Restrictions on e-cigs gather steam

E-cigarettes are battery-operated products that turn nicotine into a vapor that is inhaled by the user.
E-cigarettes are battery-operated products that turn nicotine into a vapor that is inhaled by the user. — AP

— A campaign to curb the use of electronic cigarettes is gaining steam throughout the county, especially in North County, where several cities have taken steps to extinguish the devices in public places.

Encinitas is the latest in the region to address the issue — the City Council asked its staff Wednesday to amend the city’s anti-smoking ordinance to include e-cigarettes.

Vista, Carlsbad and Poway have already banned the devices in places where smoking regular cigarettes is prohibited and the Solana Beach City Council asked its staff earlier this month to rework the city’s anti-smoking ordinance. The council must still vote on those changes.

Proponents of e-cigarettes say the battery-powered devices are a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes because users get nicotine without fire, ash and smoke. But opponents say little is known about the chemicals used in e-cigarettes and the devices can be a gateway to cigarette smoking for young people.

Health advocacy groups, including the North Coastal Prevention Coalition and the Vista Community Clinic’s Tobacco Control Programs, recently started asking cities to review their policies because of a spike in the number of teens using e-cigarettes.

“I think it’s great that local cities are seeing that there’s a health risk to youth and they are addressing it,” said Gena Knutson, tobacco control program manager of the Vista Community Clinic.

Those who use the devices say they help people quit smoking.

“These things are mainly an alternative to smoking,” said Gabe Wortman, who owns an e-cigarette store in Encinitas. “It’s another way to get nicotine, so that people don’t have to smoke. It’s a legal product sold to people of legal age.”

Still, some officials say they’re worried that the state and federal government haven’t done more to regulate the devices.

Oceanside councilman Jerry Kern said he doesn’t mind adults smoking e-cigarettes but was bothered when he started noticing kids using them. That is why he asked city staff, with the council’s approval in December, to look for ways the city could prevent kids from getting their hands on e-cigarettes.

State law already prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to anyone under 18, but there are indications that use among children is increasing.

According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, the number of middle and high school students in the United States who said they have tried e-cigarettes doubled from 4.7 percent in 2011 to 10 percent in 2012.

There are no federal regulations by the Food and Drug Administration for the use, marketing and age restrictions of e-cigarettes. That’s why health advocates say it’s especially important for cities to look at their own regulations.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors asked its staff to review the county’s policies on e-cigarettes and the Del Mar Fairgrounds board of directors is also exploring the possibility of banning e-cigarettes during the summer fair.

Three North County cities — Escondido, San Marcos and Del Mar — haven’t yet discussed e-cigarettes at the council level, but at least one of them is exploring the issue.

San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond said he asked city staff to gather information about e-cigarettes. But he added that he has not made up his mind about whether new regulations are necessary.

“We’re still gathering the facts about what these devices emit,” Desmond said.



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