
SQL Tutorial for beginners 1/4; SQL Basic Introduction lesson for Software QA Testers
SQL training video for software testers taken in Portnov Computer School http://www.portno...
published: 18 May 2012
author: portnovschool
SQL Tutorial for beginners 1/4; SQL Basic Introduction lesson for Software QA Testers
SQL Tutorial for beginners 1/4; SQL Basic Introduction lesson for Software QA Testers
SQL training video for software testers taken in Portnov Computer School http://www.portnov.com classroom. Specializing in Software QA Testing career change ...- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 157497
- author: portnovschool

SQL tutorial - What is SQL?
So many people pronounce SQL "sequel" (wrongly, according to Chris Date) that the topic wa...
published: 26 Mar 2010
author: roughsealtd
SQL tutorial - What is SQL?
SQL tutorial - What is SQL?
So many people pronounce SQL "sequel" (wrongly, according to Chris Date) that the topic was calling for a trailer ... Here it is. Enjoy.- published: 26 Mar 2010
- views: 106200
- author: roughsealtd

Hacking Websites with SQL Injection - Computerphile
Websites can still be hacked using SQL injection - Tom explains how sites written in PHP (...
published: 09 Oct 2013
Hacking Websites with SQL Injection - Computerphile
Hacking Websites with SQL Injection - Computerphile
Websites can still be hacked using SQL injection - Tom explains how sites written in PHP (and other languages too) can be vulnerable and have basic security issues. More from Tom Scott: http://www.youtube.com/user/enyay and https://twitter.com/tomscott Follow the Cookie Trail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHSSY8QNvew CERN Computing Centre & Mouse Farm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0MgJFGL5jg http://www.facebook.com/computerphile https://twitter.com/computer_phile This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley. Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. See the full list of Brady's video projects at: http://bit.ly/bradychannels- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 15254

Introduction to SQL - SQL LESSON 1
http://sqlzerotopro.com Introduction to SQL - SQL LESSON 1....
published: 23 Jan 2009
author: handsonerp
Introduction to SQL - SQL LESSON 1
Introduction to SQL - SQL LESSON 1
http://sqlzerotopro.com Introduction to SQL - SQL LESSON 1.- published: 23 Jan 2009
- views: 465286
- author: handsonerp

Tutoriales de SQL server 2012 en español
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express
published: 18 Dec 2013
Tutoriales de SQL server 2012 en español Descarga: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express http://www.microsoft.com/es-mx/download/details.aspx?id=29062 Tenemos un colaborador en el canal "David Hackro" Puedes contactar con TutorialesHackro en su canal o redes sociales. http://www.youtube.com/user/tutorialeshackro https://www.facebook.com/TutorialesHackro https://twitter.com/TutorialesHacko tutorialesdeprogramacion.hol.es "tutoriales de sql", "sql server 2008 tutorial en español", "sql server 2012 tutorial en español", "sql tutorial español", "sql server 2012", "sql server 2008 instalacion windows 7", "cursos de sql server", "cursos de sql server 2012","cursos de sql server 2008", "instalar sql server 2008 en windows 7", "instalar sql server 2012 en windows 7" "programacion en SQL", "programación", "Cursos de programacion en SQL", "cursos para novatos", "SQL", "lenguajes de programacion", "primer programa en SQL", "clases de SQL", "lecciones de SQL", "como funciona SQL", "como empezar a programar", "hola mundo", "tutoriales de SQL", "tutoriales SQL", "como programar en SQL", "tutorial de SQL", "tutoriales de SQL en español", "SQL para principiantes", "SQL tutorial en español", "SQL programacion", "SQL tutorial", "SQL español",- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 539

Google I/O 2012 - SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends
Ken Ashcraft, Alfred Fuller Google App Engine now offers both SQL and NoSQL data storage -...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: GoogleDevelopers
Google I/O 2012 - SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends
Google I/O 2012 - SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends
Ken Ashcraft, Alfred Fuller Google App Engine now offers both SQL and NoSQL data storage -- but which is right for your application? Advocates of each try to...- published: 29 Jun 2012
- views: 134047
- author: GoogleDevelopers

SQL Tutorial for beginners 1/4; SQL Basic database/scripting Introduction lesson
SQL training video for software testers taken in Portnov Computer School http://www.portno...
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: portnovschool
SQL Tutorial for beginners 1/4; SQL Basic database/scripting Introduction lesson
SQL Tutorial for beginners 1/4; SQL Basic database/scripting Introduction lesson
SQL training video for software testers taken in Portnov Computer School http://www.portnov.com classroom. Specializing in Software QA Testing career change ...- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 54143
- author: portnovschool

Curso de SQL para iniciantes - Aula 1
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: RBTechinfo
Curso de SQL para iniciantes - Aula 1

SQL 1 Tutoriel : Introduction et définition du Langage de Requêtes Structurées sur BDR
http://www.hotosting.com/cresite/ . Introduction et définition du Langage de Requêtes Stru...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: Yannick Sayer
SQL 1 Tutoriel : Introduction et définition du Langage de Requêtes Structurées sur BDR
SQL 1 Tutoriel : Introduction et définition du Langage de Requêtes Structurées sur BDR
http://www.hotosting.com/cresite/ . Introduction et définition du Langage de Requêtes Structurées ( Structured Query Language) sur une Base de Données Relati...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 294
- author: Yannick Sayer

SQL Basics in 30 Minutes - Part 1: Select, From, Where
SQL Basics - Part 1: Visual demonstration of Select, From and Where clauses....
published: 23 Jan 2011
author: letslearnbi
SQL Basics in 30 Minutes - Part 1: Select, From, Where
SQL Basics in 30 Minutes - Part 1: Select, From, Where
SQL Basics - Part 1: Visual demonstration of Select, From and Where clauses.- published: 23 Jan 2011
- views: 67673
- author: letslearnbi

SQL For Dummies, MIUG2006
How to use SQL in Magic, for beginners!
Get more information on how to use Magic/uniPaaS...
published: 16 Aug 2012
SQL For Dummies, MIUG2006
SQL For Dummies, MIUG2006
How to use SQL in Magic, for beginners! Get more information on how to use Magic/uniPaaS, at www.unipaasusers.com- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 9790

Understanding the core components of SQL Server | lynda.com overview
This database management overview introduces the SQL Server and explores its core componen...
published: 20 Dec 2010
author: lynda.com
Understanding the core components of SQL Server | lynda.com overview
Understanding the core components of SQL Server | lynda.com overview
This database management overview introduces the SQL Server and explores its core components. Watch more at http://www.lynda.com/SQL-Server-2008-tutorials/es...- published: 20 Dec 2010
- views: 48577
- author: lynda.com

Основы языка SQL (оператор SELECT) - часть 1
Авторский курс по основам языка SQL (оператор SELECT), проведенный 15.07.2013, для сотрудн...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: Sergey Menshov
Основы языка SQL (оператор SELECT) - часть 1
Основы языка SQL (оператор SELECT) - часть 1
Авторский курс по основам языка SQL (оператор SELECT), проведенный 15.07.2013, для сотрудников компании Asia-Soft. Слайды - http://vk.com/doc185254069_203123...- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 131
- author: Sergey Menshov

Corso SQL (SQL Server e MySQL) ITA - 1
Questo corso vi guiderà da zero e fino ad un livello medio-avanzato sull'uso del linguaggi...
published: 23 May 2012
author: fcamuso
Corso SQL (SQL Server e MySQL) ITA - 1
Corso SQL (SQL Server e MySQL) ITA - 1
Questo corso vi guiderà da zero e fino ad un livello medio-avanzato sull'uso del linguaggio SQL in sè e ad un livello base per quello che riguarda l'uso degl...- published: 23 May 2012
- views: 7205
- author: fcamuso
Youtube results:

دورة قواعد البيانات Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 - الدرس الأول - المقدمة
دروة إدارة قواعد البيانات - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
المنعقدة في منتديات طلاب وطالبات...
published: 18 Aug 2013
دورة قواعد البيانات Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 - الدرس الأول - المقدمة
دورة قواعد البيانات Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 - الدرس الأول - المقدمة
دروة إدارة قواعد البيانات - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 المنعقدة في منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة طيبة. رابط تحميل نسخة الـ Express وشرح التثبيت http://www.ta-u.com/vb/showthread.php?t=277423 للاستفسارات والملاحظات - منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة طيبة - القسم المخصص للدورة: http://www.ta-u.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=223 - البريد الإلكتروني التالي : talal.sql@gmail.com - الحساب المخصص للدورة في تويتر (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/@talalsql- published: 18 Aug 2013
- views: 650

Cursos SQL SERVER #0 | Introducción | Manejo de base de datos
Tutoriales de SQL server 2012 en español
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express
published: 18 Dec 2013
Cursos SQL SERVER #0 | Introducción | Manejo de base de datos
Cursos SQL SERVER #0 | Introducción | Manejo de base de datos
Tutoriales de SQL server 2012 en español Descarga: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express http://www.microsoft.com/es-mx/download/details.aspx?id=29062 Tenemos un colaborador en el canal "David Hackro" Puedes contactar con TutorialesHackro en su canal o redes sociales. http://www.youtube.com/user/tutorialeshackro https://www.facebook.com/TutorialesHackro https://twitter.com/TutorialesHacko tutorialesdeprogramacion.hol.es "tutoriales de sql", "sql server 2008 tutorial en español", "sql server 2012 tutorial en español", "sql tutorial español", "sql server 2012", "sql server 2008 instalacion windows 7", "cursos de sql server", "cursos de sql server 2012","cursos de sql server 2008", "instalar sql server 2008 en windows 7", "instalar sql server 2012 en windows 7" "programacion en SQL", "programación", "Cursos de programacion en SQL", "cursos para novatos", "SQL", "lenguajes de programacion", "primer programa en SQL", "clases de SQL", "lecciones de SQL", "como funciona SQL", "como empezar a programar", "hola mundo", "tutoriales de SQL", "tutoriales SQL", "como programar en SQL", "tutorial de SQL", "tutoriales de SQL en español", "SQL para principiantes", "SQL tutorial en español", "SQL programacion", "SQL tutorial", "SQL español",- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 950

Видеомануал по структуре SQL и управлению базой данных
Подробный видеомануал по структуре SQL и управлению базой данных для новичков. Ориентирова...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: Дмитрий Мележик
Видеомануал по структуре SQL и управлению базой данных
Видеомануал по структуре SQL и управлению базой данных
Подробный видеомануал по структуре SQL и управлению базой данных для новичков. Ориентирован на разработку игровых серверов. Сайт - http://dimitro.net.- published: 23 Jan 2012
- views: 10203
- author: Дмитрий Мележик

SQL - Joins
If your learning the basics of SQL, there comes a point in everyone's experience of SQL wh...
published: 16 Oct 2009
author: PCTeachME
SQL - Joins
SQL - Joins
If your learning the basics of SQL, there comes a point in everyone's experience of SQL where the learning curve suddenly jumps a notch. For me this topic ma...- published: 16 Oct 2009
- views: 33357
- author: PCTeachME