
Tresnyeváci traktorverseny 2011 Erőpróba (MTZ vs IMT).TD
published: 16 May 2011
author: Dániel Törköly
Tresnyeváci traktorverseny 2011 Erőpróba (MTZ vs IMT).TD
Tresnyeváci traktorverseny 2011 Erőpróba (MTZ vs IMT).TD
- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 20130
- author: Dániel Törköly

♥♥ Reborn Baby Arya Rose 1st ♡.♡.T.D..
************* Reborn Baby Aria Rose wants to show her first outfit change since being born...
published: 16 Oct 2013
♥♥ Reborn Baby Arya Rose 1st ♡.♡.T.D..
♥♥ Reborn Baby Arya Rose 1st ♡.♡.T.D..
************* Reborn Baby Aria Rose wants to show her first outfit change since being born***** ************************* Aria is a Micro Preemie Crystal kit by Denise Pratt**************- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 61

E DUB goes 81 yds. on perfect pass from Stoneberg .TD HASTINGS RAIDERS
Ellis beats his man,creates seperation and Stoneberg throws a perfect over the shoulder pa...
published: 11 Sep 2011
author: Town Williams
E DUB goes 81 yds. on perfect pass from Stoneberg .TD HASTINGS RAIDERS
E DUB goes 81 yds. on perfect pass from Stoneberg .TD HASTINGS RAIDERS
Ellis beats his man,creates seperation and Stoneberg throws a perfect over the shoulder pass,Ellis wins the race to the endzone..."TD."- published: 11 Sep 2011
- views: 170
- author: Town Williams

Q.B sneak .T.D
Lakota Wojciechowski run for one of three T.D's on the day. 2010. North Brevard Hawks....
published: 30 Aug 2010
author: zbigwojciechowski
Q.B sneak .T.D
Q.B sneak .T.D
Lakota Wojciechowski run for one of three T.D's on the day. 2010. North Brevard Hawks.- published: 30 Aug 2010
- views: 113
- author: zbigwojciechowski

Edit: I came on first place, thanks! :D This is my entry for TheTranslucentDesign's editin...
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: DotzHD
Edit: I came on first place, thanks! :D This is my entry for TheTranslucentDesign's editing contest. Please drop a comment! ;) Edited in Adobe After Effects....- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 421
- author: DotzHD

3 Khans of Bollywood (Part 2) by Dr. Shanker Adawal (Astrology ... .td DONE.avi
This is a continuation of the video based on 3 Khans (Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan & Aamir ...
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: Shanker Adawal
3 Khans of Bollywood (Part 2) by Dr. Shanker Adawal (Astrology ... .td DONE.avi
3 Khans of Bollywood (Part 2) by Dr. Shanker Adawal (Astrology ... .td DONE.avi
This is a continuation of the video based on 3 Khans (Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan & Aamir Khan) of Bollywood Industry in which he discusses about the life of...- published: 06 Dec 2011
- views: 240
- author: Shanker Adawal

TD Jakes Things We Learn Along the Way
Ministry http://thepottershouse.org/ The Potter's House 6777 West Kiest Boulevard Dallas,...
published: 01 Feb 2013
author: yhwhWords
TD Jakes Things We Learn Along the Way
TD Jakes Things We Learn Along the Way
Ministry http://thepottershouse.org/ The Potter's House 6777 West Kiest Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75236 Mailing Address T. D. Jakes Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box ...- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 5613
- author: yhwhWords

Let It Go, TD Jakes
We all try to make things happen in our lives that we romantisize..... This video is a rea...
published: 16 Jul 2009
author: Boanerges7
Let It Go, TD Jakes
Let It Go, TD Jakes
We all try to make things happen in our lives that we romantisize..... This video is a reality check, and spiritually slaps you out of a funk... As he does m...- published: 16 Jul 2009
- views: 457149
- author: Boanerges7

aomphiyada in shanghai....
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: xiaosageable
aomphiyada in shanghai.- published: 12 Jun 2011
- views: 38
- author: xiaosageable

Bishop T.D. Jakes - Why did God choose me Must listen! - www.ourjesuslives.org
"Distributing living bread to the dying world" www.ourjesuslives.org....
published: 03 Oct 2011
Bishop T.D. Jakes - Why did God choose me Must listen! - www.ourjesuslives.org
Bishop T.D. Jakes - Why did God choose me Must listen! - www.ourjesuslives.org
"Distributing living bread to the dying world" www.ourjesuslives.org.- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 5562
Vimeo results:

teleradio donoso - amar en el campo
dirección : ignacio rojas - asistencia : christopher murray
producción : viviana hormazába...
published: 12 Jun 2008
author: td
teleradio donoso - amar en el campo
dirección : ignacio rojas - asistencia : christopher murray
producción : viviana hormazábal & magdalena leturia
fotografía : arnaldo rodríguez - arte : nicolás oyarze

Sneak Peek - ICE Balloons!
Just a little sneak peek at some future ICE tutorial content that Alan has been working on...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: TD Survival
Sneak Peek - ICE Balloons!
Just a little sneak peek at some future ICE tutorial content that Alan has been working on. :)
A few interesting techniques in here:
- the strings are strands,
- the strings are simulated with verlet integration, with one end constrained to a null and another to the balloon,
- the balloons collide with each other (and can with other meshes or a null),
- balloons have a "soft" (velocity-based) distance constraint mechanism which precomputes the next frame position to "see the future" and readjust their velocity to compensate accordingly (or "rewrite their destiny"),
- the strings segment points collide with the balloons spheres (though it's hard to appreciate in the video),
- spheres are used here but proper modeled geo could be instanced.
This effect will be split to a few tutorials and will probably come sometime in a few weeks.

Workflow Tips - Hair & Grooming
We welcome our first TD guest speaker, a friend of ours, Mr Luc Girard, a TD at Shed in Mo...
published: 13 May 2013
author: TD Survival
Workflow Tips - Hair & Grooming
We welcome our first TD guest speaker, a friend of ours, Mr Luc Girard, a TD at Shed in Montreal that among other things, is a specialist in styling CG hair and fur.
In this video Luc walks us through a rundown of the thought process and overall workflow for short and long human hair, from production experience in Shed's delightful IGA commercials.
Hair making-of: http://shedmtl.blogspot.ca/2013/05/iga-hair-salon-how-we-do-it.html
You can check out more work by Shed at http://www.shedmtl.com/en/

ICE Balloons - Part 1 - Emission & Behavior
In this tutorial Alan begins to explain the highly anticipated icy mathemagic behind the "...
published: 07 Aug 2013
author: TD Survival
ICE Balloons - Part 1 - Emission & Behavior
In this tutorial Alan begins to explain the highly anticipated icy mathemagic behind the "ICE balloons" simulation teased a few weeks back: https://vimeo.com/68595214
This is the first of multiple parts to come, each explaining a next chapter of depth about this particular effect. (Remember there are multiple possible ways to do anything, and this is merely one of many.)
TABLE OF CONTENTS (click timecodes to skip)
00:12 - Final balloons result with strands and all
00:48 - What we'll end up with by the end of this first video
02:17 - Explanation begins...
03:33 - Basic emission parameters
06:49 - Visualizing the math a bit
11:50 - Computing the future (next frame) PointPosition
14:45 - Setting up the vector math for the balloon distance constraint
20:30 - Adding our Forces and a forgotten matrix multiplication
25:34 - Working out the "empty gap" logic
29:46 - How to soften our distance constraint
34:42 - Quick run-through over the whole icetree (if you got lost or whatever)
44:32 - Dealing with different particle sizes
50:37 - Conclusion and goodbye
53:00 - ?!?
In this chapter, we touch on emission and behavior, including how to:
- "predict the future" by seeing where our particle will be on the next frame,
- modify a particle's future by recomputing its PointVelocity to do our bidding,
- create our own "distance constraint", so our balloons don't fly too far, with customizable softness;
- work out how to leave an empty gap for the strings and still have it look natural,
- make the balloons collide with each other and a null, and handling varying particle sizes.
Special thanks to Kim Aldis for putting out that tutorial ages ago explaining how to manipulate pointvelocities.
If you have any problems following this, comments or other feedback, feel free to speak up here in the comments or on our Facebook page. :) http://facebook.com/tdsurvival
Youtube results:

T.D. Jakes 8 - A Covering Praise Break
Preaching at New Years Annual Revival....
published: 26 Jul 2008
author: matthew5and9
T.D. Jakes 8 - A Covering Praise Break
T.D. Jakes 8 - A Covering Praise Break
Preaching at New Years Annual Revival.- published: 26 Jul 2008
- views: 230060
- author: matthew5and9

Antonio Brown End Around Kickoff Return TD vs Titans 2010
published: 16 Dec 2011
author: mrfantasyfootball101
Antonio Brown End Around Kickoff Return TD vs Titans 2010
Antonio Brown End Around Kickoff Return TD vs Titans 2010
- published: 16 Dec 2011
- views: 278
- author: mrfantasyfootball101

Kaepernick TD during Final Game at Candlestick
Colin Kaepernick rushing TD during final game at Candlestick Park (12-23-2013)...
published: 24 Dec 2013
Kaepernick TD during Final Game at Candlestick
Kaepernick TD during Final Game at Candlestick
Colin Kaepernick rushing TD during final game at Candlestick Park (12-23-2013)- published: 24 Dec 2013
- views: 68