
Alagiri Reacts to media on his suspension by DMK
Ousted former central minister Mr. M. K. Alagiri has said that there is no more democracy ...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Alagiri Reacts to media on his suspension by DMK
Alagiri Reacts to media on his suspension by DMK
Ousted former central minister Mr. M. K. Alagiri has said that there is no more democracy in the party and that he had been reprimanded for questioning injustice. Moreover answering to a query if he would place rebel candidates in the upcoming elections, he said even without it the DMK would lose. CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR LATEST NEWS UPDATES http://puthiyathalaimurai.tv/- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 1322

DMK: "Enjoy The Silence"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Enjoy The Silence"
DMK: "Enjoy The Silence"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 225497
- author: Dicken Schrader

Karunanidhi's son MK Alagiri suspended from all DMK posts
Former Union Minister MK Alagiri has been suspended from all posts of the Dravida Munnettr...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Karunanidhi's son MK Alagiri suspended from all DMK posts
Karunanidhi's son MK Alagiri suspended from all DMK posts
Former Union Minister MK Alagiri has been suspended from all posts of the Dravida Munnettra Kazhagam party (DMK). In a statement issued by the DMK on Friday, the party said that action against Alagiri has been taken for going against the party stand and for giving out statements contrary to party in the public domain. DMK chief M Karunanidhi had earlier issued a veiled warning to his son and rebel leader Alagiri for his interview to a Tamil channel against his younger brother MK Stalin.- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 29

MK Alagiri suspended by his father Karunanidhi from DMK for indiscipline
Tamil Nadu's best-known political family feud has just climaxed with MK Alagiri being susp...
published: 24 Jan 2014
MK Alagiri suspended by his father Karunanidhi from DMK for indiscipline
MK Alagiri suspended by his father Karunanidhi from DMK for indiscipline
Tamil Nadu's best-known political family feud has just climaxed with MK Alagiri being suspended from the DMK, the party headed by his father, M Karunanidhi. Mr Alagiri, 62, is the DMK chief's older son. He has been involved in an aggressive and lengthy tug-of-war for control of the party with his brother, MK Stalin. The DMK said that Mr Alagiri stands suspended from all party positions and membership for indiscipline. Mr Karunanidhi, who is 89, has been making it clear that Mr Stalin will be his political successor. Watch more videos: http://www.ndtv.com/video- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 142

DMK: "Everything Counts"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Everything Counts"
DMK: "Everything Counts"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 23 Dec 2011
- views: 1836412
- author: Dicken Schrader

Karunanidhi Explains About The Expulsion Of M.K.Alagiri
M.K.Alagiri Was Expelled From The DMK Party Temporarily. This Created Many Speculations In...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Karunanidhi Explains About The Expulsion Of M.K.Alagiri
Karunanidhi Explains About The Expulsion Of M.K.Alagiri
M.K.Alagiri Was Expelled From The DMK Party Temporarily. This Created Many Speculations In The Political Circles. In This Situation DMK Party Leader M.Karunanidhi Explains About The Expulsion From DMK CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR LATEST NEWS UPDATES http://puthiyathalaimurai.tv/- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 53

DMK: "Black Celebration"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Black Celebration"
DMK: "Black Celebration"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 29 Jun 2012
- views: 217546
- author: Dicken Schrader

DMK: "Just Can't Get Enough" (live @ La Candelaria)
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 26 May 2013
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Just Can't Get Enough" (live @ La Candelaria)
DMK: "Just Can't Get Enough" (live @ La Candelaria)
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Ukulele, ka...- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 35620
- author: Dicken Schrader

Ç'domethënë Vari Karin -- D.M.K. ( Official Lyrics Video )
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-dometh-n-vari-karin
2013 DMK R...
published: 06 Oct 2013
Ç'domethënë Vari Karin -- D.M.K. ( Official Lyrics Video )
Ç'domethënë Vari Karin -- D.M.K. ( Official Lyrics Video )
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-dometh-n-vari-karin 2013 DMK RECORDS Video production nga " Spring Creative " https://www.facebook.com/springcreativeofficial D.M.K https://www.facebook.com/Djali.Me.i.Keq Teksti Lexo me poshte D.M.K. -- Ç'domethënë Vari Karin ( INTRO ) Mos.. shkela ne mut.... hë mos vari karin. Verse . 1 . Vari karin domethene : kur ngaterrohen rolet.. Kur vajzat bejne si cuna, sikur kane ato bole.. Kur cunat bejne si pidha, edhe mbajne çanta grash.. Gjoja per te mbajtur pistoleta, dhe hashash.. Vari karin domethene : ngrihesh nje dite nga gjumi.. E gjithe planet e asaj dite, ti kete marr lumi.. Erdhi dita te takoheshe me 1 vajz simpatike.. Dhe kur e takon, ajo thote, une jam lesbike.. Vari karin domethene : kur takon nje pallavesh.. Qe shtiret si pidhsëme, 99-ç, hundë-lesh.. Dhe je i detyruar, te ulesh, ta degjosh.. Te durosh ate kok-loqen, edhe mos ta qellosh.. Vari karin domethene : kur shikon nje femer yll.. Qe lidhet per lek me njerez te rritur ne pyll.. Po vjen fundi i botes vlla, ktu po behet nami.. Me lek sot qi, edhe po pate ballin si çekani.. HOOK / REFRENI Ç' domethene vari karin? Vari karin domethene.. kur lidhesh per lek me nje burre qe ska dhëmbë Ti je 2 metra femer, e ai sa 1 pëllëmbë.. Ai sta krruan dot se nuk qendron dot ne këmbë.. Ç' domethene vari karin? Eshte dobsi qe lind ne tru.. Dhe ti e vendos vete, a je njeri apo dru?.. Eshte virus dhe presion qe ti te behesh si shumica.. Dhe muzika sot kuptohet vetem me byth e me cica.. Verse . 2 . Varin karin domethene : kur 1 popull percahet.. Per besime dhe politik, ne disa pjese ndahet.. Kur zgjedh qeveri, voton me shume besueshmeri.. Qeveria vjen ne fuqi, dhe prap popullin qi.. Vari karin domethene : kur te kap policia.. Qe tju japesh 5 mije lek, se po ju qajn femijet tek shpia.. Se nuk ka shtet edhe ligje, vec korrupsion e pislliqe.. E Polici eshte nje puçër bythe, më mire hiqe.. Vari karin domethene : kur te iken mendja fare.. Te vjedhesh Muzik nga bota, dhe ta quash muzik shqiptare.. Nese Zoti donte dele, atehere pse e krijoi ujkun?.. Nese shqiptari eshte krenar, atehere pse e kopjon turkun?.. Vari karin domethene.. kur dikush vdes per buk.. E dikush tjeter i ben foto, dhe e nxjer ne Facebook.. Kur Alienet kalojne, e nuk ndalojne te na takojne.. Se i friksojme, se jemi specie qe vet-veten e shkaterojme.. HOOK / REFRENI Ç' domethene vari karin? Vari karin domethene.. kur lidhesh per lek me nje burre qe ska dhëmbë Ti je 2 metra femer, e ai sa 1 pëllëmbë.. Ai sta krruan dot se nuk qendron dot ne këmbë.. Ç' domethene vari karin? Eshte dobsi qe lind ne tru.. Dhe ti e vendos vete, a je njeri apo dru?.. Eshte virus dhe presion qe ti te behesh si shumica.. Dhe muzika sot kuptohet vetem me byth e me cica.. Verse . 3 . Nese je.. Njeri qe ndryshe je, e ndryshe hiqesh.. Kot lodhesh e perpiqesh, se ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe ti mendon se di gjithshka.. Degjo ketu o trap, ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe shet gjakun tend.. Servilosesh tek i huaji.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe shpreson te shikosh vuajtje.. Qe te fillosh te meshirosh.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe perdor trupin ne vend te trurit.. E fiton gjithshka me seks.. Ti je Vari karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe fiton duke premtuar.. Edhe shkel mbi premtimet.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe dhunon mbi te dobtin.. Por nuk ke byth per me te fortin.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe kur ta degjosh kete kenge.. Ta shash nga inati.. Bitch ti je Vari Karin.. HOOK / REFRENI Ç' domethene vari karin? Vari karin domethene.. kur lidhesh per lek me nje burre qe ska dhëmbë Ti je 2 metra femer, e ai sa 1 pëllëmbë.. Ai sta krruan dot se nuk qendron dot ne këmbë.. Ç' domethene vari karin? Eshte dobsi qe lind ne tru.. Dhe ti e vendos vete, a je njeri apo dru?.. Eshte virus dhe presion qe ti te behesh si shumica.. Dhe muzika sot kuptohet vetem me byth e me cica.. DMK RECORDS 2013- published: 06 Oct 2013
- views: 1147

DMK: "Strangelove"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 08 Jul 2011
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Strangelove"
DMK: "Strangelove"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 08 Jul 2011
- views: 503296
- author: Dicken Schrader

'Alagiri threatened Stalin': M Karunanidhi hits out at Alagiri for threatening Stalin - NewsX
The family war in the DMK has escalated in Tamil Nadu. The war between the two brothers - ...
published: 28 Jan 2014
'Alagiri threatened Stalin': M Karunanidhi hits out at Alagiri for threatening Stalin - NewsX
'Alagiri threatened Stalin': M Karunanidhi hits out at Alagiri for threatening Stalin - NewsX
The family war in the DMK has escalated in Tamil Nadu. The war between the two brothers - MK Alagiri and MK Stalin - is taking a new shape every day. After the DMK expelled Alagiri from the party posts for speaking against his younger brother and heir apparent MK Stalin, an angry Alagiri has allegedly told his father and DMK chief M Karunanidhi that Stalin would die within three months. In a statement an upset Karunanidhi said, "Alagiri came to my house on January 24 and complained regarding Stalin and troubled me and used harsh words. Alagiri told me Stalin will die in 3 months. No father can tolerate such words against his son. I do not know why Alagiri has nurtured such hatred against Stalin for many years. Alagiri should have met me in person and spoken about any issues he had about his suspension. But he has been talking to the media. He is still under temporary suspension; party will take a call on expulsion." For More information on this news visit : http://www.newsx.com/ Connect with us on Social platform at : http://www.facebook.com/newsxonline Subscribe to our YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/newsxlive- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 7

D.M.K. -- Rrugen Time --
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-rrug-n-time
published: 21 Sep 2013
D.M.K. -- Rrugen Time --
D.M.K. -- Rrugen Time --
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-rrug-n-time 2013 DMK RECORDS Video production nga " Spring Creative " Teksti i kenges.. D.M.K. -- Rrugën Time VERSE .1 Jam tip i veshtire ngaqe ti smendon si une.. Se ne kte bote qe ne jetojme, Debila ka shume.. Trupi im shtrihet naten, kurse truri nuk fle gjume.. Se nuk eshte larg qari nga zarari, ne mut apo ne kum.. Ndonje dite, goja ime, do me fusi ne probleme.. Sepse flas realitetin ne cdo lloj teme.. Sepse une nuk kam filter per vesh sensitiv.. Si e ndjej, ashtu e them, e jo se kam ndonje motiv.. Po sikur te ngre nje dore lart, edhe tjetren ta fsheh.. Te manipuloj mendjen tende per cfare sheh, e ça nuk sheh.. Gjasme qielli nuk eshte blu, dhe blu nuk eshte ngjyre.. Ti shikon doren lart, e te vjen tjetra shpull n'fytyre.. Mbase jam i enigmatik, ose sdi te komunikoj.. Ose lodhem kot me njerez ,qe veç me keqkuptojne.. Mbase flas me zë te lart, mbase kam munges takti.. Por e kam çdo opinion te shoqeruar mbas nje fakti.. HOOK ( Refreni ) Rrugen time.... E ndjek, eci, e mendoj, e planifikoj.. Rrugen time.... E 1 milion rruge te tjera le te dalin, vetem timen une shikoj.. Rrugen time.... Nuk shikoj Nuk degjoj, boten dhe te tjeret per cfare mashtrojne.. Rrugen time.... Vetem rrugen time.. VERSE .2 Prap ketu do rri, si njeri ne vetmi.. Dhe e vetmja pasuri qe kam, jane ato qe di.. Ti nderto, dhe fito, dhe ne maje te botes shko.. Behu skllav i vetvetes, si i vdekur jeto.. Ti nuk me kupton dot, se une nuk jam ne linje me ty.. Rruga ime mban 1, e jotja me shume se dy.. Ti nuk e shikon te keqen, sikur ty para te t'qendroj.. Te perqeshi ne surrat, e gishtin e mezit te tregoj.. Hape gojen, nxirr dhe ti 2 fjal, siç ben bota.. Nxirr karlliqe te perziera me fjal te kota.. Dhe trego ça tha, pse tha, kush tha.. Dhe besoi ato qe tha, si thashetheme te verteta.. Une jam tip i veshtire se nuk me gjen ne miting.. Se une e di qe ndeshja shitet para se te shkoj ne ring.. Se bota korruptohet, se ndryshe s'rrotullohet.. Dhe ne kurriz te budallenjeve kjo gje formohet.. HOOK ( Refreni .2) Rrugen time.... E ndjek, eci, e mendoj, e planifikoj.. Rrugen time.... E 1 milion rruge te tjera le te dalin, vetem timen une shikoj.. Rrugen time.... Nuk degjoj, nuk shikoj boten dhe te tjeret per cfare mashtrojne.. Rrugen time.... Vetem rrugen time.. Produced & Mastered By D.M.K. DMK RECORDS 2013- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 6098

DMK's biggest crisis: Suspended Karunanidhi's son Alagiri declares war on DMK - NewsX
With the suspension of DMK's southern strongman and party Chief Karunanidhi's son Alagiri ...
published: 25 Jan 2014
DMK's biggest crisis: Suspended Karunanidhi's son Alagiri declares war on DMK - NewsX
DMK's biggest crisis: Suspended Karunanidhi's son Alagiri declares war on DMK - NewsX
With the suspension of DMK's southern strongman and party Chief Karunanidhi's son Alagiri squabbles within the party are now out in open. While the DMK Chief Karunanidhi says Alagiri's suspension was due to his anti-party activities. Alagiri claims that Stalin could have orchestrated his suspension. For More information on this news visit : http://www.newsx.com/ Connect with us on Social platform at : http://www.facebook.com/newsxonline Subscribe to our YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/newsxlive- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 150

Exclusive Alagiri interview over his expulsion from DMK 24Jan2014
Exclusive Alagiri interview over his expulsion from DMK 24Jan2014
Related Info
MK Alagir...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Exclusive Alagiri interview over his expulsion from DMK 24Jan2014
Exclusive Alagiri interview over his expulsion from DMK 24Jan2014
Exclusive Alagiri interview over his expulsion from DMK 24Jan2014 Related Info MK Alagiri suspended by his father Karunanidhi from DMK for indiscipline MK Alagiri suspended by his father Karunanidhi from DMK for indiscipline The DMK has said MK Alagiri stands suspended from all party positions and membership. Chennai: Tamil Nadu's best-known political family feud has just climaxed with MK Alagiri being suspended from the DMK, the party headed by his father, M Karunanidhi. Mr Alagiri, 62, is the DMK chief's older son. He has been involved in an aggressive and lengthy tug-of-war for control of the party with his brother, MK Stalin. The DMK said that Mr Alagiri stands suspended from all party positions and membership for indiscipline. Mr Karunanidhi, who is 89, has been making it clear that Mr Stalin will be his political successor. In a series of unsubtle moves, Mr Alagiri has tried to contest that, even announcing in 2010 that after his father steps down as party President, the DMK should hold elections for its top post and that he would enter the race. That mission statement forced Mr Karunanidhi to abandon retirement plans. The immediate provocation for the action taken today against Mr Alagiri was his vociferous criticism of the DMK's stated interest in allying with another regional party, the DMDK, headed by former actor Captain Vijayakanth. Mr Alagiri is popular among party workers in and around Madurai. Sources said he is worried that Vijayakanth, who is also well-known and liked in the same area, could deplete his power base. Recently, Mr Alagiri also challenged the DMK's decision to suspend five workers from Madurai, who allegedly put up posters that were critical of his brother. (DMK family feud worsens, Karunanidhi suspends five loyalists of elder son Alagiri)- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 24
Vimeo results:

A short movie filmed in Rome, during the 2010 spring & summer
Scorrere, adattarsi, attrav...
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: DMK
A short movie filmed in Rome, during the 2010 spring & summer
Scorrere, adattarsi, attraversare, fluire.
. Vince come miglior video di surf dell'anno 2010 all'interno dei Surfing Italian Awards
. Riceve il premio speciale RomaC'è nel concorso Rac-corti e Ri-scatti di mare 2011.
. Viene trasmesso su emittenti televisive regionali e all'interno del Festival CortoAcquario di Santa Marinella V Edizione 2011.
Intervista: http://www.surfcorner.it/2011/03/19/dmk-interview/#commentiid

A quick glimpse of my new drum machine.
It will be Exhibited as Part of Platform4-in-a-box...
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: Sune Petersen
A quick glimpse of my new drum machine.
It will be Exhibited as Part of Platform4-in-a-box on THURSDAY AUG 25, 19:00 - SATURDAY AUG 27, 16:00 2011

Canon 5Dmk3 video review
For more info check out my blog post and review here: http://philipbloom.net/?p=24586
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: Philip Bloom
Canon 5Dmk3 video review
For more info check out my blog post and review here: http://philipbloom.net/?p=24586
This review was done on my own time for the readers of my blog and the vimeo community. If you feel it has been of use to you feel free to use the new tipjar feature on vimeo! No obigation! All money received goes into making future reviews as they take so much time and resources...for a more detailed explanation please visit my page here: http://philipbloom.net/2012/09/28/tipjar/
The camera was bought by me and the review was done in my own time for the readers of my blog. I have never and will never be paid by a manufacurer to review a product. For more on my ethics please read the above linked blog post.
Filmed on location in New Zealand

San Francisco's People. Canon 5DmkII 24p
Shot on 5DmkII with 50mm F1.2 and Zacuto Z-Finder
Music is Taxi Driver by Bernard Herrman...
published: 26 Oct 2009
author: Philip Bloom
San Francisco's People. Canon 5DmkII 24p
Shot on 5DmkII with 50mm F1.2 and Zacuto Z-Finder
Music is Taxi Driver by Bernard Herrmann
Shot at 30p and conformed with Cinema Tools to 24p.
Check out my blog: www.philipbloom.co.uk for more info
Youtube results:

NewsX: DMK Patriarch Karunanidhi keeps MK Alagiri under temporary suspension
Suspended DMK leader MK Alagiri had said that his younger sibling Stalin would die within ...
published: 28 Jan 2014
NewsX: DMK Patriarch Karunanidhi keeps MK Alagiri under temporary suspension
NewsX: DMK Patriarch Karunanidhi keeps MK Alagiri under temporary suspension
Suspended DMK leader MK Alagiri had said that his younger sibling Stalin would die within three months, their father and the party's chief M Karunanidhi claimed on Tuesday, revealing the chain of events leading to the churning within the regional party. "He (Alagiri) has some unknown hatred against Stalin. Alagiri even said Stalin would die within three months. No father can tolerate such words against a son," Karunanidhi said at a press meet in Chennai. 62-year-old Alagari, MP from Madurai and former Union minister, was suspended on January 25 on charges of breaking party discipline . The DMK's former south zone organising secretary has been involved in a prolonged tussle with his brother Stalin for control of the party. Giving details of the events leading to his suspension, the DMK patriarch said Alagiri came to his house on the morning of January 24 and used harsh words against Stalin. "Not as a brother, but even as a party-member, saying someone would die in the next three-four months in my presence is something anyone would not bear," Karunanidhi said. For More information on this news visit : http://www.newsx.com/ Connect with us on Social platform at : http://www.facebook.com/newsxonline Subscribe to our YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/newsxlive- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 4

M.K.Alagiri Reaction regarding his suspension from DMK
M.K.Alagiri Reaction regarding his suspension from DMK
published: 24 Jan 2014
M.K.Alagiri Reaction regarding his suspension from DMK
M.K.Alagiri Reaction regarding his suspension from DMK
M.K.Alagiri Reaction regarding his suspension from DMK CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR LATEST NEWS UPDATES http://puthiyathalaimurai.tv/- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 4752

DMK- Gospel Medley Cover
Dmk covers a Gospel Medley by Destiny's Child....
published: 29 May 2013
author: DamoliShainece
DMK- Gospel Medley Cover
DMK- Gospel Medley Cover
Dmk covers a Gospel Medley by Destiny's Child.- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 2902
- author: DamoliShainece

D.M.K. -- Buzeqesh ti - ( Prod. Landi Rameka )
Per me shume instrumentale nga Landi Rameka vizitoni http://www.landirameka.com Vizitoni D...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: TBAmemberDMK
D.M.K. -- Buzeqesh ti - ( Prod. Landi Rameka )
D.M.K. -- Buzeqesh ti - ( Prod. Landi Rameka )
Per me shume instrumentale nga Landi Rameka vizitoni http://www.landirameka.com Vizitoni D.M.K. ne Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Djali.Me.i.Keq Shkarkoje...- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 18547
- author: TBAmemberDMK