
How to Start Screen Printing & Learn How to Screen Print
A Kit to Start Printing on any Level: http://www.silkscreeningsupplies.com/screen-printing...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: Ryonet
How to Start Screen Printing & Learn How to Screen Print
How to Start Screen Printing & Learn How to Screen Print
A Kit to Start Printing on any Level: http://www.silkscreeningsupplies.com/screen-printing-kits-packages Ask us some questions: http://facebook.ryonet.com Ry...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 5408
- author: Ryonet

3D Printed Guns (Documentary)
Cody R Wilson has figured out how to print a semi-automatic rifle from the comfort of his ...
published: 25 Mar 2013
author: VICE
3D Printed Guns (Documentary)
3D Printed Guns (Documentary)
Cody R Wilson has figured out how to print a semi-automatic rifle from the comfort of his own home. Now he's putting all the information online so that other...- published: 25 Mar 2013
- views: 6937943
- author: VICE

3D Printing: Make anything you want
January 25, 2013: Imagine a world where you can make anything you want, just by pressing "...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: 16x9onglobal
3D Printing: Make anything you want
3D Printing: Make anything you want
January 25, 2013: Imagine a world where you can make anything you want, just by pressing "print". 3D printers have arrived and they promise a fascinating fut...- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 555321
- author: 16x9onglobal

American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print
From the Smithsonian traveling exhibition American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Prin...
published: 03 Nov 2008
author: sitesExhibitions
American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print
American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print
From the Smithsonian traveling exhibition American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print, this video shows you the art of letterpress printing as practice...- published: 03 Nov 2008
- views: 119413
- author: sitesExhibitions

*como fazer print da conversa do facebook*
É isso aê galerinha do you tube quem gostou da um gostei e se inscrevam-se e deixem seus c...
published: 14 Feb 2013
author: Marcõs frenetico
*como fazer print da conversa do facebook*
*como fazer print da conversa do facebook*
É isso aê galerinha do you tube quem gostou da um gostei e se inscrevam-se e deixem seus comentario ai ta meu msn pra quem quizer mim adc marcoslee007@hotmai...- published: 14 Feb 2013
- views: 17530
- author: Marcõs frenetico

Hydrographics-Water.Transfer.Printing | Endless.Possibilities - HG Arts (www.hgarts.com)
Water Transfer Printing for Professionals and Businesses |
Certified Training Program Now...
published: 07 Oct 2013
Hydrographics-Water.Transfer.Printing | Endless.Possibilities - HG Arts (www.hgarts.com)
Hydrographics-Water.Transfer.Printing | Endless.Possibilities - HG Arts (www.hgarts.com)
Water Transfer Printing for Professionals and Businesses | Certified Training Program Now Available! http://hgarts.com/water-transfer-printing-training.html Visit us for more information : http://www.hgarts.com Located in Barcelona (Spain)- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 2227

Introduction to Block Printing on Fabric
Learn how to block print on fabric using Speedball's NEW Fabric Block Printing Ink, Speedy...
published: 15 Feb 2013
author: SpeedballArt
Introduction to Block Printing on Fabric
Introduction to Block Printing on Fabric
Learn how to block print on fabric using Speedball's NEW Fabric Block Printing Ink, Speedy Carve, linoleum cutters, inking plate and soft rubber brayer. This...- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 4878
- author: SpeedballArt

Print Is Not Dead
A toast to the printed word.
Share on Facebook :: http://on.fb.me/14TyjvT
Share on Twitte...
published: 16 Aug 2013
Print Is Not Dead
Print Is Not Dead
A toast to the printed word. Share on Facebook :: http://on.fb.me/14TyjvT Share on Twitter :: http://bit.ly/14TymYG Voice Talent: DC Goode Music: https://soundcloud.com/nicolarmarfi/unspeakable-words-romance-in-a- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 9235

How To Screen Print: Metallic Transfer Foil On Black T Shirts
WEBSITE: http://catspitproductionsllc.com Screenprinting: Learn How To Screen Print Tee Sh...
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: CatspitProductions
How To Screen Print: Metallic Transfer Foil On Black T Shirts
How To Screen Print: Metallic Transfer Foil On Black T Shirts
WEBSITE: http://catspitproductionsllc.com Screenprinting: Learn How To Screen Print Tee Shirts At Home How To Screen Print: Metallic Transfer Foil On Black T...- published: 30 Apr 2012
- views: 50367
- author: CatspitProductions

Michael Metcalfe: We need money for aid. So let's print it.
During the financial crisis, the central banks of the United States, United Kingdom and Ja...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Michael Metcalfe: We need money for aid. So let's print it.
Michael Metcalfe: We need money for aid. So let's print it.
During the financial crisis, the central banks of the United States, United Kingdom and Japan created $3.7 trillion in order to buy assets and encourage investors to do the same. Michael Metcalfe offers a shocking idea: could these same central banks print money to ensure they stay on track with their goals for global aid? Without risking inflation? TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 12089

Amazing 3D Printer
Forwards Collection: http://www.funtheory.net/forwardscollection.htm Like us on Facebook: ...
published: 10 Sep 2011
author: Syed Abrar
Amazing 3D Printer
Amazing 3D Printer
Forwards Collection: http://www.funtheory.net/forwardscollection.htm Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FunTheory Follow us on Twitter: http://twit...- published: 10 Sep 2011
- views: 3223088
- author: Syed Abrar

Google Glass on any frames - 3D Print your own adapter
Upgrade your google glass with your own frames using a 3d printed adapter.
A new pair of g...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Google Glass on any frames - 3D Print your own adapter
Google Glass on any frames - 3D Print your own adapter
Upgrade your google glass with your own frames using a 3d printed adapter. A new pair of google glass frames will set you back about 200 bucks, but we can 3d print an adapter for under 1 dollar in material: http://learn.adafruit.com/3d-printed-google-glass-adapter/ ----------------------------------------- Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/ Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats ------------------------------------------ published: 27 Feb 2014
- views: 957

Como fazer PRINT. xD
Saiba como fazer o chamado (PRINT). Esse vídeo é útil para os novos donos de páginas no fa...
published: 20 Dec 2012
Como fazer PRINT. xD
Como fazer PRINT. xD
Saiba como fazer o chamado (PRINT). Esse vídeo é útil para os novos donos de páginas no facebook que desejam aprender a fazer o print.☜☜☜☜☜☜☜☜☜ -----------...- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 11833
- author: João Roberto Sena da Costa Roberto

How to Print & Cut Photographs Using A Graphtec Cutter
How to Print and Cut photographs using a Graphtec cutter and the free cutting master 2 plu...
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: CoastalBusinessSup
How to Print & Cut Photographs Using A Graphtec Cutter
How to Print & Cut Photographs Using A Graphtec Cutter
How to Print and Cut photographs using a Graphtec cutter and the free cutting master 2 plug in for Adobe Illustrator or Corel draw. For more info on the Came...- published: 19 Dec 2011
- views: 46855
- author: CoastalBusinessSup
Youtube results:

How To 3D Print
Creative studio modeLab takes us through the basics of 3D printing, and creating complex s...
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: The Creators Project
How To 3D Print
How To 3D Print
Creative studio modeLab takes us through the basics of 3D printing, and creating complex structures with Rhino and an Ultimaker. For more information: http:/...- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 39947
- author: The Creators Project

How to Screen Print: DIY Screen Printing at Home | FULL LENGTH DVD
View DIY Printing Kit: http://diyprintshop.com/
Connect With DIY Print Shop: https://www.f...
published: 23 Oct 2013
How to Screen Print: DIY Screen Printing at Home | FULL LENGTH DVD
How to Screen Print: DIY Screen Printing at Home | FULL LENGTH DVD
View DIY Printing Kit: http://diyprintshop.com/ Connect With DIY Print Shop: https://www.facebook.com/DiyPrintShop Screen printing powerhouse Ryonet and creative agency Print Liberation have joined forces to empower you to start screen printing today with the new YOUR DIY PRINT SHOP, the best Do-It-Yourself screen printing kits on the market. Ryan Moor of Ryonet said of the partnership, "Print Liberation contacted me with the idea for creating an all-inclusive screen printing kit for DIY screen printers and I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to reconnect with our roots. We are excited to be working with Print Liberation on fostering a whole new generation of screen printers." Ryonet started as a couple of punk rockers making shirts for their band with a homemade wood press, curing them in an oven. Print Liberation was formed in 1999 when two friends printed their first T-shirt with a smudged and crooked Nirvana logo. Before they became industry leaders and master printers, they logged countless hours printing thousands of T-shirts and gig posters with improvised equipment and a lot of guess work. Their pain is now your gain. In YOUR DIY PRINT SHOP, Ryonet and Print Liberation have packaged their years of experience into one easy to use, affordable and high quality kit, which liberates you from the learning curve. YOUR DIY PRINT SHOP, the one-stop-shop for all your beginner screen printing needs, Our DIY Kits include the essentials needed to get you from idea to execution in no time at all. Each kit contains a DVD with easy to follow step by step instructions and comes in a SUPER RAD DIY printed box. Nick of Print Liberation commented, "Man, I wish we had a DIY Print Shop like this when we were starting out....And from a business perspective, the kits are great, you can sell 20 prints and pay for the upfront costs. After that, you're in the black!" YOUR DIY PRINT SHOP empowers you to screen your own T-shirts, make art, print posters, customize clothing, launch your business, get creative with your kid's uniforms, or campaign for your cause. With small-start up costs and limitless potential, YOUR DIY PRINT SHOP allows you to tap into this multi-billion dollar industry and get your ideas out into the world and into the hands of your customers and fans. Create it. Print it. Start it. Sell it. Welcome to DIY screen printing!- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 1592

Newspaper Print Nail Art Tutorial
Open Me *~ Add me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/luxuriousnailsrequests Hey everyone...
published: 01 Aug 2011
author: luxuriousnails
Newspaper Print Nail Art Tutorial
Newspaper Print Nail Art Tutorial
Open Me *~ Add me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/luxuriousnailsrequests Hey everyone!!! Today I decided to try out Newspaper nails for the first tim...- published: 01 Aug 2011
- views: 1026838
- author: luxuriousnails

World's First 3D Printed Metal Gun
http://blog.solidconcepts.com/industry-highlights/worlds-first-3d-printed-metal-gun/ Intro...
published: 07 Nov 2013
World's First 3D Printed Metal Gun
World's First 3D Printed Metal Gun
http://blog.solidconcepts.com/industry-highlights/worlds-first-3d-printed-metal-gun/ Introducing metal 3D printing to the world as a viable solution for fully functional firearm prototypes. At http://www.solidconcepts.com you can learn more about the reliability, usability, durability and accuracy of DMLS as a functioning prototype or product, and this gun is a successful demonstration of each of those attributes. Its chamber sees pressure above 20,000 psi every time it is fired proving the material integrity provided by DMLS technology. The small components needed for the 1911 series gun proves DMLS can meet tolerances and accuracy. We're changing people's perspective about what 3D Printing can do and showing the technology is at a place where we can do this kind of thing and succeed. This technology is capable of fully functioning assemblies at full scale.- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 48831