7 min 12 sec

Mehr Information: http://www.schirn.de/Yoko_Ono_3.html
Alles über Yoko Ono auf dem SCHIRN ...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Mehr Information: http://www.schirn.de/Yoko_Ono_3.html Alles über Yoko Ono auf dem SCHIRN MAG: http://www.schirn-magazin.de/Schlagwort-Suche.html?ExhibitionID=1 ---------------------- Yoko Ono is one of the most influential artists of our time. On the occasion of her eightieth birthday, the SCHIRN is preparing an extensive retrospective. Yoko Ono ist eine der einflussreichsten Künstlerinnen unserer Zeit. Zu ihrem 80. Geburtstag bereitet die SCHIRN eine umfassende Retrospektive vor, die eine charakteristische Auswahl der letzten 60 Jahre ihres Schaffens präsentiert. Duration / Laufzeit: 15. Februar - 12. Mai 2013 Curator / Kuratorin: Dr. Ingrid Pfeiffer (Schirn Kunsthalle) --------------------- Editorial Staff / Redaktion: Axel Braun, Fabian Famulok Author / Autor: Miriam Werning Camera / Kamera: Mehdi Varvani Sound / Ton: Nestor Claveria Editing / Schnitt: Peter Peiker Music / Musik: Wolfram Gruss Copyright: SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE FRANKFURT, 2013, http://www.schirn.de/ Produced by / Produziert von: Varvani GmbH, http://www.varvani.tv/- published: 27 Feb 2014
5 min 12 sec

John Lennon and Yoko Ono Dick Cavett Show Excerpt 1 of 6
Full DVD can be found at http://tinyurl.com/y8tbcj and contains an additional show I do no...
published: 27 Feb 2014
John Lennon and Yoko Ono Dick Cavett Show Excerpt 1 of 6
John Lennon and Yoko Ono Dick Cavett Show Excerpt 1 of 6
Full DVD can be found at http://tinyurl.com/y8tbcj and contains an additional show I do not have.- published: 27 Feb 2014
5 min 45 sec

Salmo - Yoko Ono (Video Version)
KICK OFF! Recordz, Machete Production e
Digital Star Fucking Video Project
published: 27 Feb 2014
Salmo - Yoko Ono (Video Version)
Salmo - Yoko Ono (Video Version)
KICK OFF! Recordz, Machete Production e Digital Star Fucking Video Project presentano: SALMO - Yoko Ono tratto dall'album "The Island Chainsaw Massacre" Directed and Edited by ALBERTO SALVUCCI ArtDirector - Photography - VisualFX and Postproduction by MIRKO DE ANGELIS Make-Up SELENE COLONNA Special Thanks: Mauro Mendula Marcello Scano ( En?gma ) Downtown Skate Shop Vitelloni Club EXQ info@kickoffrecordz.com www.kickoffrecordz.com © KICK OFF! Recordz 2011 - All Rights Reserved.- published: 27 Feb 2014
13 min 17 sec

Yoko Ono. Half-A-Wind Show. Retrospective at Schirn Kunsthalle
Yoko Ono: For most people she is just the widow of John Lennon, or even the woman who brok...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Yoko Ono. Half-A-Wind Show. Retrospective at Schirn Kunsthalle
Yoko Ono. Half-A-Wind Show. Retrospective at Schirn Kunsthalle
Yoko Ono: For most people she is just the widow of John Lennon, or even the woman who broke up the Beatles. What most people don't know is her work as an avant-garde artist. With the large retrospective Yoko Ono. Half-A-Wind Show. Eine Retrospektive, the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt am Main in Germany wants to highlight her pioneering role as an artist, as a groundbreaking protagonist of the early conceptual, film and performance art. This video provides you with an exhibition walkthrough, an introduction by curator Ingrid Pfeiffer, and an excerpt of Yoko Ono's statements at the press preview. In this excerpt, Yoko Ono emphasizes the importance of the artist, and talks about politicians, the search for truth, and what she believes the individual can do to make this world a better place. More info: http://vernissage.tv/blog/2013/02/15/yoko-ono-half-a-wind-show-retrospective-at-schirn-kunsthalle/http://vernissage.tv/blog/2013/02/15/yoko-ono-half-a-wind-show-retrospective-at-schirn-kunsthalle/ The retrospective Yoko Ono: Half-A-Wind Show at Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt presents around 100 objects, films, installations, photos, drawings, and text based work. The exhibition focuses especially on Yoko Ono's works from the 1960s and 1970s. On display are installations and objects such as Half-A-Room (1967), Air Dispensers (1971), Water Event (1971), Danger Box (1971), and Amaze (1971); films such as Film No. 4 (Bottoms) (1966), Fly (1970), and Film No. 5 (Smile) (1968); and Yoko Ono's music, presented in a special music room. Among the newer works on display are Franklin Summer Drawings (1995-), Vertical Memory (1997), En Trance (Revolving Door Version) (1998), Touch Me (2008/2009) -- and a work that Yoko Ono has developed specifically for the exhibition in Frankfurt, the installation and performance Moving Mountains. The exhibition runs until May 12, 2013. More videos on contemporary art, design, architecture: http://www.vernissage.tv Connect: http://www.facebook.com/vernissagetv http://twitter.com/vernissagetv Become a Member: http://vernissage.tv/blog/members/ Browse our Archive: http://vernissage.tv/blog/archive/ Find Artists, Designers, Architects: http://vernissage.tv/blog/archive/artists/ VernissageTV on Google Currents: https://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAowmLRi/vernissagetv_art_tv Art TV pioneer Vernissage TV provides you with an authentic insight into the world of contemporary fine arts, design and architecture. With its two main series "No Comment" and "Interviews", art tv channel VernissageTV attends opening receptions of exhibitions worldwide, interviews artists, designers, architects. VTV provides art lovers with news, reports and features from the international art scene. VernissageTV: the window to the art world. Das Fenster zur Kunstwelt. La fenêtre sur le monde de l'art. A janela para o mundo da arte. La ventana al mundo del arte. نافذة على عالم الفن. 到艺术世界的窗口。Окно в мир искусства. Since 2005.- published: 27 Feb 2014
3 min 29 sec

Yoko Ono 80 - Birthday Song by Martha & Rufus Wainwright
Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band in Berlin Volksbühne 17/2/2013, for Yoko's 80th birthday. Video ...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Yoko Ono 80 - Birthday Song by Martha & Rufus Wainwright
Yoko Ono 80 - Birthday Song by Martha & Rufus Wainwright
Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band in Berlin Volksbühne 17/2/2013, for Yoko's 80th birthday. Video by TK @ http://poptourist.com Martha & Rufus Wainwright, Sean Ono Lennon and 750 Berliners singing "Happy Birthday to Yoko / Zum Geburtstag viel Glück"- published: 27 Feb 2014
9 min 55 sec

Julian Lennon slams Yoko Ono and talks of John Lennon and Paul McCartney (part1)
This is an interview with Julian Lennon from March 18th 1999 with Dini Petty. He speaks o...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Julian Lennon slams Yoko Ono and talks of John Lennon and Paul McCartney (part1)
Julian Lennon slams Yoko Ono and talks of John Lennon and Paul McCartney (part1)
This is an interview with Julian Lennon from March 18th 1999 with Dini Petty. He speaks of his new album, his TRUE feelings of Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon, Paul McCartney and his father John Lennon. A very interesting interview where Julian speaks very openly on Yoko Ono and his relationship with her. He also touches on his relationship with Sean Lennon, Paul McCartney and his mother Cynthia. A must watch for all Beatle fans.- published: 27 Feb 2014
3 min 26 sec

VOICE PIECE FOR SOPRANO & WISH TREE at MoMA, Summer 2010 by yoko ono
Yoko Ono will be performing occasionally in conjunction with the exhibition Contemporary A...
published: 27 Feb 2014
VOICE PIECE FOR SOPRANO & WISH TREE at MoMA, Summer 2010 by yoko ono
VOICE PIECE FOR SOPRANO & WISH TREE at MoMA, Summer 2010 by yoko ono
Yoko Ono will be performing occasionally in conjunction with the exhibition Contemporary Art from the Collection. Exhibition on view through May 9, 2011 Voice Piece for Soprano presented through November 28, 2010. Video courtesy of Yoko Ono © 2010 The Museum of Modern Art, New York- published: 27 Feb 2014
5 min 53 sec

Stan Bronstein is the sax player. Tex Gabriel is the other guitarist. Gary Van Scyoc is th...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Stan Bronstein is the sax player. Tex Gabriel is the other guitarist. Gary Van Scyoc is the bassist. Adam Ippolito is the keyboardist. Rich Frank is the drummer.- published: 27 Feb 2014
5 min 24 sec

Wer ist Yoko Ono? Retrospektive einer Künstlerin in der Frankfurter Schirn
ttt - titel thesen temperamente - 17.02.2013 ARD
published: 27 Feb 2014
Wer ist Yoko Ono? Retrospektive einer Künstlerin in der Frankfurter Schirn
Wer ist Yoko Ono? Retrospektive einer Künstlerin in der Frankfurter Schirn
ttt - titel thesen temperamente - 17.02.2013 ARD YOKO ONO. HALF- A- WIND SHOW. EINE RETROSPEKTIVE 15. Februar - 12. Mai 2013 Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Römerberg, 60311 Frankfurt- published: 27 Feb 2014
2 min 34 sec

ONO Give Peace A Chance
Yoko Ono Concert 2013: Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright, Peaches, Sean Lennon and many ...
published: 27 Feb 2014
ONO Give Peace A Chance
ONO Give Peace A Chance
Yoko Ono Concert 2013: Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright, Peaches, Sean Lennon and many more are singing "Give Peace A Chance" for Yoko Ono on her 80 Birthday during her concert in Berlin 2013.- published: 27 Feb 2014
2 min 55 sec

Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band (with Antony Hegarty) - I'm Going Away Smiling (live)
Live at The Royal Festival Hall, London, 14 June 2009.
Featuring Antony from Antony & Th...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band (with Antony Hegarty) - I'm Going Away Smiling (live)
Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band (with Antony Hegarty) - I'm Going Away Smiling (live)
Live at The Royal Festival Hall, London, 14 June 2009. Featuring Antony from Antony & The Johnsons Theremin solo by Pamelia K Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band: Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon, Keigo 'Cornelius' Oyamada, Hirotaka 'Shimmy' Shimizu, Yuko 'mi-gu' Araki, Shahzad Ismaily, Yuka Honda, Pamelia K. I'm Going Away Smiling is from the 2009 Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band album 'Between My Head And The Sky', released on Chimera Music. ©2009 Yoko Ono. Used with permission. http://www.YOPOB.com http://www.IMAGINEPEACE.com http://www.chimeramusic.com http://www.chimeramusic.jp- published: 27 Feb 2014
3 min 22 sec

Yoko Ono zu Gast in der Frankfurter Schirn
Wer kennt sie nicht? Yoko Ono, die Witwe des 1980 ermordeten Beatle John Lennon. Zum 80.Ge...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Yoko Ono zu Gast in der Frankfurter Schirn
Yoko Ono zu Gast in der Frankfurter Schirn
Wer kennt sie nicht? Yoko Ono, die Witwe des 1980 ermordeten Beatle John Lennon. Zum 80.Geburtstag der am 18. Februar 1933 in Tokio geborenen Künstlerin zeigt die Frankfurter Kunsthalle Schirn eine umfassende Retrospektive ihres bisherigen Schaffens und will damit vor allem eines zeigen. Ono ist mehr als nur die Witwe eines legendären Popstars. Sie ist eine der einflussreichsten Konzept- und Performancekünstlerinnen unserer Zeit.- published: 27 Feb 2014