
Bjarne Stroustrup: Why I Created C++
http://bigthink.com In the late 1970s, Stroustrup applied the idea of "classes" to the C p...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: Big Think
Bjarne Stroustrup: Why I Created C++
Bjarne Stroustrup: Why I Created C++
http://bigthink.com In the late 1970s, Stroustrup applied the idea of "classes" to the C programming language to create a new language that allows for high l...- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 211037
- author: Big Think

Lecture 01: Overview of C++ (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
This screencast is from a course I taught on January 8th at Vanderbilt University in my co...
published: 10 Jan 2014
Lecture 01: Overview of C++ (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
Lecture 01: Overview of C++ (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
This screencast is from a course I taught on January 8th at Vanderbilt University in my course CS 251: Intermediate Software Design. It begins my overview of C++, giving some history of the language and outlining the evolution of software design from ad hoc solutions to information hiding and data abstraction. Please see http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/cs251/ for more information about CS 251.- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 1076

Vectors in C++
Concepts: What is a vector? Use of a vector. Some vector operations - push_back, at, front...
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: ReelLearning
Vectors in C++
Vectors in C++
Concepts: What is a vector? Use of a vector. Some vector operations - push_back, at, front, back.- published: 17 Jan 2012
- views: 6274
- author: ReelLearning

How to program in C++ #1 - Setup and Hello World
Finally starting on this much requested series. ;)
In this episode we setup a compiler and...
published: 24 May 2013
How to program in C++ #1 - Setup and Hello World
How to program in C++ #1 - Setup and Hello World
Finally starting on this much requested series. ;) In this episode we setup a compiler and IDE. We then write and compile a first program. Links: CodeBlocks Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/codeblocks/files/Binaries/12.11/Windows/codeblocks-12.11mingw-setup.exe- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 3148

Основы C++, лекция 1
Тема лекции: Основы C++, лекция 1 Курс лекций: Основы C++, первый семестр Предмет семинара...
published: 13 May 2012
author: Laur Brest
Основы C++, лекция 1
Основы C++, лекция 1
Тема лекции: Основы C++, лекция 1 Курс лекций: Основы C++, первый семестр Предмет семинара: Computer Science Аудитория курса: Computer Science Center Лектор ...- published: 13 May 2012
- views: 88912
- author: Laur Brest

C++ Tutorial (1) - Absolute n00b spoonfeed
Video tutorials about programming in the C++ programming language. Forum: http://cpptutori...
published: 04 Apr 2008
author: antiRTFM
C++ Tutorial (1) - Absolute n00b spoonfeed
C++ Tutorial (1) - Absolute n00b spoonfeed
Video tutorials about programming in the C++ programming language. Forum: http://cpptutorials.freeforums.org/ Part 1: * Introduction * Program / Programming ...- published: 04 Apr 2008
- views: 358682
- author: antiRTFM

C++ in Arabic (محاضرات سي بلس بلس بالعربي) - Introduction - الدرس 01
هذه المحاضرة هي الاولى وتحتوي على: 1. مقدمة الى لغات البرمجة بشكل عام 2. مقدمة الى لغة سي ...
published: 11 Feb 2013
author: Murad Magableh
C++ in Arabic (محاضرات سي بلس بلس بالعربي) - Introduction - الدرس 01
C++ in Arabic (محاضرات سي بلس بلس بالعربي) - Introduction - الدرس 01
هذه المحاضرة هي الاولى وتحتوي على: 1. مقدمة الى لغات البرمجة بشكل عام 2. مقدمة الى لغة سي بلس بلس 3. التعرف على البيئة المستعملة لكتابة برامج سي بلس بلس 4. ب...- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 10777
- author: Murad Magableh

SFML C++ пишем игру платформер
Программирование игры жанра платформер на C++
Скачать код: http://yadi.sk/d/OQuo71UHEMCT8...
published: 15 Dec 2013
SFML C++ пишем игру платформер
SFML C++ пишем игру платформер
Программирование игры жанра платформер на C++ Скачать код: http://yadi.sk/d/OQuo71UHEMCT8 exe-шник: http://yadi.sk/d/asnL6oUQEL6qf ___________________________________ Программа для нарезки спрайтов SpriteDecomposer http://yadi.sk/d/RJ4PqjvMEMCoE Программа для рисования уровней Tiled Map Editor http://www.mapeditor.org/ Спрайты со старых игр sega http://minipix.ru/multimedia/sprites-genesis Небольшая коллекция спрайтов и звуков http://yadi.sk/d/bUFGdN7bEMDHX- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 406

1. Introduction to c++: Basic Programming Skills: Absolute Beginners Level (Complete series)
Please visit http://www.digitalstage.org for more. If you have any problem contact me on h...
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: Suzzett Poudel
1. Introduction to c++: Basic Programming Skills: Absolute Beginners Level (Complete series)
1. Introduction to c++: Basic Programming Skills: Absolute Beginners Level (Complete series)
Please visit http://www.digitalstage.org for more. If you have any problem contact me on http://www.digitalstage.org/Contact/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 53017
- author: Suzzett Poudel

C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners in English - Part 1
C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners in English - Part 1. Topics covered in this tutoria...
published: 03 Aug 2013
C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners in English - Part 1
C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners in English - Part 1
C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners in English - Part 1. Topics covered in this tutorial are: - Creating first C++ Program - Variables, Assignment & Data Types - C++ Program Input and Output- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 163

Scott Meyers: A Unique Perspective on C++
Scott Meyers offers his unique perspectives on the C++ programming language. Scott Meyers ...
published: 24 Oct 2007
author: OnSoftware
Scott Meyers: A Unique Perspective on C++
Scott Meyers: A Unique Perspective on C++
Scott Meyers offers his unique perspectives on the C++ programming language. Scott Meyers is one of the world's foremost authorities on C++, providing traini...- published: 24 Oct 2007
- views: 61593
- author: OnSoftware

Tutorial C++ - 1. "Hola Mundo"
Curso completo de C++ aquí ▻ http://bit.ly/CursoCplus - Crearemos un "Hola Mundo" como pri...
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: codigofacilito
Tutorial C++ - 1. "Hola Mundo"
Tutorial C++ - 1. "Hola Mundo"
Curso completo de C++ aquí ▻ http://bit.ly/CursoCplus - Crearemos un "Hola Mundo" como primer programa en nuestro curso de C++. MÁS CURSOS de CódigoFacilito:...- published: 26 Sep 2011
- views: 140228
- author: codigofacilito

C++: A language for modern times
Herb Sutter @ The knowledge chamber. http://channel9.msdn.com/...
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: Paulo Portela
C++: A language for modern times
C++: A language for modern times
Herb Sutter @ The knowledge chamber. http://channel9.msdn.com/- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 1481
- author: Paulo Portela
Vimeo results:

Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction.
published: 22 Sep 2009
author: C. Miller
Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction.
This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers.
There's more information at http://10gui.com .

Charley Atwell glamour shoot for icandigirls
The beautiful Charley Atwell and her epic boobs. This was shot during a glamour shoot for ...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: Sean C
Charley Atwell glamour shoot for icandigirls
The beautiful Charley Atwell and her epic boobs. This was shot during a glamour shoot for the www.icandigirls.co.uk website.
Shot and edited by Sean Clarke.
More images of Charley coming soon to my site: www.v1sual.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/v1sual

The pleasure of
...simple things of everyday life.
shot with 7d/ lens f 1.4 24mm canon
some shots with iPh...
published: 26 Aug 2012
author: Vitùc
The pleasure of
...simple things of everyday life.
shot with 7d/ lens f 1.4 24mm canon
some shots with iPhone 4S
sound Rode svm, zoom h4, micro on camera
underwater shots with dicapac
edit in premiere pro
color correction in Premiere pro
(music sample > jarabe de palo
Vimeo Staff Pick august 2012

Celestial Lights
Celestial Lights is my second video project. It is another stop motion based video about t...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: Ole C. Salomonsen
Celestial Lights
Celestial Lights is my second video project. It is another stop motion based video about the northern lights. The video is shot in the northern parts of Norway, Finland and Sweden during autumn 2011, winter and spring 2012.
If you like the video, please feel free to share it!
More info about me and my photography work:
If you have access to proper audio hardware, please connect and turn up the volume to enjoy the fantastic music composed by Norwegian composer Kai-Anders Ryan. Not only is Kai-Anders a great musical talent, he is also very professional and a joy to work with.
Kai-Anders can be found here:
The audio track can be found here:
For those who do not know, auroras are caused by solar activity. This is shortly visualized in the video. Our suns activity varies in 11 year cycles, and we are closing solar maximum (solar max) for our current solar cycle somewhere between 2012-2013, and solar activity with corresponding auroral activity has clearly been picking up. The beginning of 2011 was lots of clouds but weather improved late 2011 and out 2012. This video contains recordings from some of the most spectacular auroral displays I have ever witnessed, and I have seen a few.
For this video I did shoot approx 150.000 exposures from sept.2011 - april.2012 using Canon DSLR's and various wide angle lenses. Approx 6.000 frames in this video. To achieve pannings I used the fantastic Stage Zero + MX2 controller time-lapse gear from Dynamic Perception.
The video is a merge of two parts; the first part contains some more wild and aggressive auroras, as well as a few milky way sequences, hence either auroras are moving fast because they are, or they are fast due to motion of the milky way / stars. Still, some of the strait up shots are very close to real-time speed, although auroras mostly are slower, she can also be FAST! The second part has some more slow and majestic auroras, where I have focused more on composition and foreground. The music should give you a clear indication of where you are :)
Again, choosing what sequences to use was a battle, and many good sequences will have to wait for a later project I am working on ;) - More info about this will be announced on my facebook site. http://facebook.com/arcticlightphoto
This video summarizes the end of a hectic aurora season for me, and my last shots was done only a few days ago. However now the late sunlight is making it hard to shoot the auroras at night up here, so I decided enough was enough for now, and time to release the video.
I have driven thousands of km between locations up here in the arctic this season, and while on location(s) I was running between 2-3 cameras like a madman, and almost every sequence you see in this video also has been shot using circular fish-eye optics, for yet another project to come. Luckily I had some good company on many of the cold nights.
Gear used:
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Canon 15mm f/2.8, Canon 24mm f/1.4 II, Canon 17-40 f/4, Nikon 14-24 f/2.8,
Samyang 14mm f/2.8, Samyang 24mm f/1.4
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero + MX2, Orion/Merlin AZ Teletrack head.
Thanks to:
Thomas Seppola
Antti Pietikainen
Thorbjørn Riise Hågensen
Helge Mortensen
Dynamic Perception for making the greatest timelapse gear available to mankind!
Check it out here: http://www.dynamicperception.com
Hope you like the video, and that you by watching it are able to understand my fascination and awe for this beautiful celestial phenomenon.
Video will also be available in 4K Digital Cinema on request.
Youtube results:

Создание игр на C++: Марио (платформер)
Технология создания игр жанра "платформер" на C++ на примере игры "Super Mario".
published: 14 Jul 2013
Создание игр на C++: Марио (платформер)
Создание игр на C++: Марио (платформер)
Технология создания игр жанра "платформер" на C++ на примере игры "Super Mario". Инструкция по установке библиотеки SFML: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVYjVCuPuY4 Скачать код: http://yadi.sk/d/Etx-KO5K6oYJp- published: 14 Jul 2013
- views: 451

Tutorial C++ - 2. Variables Enteras
Curso completo de C++ aquí ▻ http://bit.ly/CursoCplus Veremos qué son las Variables Numéri...
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: codigofacilito
Tutorial C++ - 2. Variables Enteras
Tutorial C++ - 2. Variables Enteras
Curso completo de C++ aquí ▻ http://bit.ly/CursoCplus Veremos qué son las Variables Numéricas en C++, para qué sirven, cómo se suman y por qué son tan import...- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 61327
- author: codigofacilito

Pointers and Dynamic Memory in C++ (Memory Management)
An introduction to using dynamic memory in C++. Concepts: Why we may need to allocate memo...
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: ReelLearning
Pointers and Dynamic Memory in C++ (Memory Management)
Pointers and Dynamic Memory in C++ (Memory Management)
An introduction to using dynamic memory in C++. Concepts: Why we may need to allocate memory dynamically? new operator heap (free store) pointers to referenc...- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 14804
- author: ReelLearning

Create a Basic Graphics Program in C++
This is my second video on C++. This shows the very basic dot plotting program using 'putp...
published: 15 Sep 2011
author: Upamanyu Das
Create a Basic Graphics Program in C++
Create a Basic Graphics Program in C++
This is my second video on C++. This shows the very basic dot plotting program using 'putpixel();'. Hope you'll like it :). Leave some comments and do subscr...- published: 15 Sep 2011
- views: 65349
- author: Upamanyu Das