
The Assault on East Prussia (complete documentary)
How three million Germans died after VE Day http://www.odfinfo.de/en/History/After-the-Rei...
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: OstpreussenTV
The Assault on East Prussia (complete documentary)
The Assault on East Prussia (complete documentary)
How three million Germans died after VE Day http://www.odfinfo.de/en/History/After-the-Reich.htm 'They raped every German female from eight to 80' http://www...- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 20174
- author: OstpreussenTV

Costume drama about 19th century East Prussia, ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Moteris ir keturi jos vyrai
published: 31 Dec 2013
Costume drama about 19th century East Prussia, ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Moteris ir keturi jos vyrai
Costume drama about 19th century East Prussia, ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Moteris ir keturi jos vyrai
[TO TURN THE ENGLISH SUBTITLES ON/OFF GO FULL SCREEN & PRESS CC] Psychological costume drama about the life in Kleinlitauen / Preußisch-Litauen region of the 19th century East Prussia. The script is based on Holger Drachmann's novel "Romance in the dunes". The director of this film was Algimantas Puipa. Starring: Woman - Jūratė Onaitytė Father - Antanas Šurna Elder - Vidas Petkevičius Junior - Saulius Balandis Sir Mauzehund - Povilas Gaidys Pastor - Valdemaras Jatautis Tramp - Kostas Smoriginas Policeman - Jonas Pakulis German woman - Olita Dautartaitė Pub keeper - Edvardas Kunavičius Judge - Algimantas Kundelis Bloody Louise - Janina Lapinskaitė Her escort - Vytautas Paukštė Prison's officer - Povilas Stankus Others: Vladas Baranauskas, Albinas Bataitis, Rytis Gustaitis, Daiva Stubraitė, Aleksas Burnickas, Edgaras Savickis, etc.- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 93

Germany 45 the other story - Part 1 - East Prussia
The fall of East Prussia 1945. The horror German Civilians had to undergo as the Red Army ...
published: 15 May 2010
author: germanycontroversial
Germany 45 the other story - Part 1 - East Prussia
Germany 45 the other story - Part 1 - East Prussia
The fall of East Prussia 1945. The horror German Civilians had to undergo as the Red Army attacked their land on their way to Berlin. Innocent civilians had ...- published: 15 May 2010
- views: 59131
- author: germanycontroversial

Petition for German Border Justice
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/german-border-justice/ PETITION FOR GERMAN BORDER JUSTI...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: WesternVoices8
Petition for German Border Justice
Petition for German Border Justice
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/german-border-justice/ PETITION FOR GERMAN BORDER JUSTICE In 1945 historic German Provinces of Pomerania, Silesia, East Pr...- published: 30 Aug 2012
- views: 2099
- author: WesternVoices8

'War of The Century' - in East Prussia
interviewed: Anna Seddig, East Prussian refugee; Fyodor Khropatiy, 27th army When the seco...
published: 13 Oct 2009
author: Trottellumme123
'War of The Century' - in East Prussia
'War of The Century' - in East Prussia
interviewed: Anna Seddig, East Prussian refugee; Fyodor Khropatiy, 27th army When the second world war came back to Germany it were above all unarmed civilia...- published: 13 Oct 2009
- views: 3924
- author: Trottellumme123

Germany 45 the other story - Part 2 - East Prussia 2.
The fall of East Prussia 1945. The horror German Civilians had to undergo as the Red Army ...
published: 07 Jun 2010
author: germanycontroversial
Germany 45 the other story - Part 2 - East Prussia 2.
Germany 45 the other story - Part 2 - East Prussia 2.
The fall of East Prussia 1945. The horror German Civilians had to undergo as the Red Army attacked their land on their way to Berlin.- published: 07 Jun 2010
- views: 21194
- author: germanycontroversial

WW2 The Battle for East Prussia. (1945)
Soviet chronicle. East Prussian operation (January 13-April 25, 1945) Фронтовой сборник "Ш...
published: 30 Aug 2011
author: yolkhere
WW2 The Battle for East Prussia. (1945)
WW2 The Battle for East Prussia. (1945)
Soviet chronicle. East Prussian operation (January 13-April 25, 1945) Фронтовой сборник "Штурм Кёнигсберга"- published: 30 Aug 2011
- views: 39144
- author: yolkhere

Crimes Against Germans When WW2 Ended
The merciless revenge perpetrated on the entire German civilian population of Eastern Euro...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: conspiracykingdotcom
Crimes Against Germans When WW2 Ended
Crimes Against Germans When WW2 Ended
The merciless revenge perpetrated on the entire German civilian population of Eastern Europe during the closing stages of the war, and for many months after,...- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 7257
- author: conspiracykingdotcom

East Prussia - The Last Winter
The First East Prussian Offensive took place from 16--27 October 1944, and was carried out...
published: 19 Jul 2013
author: lon757
East Prussia - The Last Winter
East Prussia - The Last Winter
The First East Prussian Offensive took place from 16--27 October 1944, and was carried out by the 3rd Belorussian Front under General I.D. Chernyakhovsky as ...- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 306
- author: lon757

Poland (East Prussia) 2012-08
Poland (East Prussia) 2012-08....
published: 06 Oct 2012
author: GreatNameEver
Poland (East Prussia) 2012-08
Poland (East Prussia) 2012-08
Poland (East Prussia) 2012-08.- published: 06 Oct 2012
- views: 53
- author: GreatNameEver

Soviet Red Army - East Prussia - First Encounter
April 15,1945 - The Red Army enters the village where Elizabeth is living as a refugee of ...
published: 13 May 2010
author: ElizabethandSandra
Soviet Red Army - East Prussia - First Encounter
Soviet Red Army - East Prussia - First Encounter
April 15,1945 - The Red Army enters the village where Elizabeth is living as a refugee of East Prussia just two hours after the German soldiers fled. It was ...- published: 13 May 2010
- views: 14287
- author: ElizabethandSandra
Youtube results:

WWII Third Reich Relics or winter excavation in East Prussia 2013
Excavations House Foundation in East Prussia of January-February 2013, -10,-15 С, vodka wa...
published: 13 Apr 2013
author: Вова Петькин
WWII Third Reich Relics or winter excavation in East Prussia 2013
WWII Third Reich Relics or winter excavation in East Prussia 2013
Excavations House Foundation in East Prussia of January-February 2013, -10,-15 С, vodka was helped excavations.- published: 13 Apr 2013
- views: 148
- author: Вова Петькин

Rustam Vasiliev: Prussia will unite Germans and Russians
Rustam Vasiliev Interview about BRP and East Prussia. BRP wants larger autonomie for Kalin...
published: 28 May 2012
author: 21. Century Prussia!
Rustam Vasiliev: Prussia will unite Germans and Russians
Rustam Vasiliev: Prussia will unite Germans and Russians
Rustam Vasiliev Interview about BRP and East Prussia. BRP wants larger autonomie for Kaliningrader Oblast ( Northern East-Prussia) or "Wiederherstellung Preu...- published: 28 May 2012
- views: 1132
- author: 21. Century Prussia!

Masuren - Land ohne Eile | In the North of Poland, former East Prussia
Schon Siegfried Lenz beschrieb in einer seiner Erzählungen eine Schmalspuridylle in Masure...
published: 14 Jun 2013
author: Eisenbahnromantik
Masuren - Land ohne Eile | In the North of Poland, former East Prussia
Masuren - Land ohne Eile | In the North of Poland, former East Prussia
Schon Siegfried Lenz beschrieb in einer seiner Erzählungen eine Schmalspuridylle in Masuren. Der Titel der Geschichte: "Die Kleinbahn namens Popp". Dieses Bä...- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 4153
- author: Eisenbahnromantik