The Glory of Mountains
Glorious Mountains to the music of Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto # 2 Pictures: Above the Clouds, Mt. Shasta, California - Aerial View, Mount McKinley, Alaska - Alpenglow on the Slopes of Mount Hood, Oregon - Alpine Tarn and Mount Belleview, Paradise Divide Annapurna II (7937m) from Ghyaru Marsyangdi Valley Autumn at Matterhorn Peak, Sawtooth Range, California Bachsee, Wetterhorn, Schreckhorn, Switzerland - Baltoro Trek, Pakistan - Banner Peak and Thousand Island Lake, Banner Peak and Thousand Island Lake, Inyo National Park Beauty Beyond Borders, Outside Aspen, Colorado - Brand New Day, Grinnell Point, Summer Glacier National Park Carson Peak, Sierra Nevada, California - Chief Mountain Glacier, Montana - Cirque of the Unclimbables, Nahanni National Park Clouds over Mount Chiquita, Ypsilon Mountain - Crimson Light, Patagonia, Argentina - Crimson Rise, Zion, Utah - Cuernos Del Paine, Andes Mountains, Chile - Dusy Basin, Kings Canyon, California - Eagle Cap Wilderness, Oregon - Everest, Lhotse, Himalayan Peaks, Nepal - Fall Spectrum in the Tatoosh Range, Mount Rainier Fitzroy Peak, Andes Mountains, Argentina - Full Bloom, San Juan Mountains, Colorado - Golden Peaks of Rundle Mountain, Banff National Park Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming - Great Sand Dunes National Monument - Hallett Peak and Lake Haiyaha at Sunrise, Rocky Mountains Haut Atlas Mountains, Morocco - Herbert Lake and Bow Range, Canadian Rockies, Hidden Lake in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Hovering <b>...</b>