
Lesson 1 : Bodice Sloper
In our first lesson we are making a Basic Bodice Sloper. This technique is a combination o...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: Amani A.
Lesson 1 : Bodice Sloper
Lesson 1 : Bodice Sloper
In our first lesson we are making a Basic Bodice Sloper. This technique is a combination of several techniques I've used over the years, and it has worked fo...- published: 30 Dec 2011
- views: 55396
- author: Amani A.

Pattern Drafting 101: Basic Bodice Sloper
http://www.evangesews.com/ A sloper (also sometimes called a "block") is a simple, fitted ...
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: Evange
Pattern Drafting 101: Basic Bodice Sloper
Pattern Drafting 101: Basic Bodice Sloper
http://www.evangesews.com/ A sloper (also sometimes called a "block") is a simple, fitted pattern which can easily be manipulated to create more detailed pat...- published: 02 Apr 2011
- views: 54506
- author: Evange

Bodice and Boxers, Oh MY!, Threadbanger
SSHHHHH....This week we mention our unmentionables and show you how to make a simple corse...
published: 08 Feb 2008
author: ThreadBanger
Bodice and Boxers, Oh MY!, Threadbanger
Bodice and Boxers, Oh MY!, Threadbanger
SSHHHHH....This week we mention our unmentionables and show you how to make a simple corset from old shirts and a pair of boxers out of old pillow cases. Plu...- published: 08 Feb 2008
- views: 436556
- author: ThreadBanger

Sweetheart Bodice - How to add lining and how to hem edges
Hello its April :) Just wanted to make this video to clear up some questions on the simple...
published: 24 Sep 2012
author: coolirpa
Sweetheart Bodice - How to add lining and how to hem edges
Sweetheart Bodice - How to add lining and how to hem edges
Hello its April :) Just wanted to make this video to clear up some questions on the simple sweetheart top tutorial! Keep in mind it is only a video on how to...- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 42938
- author: coolirpa

Leah in a Bodice!!!
The last collection of the 2007-2008 school year. Leah gets to wear a bodice!!! In case yo...
published: 11 Jun 2008
author: TechChick86
Leah in a Bodice!!!
Leah in a Bodice!!!
The last collection of the 2007-2008 school year. Leah gets to wear a bodice!!! In case you are wondering, what's going on, Leah is the Slime. "Slime" is a p...- published: 11 Jun 2008
- views: 21722
- author: TechChick86

DIY: Sewing Your Own Bodice With Pattern
Hey guys, Am back with another DIY Sewing project. Today we will be Sewing a Bodice with a...
published: 30 Jun 2013
author: rita22982
DIY: Sewing Your Own Bodice With Pattern
DIY: Sewing Your Own Bodice With Pattern
Hey guys, Am back with another DIY Sewing project. Today we will be Sewing a Bodice with a patter I got online, I am going to put the link to the web site fo...- published: 30 Jun 2013
- views: 152
- author: rita22982

Basic Pattern Tutorial: Bodice
For those of you who would like to learn how to construct your own garments, Black Diamond...
published: 11 Jun 2013
Basic Pattern Tutorial: Bodice
Basic Pattern Tutorial: Bodice
For those of you who would like to learn how to construct your own garments, Black Diamond has created a tutorial for you. This is our first video, any feedback in the form of comments or video responses are much appreciated.- published: 11 Jun 2013
- views: 58

Part 1 - Art Dress Tutorial - The Bodice
See my first Art Dress here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwocS6zzfl4 Linda Lapotka's C...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: ScrappinHappyxo
Part 1 - Art Dress Tutorial - The Bodice
Part 1 - Art Dress Tutorial - The Bodice
See my first Art Dress here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwocS6zzfl4 Linda Lapotka's Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/LindaLap Music is 'Continue LI...- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 1580
- author: ScrappinHappyxo

How To Drape a Basic Darted Bodice: Design School with Nick Verreos
Celebrity fashion designer, Nick Verreos, gives Look TV viewers the ins and outs of what a...
published: 01 Oct 2013
How To Drape a Basic Darted Bodice: Design School with Nick Verreos
How To Drape a Basic Darted Bodice: Design School with Nick Verreos
Celebrity fashion designer, Nick Verreos, gives Look TV viewers the ins and outs of what aspiring designers need to know about breaking into the fashion world. In this episode of Design School, Nick teaches you how to draw and create a draped bodice. What other design tutorials do you want to see from Nick? Comment below! Watch more episodes of Design School with Nick Verreos on Look TV: http://bit.ly/19WzDNF Check out Nick's website here: http://bit.ly/162jUAd Like Nick on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/13BTpuh Follow Nick on Twitter: http://bit.ly/YUKRR0 Subscribe to Look TV: http://bit.ly/QKYYBs Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/16T4WM0 Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/12dRkFO Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/XZuH6a Follow us on Pinterest:http://bit.ly/12aLOVA Follow us on Tumblr: http://bit.ly/OZzfpC- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 476

E13 - Draping 101 :: Draping Front/Back Bodice Part 1 of 2
This tutorial explains how to drape the front & back bodice on your dress form. One will a...
published: 04 Jun 2010
author: PandemicApparel
E13 - Draping 101 :: Draping Front/Back Bodice Part 1 of 2
E13 - Draping 101 :: Draping Front/Back Bodice Part 1 of 2
This tutorial explains how to drape the front & back bodice on your dress form. One will also find a bonus book review toward the end of this tutorial. For m...- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 77824
- author: PandemicApparel

Art Dress tutorial with Paper Mache Bodice Tutorial
Order all My Bling and trims in my store by visiting my facebook fanpage and clicking the ...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Art Dress tutorial with Paper Mache Bodice Tutorial
Art Dress tutorial with Paper Mache Bodice Tutorial
Order all My Bling and trims in my store by visiting my facebook fanpage and clicking the Store Icon!! SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE!!!!! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHoltDesigns Ustream Show: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-bling-chronicles Blog: http://www.angelaholtdesigns.com Store:https://www.facebook.com/AHoltDesigns/app_189977524185 Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHDesigns1 Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/angela-holt/44/306/44a/ Angela Holt Designs is a wonderful channel where you will learn a vast array of crafting tutorials, tip and tricks. This channel is dedicated to the art of crafting through paper, mixed media and more. So come set a spell and enjoy the process of learning how to craft. Brought to you by Angela Holt, your Professional crafting artist, designer and educator.- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 171

How to make you own patterns - Step by step demonstration on pattern making....
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: Chic Francisco
How to make you own patterns - Step by step demonstration on pattern making.- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 3024
- author: Chic Francisco

Testing your Bodice Blueprint -- a tutorial for sewing and fitting the bodice - Sure-Fit Designs
http://www.surefitdesigns.com and http://www.sfdlearningcenter.com Learn how to choose fab...
published: 24 Mar 2012
author: surefitdesigns
Testing your Bodice Blueprint -- a tutorial for sewing and fitting the bodice - Sure-Fit Designs
Testing your Bodice Blueprint -- a tutorial for sewing and fitting the bodice - Sure-Fit Designs
http://www.surefitdesigns.com and http://www.sfdlearningcenter.com Learn how to choose fabric, do layout and cutting, stitching darts and seams, setting in a...- published: 24 Mar 2012
- views: 3968
- author: surefitdesigns
Vimeo results:

Bodice Rocker by SplinterWorks
Born out of a love for curvy silhouettes and illusion, the Bodice Rocker is a unique objec...
published: 18 Sep 2013
author: SplinterWorks
Bodice Rocker by SplinterWorks
Born out of a love for curvy silhouettes and illusion, the Bodice Rocker is a unique object that offers a number of fresh perspectives. Poised vertically it takes on an anthropomorphic sculptural form; while some viewers may perceive a bust, or derrière, others might see an arched foot among the suggestive curvaceous forms.
Originally sculpted by Splinter Works founder and artist Matt Withington Bodice Rocker was developed with co-founder Miles Hartwell to perform it’s unique trick: With a light touch, it gently rocks back and pauses in mid-air, as if weightless, inciting a double-take by seeming to defy the pull of gravity. In this position it reveals the more familiar profile of a chaise longue, albeit levitating! With a second nudge it draws to the ground where you can sit and stretch out comfortably on soft padded leather.
Like all Splinter Works pieces, the Bodice Rocker can be tailored to clients’ requirements. The rocker can be modified for a more ergonomic fit to accommodate a taller or smaller person, and scaled appropriately to suit different room sizes. It is pictured here in ‘brilliant white’ leather, but naturally we can select another beautiful material out of a wide range of leathers, fabrics and highlight stitching.
Shown in brilliant white vele leather with white stitching
L190cm x W70cm x H95cm

"coffee, cake and kinky stories" / "Kaffee, Kuchen, Sexgeschichten"
Verschiedene Fetische werden oft mit dunklen Farben, düsteren Kellerräumen und seltsamen M...
published: 10 Jul 2013
author: frl. blume
"coffee, cake and kinky stories" / "Kaffee, Kuchen, Sexgeschichten"
Verschiedene Fetische werden oft mit dunklen Farben, düsteren Kellerräumen und seltsamen Menschen in Verbindung gebracht. Durch einen Kurzfilm, der sich irgendwo zwischen Image- und Werbefilm bewegt, soll dieses dunkle Bild verändert und eine andere Sichtweise auf das Thema "Fetisch" ermöglicht werden, um einen Denkanstoß zu geben, damit die eigene Meinung über Fetischisten reflektiert werden kann.
Various fetishes are often associated with dark colors, basements and strange people. With this short film - which is situated somewhere between an image- and advertising film - the dark image of the "fetish"-topic can be replaced with a more colorful and friendly association.

Maya Hansen - Cake Corsets Around the World
Funny and really colourist corsets collection based on the flavours, mixes and colours of ...
published: 07 May 2009
author: Maya Hansen
Maya Hansen - Cake Corsets Around the World
Funny and really colourist corsets collection based on the flavours, mixes and colours of the cupcakes, candies and sweets! Delicious!

The Turning
A lost and lonely girl becomes one with the darkness when she is bitten by a vampire....
published: 25 Nov 2008
author: Victor Ramses
The Turning
A lost and lonely girl becomes one with the darkness when she is bitten by a vampire.
Youtube results:

published: 30 Apr 2012
author: stavroula58
- views: 974
- author: stavroula58

Lesson 14 - AB Series: How to Make a Basic Bodice
Visit http://www.petitpoix.blogspot.com . This is the first video in the new Advanced Begi...
published: 09 Sep 2010
author: fettuccinetube
Lesson 14 - AB Series: How to Make a Basic Bodice
Lesson 14 - AB Series: How to Make a Basic Bodice
Visit http://www.petitpoix.blogspot.com . This is the first video in the new Advanced Beginners Patternmaking and Sewing Series. For written instructions and...- published: 09 Sep 2010
- views: 27298
- author: fettuccinetube

Origami dress bodice
A quick tutorial to make a bodice to use on a card....
published: 18 Mar 2012
author: Glenda Cairns
Origami dress bodice
Origami dress bodice
A quick tutorial to make a bodice to use on a card.- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 3143
- author: Glenda Cairns

How to Draft an Upper Torso (aka Bodice) Sloper
This video demonstrates the steps for drafting a custom-fit sloper that shows the exact sh...
published: 06 Jan 2009
author: Don McCunn
How to Draft an Upper Torso (aka Bodice) Sloper
How to Draft an Upper Torso (aka Bodice) Sloper
This video demonstrates the steps for drafting a custom-fit sloper that shows the exact shape of an individual's body between the shoulders and the waist. It...- published: 06 Jan 2009
- views: 42789
- author: Don McCunn