Groove Phi Groove
Groove Phi Groove (GΦG) is a social fellowship founded at Morgan State College (now known as Morgan State University) as an alternative to mainstream Black fraternities. It also has a sister organization called Swing Phi Swing.
Groove Phi Groove was founded on October 12, 1962 by a group of young black men who wanted an alternative to what could be described as the traditionalism of subjectively ascribed pseudo-fraternal organizations. Groove Phi Groove is a non-Greek organization whose purpose includes promoting academic awareness, an alternative to Greek and Grecian based fraternalism as well as traditions incorporating an Afro-Centric perspective. Further, working towards assisting in alleviating both social and economic problems in disadvantaged communities.
Groove Phi Groove members hold individuality, self-expression, and creativity in its members to be paramount, as well as a focus on issues related to the empowerment of African American communities. Its members work in a wide variety of career areas, including accounting, education, engineering, human resource services, local and state government, medicine, law, protective services, information technology, religion, real estate, food service, skilled crafts, music, professional sports, the armed services, and business.