Lloyd Blankfein's Advice to Summer Interns: Goldman Sachs Summer Internship Program 2013
Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, offers advice to summer interns during...
published: 10 Oct 2013
Lloyd Blankfein's Advice to Summer Interns: Goldman Sachs Summer Internship Program 2013
Lloyd Blankfein's Advice to Summer Interns: Goldman Sachs Summer Internship Program 2013
Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, offers advice to summer interns during an interview with Edith Cooper, global head of Human Capital Management. The conversation was filmed during the final week of the 2013 Summer Internship program.- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 2459
Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril (Documentary)
Money and finance documentary on Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril. ne of the most powerful f...
published: 08 May 2013
author: MoneyAndFinance
Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril (Documentary)
Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril (Documentary)
Money and finance documentary on Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril. ne of the most powerful firms on Wall Street. It goes behind the scenes and explores its his...- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 1470
- author: MoneyAndFinance
ex Goldman Sachs Trader Tells Truth about Trading - Part 1
On February 7th 2013, the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Managements Managing Partner ...
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: InstituteofTrading
ex Goldman Sachs Trader Tells Truth about Trading - Part 1
ex Goldman Sachs Trader Tells Truth about Trading - Part 1
On February 7th 2013, the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Managements Managing Partner Anton Kreil was interviewed at Cass Business School by students of ...- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 119710
- author: InstituteofTrading
Wer regiert die Welt - Die Lobbyisten und Goldman Sachs
Wer regiert die Welt - Die Lobbyisten und Goldman Sachs Diese Doku spricht überraschend of...
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: MrSillyline
Wer regiert die Welt - Die Lobbyisten und Goldman Sachs
Wer regiert die Welt - Die Lobbyisten und Goldman Sachs
Wer regiert die Welt - Die Lobbyisten und Goldman Sachs Diese Doku spricht überraschend offen über die Beeinflussung der Politik und der Finanzmärkte durch L...- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 1656
- author: MrSillyline
Weltenführer Goldman Sachs! Michael Vogt am Top Info Forum3 4.März.2012
Michael Freidrich Vogt über den Weltentäter Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs ist keine gewöhnl...
published: 07 Nov 2013
Weltenführer Goldman Sachs! Michael Vogt am Top Info Forum3 4.März.2012
Weltenführer Goldman Sachs! Michael Vogt am Top Info Forum3 4.März.2012
Michael Freidrich Vogt über den Weltentäter Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs ist keine gewöhnliche Bank mit Filialen an jeder Straßenecke. Weder Giro- noch Sparkonten werden verwaltet. Nur große Institute werden beraten -- und oft genug abgezockt. Wie in der absolut sehenswerten Dokumentation, die vom ORF im Rahmen der Sendereihe „€co-Spezial" kürzlich ausgestrahlt wurde, erwähnt wird, sind es auch Staaten, die zu Goldman Sachs' Kunden zählen. Von Griechenland wissen wir dies schon lange. Genannt werden aber auch die USA, Russland und China. Die Informationen kommen geballt. 30.000 Mitarbeiter machen nichts anderes, als unzählige Milliarden zu bewegen. Das Einzige, was zählt, ist Profit. Als am 11. September 2001 von den Fenstern des Goldman-Sachs-Gebäudes in New York aus der Einsturz des World Trade Centers live beobachtet werden konnte, wurde keine Arbeitspause eingelegt. Denn gerade zu solchen Stunden lassen sich besonders hohe Gewinne erspekulieren. Hier die ganze Doku: Goldman Sachs - die Bank, die die Welt dirigiert(720p).mp4 (485.6 MB) http://goo.gl/I9QQVj- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 172
Why I Left Goldman Sachs: Greg Smith on Business Ethics & the Financial Services Company (2013)
In his March 2012 resignation letter, printed as an op-ed in The New York Times, the forme...
published: 07 Oct 2013
Why I Left Goldman Sachs: Greg Smith on Business Ethics & the Financial Services Company (2013)
Why I Left Goldman Sachs: Greg Smith on Business Ethics & the Financial Services Company (2013)
In his March 2012 resignation letter, printed as an op-ed in The New York Times, the former head of Goldman Sachs US equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) attacked the company's CEO and president for losing the company's culture, which he described as "the secret sauce that made this place great and allowed us to earn our clients' trust for 143 years". Smith said that advising clients "to do what I believe is right for them" was becoming increasingly unpopular. Instead there was a "toxic and destructive" environment in which "the interests of the client continue to be sidelined", senior management described clients as "muppets" and colleagues callously talked about "ripping their clients off". In reply, Goldman Sachs said that "we will only be successful if our clients are successful", claiming "this fundamental truth lies at the heart of how we conduct ourselves" and that "we don't think [Smith's comments] reflect the way we run our business." Later that year, Smith published a book titled Why I left Goldman Sachs. Goldman is being criticized for its involvement in the 2010 European sovereign debt crisis. Goldman Sachs is reported to have systematically helped the Greek government mask the true facts concerning its national debt between the years 1998 and 2009.[91] In September 2009, Goldman Sachs, among others, created a special credit default swap (CDS) index to cover the high risk of Greece's national debt.[92] The interest-rates of Greek national bonds have soared to a very high level, leading the Greek economy very close to bankruptcy in March and May 2010 and again in June 2011.[93] Lucas Papademos, Greece's former prime minister, ran the Central Bank of Greece at the time of the controversial derivates deals with Goldman Sachs that enabled Greece to hide the size of its debt.[94] Petros Christodoulou, General Manager of the Public Debt Management Agency of Greece is a former employee of Goldman Sachs.[94] Mario Monti, Italy's former prime minister and finance minister, who headed the new government that took over after Berlusconi's resignation, is an international adviser to Goldman Sachs.[94] So is Otmar Issing, former board member of the Bundesbank and the Executive Board of the European Bank.[94] Mario Draghi, the new head of the European Central Bank, is the former managing director of Goldman Sachs International.[94] António Borges, Head of the European Department of the International Monetary Fund in 2010-2011 and responsible for most of enterprise privatizations in Portugal since 2011, is the former Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs International.[94] Carlos Moedas, a former Goldman Sachs employee, is the current Secretary of State to the Prime Minister of Portugal and Director of ESAME, the agency created to monitor and control the implementation of the structural reforms agreed by the governent of Portugal and the troika composed of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Peter Sutherland, former Attorney General of Ireland is a non-executive director of Goldman Sachs International. These ties between Goldman Sachs and European leaders are an ongoing source of controversy.[94] The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American multinational investment banking firm that engages in global investment banking, securities, investment management, and other financial services primarily with institutional clients. Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 and is headquartered at 200 West Street in the Lower Manhattan area of New York City, with additional offices in international financial centers. The firm provides mergers and acquisitions advice, underwriting services, asset management, and prime brokerage to its clients, which include corporations, governments and individuals. The firm also engages in market making and private equity deals, and is a primary dealer in the United States Treasury security market. It is recognized as one of the premier investment banks in the world,[3][4] but has sparked a great deal of controversy over its alleged improper practices, especially since the 2007--2012 global financial crisis. Former Goldman executives who moved on to government positions include: Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson who served as United States Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, respectively; Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank; Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada 2008--13 and Governor of the Bank of England from July 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Smith_(businessman)- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 179
The Exchange: Greg Smith on Leaving Goldman Sachs
Greg Smith, author of "Why I Left Goldman Sachs," joins Rob Cox to discuss his contention ...
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: ReutersVideo
The Exchange: Greg Smith on Leaving Goldman Sachs
The Exchange: Greg Smith on Leaving Goldman Sachs
Greg Smith, author of "Why I Left Goldman Sachs," joins Rob Cox to discuss his contention that the firm's shift away from serving clients inspired his public...- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 12272
- author: ReutersVideo
How Does Goldman Sachs Make Its Profits? (Part 1)
PBS NewsHour Correspondent Paul Solman explores the secretive inner workings of Goldman Sa...
published: 12 Feb 2010
author: PBS NewsHour
How Does Goldman Sachs Make Its Profits? (Part 1)
How Does Goldman Sachs Make Its Profits? (Part 1)
PBS NewsHour Correspondent Paul Solman explores the secretive inner workings of Goldman Sachs. For more, visit http://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/makingsense.- published: 12 Feb 2010
- views: 146054
- author: PBS NewsHour
Goldman Sachs - Les nouveaux maîtres du monde
published: 21 Jan 2012
author: Minuit Moins Une
Goldman Sachs - Les nouveaux maîtres du monde
Goldman Sachs - Les nouveaux maîtres du monde
http://minuit-1.blogspot.com/2011/06/la-crise-globale-et-systemique-t-elle.html.- published: 21 Jan 2012
- views: 13689
- author: Minuit Moins Une
True Greed: Goldman Sachs - Arte-Dokumentation
Eine recht solide Doku von Arte Frankreich, die einen guten Eindruck vermittelt, womit man...
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: Johannes Löw
True Greed: Goldman Sachs - Arte-Dokumentation
True Greed: Goldman Sachs - Arte-Dokumentation
Eine recht solide Doku von Arte Frankreich, die einen guten Eindruck vermittelt, womit man es bei der "Krake" zu tun hat. http://elynitthria.net/- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 34031
- author: Johannes Löw
Το κουτί της πανδώρας Goldman Sachs
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: mykoniato2
Το κουτί της πανδώρας Goldman Sachs
I want to work at Goldman Sachs
A typical student who wants to get a job at Goldman Sachs....
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: Lloyd Blankfein
I want to work at Goldman Sachs
I want to work at Goldman Sachs
A typical student who wants to get a job at Goldman Sachs.- published: 11 Jan 2011
- views: 382393
- author: Lloyd Blankfein
How Goldman Sachs Robbed You Of Five Billion Dollars
"The U.S. Department of Justice has started a preliminary probe into the metals warehousin...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: The Young Turks
How Goldman Sachs Robbed You Of Five Billion Dollars
How Goldman Sachs Robbed You Of Five Billion Dollars
"The U.S. Department of Justice has started a preliminary probe into the metals warehousing industry following complaints that storage firms owned by Wall St...- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 72972
- author: The Young Turks
Vimeo results:
Goldman Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt
Seit fünf Jahren steht die amerikanische Investmentbank Goldman Sachs für sämtliche Exzess...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: Fred Kaier
Goldman Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt
Seit fünf Jahren steht die amerikanische Investmentbank Goldman Sachs für sämtliche Exzesse und Entgleisungen der Finanzspekulation. Durch hochspekulative Geschäfte mit der Zahlungsunfähigkeit der amerikanischen Privathaushalte konnte sich die Bank an der aktuellen Finanzkrise bereichern und wurde dank ihrer politischen Verbindungen selbst vor dem Bankrott bewahrt. Als die amerikanische Krise über den Atlantik nach Europa schwappte, wurde Goldman Sachs zu einem der Protagonisten der Euro-Krise: Die Bank soll gegen die europäische Einheitswährung spekuliert und die griechische Staatsschuldenbilanz mit Hilfe komplexer und undurchsichtiger Währungsgeschäfte geschönt haben. Als die europäischen Regierungen nacheinander dem Zorn der Wähler zum Opfer fielen, nutzte Goldman Sachs die Gunst der Stunde, um ihr komplexes Einflussgeflecht auf den alten Kontinent auszuweiten. Goldman Sachs ist mehr als eine Bank. Sie ist ein unsichtbares Imperium, dessen Vermögen mit 700 Milliarden Euro das Budget des französischen Staates um das Zweifache übersteigt. Sie ist ein Finanzimperium auf der Sonnenseite, das die Welt mit seinen wilden Spekulationen und seiner Profitgier in ein riesiges Kasino verwandelt hat. Mit weltweit einzigartigen Verflechtungen und einem Heer aus 30.000 Bankern konnte Goldman Sachs auch in den letzten fünf Krisenjahren kräftige Gewinne einstreichen, seine Finanzkraft weiter ausbauen, seinen Einfluss auf die Regierungen stärken und sich vonseiten der amerikanischen und europäischen Justiz völlige Straffreiheit zusichern. Das Geschäftsgebaren der Bank ist überaus diskret. Ihr Einfluss reicht weit in den Alltag der Bürger hinein - vom Facebook-Börsengang über die Ernennung des Präsidenten der Europäischen Zentralbank bis hin zum Lobbying gegen die Regulierung des Finanzsektors. Der Arm der Bank ist lang, und sie befindet sich stets auf der Gewinnerseite.
Goldman Sachs O' Beat - Mr. Saxobeat spoof
Original song:
Goldman Sachs o' Beat - Mr. Saxobeat spoof - ORIGINAL
published: 05 Dec 2011
author: alessandropivetti
Goldman Sachs O' Beat - Mr. Saxobeat spoof
Original song:
Goldman Sachs o' Beat - Mr. Saxobeat spoof - ORIGINAL
GOLDMAN SACHS - O BANCO QUE DIRIGE O MUNDO / La Banque qui Dirige le Monde (2012)
"O Banco de investimento criado em Nova Iorque em 1868 conseguiu o seu sucesso e a sua rep...
published: 16 Dec 2012
author: fimda estrada
GOLDMAN SACHS - O BANCO QUE DIRIGE O MUNDO / La Banque qui Dirige le Monde (2012)
"O Banco de investimento criado em Nova Iorque em 1868 conseguiu o seu sucesso e a sua reputação à base do silêncio a toda a prova. Goldman Sachs foi a instituição bancária que correu mundo a trabalhar em segredo. Mas hoje Goldman Sachs é acusada de ter ajudado os países como a Grécia a incobrir o seu déficit.
Um documentário que nos leva de Nova Iorque a Atenas, com paragens em Londres, Paris e Bruxelas."
"Tudo que o homem não conhece não existe para ele. Por isso o mundo tem, para cada um, o tamanho que abrange o seu conhecimento."
(Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche)
"Um povo ignorante é um instrumento cego da sua própria destruição."
(Simón Bolivar)
Goldman Sachs: Inside Kiip w/ Brian Wong
Goldman Sachs investigates how Kiip began as a Mobile Rewards company. Where is Kiip going...
published: 14 Nov 2013
author: kiip
Goldman Sachs: Inside Kiip w/ Brian Wong
Goldman Sachs investigates how Kiip began as a Mobile Rewards company. Where is Kiip going? What challenges exist in the industry?
Youtube results:
Working at Goldman Sachs
See how a career at Goldman Sachs offers greater opportunities to contribute, collaborate ...
published: 02 Oct 2013
Working at Goldman Sachs
Working at Goldman Sachs
See how a career at Goldman Sachs offers greater opportunities to contribute, collaborate and make an impact.- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 14
Senate Hearing: Lloyd Blankfein vs. Sen. Levin ; Goldman Sachs
Americans have learned a lot in recent years about how our largest financial institutions ...
published: 31 May 2011
author: R. E. Heubel
Senate Hearing: Lloyd Blankfein vs. Sen. Levin ; Goldman Sachs
Senate Hearing: Lloyd Blankfein vs. Sen. Levin ; Goldman Sachs
Americans have learned a lot in recent years about how our largest financial institutions make their money. But few would have imagined that a million and a ...- published: 31 May 2011
- views: 74869
- author: R. E. Heubel
Inside Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs had a controversial role in the global financial meltdown rarely goes public...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Inside Goldman Sachs
Inside Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs had a controversial role in the global financial meltdown rarely goes public with its views, but in an exclusive interview with our Economics Editor Faisal Islam it's opening up. .Sign up for Snowmail, your daily preview of what is on Channel 4 News, sent straight to your inbox, here: http://mailing.channel4.com/public/snowmail/remotebox.jsp Missed Channel 4 News? Catch up on the last seven days here: http://www.channel4.com/news/catch-up/ Channel 4 News weather forecast, with Liam Dutton: http://www.channel4.com/weather/ All the latest blog posts from the Channel 4 News on-screen talent: http://blogs.channel4.com/news/- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 301
Goldman Sachs Abacus SCDO
A review of the Goldman Sachs Abacus SCDO transaction. Study notes: 1. it's a "synthetic C...
published: 16 Jun 2010
author: bionicturtledotcom
Goldman Sachs Abacus SCDO
Goldman Sachs Abacus SCDO
A review of the Goldman Sachs Abacus SCDO transaction. Study notes: 1. it's a "synthetic CDO" b/c the SPV writes CDS to Paulson (instead of buying mortgages ...- published: 16 Jun 2010
- views: 7709
- author: bionicturtledotcom