateur d'Elvis était de passage dans les Nonos de la radio au 102,1 CKOI Québec. Il a interprété "Blue Christmas" au grand plaisir de Julibou!- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 94068

Elvis Presley - 6363 Sunset Boulevard FTD - Full Album
Elvis Presley - 6363 Sunset Boulevard
FTD (Follow That Dream)
Full Album
1. A...
published: 28 Nov 2013
Elvis Presley - 6363 Sunset Boulevard FTD - Full Album
Elvis Presley - 6363 Sunset Boulevard FTD - Full Album
Elvis Presley - 6363 Sunset Boulevard FTD (Follow That Dream) Full Album Tracklist: 1. Always On My Mind - [Take 3] 2. Burning Love - [Take 2] 3. For The Good Times - [Take 3] 4. Where Do I Go From Here - [Take 6] 5. Fool - [Take 1] 6. It's A Matter Of Time - [Rehearsal] 7. See See Rider - [Take 2] 8. Until It's Time For You To Go - [Rehearsal] 9. A Big Hunk O' Love - [Take 2] 10. All Shook Up - [Rehearsal] 11. Heartbreak Hotel - [Rehearsal] 12. Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel - [Rehearsal] 13. Can't Help Falling In Love - [Rehearsal] 14. Green, Green Grass Of Home - [Takes 2-3] 15. Susan When She Tried - [Takes 1-2] 16. And I Love You So - [Take 1] 17. Bringing It Back - [Takes 2-3] 18. T-R-O-U-B-L-E - [Take 1] 19. Shake A Hand - [Take 2]- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 9

Elvis Presley In Concert: Aloha From Hawaii: January 14, 1973
Songs are: * Also Sprach Zarathrusta * See See Rider * Burning Love * Something * You Gave...
published: 19 Feb 2012
author: AutoslaapExpress
Elvis Presley In Concert: Aloha From Hawaii: January 14, 1973
Elvis Presley In Concert: Aloha From Hawaii: January 14, 1973
Songs are: * Also Sprach Zarathrusta * See See Rider * Burning Love * Something * You Gave Me A Mountain * Steamroller Blues * My Way * Love Me * Johnny B. G...- published: 19 Feb 2012
- views: 2021558
- author: AutoslaapExpress

There is no question Elvis Pre...
published: 13 Sep 2013
ELVIS PRESLEY GOSPEL CLASSICS HIS HEART WAS GOSPEL MUSIC There is no question Elvis Presley's favorite music was Gospel. He warmed up for story sessions with gospel songs, and when not on tour was repeatedly at his residence piano knocking out his favorite hymns. Elvis quite often sought-after to listen to Mahalia Jackson, the Queen of Gospel. During his celebrated career it was Gospel, and Gospel music alone, that earned him the coveted Grammy awards - 1967 winner 'Best Sacred Performance' for his "How Great Thou Art" album. In the 1970's Elvis Presley sang Gospel songs more and more in his concerts and had the "Imperials" and the "Sweet Inspirations" as well as "JD Sumner & the Stamps" as his Gospel backing group singers. Elvis also sometimes read passages from the Bible on stage during his concerts and insisted that audiences were respectfully quiet while "Sweet, Sweet Spirit" was sung by his backup group. In 1972 the gospel album "He Touched Me" is released to favorable reviews, and wins Elvis his 2nd Grammy Award. Elvis's live recording of "How Great Thou Art" in 1975 receives the Grammy for Best Inspirational Performance. Elvis was a Christian and many believed that Elvis knew he was called by God to be an evangelist. In the last year of his life he sang more Gospel songs on stage, and was even known to read from the Bible on stage. Predominantly, Elvis took gratification in listening to gospel. Elvis passionately believed that there was nothing as powerful or touching than the commendable gospel music. When traveling he would carry around a case of a hundred or so albums-most of them were gospel music. Listening to his preferred gospel music was a means for Elvis to get in touch with his bloodline; he frequently used this music for giving praise to the Lord when feeling modest and grateful, which he constantly did. The Word of God says to sing praise and lift your voice to Him. CHECK MY OTHER VIDEO'S THANKS- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 205

Elvis Presley '68 Comeback Special (Full Album)
1. Trouble
2. Guitar Man
3. Lawdy Miss Clawdy
4. Baby What You Want Me to Do
5. Heartbreak...
published: 16 Aug 2013
Elvis Presley '68 Comeback Special (Full Album)
Elvis Presley '68 Comeback Special (Full Album)
1. Trouble 2. Guitar Man 3. Lawdy Miss Clawdy 4. Baby What You Want Me to Do 5. Heartbreak Hotel 6. Hound Dog 7. All Shook Up 8. Can't Help Falling in Love 9. Jailhouse Rock 10. Don't Be Cruel 11. Love Me Tender 12. Gospel Medley: Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child / Where Could I Go But To The Lord / Up Above My Head / Saved 13. That's All Right 14. Tiger Man 15. Trying To Get To You 16. Baby What You Want Me to Do (Reprise) 17. One Nijht (With You) 18. Memories 19. Nothingsville 20. Guitar Man (Reprise) 21. Let Yourself Go 22. Guitar Man (Reprise) 23. Big Boss Man 24. It Hurts Me 25. Guitar Man (Reprise) 26. Little Egypt 27. Trouble (Reprise) 28. Guitar Man (Reprise) 29. If I Can Dream 30. Closing Credits- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 43

Elvis Presley Unchained Melody 1977
Such a great performance. Little did Elvis know, this would be the very last concert reco...
published: 17 Jun 2013
Elvis Presley Unchained Melody 1977
Elvis Presley Unchained Melody 1977
Such a great performance. Little did Elvis know, this would be the very last concert recorded on video, from "Elvis In Concert". Even to the end, he gave it all his heart. He is obviously sick, but still sings so good. Here Elvis played the piano and sung Unchained Melody, giving it all his heart, for his lovely and devoted fans. Oh, My love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch A long, lonely time. Time goes by So slowly, And time can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love. I need love. Godspeed your love, to me. Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea. To the open arms, Of the sea. Lonely rivers cry "Wait for me, Wait for me" I'll be coming home, Wait for me. My love, my darling, I've hungered for your kiss, a long, lonely time. Time goes by So slowly, and time can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love. I need your love. Godspeed your love, to me. I do not own this video or movie. There is no copyright infringement intended. I uploaded this for entertainment, and I'm not making a profit from this video.- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 220399

Elvis Aaron Presleynota 1 (8 de enero de 1935 - 16 de agosto de 1977) fue uno de los canta...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Elvis Aaron Presleynota 1 (8 de enero de 1935 - 16 de agosto de 1977) fue uno de los cantantes estadounidenses más populares del siglo XX, considerado como un icono cultural y conocido ampliamente bajo su nombre de pila, Elvis. Se hace referencia a él frecuentemente como «el Rey del rock and roll» o simplemente «el Rey». Nació en Tupelo, Misisipi, pero cuando tenía 13 años se mudó junto a su familia a Memphis, Tennessee donde, en 1954, comenzó su carrera artística cuando Sam Phillips, el dueño de Sun Records, vio en él la manera de expandir la música afroamericana. Acompañado por el guitarrista Scotty Moore y el contrabajista Bill Black, fue uno de los creadores del rockabilly, un estilo de tempo rápido impulsado por un constante ritmo que consiste en una fusión de música country y rhythm and blues. Tras llegar a un acuerdo con el que fue su apoderado durante casi dos décadas, el coronel Tom Parker, la compañía discográfica RCA Records consiguió un contrato para difundir su música. El primer sencillo con esta empresa, «Heartbreak Hotel», publicado en enero de 1956, se convirtió en un éxito número uno. Pronto, tras sus apariciones en los medios, se convirtió en la figura principal del popular sonido del rock and roll, con una serie de presentaciones televisivas y éxitos que llegaron a la cima de las listas de ventas. Sus interpretaciones llenas de energía, sobre todo de canciones afroamericanas y su estilo desinhibido lo hicieron enormemente popular y controvertido. Meses después, en noviembre de ese mismo año, llevó a cabo su debut cinematográfico con la película Love Me Tender. Reclutado para el servicio militar en 1958, reanudó su carrera artística dos años más tarde, llegando parte de su material a alcanzar mayor éxito comercial desde entonces. Dio pocos conciertos, sin embargo, en la década de los 60, guiado por Parker, procedió a dedicarse a filmar películas para Hollywood y bandas sonoras, muchas de ellas ridiculizadas por la crítica. En 1968, tras siete años alejado de los escenarios, volvió a realizar presentaciones en directo en un especial de televisión que dio lugar a una amplia serie de conciertos en Las Vegas y también a varias giras musicales. En 1973, protagonizó el primer concierto teletransmitido, de ámbito mundial vía satélite,5 6 7 8 Aloha from Hawaii, visto aproximadamente por 1.500 millones de personas. Finalmente, el consumo excesivo de medicamentos prescritos comprometió gravemente su salud, hasta que en 1977 murió súbitamente a la edad de 42 años. Presley es considerado como una de las figuras más importantes de la cultura popular del siglo XX. Tenía una voz versátil y un inusual éxito en muchos géneros, entre ellos el country, el pop, las baladas, el gospel y el blues. Asimismo, se trata del solista con más ventas en la historia de la música popular.9 10 11 12 Nominado a 14 premios Grammy, ganó tres y recibió uno en la categoría a la carrera artística a la edad de 36 años, además de figurar en diversos salones de la fama musicales. mix of great figurires of romantic music- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 18

Elvis: The Mini Series (Complete Movie)
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: Mickster Moran
Elvis: The Mini Series (Complete Movie)

Andy Kaufman Does Elvis
Andy Kaufman's first "Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" appearance where he performs as...
published: 06 Feb 2011
author: johnnycarson
Andy Kaufman Does Elvis
Andy Kaufman Does Elvis
Andy Kaufman's first "Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" appearance where he performs as Elvis Presley in 1977.- published: 06 Feb 2011
- views: 600861
- author: johnnycarson
Youtube results:

Elvis on Tour Recording Session and Rehearsal 1972
This footage includes Johnny B Goode, Separate Ways, Proud Mary, Burning Love and Big Hunk...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: jennytmaher
Elvis on Tour Recording Session and Rehearsal 1972
Elvis on Tour Recording Session and Rehearsal 1972
This footage includes Johnny B Goode, Separate Ways, Proud Mary, Burning Love and Big Hunk'a Love. Excellent quality. Enjoy.- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 1960
- author: jennytmaher

PRISCILLA and LISA MARIE Discuss ELVIS on TODAY, Elvis Week, 2012
In their first interview together from Graceland, , Elvis' former wife, Priscilla Presley ...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: CBSEye
PRISCILLA and LISA MARIE Discuss ELVIS on TODAY, Elvis Week, 2012
PRISCILLA and LISA MARIE Discuss ELVIS on TODAY, Elvis Week, 2012
In their first interview together from Graceland, , Elvis' former wife, Priscilla Presley and daughter, Lisa Marie Presley discuss the long lasting power of ...- published: 16 Sep 2012
- views: 75948
- author: CBSEye

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (Music Video)
Get First Page Rankings, Locally, For Your Business. SEO service. http://www.SpireFiveSeo....
published: 27 Dec 2007
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (Music Video)
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (Music Video)
Get First Page Rankings, Locally, For Your Business. SEO service. http://www.SpireFiveSeo.co.uk- published: 27 Dec 2007
- views: 10488522