
The Franks
As the Roman Empire draws to a close, from out the north a confederation of tribes band to...
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: georgeweatherby
The Franks
The Franks
As the Roman Empire draws to a close, from out the north a confederation of tribes band together under a powerful leader. These fierce marauders became known...- published: 30 Jun 2011
- views: 120476
- author: georgeweatherby

Michael Franks Sleeping Gypsy ( Full Album )
Sleeping Gypsy Track Listing: 1. The Lady Wants to Know 2. I Really Hope It's You 3. In th...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: mistermister668a
Michael Franks Sleeping Gypsy ( Full Album )
Michael Franks Sleeping Gypsy ( Full Album )
Sleeping Gypsy Track Listing: 1. The Lady Wants to Know 2. I Really Hope It's You 3. In the Eye of the Storm 4. B'wana-He No Home 5. Don't Be Blue 6. Antonio...- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 8745
- author: mistermister668a

For more Military Campains of the Roman Empire visit: http://www.greatmilitarybattles.com/...
published: 05 Feb 2013
For more Military Campains of the Roman Empire visit: http://www.greatmilitarybattles.com/html/the_roman_empire.html.- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 32831

Michael Franks' Greatest Hits (Full Album)
01. Rainy Night In Tokyo
02. Antonio's Song
03. On My Way Home To You
04. The Lady Wants T...
published: 05 Oct 2013
Michael Franks' Greatest Hits (Full Album)
Michael Franks' Greatest Hits (Full Album)
01. Rainy Night In Tokyo 02. Antonio's Song 03. On My Way Home To You 04. The Lady Wants To Know 05. Baseball 06. Popsicle Toes 07. Laughing Gas 08.Your Secret's Safe With Me 09. Mr. Blue 10. When The Cookie Jar Is Empty 11. Under The Sun 12. Tiger In The Rain 13. The Cool School 14. Rendezvous 15. Never Satisfied 16. More And More 17. Love Duet 18. Jealousy 19. Eggplant 20. Blue- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 74

The Franks 1/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: BirkaViking
The Franks 1/3
The Franks 1/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first attested in the third century AD as living north and east of the L...- published: 03 Dec 2011
- views: 12013
- author: BirkaViking

10. Clovis and the Franks
The Early Middle Ages, 284--1000 (HIST 210) Professor Freedman begins his discussion of Gr...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: YaleCourses
10. Clovis and the Franks
10. Clovis and the Franks
The Early Middle Ages, 284--1000 (HIST 210) Professor Freedman begins his discussion of Gregory of Tours' history of the Merovingian kings. This history diff...- published: 05 Apr 2012
- views: 14224
- author: YaleCourses

Barbarians - The Franks
http://www.documentaryflick.com "Scientia potentia est" - Knowledge is Power....
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: DocumentaryFlick
Barbarians - The Franks
Barbarians - The Franks
http://www.documentaryflick.com "Scientia potentia est" - Knowledge is Power.- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 1923
- author: DocumentaryFlick

Frank's Thong Snatches.
Working out in a thong....
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: digitalairair
Frank's Thong Snatches.
Frank's Thong Snatches.
Working out in a thong.- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 57252
- author: digitalairair

Michael Franks - The Art Of Tea ( Full Album )
The Art Of Tea
Track Listings
1. Nightmoves
2. Eggplant
3. Monkey See-Monkey Do
4. St. Elm...
published: 08 Aug 2013
Michael Franks - The Art Of Tea ( Full Album )
Michael Franks - The Art Of Tea ( Full Album )
The Art Of Tea Track Listings 1. Nightmoves 2. Eggplant 3. Monkey See-Monkey Do 4. St. Elmo's Fire 5. I Don't Know Why I'm So Happy I'm Sad 6. Jive 7. Popsicle Toes 8. Sometimes I Just Forget to Smile 9. Mr. Blue- published: 08 Aug 2013
- views: 318

Ze Frank's web playroom
http://www.ted.com On the web, a new "Friend" may be just a click away, but true connectio...
published: 15 Oct 2010
author: TEDtalksDirector
Ze Frank's web playroom
Ze Frank's web playroom
http://www.ted.com On the web, a new "Friend" may be just a click away, but true connection is harder to find and express. Ze Frank presents a medley of zany...- published: 15 Oct 2010
- views: 210818
- author: TEDtalksDirector

Michael Franks Watching The Snow ( Full Album )
Watching The Snow
Track Listings
1. The Way We Celebrate New Year's 00:00
2. Watching The ...
published: 24 Sep 2013
Michael Franks Watching The Snow ( Full Album )
Michael Franks Watching The Snow ( Full Album )
Watching The Snow Track Listings 1. The Way We Celebrate New Year's 00:00 2. Watching The Snow 06:23 3. Christmas in Kyoto 12:04 4. My Present 16:54 5. I Bought You a Plastic Star 21:25 6. Said the Snowflake 25:02 7. The Kiss 29:53 8. When the Snowmen sings 34:36 9. Island Christmas 38:56 10. My Present 44:41- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 81

A sneak peak from my reality show " My Morphin Life"
RARE- World exclusive Behind the scen...
published: 21 Aug 2013
A sneak peak from my reality show " My Morphin Life" RARE- World exclusive Behind the scenes from Power Rangers MegaForce- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 7640

Michael Franks Tiger In The Rain ( Full Album )
Tiger In The Rain Track Listings 1. Sanpaku 2. When It's Over 3. Living On The Inside 4. H...
published: 18 May 2013
author: mistermister668a
Michael Franks Tiger In The Rain ( Full Album )
Michael Franks Tiger In The Rain ( Full Album )
Tiger In The Rain Track Listings 1. Sanpaku 2. When It's Over 3. Living On The Inside 4. Hideaway 5. Jardin Botanico 6. Underneath The Apple Tree 7. Tiger In...- published: 18 May 2013
- views: 5511
- author: mistermister668a
Vimeo results:

Dream World
This documentary is about Jason Paul, a free runner that tries to find new ways in his dai...
published: 02 Jun 2011
author: Frank Sauer
Dream World
This documentary is about Jason Paul, a free runner that tries to find new ways in his daily life to fulfill his inner needs. On his journey to London he discovers that friendship and companion are essential values in life.
SPECIAL THANKS TO Jason Paul, Enis Maslic, Stephan Baumann
Glitch Mob - Drive it like you stole it (Pawn remix)
Passion Pit - Swimming in the flood
Daft Punk - Fall (Remixed By M83 Vs Big Black Delta)
Lunice - Hitmane's Anthem
Camera: GH2 & GoPro
Lenses: Panasonic 20mm, 14-140mm & 7-14mm
Mic: Rode Mic Pro

unnamed soundsculpture
Project by Daniel Franke & Cedric Kiefer
produced by:
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: Daniel Franke
unnamed soundsculpture
Project by Daniel Franke & Cedric Kiefer
produced by:
Music: Machinefabriek "Kreukeltape"
Text: Sandra Moskova
The basic idea of the project is built upon the consideration of creating
a moving sculpture from the recorded motion data of a real person. For
our work we asked a dancer to visualize a musical piece (Kreukeltape by
Machinenfabriek) as closely as possible by movements of her body. She was
recorded by three depth cameras (Kinect), in which the intersection of the
images was later put together to a three-dimensional volume (3d point cloud),
so we were able to use the collected data throughout the further process.
The three-dimensional image allowed us a completely free handling of the
digital camera, without limitations of the perspective. The camera also reacts
to the sound and supports the physical imitation of the musical piece by the
performer. She moves to a noise field, where a simple modification of the
random seed can consistently create new versions of the video, each offering
a different composition of the recorded performance. The multi-dimensionality
of the sound sculpture is already contained in every movement of the dancer,
as the camera footage allows any imaginable perspective.
The body – constant and indefinite at the same time – “bursts†the space
already with its mere physicality, creating a first distinction between the self
and its environment. Only the body movements create a reference to the
otherwise invisible space, much like the dots bounce on the ground to give it
a physical dimension. Thus, the sound-dance constellation in the video does
not only simulate a purely virtual space. The complex dynamics of the body
movements is also strongly self-referential. With the complex quasi-static,
inconsistent forms the body is “paintingâ€, a new reality space emerges whose
simulated aesthetics goes far beyond numerical codes.
Similar to painting, a single point appears to be still very abstract, but the
more points are connected to each other, the more complex and concrete
the image seems. The more perfect and complex the “alternative worlds†we
project (Vilém Flusser) and the closer together their point elements, the more
tangible they become. A digital body, consisting of 22 000 points, thus seems
so real that it comes to life again.
nominated for the for the MuVi Award:
see video in full quallity:
HQ Stills

Light Emitting Dudes - LED Freerunning
Light Emitting Dudes takes a team of freerunners, geared up from head to toe with LED ligh...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: Frank Sauer
Light Emitting Dudes - LED Freerunning
Light Emitting Dudes takes a team of freerunners, geared up from head to toe with LED lights, and sets them loose on the streets of Bangkok at night. With acrobatic grace, they carved up the already buzzing nightlife spots while adding their own flair and colour to the mix.
Jason Paul, Shaun Wood, and Anan Anwar are a team of freerunners whose homes are already quite far apart, coming from Frankfurt, Sydney, and Bangkok respectively. Director Frank Sauer and Costume Designer Christina Zahra also had to fly in from Germany, so getting everyone together to shoot this video was a challenge in and of itself. With no definite locations, pre-planned stunts, or even a working LED suit prototype, making the decision to fly to Thailand was a real leap of faith. All I had was an idea in mind of what I wanted to create.
I had worked with Jason before in 2011 to create Dream World, which documented Jason's journey to London to compete in the Art of Motion Freerunning competition. Since then I have been looking for another opportunity to work together and to get the rest of his team involved. I wanted to portray freerunning in a way that hasn't been done before. I realized that freerunning at night was a barely-touched space where I could do some ground-breaking work, so I began thinking about LED suits as a concept.
One of the biggest challenges was putting together a suit that both looked cool and was functional. It had to be able to withstand the stresses of high impact acrobatic stunts, while adequately lighting up the surroundings as we passed through them. Luckily, Christina, with a wealth of experience as a fashion designer, was there to put it all together. Armed with a few morphsuits, some batteries, and a plethora of LED strips and duct tape, Christina really did a great job of fashioning together a Tron-style LED suit on a shoe-string budget.
Once the suits were ready, and we were tired of playing dress-up in the apartment and scaring the cat, it was time for the team to hit the streets. This opened up a whole new can of worms. It turns out, walking around the streets looking like creepy Neo S&M; Power Rangers attracts unwanted attention, making guerilla-style shooting particularly difficult, to say the least. And the traffic police didn't take our presence at busy intersections light-heartedly either. Go figure.
The mix of dangerous stunts and exhaustion due to all-night shoots really tested our resolve to finish the video. Maintaining the suits in good condition was also a continual hassle. They needed to be disassembled from time to time so the batteries could be recharged, and damaged LED strips needed to be unthreaded and replaced. The schedule being what it was meant that the suits never really had time to air out. We had to work with the mild stench of men’s locker room on us the whole time. The low light conditions presented their own challenges for shooting, but did provide an opportunity to experiment with long exposure to create beautiful light stroke shots.
For two weeks we were out every night collecting shots and enjoying the confused look on peoples face when we walked by. Oddly enough the cool factor of looking like a general bad ass never wore off. I think a lot big kids dream of dressing up like superheroes and leaping around the city. That's something I can cross off my bucket list, now. We had a great time together. In the end, it's definitely worth it to create something new and unique in a way only you can.
IN COOPERATION WITH Team Farang (http://www.farang-mag.com/)
EDITING Frank Sauer & Sebastian Linda
COSTUME DESIGN Christina Zahra
TITLES Stephan Baumann
MASTERING Matthias Greule
Metric - Artificial Nocturne (Love Thy Brother Remix)
(Hack: EOSHD Vanilla)
LENSES: Voigtlander f/0.95 25mm, SLR Magic Hyperprime f/1.6 12mm, Panasonic f/4 7-14mm
, Canon FD f/1.4 50mm, Canon FD f/2 85mm

Holi Shit
Holi Shit takes a team of freerunners, geared up with a bunch of “toys” which were as grea...
published: 08 Nov 2013
author: Frank Sauer
Holi Shit
Holi Shit takes a team of freerunners, geared up with a bunch of “toys” which were as great to play with as they are to watch in slow motion and follows their adventures through the abandoned suburbs of Berlin.
During their three days journey, the freerunners and camera crew got lost more than once on the endless highways outside of Berlin Brandenburg. We also realized that the most interesting abandoned places are not only well concealed, but are well guarded by security and police. Ignoring those signs of warning the next days were packed with thrilling moments of spectacular runs and tricks but also, getting chased by ghost hunters at midnight, and getting arrested by the police while shooting a drone shot with smoke grenades on top of the tallest building in the area. Obviously not a good idea!
Every big city has one thing in common. After a while it is quite hard to get out of a place filled with so much energy. Chasing those abandoned buildings and feeling the calmness of a place once filled with so much life was truly inspirational.
Get the epic song from Son Lux - "Lost It To Trying" :
Also check out ...
Light Emitting Dudes - LED Freerunning:
Dream World:
Frank Sauer
Son Lux - "Lost It To Trying"
Max Bawey, Henrik Dymke, Elvis Jung, Eric Terrey
Jens Fischer
Mathias Greule
Sebastian Linda, Julian Glöckner, Christian Wohlfahrt,
Alexander Mink, Stephan Baumann
Sony FS 700 + Metabones Speed Booster
Canon 5DM3 + Magic Lantern RAW
Canon 14mm f2.8
Canon 24mm f1.4
Canon 50mm f1.2
Canon 70-200mm f4
Youtube results:

Michael Franks - 09 - When Sly Calls (Don't Touch That Phone) [HQ]
PASSIONFRUIT is a jazz vocal album by Michael Franks, released in 1983 by Warner Bros. Rec...
published: 26 Jan 2013
author: TheRotsenestor
Michael Franks - 09 - When Sly Calls (Don't Touch That Phone) [HQ]
Michael Franks - 09 - When Sly Calls (Don't Touch That Phone) [HQ]
PASSIONFRUIT is a jazz vocal album by Michael Franks, released in 1983 by Warner Bros. Records. It was Franks' eighth studio album. All songs written and com...- published: 26 Jan 2013
- views: 11579
- author: TheRotsenestor

CrossFit - Franks Strength Part 2
Ben and Owen Franks are professional rugby players for the New Zealand All Blacks, winners...
published: 08 Jan 2012
author: CrossFit®
CrossFit - Franks Strength Part 2
CrossFit - Franks Strength Part 2
Ben and Owen Franks are professional rugby players for the New Zealand All Blacks, winners of the 2011 Rugby World Cup. In Part 2, the brothers are training ...- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 77737
- author: CrossFit®

Perfectly Frank's
Grandpa and Pickleboy have lunch at Perfectly Frank's in Summerville....
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: KidBehindACamera
Perfectly Frank's
Perfectly Frank's
Grandpa and Pickleboy have lunch at Perfectly Frank's in Summerville.- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 42782
- author: KidBehindACamera

The Lady Wants To Know - Michael Franks (1977)
Michael Franks (born 18 September 1944 in La Jolla, California) is a smooth jazz singer an...
published: 05 Feb 2011
author: djbuddylovecooljazz
The Lady Wants To Know - Michael Franks (1977)
The Lady Wants To Know - Michael Franks (1977)
Michael Franks (born 18 September 1944 in La Jolla, California) is a smooth jazz singer and songwriter. He has recorded with a variety of well-known artists ...- published: 05 Feb 2011
- views: 190528
- author: djbuddylovecooljazz