Ηρώ - Θέλω να με κρατάς
Στίχοι: Ηρώ Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ Album: Απογείωση Πόσα περάσα...
published: 04 Jan 2009
author: sdkboss
Ηρώ - Θέλω να με κρατάς
Ηρώ - Θέλω να με κρατάς
Στίχοι: Ηρώ Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ Album: Απογείωση Πόσα περάσαμε το ξέρεις και το ξέρω Άλλες αγάπες που δε βγάζαν πουθενά Έρχομαι...- published: 04 Jan 2009
- views: 1157027
- author: sdkboss
published: 23 Jul 2008
author: ElenaKastro
HRW ETSI EIMAI EGW.- published: 23 Jul 2008
- views: 529348
- author: ElenaKastro
HRW: cирийские власти лишили крова тысячи сочувствующих оппозиции семей
Сирийские власти лишили крова тысячи сочувствующих...
"евроньюс", самый популярный новост...
published: 30 Jan 2014
HRW: cирийские власти лишили крова тысячи сочувствующих оппозиции семей
HRW: cирийские власти лишили крова тысячи сочувствующих оппозиции семей
Сирийские власти лишили крова тысячи сочувствующих... "евроньюс", самый популярный новостной канал в Европе. Подпишитесь на ежедневный дайджест мировых новостей, отобранных и объясненных нашими журналистами:http://eurone.ws/ZdZ0Zo "евроньюс" доступен на 13 других языках:http://eurone.ws/11ILlKF http://ru.euronews.com/2014/01/30/human-rights-group-syrian-authorities-razed-entire-neighbourhoods Сирийские власти лишили крова тысячи сочувствующих оппозиции семей, стерев их дома с лица земли. Такой вывод содержится в докладе Human Rights Watch, опубликованном в четверг на сайте правозащитной организации. В докладе говорится о двух случаях подобного "коллективного наказания" в городе Хама, в центре страны, и пяти случаях в Дамаске в период с июля 2012 по июль 2013 года. Общая площадь разрушенного жилья, согласно снимкам со спутника, составляет 140 гектаров, то есть 200 футбольных полей. Аргумент сирийских властей, что дома были снесены в рамках "градостроительных преобразований" в Хаме и Дамаске, Human Rights Watch отвергает. По мнению правозащитников, во всех разрушенных кварталах жили люди, поддерживавшие оппозицию. Соседние районы с лояльным президенту Асаду населением остались целы, говорится в документе. По собранным Human Rights Watch свидетельствам очевидцев, в разрушении домов участвовала армия. Чаще всего людей предупреждали непосредственно перед сносом, никакой компенсации они не получили. Между тем участники межсирийских консультаций в Женеве под эгидой спецпредставителя ООН и ЛАГ Лахдара Брахими на 6-й день переговоров обсудили проблему терроризма. Делегации правительства Сирии и оппозиции перекладывают вину за появление в стране терроризма друг на друга. социальные сети : YouTube: http://bit.ly/zqVL10 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/euronewsru Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewsru- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 330
Allazw Hrw
Στίχοι: Νίκος Γρίτσης-Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος-Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ-Δισκογραφια: Αλλάζ...
published: 29 May 2009
author: Irini Raoukka
Allazw Hrw
Allazw Hrw
Στίχοι: Νίκος Γρίτσης-Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος-Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ-Δισκογραφια: Αλλάζω - 2008 ......dEn iMe pia ekEini pOu noMIzeIs...na feVgeIs kai oTa...- published: 29 May 2009
- views: 48013
- author: Irini Raoukka
Etsi eimai ego - Hrw / Έτσι είμαι εγώ - Ηρώ
Έτσι είμαι εγώ και δε μπορώ ούτε και θέλω ν΄αλλάξω, έτσι είμαι εγώ να σ' ονειρεύομαι μου ε...
published: 15 Nov 2009
author: Loucritia B
Etsi eimai ego - Hrw / Έτσι είμαι εγώ - Ηρώ
Etsi eimai ego - Hrw / Έτσι είμαι εγώ - Ηρώ
Έτσι είμαι εγώ και δε μπορώ ούτε και θέλω ν΄αλλάξω, έτσι είμαι εγώ να σ' ονειρεύομαι μου είναι αρκετό...- published: 15 Nov 2009
- views: 509091
- author: Loucritia B
¸¸.☆ Ηρώ ~ Μόνο Εμείς / Hrw ~ Mono Emeis ❥¸¸.♥ New Song 2012 ♥
http://www.facebook.com/D982S982 Μουσική ~Στίχοι ~Ερμηνεία: Ηρώ Λεχουρίτη Η Ηρώ επιστρέφει...
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: DS982
¸¸.☆ Ηρώ ~ Μόνο Εμείς / Hrw ~ Mono Emeis ❥¸¸.♥ New Song 2012 ♥
¸¸.☆ Ηρώ ~ Μόνο Εμείς / Hrw ~ Mono Emeis ❥¸¸.♥ New Song 2012 ♥
http://www.facebook.com/D982S982 Μουσική ~Στίχοι ~Ερμηνεία: Ηρώ Λεχουρίτη Η Ηρώ επιστρέφει μετά από τρία χρόνια δισκογραφικής απουσίας, με μια πολύ προσωπική...- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 7563
- author: DS982
Hrw Psuxraima
ΝΕΤ Στην υγειά μας 10/12/2011....
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: Dora Doraki
Hrw Psuxraima
Mikroi Theoi-Hrw (HQ)
Song:Mikroi Theoi Artist:Hrw Digital single Year:2009 Sony music...!!!...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Digimaras2
Mikroi Theoi-Hrw (HQ)
Mikroi Theoi-Hrw (HQ)
Song:Mikroi Theoi Artist:Hrw Digital single Year:2009 Sony music...!!!- published: 24 Aug 2011
- views: 1181
- author: Digimaras2
Hrw & Eleni Peta Kathe fora pou me koitazeis
ΝΕΤ Στην υγειά μας 10/12/2011 Στίχοι: Ρεβέκκα Ρούσση Μουσική: Στέφανος Κορκολής Κάθε φορά ...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: doraredhair
Hrw & Eleni Peta Kathe fora pou me koitazeis
Hrw & Eleni Peta Kathe fora pou me koitazeis
ΝΕΤ Στην υγειά μας 10/12/2011 Στίχοι: Ρεβέκκα Ρούσση Μουσική: Στέφανος Κορκολής Κάθε φορά που με πληγώνεις θέλω να τρέξω να κρυφτώ, απ' όλα όσα εσύ δεν ξέρε...- published: 13 Dec 2011
- views: 4030
- author: doraredhair
Sochi Olympics Poses Great Threat to Nature—HRW, Greenpeace
Activists say the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games pose a serious threat to the environment...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Sochi Olympics Poses Great Threat to Nature—HRW, Greenpeace
Sochi Olympics Poses Great Threat to Nature—HRW, Greenpeace
Activists say the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games pose a serious threat to the environment, and urge the IOC to pay more attention to human rights and environmental issues in the Olympics host countries. Full Story: Human Rights Watch, Greenpeace, and Russian environmental groups are calling on the International Olympic Committee to pay more attention to environmental and human rights issues in the Games host countries. Representative of Greenpeace Russia, Mikhail Kreindlin, says the Olympic construction poses an enormous threat to the nature of the Caucasus, calling the infrastructure projects "commercial". Environmentalists say that under the pretext of Olympic construction, Russian authorities amended the legislation which now allows construction inside protected natural areas. Putin is expected to spend more than 50-billion dollars to show off Russia's modern face at the Games in Sochi, a Black Sea resort on the edge of the Caucasus Mountains. Moscow promised to set "new environmental standards" in Olympic construction. Complaints about construction, along with international concerns about gay rights and security, threaten Putin's efforts to improve Russia's image through the games. The Sochi 2014 organizing committee says construction has minimized harmful carbon emissions. Companies carrying out construction say they are sticking to their promises to meet international standards in protecting the environment. But some ecologists say the damage is only the beginning and that construction may have put the region under threat of potential ecological disasters, including poisoned drinking water and flooding. New York-based Human Rights Watch says local environmental activists have been harassed over their work. Human Rights Watch Deputy Director of the Europe and Central Asia Division, Rachel Denber, says what we now see in Sochi is the persecution of activists, in the context of Olympics security. In 2008, months after Putin won the right to hold the Games in Sochi, a U.N. environmental group paid a visit to the area. After meeting government ministers, Olympic contractor Olympstroy and local non-governmental groups, the delegation concluded the Olympic project was aimed at economic development "in which environmental aspects play only a minor role". Environmental experts say that Olympic construction which has consisted of pouring soil into lowland swamps helped cause the flooding that created a state of emergency in September. Russian environmentalist, Yevgenia Chirikova, says after the Beijing Olympics and the Russian Olympics, many European countries will conclude whether it is worth cooperating with the IOC. She says the Games is increasingly becoming less of a sports celebration, and more a celebration for officials and a show of the authorities' ambitions. Russian President Vladimir Putin has staked his personal and political prestige on February's Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi. If all goes according to plan, the costliest Games in history will be a showcase for Russia's achievements under Putin, the vindication of a six-year vanity project on a truly Soviet scale. For more news and videos visit ☛ http://ntdtv.org Follow us on Twitter ☛ http://twitter.com/NTDTelevision Add us on Facebook ☛ http://on.fb.me/s5KV2C- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 15
Amore mio - Hrw Gigi d' Alessio - Lyrics
Αφιερωμένο...!! Era settembre ed il sole ci ha visti baciare con il fiatone correvi giocan...
published: 22 Dec 2009
author: Loucritia B
Amore mio - Hrw Gigi d' Alessio - Lyrics
Amore mio - Hrw Gigi d' Alessio - Lyrics
Αφιερωμένο...!! Era settembre ed il sole ci ha visti baciare con il fiatone correvi giocando con me un sassolino nell'acqua faceva rumore il desiderio di sta...- published: 22 Dec 2009
- views: 234939
- author: Loucritia B
Egypt: Epidemic of Sexual Violence
(New York, July 3, 2013) -- Egyptian anti-sexual harassment groups confirmed that mobs sex...
published: 02 Jul 2013
Egypt: Epidemic of Sexual Violence
Egypt: Epidemic of Sexual Violence
(New York, July 3, 2013) -- Egyptian anti-sexual harassment groups confirmed that mobs sexually assaulted and in some cases raped at least 91 women in Tahrir Square over four days of protests beginning on June 30, 2013 amid a climate of impunity. Human Rights Watch has long documented the problem of sexual assault in Cairo's streets and particularly at protests. A new video highlights the stories of women who have been attacked, in some cases as recently as January. For more information: http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/07/03/egypt-epidemic-sexual-violence- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 262448
Entrevista: José Miguel Vivanco, Director para las Américas HRW
El director para las Américas de Human Rights Watch, José Miguel Vivanco, habló en Conexió...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Entrevista: José Miguel Vivanco, Director para las Américas HRW
Entrevista: José Miguel Vivanco, Director para las Américas HRW
El director para las Américas de Human Rights Watch, José Miguel Vivanco, habló en Conexión Mundial sobre un informe que critica la violencia presentada en diferentes naciones como en Siria. Otros temas centrales fueron la intervención de EE.UU. en roles de espionaje, violencia y proceso de paz en Colombia, y la crisis política y financiera de Venezuela. A continuación la entrevista completa de Vivanco desde Washington D.C, en los Estados Unidos. Más información en www.cablenoticias.tv- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 145
Venezuela rechaza informe falsario de la organización gringa imperialista HRW. Medios, violencia
210114 Director de Conatel, Pedro Maldonado, rechaza informe falsario propagandístico, con...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Venezuela rechaza informe falsario de la organización gringa imperialista HRW. Medios, violencia
Venezuela rechaza informe falsario de la organización gringa imperialista HRW. Medios, violencia
210114 Director de Conatel, Pedro Maldonado, rechaza informe falsario propagandístico, contra Venezuela, de la organización gubernamental imperialista HRW (de la democracia ficticia de Estados Unidos). Medios, violencia, inseguridad- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 22
Youtube results:
Hrw Etsi einai oi sxeseis
ΝΕΤ Στην υγειά μας 10/12/2011....
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: Dora Doraki
Hrw Etsi einai oi sxeseis
Hrw Etsi einai oi sxeseis
ΝΕΤ Στην υγειά μας 10/12/2011.- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 7617
- author: Dora Doraki
Hrw Se thelw edw
ΝΕΤ Στην υγειά μας 10/12/2011....
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: Dora Doraki
Hrw Se thelw edw
Hrw Se thelw edw
ΝΕΤ Στην υγειά μας 10/12/2011.- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 8835
- author: Dora Doraki
Hochschule Ruhr West - Roboter Nao führt durch die HRW
Protagonisten dieses Films sind nicht die 315 HRW Studierenden, sondern der kleine Roboter...
published: 31 May 2011
author: hochschuleruhrwest
Hochschule Ruhr West - Roboter Nao führt durch die HRW
Hochschule Ruhr West - Roboter Nao führt durch die HRW
Protagonisten dieses Films sind nicht die 315 HRW Studierenden, sondern der kleine Roboter Nao. Er zeigt Interessierten die beiden Standorte Bottrop und Mülh...- published: 31 May 2011
- views: 1491
- author: hochschuleruhrwest