ICAO's Aviation Safety Strategy
The Director of the Air Navigation Bureau provides an overview of the aviation industry's ...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: ICAOvideo
ICAO's Aviation Safety Strategy
ICAO's Aviation Safety Strategy
The Director of the Air Navigation Bureau provides an overview of the aviation industry's current safety record and ICAO's safety strategy to reduce the numb...- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 5445
- author: ICAOvideo
Professor Kalazans descreve livro COMO PASSAR NO TESTE DE PROFICIÊNCIA DA ICAO, ressaltand...
published: 14 May 2012
author: kalazansdaniel
Professor Kalazans descreve livro COMO PASSAR NO TESTE DE PROFICIÊNCIA DA ICAO, ressaltando todas as etapas e fases de forma criativa e inteligente que vai a...- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 2562
- author: kalazansdaniel
Top 10 tips to get ICAO level 4, 5 and 6
You will listen to and read proven ways to improve your English level for aviation. If you...
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: icaoenglish
Top 10 tips to get ICAO level 4, 5 and 6
Top 10 tips to get ICAO level 4, 5 and 6
You will listen to and read proven ways to improve your English level for aviation. If you follow these tips you will achieve fluency in aviation English and...- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 21462
- author: icaoenglish
ICAO - PBN Update 2013-12
Erwin Lassooij, ICAO PBN Programme Manager, provides a status report, to the 5th Meeting o...
published: 12 Dec 2013
ICAO - PBN Update 2013-12
ICAO - PBN Update 2013-12
Erwin Lassooij, ICAO PBN Programme Manager, provides a status report, to the 5th Meeting of the APAC FPP Steering Committee, on global and Asia-Pacific implementation of Performance-based Navigation as well as updates on ICAO's PBN activities and planning for 2014.- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 86
Canal Piloto 56 - CPR: Altura, inglês ICAO, emancipação e daltonismo
Todos os links citados no video estão nessa postagem: http://canalpiloto.com.br/cp56. Cana...
published: 23 Feb 2013
author: CanalPiloto
Canal Piloto 56 - CPR: Altura, inglês ICAO, emancipação e daltonismo
Canal Piloto 56 - CPR: Altura, inglês ICAO, emancipação e daltonismo
Todos os links citados no video estão nessa postagem: http://canalpiloto.com.br/cp56. Canal Piloto http://www.canalpiloto.c...- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 2479
- author: CanalPiloto
Luftraumklassen der ICAO & BRD, Teil 1/3
Dieses Video ist Teil 1 einer Serie in dem ich die Luftraumeinteilung der ICAO und deren U...
published: 02 Nov 2010
author: Uwe Kaffka
Luftraumklassen der ICAO & BRD, Teil 1/3
Luftraumklassen der ICAO & BRD, Teil 1/3
Dieses Video ist Teil 1 einer Serie in dem ich die Luftraumeinteilung der ICAO und deren Umsetzung in der BRD erkläre. Grundwissen für jeden der aktiv in und...- published: 02 Nov 2010
- views: 4424
- author: Uwe Kaffka
ICAO English Test Course
This interactive aviation English "learning" and "practice" course, gives you the skills y...
published: 17 Aug 2011
author: icaoenglish
ICAO English Test Course
ICAO English Test Course
This interactive aviation English "learning" and "practice" course, gives you the skills you need to communicate in emergency situations http://www.practicei...- published: 17 Aug 2011
- views: 8565
- author: icaoenglish
Aviation English Live: Aviation English Class ICAO Level 4
This is a class from the Aviation English Live course at Languagelab.com: http://www.langu...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: languagelabdotcom
Aviation English Live: Aviation English Class ICAO Level 4
Aviation English Live: Aviation English Class ICAO Level 4
This is a class from the Aviation English Live course at Languagelab.com: http://www.languagelab.com/aviation-english-live/ If you are a company or school in...- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 1586
- author: languagelabdotcom
台以貴賓身分 睽違42年重返ICAO
published: 24 Sep 2013
台以貴賓身分 睽違42年重返ICAO
台以貴賓身分 睽違42年重返ICAO
睽違42年,台灣首度受邀參加在加拿大蒙特婁舉行的第38屆國際民航組織ICAO大會,台灣代表團由民航局長沈啟領軍,雖然這次只是以中華台北的貴賓身分受邀,台灣下一個目標是參加技術性、區域性的會議,讓台灣飛航標準與國際零時差,來看記者倪嘉徽和段士元來自加拿大的報導。 http://news.tvbs.com.tw/entry/504688- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 177
Flight Services Video: ICAO Flight Plans
Helpful hints for filing an ICAO flight plan using the Flight Services Pilot Portal. Sign...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Flight Services Video: ICAO Flight Plans
Flight Services Video: ICAO Flight Plans
Helpful hints for filing an ICAO flight plan using the Flight Services Pilot Portal. Sign up for the Flight Services Portal and learn more at https://lmfsweb.afss.com/ or www.afss.com- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 555
42年後重返ICAO 民航局長抵加
published: 24 Sep 2013
42年後重返ICAO 民航局長抵加
42年後重返ICAO 民航局長抵加
台灣42年來,首次參與國際民航組織ICAO大會,今天台灣代表團成員以及記者都已經拿到證件,ICAO顧問表示,ICAO大會的座位是依照字母排列,一般是成員國之後才是觀察員的座位,台灣這次是特邀貴賓,座位安排要到明天才會知道。 http://news.tvbs.com.tw/entry/504688- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 64
Youtube results:
Aviation English -- ICAO Language Requirements, testing and preparation explained
Aviation English authors and experts, Henry Emery and Andy Roberts, explain the language r...
published: 06 Sep 2010
author: Macmillan Education
Aviation English -- ICAO Language Requirements, testing and preparation explained
Aviation English -- ICAO Language Requirements, testing and preparation explained
Aviation English authors and experts, Henry Emery and Andy Roberts, explain the language requirements introduced by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organi...- published: 06 Sep 2010
- views: 19714
- author: Macmillan Education
ICAO English test questions
Detailed information about the English language requirements of ICAO level 4. The ICAO des...
published: 02 Jan 2011
author: icaoenglish
ICAO English test questions
ICAO English test questions
Detailed information about the English language requirements of ICAO level 4. The ICAO descriptors for ICAO level 4 are described in simple English and sampl...- published: 02 Jan 2011
- views: 38330
- author: icaoenglish
The ICAO English Alphabet For Airline Cabin Crew & Aviation
This video shows the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) alphabet that must b...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: AEGOnlineVideo
The ICAO English Alphabet For Airline Cabin Crew & Aviation
The ICAO English Alphabet For Airline Cabin Crew & Aviation
This video shows the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) alphabet that must be used in the aviation industry. If you want to be a Pilot, Air Tra...- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 278
- author: AEGOnlineVideo
台灣出席ICAO 理事主席:大陸建議
published: 25 Sep 2013
台灣出席ICAO 理事主席:大陸建議
台灣出席ICAO 理事主席:大陸建議
睽違42年台灣重返ICAO大會,大陸的態度很關鍵,今天大會開幕,ICAO理事會主席柯貝在回覆台灣記者詢問時表示,是大陸建議邀請台灣出席,而他決定邀請台灣為他的貴賓,民航局長沈啟趕緊澄清,強調台灣是否受邀,不是中國大陸方面能決定,美國國務院也發表新聞稿,對於ICAO邀請台灣以貴賓身分參加表示歡迎。 http://news.tvbs.com.tw/entry/504817- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 199