
Atari Sports - Angry Video Game Nerd
Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 109) Atari Sports http://cinemassacre.com/ https://twitter....
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: Cinemassacre
Atari Sports - Angry Video Game Nerd
Atari Sports - Angry Video Game Nerd
Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 109) Atari Sports http://cinemassacre.com/ https://twitter.com/cinemassacre https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei http://cinemassacre...- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 1822406
- author: Cinemassacre

Atari (Part 4) Space Games! - James & Mike Mondays
There were a ton of space themed games on the Atari 2600. Besides Space Invaders, were the...
published: 02 Dec 2013
Atari (Part 4) Space Games! - James & Mike Mondays
Atari (Part 4) Space Games! - James & Mike Mondays
There were a ton of space themed games on the Atari 2600. Besides Space Invaders, were there any that were really worth playing? That's the question James Rolfe and Mike Matei are trying to find the answer to! All the games featured here either have "Space" or "Star" in the title. It's Atari (Part 4) Space Games! This is the fourth part of an ongoing series we're doing dedicated to Atari. There will be more in the future. But we spread them out between other subjects. Atari (Part 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FP4xYEpe-M Atari (Part 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfJ2pzhJ5xE Atari (Part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGsckFydtXc Visit our website! http://cinemassacre.com Mike's Twitter! https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei James Twitter! https://twitter.com/cinemassacre Our Google+ https://plus.google.com/+JamesNintendoNerd Our Tumblr! http://cinemassacreproductions.tumblr.com Our Facebook Fanpage! https://www.facebook.com/Cinemassacre Our Instagram! http://instagram.com/cinemassacre Our Reddit! http://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacre/- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 140431

La Atari 2600 fué mi primera consola, así que se imaginarán el aprecio que le tengo, por e...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: samir0504
La Atari 2600 fué mi primera consola, así que se imaginarán el aprecio que le tengo, por ello me decidí a subir este top de los que son para mí los mejores 3...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 25510
- author: samir0504

Conan O'Brien Plays Atari 2600 Classics: Clueless Gamer | Conan on TBS
CONAN Highlight: Conan plays some of the best games from the 70's & 80's, including "Pitfa...
published: 09 Aug 2013
author: teamcoco
Conan O'Brien Plays Atari 2600 Classics: Clueless Gamer | Conan on TBS
Conan O'Brien Plays Atari 2600 Classics: Clueless Gamer | Conan on TBS
CONAN Highlight: Conan plays some of the best games from the 70's & 80's, including "Pitfall," "Space Invaders," and the infamous "E.T." More CONAN @ http://...- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 278791
- author: teamcoco

Atari Game Commercials 1980 to 1983 HD
A collection of advertisements featuring Atari video game commercials from the early days ...
published: 07 Sep 2012
author: uberretroguy
Atari Game Commercials 1980 to 1983 HD
Atari Game Commercials 1980 to 1983 HD
A collection of advertisements featuring Atari video game commercials from the early days of gaming. I remastered the audio levels, video levels, added smoot...- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 26645
- author: uberretroguy

Ultra Rare Atari 2700 System-Review (Prototype)
Check out: http://atari2600.com/
More at: http://gamester81.com
Check out: http://www.ston...
published: 13 Sep 2013
Ultra Rare Atari 2700 System-Review (Prototype)
Ultra Rare Atari 2700 System-Review (Prototype)
Check out: http://atari2600.com/ More at: http://gamester81.com Check out: http://www.stoneagegamer.com/bitbox Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81FanPage Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gamester81 Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/gamester81 I'm on Instagram,Tumblr and Foursquare under Gamester81. Intro by Vlad Iacob (visuals) and Jason Heine TheEMUreview (audio). http://youtube.com/theemureview My other channels: Gamester81in3D-videogame reviews in 3D: http://www.youtube.com/user/Gamester81in3D Gamester81Arcade-Arcade game reviews: http://www.youtube.com/user/Gamester81Arcade NEStalgiaholic-70's, 80's, 90's and today memorabilia and more: http://www.youtube.com/user/NEStalgiaholic Starwarsnut77-Star Wars & Sci Fi stuff: http://www.youtube.com/user/starwarsnut77 Allgengamers YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/allgengamers Follow me on Instragram; user Gamester81. Follow me on Foursquare: https://foursquare.com/gamester81 Follow me on Tumblr: http://gamester81.tumblr.com/ Listen to my podcast Allgengamers with cohost MetalJesusRocks, PeteDorr, and TheEMUreview: http://allgengamers.com- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 15556

Atari (Part 2) "Classic 2600 Games"
In this episode James & Mike play the following games: Vanguard, Frogs & Flies, Dodge Em, ...
published: 26 Jun 2013
author: Cinemassacre
Atari (Part 2) "Classic 2600 Games"
Atari (Part 2) "Classic 2600 Games"
In this episode James & Mike play the following games: Vanguard, Frogs & Flies, Dodge Em, Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, Jr. Pac Man, River Raid, Mario Bros, Asteroid...- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 328989
- author: Cinemassacre

LGR - Atari ST Computer System Review
The Atari ST was introduced right before the Commodore Amiga in 1985. Popular with gamers,...
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: phreakindee
LGR - Atari ST Computer System Review
LGR - Atari ST Computer System Review
The Atari ST was introduced right before the Commodore Amiga in 1985. Popular with gamers, musicians and desktop publishers, the ST earned its right as one o...- published: 25 Jul 2011
- views: 65543
- author: phreakindee

Atari 1040 STE vs Commodore Amiga 600
2 heavyweights of the late 80's and early 90's. Which 16 bit computer was better? Lets fin...
published: 09 Jun 2013
author: Oldtech81
Atari 1040 STE vs Commodore Amiga 600
Atari 1040 STE vs Commodore Amiga 600
2 heavyweights of the late 80's and early 90's. Which 16 bit computer was better? Lets find out!- published: 09 Jun 2013
- views: 381
- author: Oldtech81

Atari 5200 - Angry Video Game Nerd
The Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 20) Atari 5200 http://cinemassacre.com/ https://twitter...
published: 26 Jul 2008
author: Cinemassacre
Atari 5200 - Angry Video Game Nerd
Atari 5200 - Angry Video Game Nerd
The Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 20) Atari 5200 http://cinemassacre.com/ https://twitter.com/cinemassacre https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei http://cinemassacr...- published: 26 Jul 2008
- views: 3958480
- author: Cinemassacre

História da Atari em português
Matéria sobre a Atari e entrevista com Nolan Bushnell (em português). Leia o artigo comple...
published: 10 Feb 2013
author: VICIOGAME Campeonato Retrô Games
História da Atari em português
História da Atari em português
Matéria sobre a Atari e entrevista com Nolan Bushnell (em português). Leia o artigo completo: http://wp.me/p90oS-ga http://www.viciogame.com.br/- published: 10 Feb 2013
- views: 534
- author: VICIOGAME Campeonato Retrô Games

1984 Computer/Video/Arcade Gaming Atari, EA, Activision, Apple The Computer Chronicles Feb. 28, 1984
Gaming in 1984. Creating an entirely new platform for playing games, between humans or bet...
published: 10 May 2013
author: onlysublime
1984 Computer/Video/Arcade Gaming Atari, EA, Activision, Apple The Computer Chronicles Feb. 28, 1984
1984 Computer/Video/Arcade Gaming Atari, EA, Activision, Apple The Computer Chronicles Feb. 28, 1984
Gaming in 1984. Creating an entirely new platform for playing games, between humans or between humans and computers. Products/Demos: Atari 2600, Pinball Cons...- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 1437
- author: onlysublime

Classic Game Room - PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review
PlayStation 2 vs. Atari 2600! http://www.ClassicGameRoom.com Shop CGR shirts & hats! http:...
published: 07 Jul 2008
author: InecomCompany
Classic Game Room - PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review
Classic Game Room - PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review
PlayStation 2 vs. Atari 2600! http://www.ClassicGameRoom.com Shop CGR shirts & hats! http://www.CGRstore.com Classic Game Room was the FIRST classic video ga...- published: 07 Jul 2008
- views: 396387
- author: InecomCompany
Youtube results:

80's Atari commercial
80's Atari commercial....
published: 19 Nov 2006
author: HenryHuiHui
80's Atari commercial
80's Atari commercial
80's Atari commercial.- published: 19 Nov 2006
- views: 385461
- author: HenryHuiHui

20 Games That Defined Atari 8-Bit Gaming
20 Games That Defined Atari 8-Bit Gaming
1979 Star Raiders (Atari)
1981 Caverns of Mars (...
published: 05 Jul 2013
20 Games That Defined Atari 8-Bit Gaming
20 Games That Defined Atari 8-Bit Gaming
20 Games That Defined Atari 8-Bit Gaming 1979 Star Raiders (Atari) 1981 Caverns of Mars (Atari) 1981 Eastern Front (1941) (Atari) 1982 Aztec Challenge (Cosmi) 1982 Miner 2049er (Big Five Software) 1982 Shamus (Synapse) 1983 Dandy (Atari) 1983 Blue Max (Synapse) 1983 Jumpman (Epyx) 1983 Alley Cat (Synapse) 1983 M.U.L.E. (Ozark Softscape) 1983 Archon: The Light and Dark (Free Fall Associates) 1984 Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (Big Five Software) 1984 Bruce Lee (Datasoft) 1984 Ballblazer (Lucasfilm) 1984 Rescue of Fractalus! (Lucasfilm) 1984 Koronis Rift (Lucasfilm) 1985 The Eidolon (Lucasfilm) 1986 International Karate (System 3) 1986 Star Raiders II (Atari)- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 21

Atari 7800 vs. NES Multiplatform Games Comparison
The Atari 7800 and NES in a cage match battle for 8-bit supremacy. My goal is to highlight...
published: 23 Jun 2013
author: Playongo
Atari 7800 vs. NES Multiplatform Games Comparison
Atari 7800 vs. NES Multiplatform Games Comparison
The Atari 7800 and NES in a cage match battle for 8-bit supremacy. My goal is to highlight games that were as good or better on the Atari 7800, but you be th...- published: 23 Jun 2013
- views: 249
- author: Playongo

Atari (Part 1) "INTRODUCTION"
James & Mike Play (Episode 10) "Atari Introduction" with James Rolfe and Mike Matei https:...
published: 15 Jun 2013
author: Cinemassacre
Atari (Part 1) "INTRODUCTION"
Atari (Part 1) "INTRODUCTION"
James & Mike Play (Episode 10) "Atari Introduction" with James Rolfe and Mike Matei https://twitter.com/cinemassacre https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei http://ci...- published: 15 Jun 2013
- views: 267802
- author: Cinemassacre