Argentina's Economy
Currently the Chairman and CEO of DFC Associates, a consultancy firm, Mr. Cavallo was Arge...
published: 23 Feb 2012
author: YaleUniversity
Argentina's Economy
Argentina's Economy
Currently the Chairman and CEO of DFC Associates, a consultancy firm, Mr. Cavallo was Argentina's Minister of Economy from 1991 to 1996 and in 2001, and Mini...- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 3407
- author: YaleUniversity
Uncertain times for Argentina's economy
Argentina's peso stabilized Friday after plunging 14 percent over two days, helped by the ...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Uncertain times for Argentina's economy
Uncertain times for Argentina's economy
Argentina's peso stabilized Friday after plunging 14 percent over two days, helped by the government's removal of some exchange controls and the central bank's reported resumption of intervention. Duration: 02:48- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 314
Argentina's Economic Collapse (Memoria Del Saqueo 2004)
Documentary on the events that led to the economic collapse of Argentina in 2001 which wip...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: Prisotnoststeje
Argentina's Economic Collapse (Memoria Del Saqueo 2004)
Argentina's Economic Collapse (Memoria Del Saqueo 2004)
Documentary on the events that led to the economic collapse of Argentina in 2001 which wiped out the middle class and raised the level of poverty to 57.5%. C...- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 9445
- author: Prisotnoststeje
Americans Need To Start Studying Economic Collapse In Argentina!!!
Since its spectacular economic collapse a decade ago, Argentina has enjoyed years of havin...
published: 28 Mar 2013
author: MoneyBags73
Americans Need To Start Studying Economic Collapse In Argentina!!!
Americans Need To Start Studying Economic Collapse In Argentina!!!
Since its spectacular economic collapse a decade ago, Argentina has enjoyed years of having one of the world's highest growth rates. Yet that rapid expansion...- published: 28 Mar 2013
- views: 1689
- author: MoneyBags73
Wall Street, the International Monetary Fund, and the Bankrupting of Argentina (2005)
The Argentine economic crisis (1999--2002) was a major downturn in Argentina's economy. It...
published: 04 Aug 2013
author: The Film Archives
Wall Street, the International Monetary Fund, and the Bankrupting of Argentina (2005)
Wall Street, the International Monetary Fund, and the Bankrupting of Argentina (2005)
The Argentine economic crisis (1999--2002) was a major downturn in Argentina's economy. It began in 1999 with a decrease of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)...- published: 04 Aug 2013
- views: 308
- author: The Film Archives
How Argentina's economy bounced back
Greece is looking for a financial way forward as it's PM visits Germany. One country that ...
published: 27 Sep 2011
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
How Argentina's economy bounced back
How Argentina's economy bounced back
Greece is looking for a financial way forward as it's PM visits Germany. One country that has been through it all before is Argentina. The South American cou...- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 4272
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Argentina's Economic Growth and Recovery: The Economy in a Time of Default | The New School
Study non-profit management, urban and environmental policy, human resources, and internat...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: thenewschoolnyc
Argentina's Economic Growth and Recovery: The Economy in a Time of Default | The New School
Argentina's Economic Growth and Recovery: The Economy in a Time of Default | The New School
Study non-profit management, urban and environmental policy, human resources, and international affairs at the Milano School, a part of The New School in New...- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 944
- author: thenewschoolnyc
From bust to boom, Argentina's 10 year rise
Ten years have gone by since Argentina's economic crisis, forcing Argentinians to take cha...
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: AFP
From bust to boom, Argentina's 10 year rise
From bust to boom, Argentina's 10 year rise
Ten years have gone by since Argentina's economic crisis, forcing Argentinians to take charge of their own financial fate. Today, things are looking up -- a ...- published: 19 Dec 2011
- views: 2377
- author: AFP
Argentina economic crisis documentary
A story regarding important issues during the Argentine economic catastrophe such as dislo...
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: CwnEconomy
Argentina economic crisis documentary
Argentina economic crisis documentary
A story regarding important issues during the Argentine economic catastrophe such as dislocation of people, destruction of their dreams and their efforts to ...- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 8114
- author: CwnEconomy
Argentina's Economic Uncertainty (Dispatch)
Stratfor Latin America analyst Karen Hooper examines the effects of Argentine President Cr...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: STRATFORvideo
Argentina's Economic Uncertainty (Dispatch)
Argentina's Economic Uncertainty (Dispatch)
Stratfor Latin America analyst Karen Hooper examines the effects of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's policies designed to prevent further...- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 1687
- author: STRATFORvideo
Real estate crisis threatens Argentine economy
Argentina´s history of economic ups and downs -including harsh years of hyperinflation in ...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: AllDunyaNews
Real estate crisis threatens Argentine economy
Real estate crisis threatens Argentine economy
Argentina´s history of economic ups and downs -including harsh years of hyperinflation in the 80´s and a massive debt default in 2002, has turned US dollar a...- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 967
- author: AllDunyaNews
Juan J. Cruces on Argentina's Economy
Anchor Phillip Yin speaks with Juan J. Cruces of Torcuato di Tella University on current c...
published: 25 May 2013
author: BizAsiaAmerica
Juan J. Cruces on Argentina's Economy
Juan J. Cruces on Argentina's Economy
Anchor Phillip Yin speaks with Juan J. Cruces of Torcuato di Tella University on current challenges facing the Argentinian economy under President Kirchner.- published: 25 May 2013
- views: 63
- author: BizAsiaAmerica
Argentina: In the Shadow of the IMF
CONTINUE WATCHING: http://ur1.ca/cwxmj TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.co...
published: 26 Feb 2013
author: corbettreport
Argentina: In the Shadow of the IMF
Argentina: In the Shadow of the IMF
CONTINUE WATCHING: http://ur1.ca/cwxmj TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6970 It's funny how quickly perceptions can change on the glob...- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 5885
- author: corbettreport
Economic Collapse in Argentina - Part 1 - Urban
In 2001 the Argentine economy collapsed under the strain of foreign debt and an unsustaina...
published: 22 Jan 2012
author: Albert Clack
Economic Collapse in Argentina - Part 1 - Urban
Economic Collapse in Argentina - Part 1 - Urban
In 2001 the Argentine economy collapsed under the strain of foreign debt and an unsustainable exchange rate. Watch my other Argentina documentaries: http://w...- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 3448
- author: Albert Clack
Vimeo results:
Create the New Economy
Create the New Economy. Give to our campaign to grow. TWW is proud to launch our campaign ...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: The Working World
Create the New Economy
Create the New Economy. Give to our campaign to grow. TWW is proud to launch our campaign to save jobs and bring a new era of finance, with a goal of raising $20,000 before the end of the year to make that happen. Since 2005, we have helped workers from hundreds of factories across Argentina, Nicaragua and the United States to fight for their jobs by investing directly in the workers themselves to own their businesses. Help us take our model of finance from abroad and bring it to scale here in the United States. Visit our website at www.theworkingworld.org to join our campaign to save jobs by helping those most invested in keeping them--the workers themselves.
When Bersuit Bergarabat led Gustavo Cordera, the most important rock band of Argentina and...
published: 08 Feb 2010
author: cristianpeirone
When Bersuit Bergarabat led Gustavo Cordera, the most important rock band of Argentina and Latin America, sold in the shops its fourth album, "Debauchery" or "Libertinaje" (in spanish), not assumed that one of the songs you would bring big problems.
The compact was produced by Gustavo Santaolalla and finished recording in LA, USA.
The group rock, tango, rap and folk while his lyrics are heard on high Protests against power, injustice and government systems not only in Argentina but in Latin America.
Precisely, one of which is "Señor Cobranza" which features the lyrics very committed, strong, where talking about government and its controversial social dealings, drug trafficking and its relationship to power, the internal political and reach into people's pocket.
Rap is a very hard covered former Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo and President Carlos Menem, in that song are accused of drug traffickers and corrupt
Hombre Sur / South Man - TRAILER 3 min.
Sinopsis Español - English
Serie documental dirigida por Ignacio Busquier
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: ignacio busquier
Hombre Sur / South Man - TRAILER 3 min.
Sinopsis Español - English
Serie documental dirigida por Ignacio Busquier
HOMBRE SUR es una serie documental que a primera vista sigue la rutina de diferentes trabajadores en Santa Cruz (Patagonia Argentina), pero detrás de cada historia se develan hombres que dia a dia se debaten con un clima hostil, trabajos de riesgo, la soledad, el compañerismo, y siempre como rasgo comun: una silenciosa atraccion por la patagonia.
La serie consiste en cuatro capitulos:
• Capítulo 1: En el Campo
Elvio Sepúlveda, de profesión mercachifle, recorre estancias de la provincia con un camión abasteciendo a peones y paisanos de productos basicos que escasean campo adentro. Su figura siempre es bien recibida, trae consigo mucho mas que una venta.
• Capítulo 2: En el Puerto
Miguel Irigoyen es capitan de una lancha que guia barcos a puerto y Agustin Nahuel es estibador. Ambos viven en Puerto Deseado y se dedican a dos actividaddes ligadas al puerto. La sacrificada dedicacion al trabajo, el riesgo y el arraigo a su ciudad son algunos de los factores a los que se enfrentan todos los dias en Puerto Deseado, una ciudad cuya identidad y economia es su puerto y la pesca.
• Capítulo 3: En la mina
Dos generaciones de mineros se cruzan en este capítulo para contar la rutina de trabajo en la mina y reflexionar sobre las coincidencias entre los mas jovenes y los mas antiguos.
• Capítulo 4: En la Costa
Pacheco y Flor son un matrimonio de pescadores artesanles que se enfrentan dia a dia a las inclemencias del tiempo. Desde su rancho en Punta Loyola deben enfrentarse con pasiencia y espera, al viento incansable que no perdona.
HOMBRE SUR (South man)
Directed by Ignacio Busquier
HOMBRE SUR (South man) is a documentary series that, at first look, follows the routine of several laborers in Santa Cruz (Argentina’s Patagonia region), but underlying each story, there are men who daily struggle with a hostile climate, risky tasks, loneliness, and companionship; they all share as a common feature being silently attracted to the Patagonia.
The series consists of four episodes:
• Episode 1: In the Countryside
Elvio Sepúlveda, hawker by trade, goes around the province’s ranches with his truck supplying laborers and fellow countrymen with basic products that are scarce in the distant countryside. He is always welcome, since he always brings with him much more than goods to sell.
Episode 2: At the harbor
Miguel Irigoyen is the captain of a motorboat guiding ships to the harbor, and Agustin Nahuel is a stevedore. Both of them live in Puerto Deseado and do jobs related to the harbor. Their self-sacrificing devotion to their jobs, the risks they take, and being deeply-rooted in their city are some of the factors they deal with on a daily basis in Puerto Deseado, a city whose identity and economy are based on the harbor and on fishing.
• Episode 3: In the mine
Two generations of miners cross paths in this episode to tell us about their work routine in the mine and to reflect on the coincidencies between the younger and the more senior ones.
• Episode 4: At the Coast
Pacheco and Flor are a married couple of traditional fishers who daily face the inclement weather. At their hut in Punta Loyola they must struggle patiently with the unforgiving, relentless wind.
Ficha Técnica
Dirección y Guión Ignacio Busquier
Producción Ignacio Busquier / Laura Ortíz de Zárate
Director de Fotografía Fernando Marticorena
Música Tino Moroder
Dirección de Producción Nuria Arnaud
Jefa de Producción Rodaje Daniela Barresi
Sonido Directo Julián Carando
Cámara 1 Fernando Marticorena
Cámara 2 Ignacio Busquier
Asistente de Cámara Cesar Ceguezzo
Vehículo de filmación / Chofer Jorge Prado
Edición Ignacio Busquier
Colorista / On Line Rodrigo Silvestri
Post Producción de Sonido Adam Sosinski y Nicolás Valiente
Afiche y Arte Gráfica Martín Barberia
MERCANO EL MARCIANO (Juan Antin, 2002)
(aka Mercano the Martian)
Dir: Juan Antin, 2002.
73 min. Argentina.
published: 30 May 2013
author: Spectacle Theater
MERCANO EL MARCIANO (Juan Antin, 2002)
(aka Mercano the Martian)
Dir: Juan Antin, 2002.
73 min. Argentina.
In Spanish with English subtitles.
In this often rude, adult-oriented, breathlessly-paced animated film, after a space-probe from Earth squashes his “dog,” angry alien Mercano flies his saucer to Earth—only to find a place so dysfunctional and illogical that it would give Mr. Spock a nervous breakdown!
The film is a twist on the “fish out of water” and “Martian Invasion” tropes, and uses the spaceman’s naiveté of our greedy and malevolent ways to drive the humor. Stranded in Buenos Aires, the sad and lonely Martian (who looks like a cross between a skinny Charlie Brown and a pickle) wanders through a city that has been devastated by poverty, violence and uncertainty, all the while chased by trigger-happy cops.
In an attempt to “phone home,” the extraterrestrial steals a laptop computer, but instead winds up befriending a Star Trek-obsessed teenager he meets on-line. Meanwhile, the kid’s yuppie-executive father is plotting total global consumer enslavement—and he intends to use Mercano’s outer space technology to get it.
The first independent Argentine full-length animated film in 30 years, MERCANO EL MARCIANO was originally created as a series of shorts for Argentina’s MTV. The film is certainly in a similar vein as South Park and Beavis & Butthead—but not just because of the outrageous gross-out humor, deliberately crude animation and propensity for musical numbers, but as a barbed and absurdist take on contemporary society.
Created while Argentina’s economy was melting down, the film has even greater resonance today with a global recession and nightmarish austerity measures forced down people’s throats ruining social services. “Now after ten years, the whole world started to collapsed and I am not surprised at all,” said director Juan Antin recently.
Featured in multiple international film festivals, MERCANO EL MARCIANO was the winner of the Audience Award at Spain’s Catalonian International Film Festival in 2002, as well as the Special Jury Mention at the Festival du Film d’Animation Annecy 2002 in France.
Trailer by Paul Baisley
124 S. 3rd St. @ Bedford
http://spectacletheater.com | facebook.com/spectacletheater | twitter.com/spectaclenyc | http://spectacletheater.tumblr.com
Youtube results:
Argentina's Financial Collapse -- Documentary -- FULL MOVIE
Argentina's Financial Collapse Documentary - FULL 2001....
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: peltecs
Argentina's Financial Collapse -- Documentary -- FULL MOVIE
Argentina's Financial Collapse -- Documentary -- FULL MOVIE
Argentina's Financial Collapse Documentary - FULL 2001.- published: 28 Jan 2011
- views: 56524
- author: peltecs
Argentina Economy Slows
Our correspondent from Buenos Aires Brian Byrnes informs us how Argentina's economy has be...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: BizAsiaAmerica
Argentina Economy Slows
Argentina Economy Slows
Our correspondent from Buenos Aires Brian Byrnes informs us how Argentina's economy has become anemic.- published: 16 Oct 2012
- views: 110
- author: BizAsiaAmerica
Inflation soars in Argentina
Argentines are being forced to find creative ways to deal with rampant inflation, which th...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: AFP
Inflation soars in Argentina
Inflation soars in Argentina
Argentines are being forced to find creative ways to deal with rampant inflation, which the govt puts at 10.8% but independent experts says is about 25%, nea...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 1092
- author: AFP
UK firms accused of trying to destabilize Argentina economy
The escalation of the economic crisis in Argentina has forced the government to take drast...
published: 06 Feb 2014
UK firms accused of trying to destabilize Argentina economy
UK firms accused of trying to destabilize Argentina economy
The escalation of the economic crisis in Argentina has forced the government to take drastic actions that had been rejected in the past, due to the impact they could have on the people. This time the Central Bank raised the interest rates by 3%. While the Argentine economy faces a complicated and serious agenda to solve, The problem is intensified by destabilizing moves of foreign firms, such as the British Oil Company Shell. Despite an economic crisis and attempts to destabilize the country, the Argentinean government is doing its best to protect the population.- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 47