
Thatcherism for Dummies
This is a brief description of Margaret Thatchers policies and the effect they had on Brit...
published: 13 Apr 2013
author: John Wheatley
Thatcherism for Dummies
Thatcherism for Dummies
This is a brief description of Margaret Thatchers policies and the effect they had on Britain. I did my best to portray it in an unbiased manner. I hope I su...- published: 13 Apr 2013
- views: 562
- author: John Wheatley

Tory! Tory! Tory! Outsiders - 1/6
Part one of a series exploring the history of the people and ideas behind what became know...
published: 18 May 2009
author: BradlehAaron
Tory! Tory! Tory! Outsiders - 1/6
Tory! Tory! Tory! Outsiders - 1/6
Part one of a series exploring the history of the people and ideas behind what became known as Thatcherism. This edition tells of the radicals in the politic...- published: 18 May 2009
- views: 24260
- author: BradlehAaron

Britain in the 20th Century: Thatcherism, 1979-1990 - Professor Vernon Bogdanor
Margaret Thatcher sought to solve the deep-seated problems of the British state outside th...
published: 18 May 2012
author: GreshamCollege
Britain in the 20th Century: Thatcherism, 1979-1990 - Professor Vernon Bogdanor
Britain in the 20th Century: Thatcherism, 1979-1990 - Professor Vernon Bogdanor
Margaret Thatcher sought to solve the deep-seated problems of the British state outside the parameters of the postwar settlement. The main ideological victim...- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 5803
- author: GreshamCollege

Margaret Thatcher Dead: What Did 'Thatcherism' Mean for Britain?
TimesCast: The Times's Graham Bowley discusses how the former prime minister's free-market...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: TheNewYorkTimes
Margaret Thatcher Dead: What Did 'Thatcherism' Mean for Britain?
Margaret Thatcher Dead: What Did 'Thatcherism' Mean for Britain?
TimesCast: The Times's Graham Bowley discusses how the former prime minister's free-market policies linger today in Britain's fiscal matters. Related obituar...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 11051
- author: TheNewYorkTimes

Margaret Thatcher SLAMS union tyranny & defends Thatcherism
Margaret Thatcher sharing her views in an interview with Robin Day for BBC Panorama in the...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: Funky Fresh
Margaret Thatcher SLAMS union tyranny & defends Thatcherism
Margaret Thatcher SLAMS union tyranny & defends Thatcherism
Margaret Thatcher sharing her views in an interview with Robin Day for BBC Panorama in the week of the 1987 general election. Given the copious amount of non...- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 330
- author: Funky Fresh

Thatcherism deliberately pushed Working Class into slavery
Margaret Thatcher's Neoliberalism deliberately pushed Working Class people into slavery. D...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: 33Crazydude
Thatcherism deliberately pushed Working Class into slavery
Thatcherism deliberately pushed Working Class into slavery
Margaret Thatcher's Neoliberalism deliberately pushed Working Class people into slavery. Debt is one of the greatest tools that can be used and it's worked a...- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 655
- author: 33Crazydude

The Rise of Thatcherism and the Fall of Thatcher
A peoples' response to the dominant historical narratives; a sociopolitical documentary....
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: DIY AgitProp
The Rise of Thatcherism and the Fall of Thatcher
The Rise of Thatcherism and the Fall of Thatcher
A peoples' response to the dominant historical narratives; a sociopolitical documentary.- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 27
- author: DIY AgitProp

Glenda Jackson excoriates Thatcherism!
Labour MP Glenda Jackson ignores convention and rips Thatcher/ism to shreds during the par...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: activist2017
Glenda Jackson excoriates Thatcherism!
Glenda Jackson excoriates Thatcherism!
Labour MP Glenda Jackson ignores convention and rips Thatcher/ism to shreds during the parliamentary tributes debate :P.- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 1234
- author: activist2017

Thatcherism Creating Jobs
After 10 years the Thatcher Govt was creating jobs. Another great example of her record co...
published: 10 Aug 2013
author: thatcheritescot
Thatcherism Creating Jobs
Thatcherism Creating Jobs
After 10 years the Thatcher Govt was creating jobs. Another great example of her record compared to the Labour party.- published: 10 Aug 2013
- views: 188
- author: thatcheritescot

Thatcherism in 1min
In Thatcher's own words, with a Sean Connery clarification at the end ;)...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: mr1001nights
Thatcherism in 1min
Thatcherism in 1min
In Thatcher's own words, with a Sean Connery clarification at the end ;)- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 1685
- author: mr1001nights

Thatcherism and New Labour
Thatcher handbags Labour for almost 25 minutes, before we examine the legacy of New Labour...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: mossyResurgent
Thatcherism and New Labour
Thatcherism and New Labour
Thatcher handbags Labour for almost 25 minutes, before we examine the legacy of New Labour and their "achievements". Credit must go to thatcheritescot for fo...- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 2983
- author: mossyResurgent
Vimeo results:

Do our mothers still have dreams, hopes and journeys to make? At a...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: NRS Films
Do our mothers still have dreams, hopes and journeys to make? At age 67, Melody reflects on her life, her hopes, her failures and her dreams while exploring the magnificent waters and canyons of the Utah desert.
From www.forgemotionpictures.com, makers of the award-winning films Wild Water, Seasons, and Cold, comes the groundbreaking web series Of Souls + Water.
Presented By NRS and New Belgium Brewing Co.
www.nrsweb.com www.newbelgium.com
Directed, Edited & Shot by Skip Armstrong
Produced by Anson Fogel
Assistant Director Thatcher Bean
Parliament of Owls - Flight in Motion
Dustin O'Halloran - We Move Lightly
Media and Film Festival Inquiries
Skip Armstrong - skip@forgemotionpictures.com

Romance of the Light
Shot & Edited in one day by James Miller.
Camera assistant, driver, BTS and stills, Luke M...
published: 11 Feb 2012
author: James Miller
Romance of the Light
Shot & Edited in one day by James Miller.
Camera assistant, driver, BTS and stills, Luke Miller
Filmed on the Canon EOS C300. Supplied very kindly by Guy Thatcher at www.hireacamera.com
LOG profile used at 5800K ISO 850 - 2000
Lenses: Nikon 28mm 2.8, 35mm 2.8, 50mm 1.8
Very light blanket grade added on encoding to Vimeo, untouched in edit.
Location: Brighton, UK
Note: Unfortunately you can't judge the quality of this when viewing through Vimeo. Even if you download the source file it still will have motion blocking that not there on the Prores masters.
Lens Whacking technique used more information at:
Soundtrack: Bon Iver, Holocene

The supernatural… does it exist? The curious explore unboun...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: NRS Films
The supernatural… does it exist? The curious explore unbound by restrictions of place and mind and perhaps discover things we haven't understood. Legend whitewater kayaker Ben Marr shreds the upper reaches of Quebec, pushing limits to new and undiscovered levels.
From www.forgemotionpictures.com, makers of the award-winning films Wild Water, Seasons, and Cold, comes the groundbreaking web series Of Souls + Water.
Presented By NRS and New Belgium Brewing Co.
www.nrsweb.com www.newbelgium.com
Directed, Edited & Shot by Skip Armstrong
Produced by Anson Fogel
Assistant Director Thatcher Bean
Crystal Fighters - With You
Media and Film Festival Inquiries
Skip Armstrong - skip@forgemotionpictures.com

Episode I - THE NOMAD
Why does he wander? What is he seeking? Traveling by foot, skis and ...
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: NRS Films
Episode I - THE NOMAD
Why does he wander? What is he seeking? Traveling by foot, skis and kayak, Erik moves through the world and his life in a way few others do. He is The Nomad.
The Nomad features National Geographic adventurer of the year Erik Boomer as he explores the extreme arctic north, the seas and deserts of Baja, the streets of DC and the waterfalls of the Northwest.
From forgemotionpictures.com, makers of the award-winning films Wild Water, Seasons, and Cold, comes the groundbreaking web series Of Souls + Water.
Presented By NRS and New Belgium Brewing Co.
www.nrsweb.com www.newbelgium.com
Directed + Edited by Skip Armstrong
Produced by Anson Fogel
Assistant Director Thatcher Bean
Music - The Ascent of Everest
Media and Film Festival Inquiries
Skip Armstrong - skip@forgemotionpictures.com
Youtube results:

Thatcherism - explained
Thatcherism describes the conviction politics, economic and social policy, and political s...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: B2Bwhiteboard
Thatcherism - explained
Thatcherism - explained
Thatcherism describes the conviction politics, economic and social policy, and political style of the British Conservative politician Margaret Thatcher, who ...- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 443
- author: B2Bwhiteboard

Oliver James demands apology for Thatcherism
Oliver James demands apology for Thatcherism from top politicians Theresa May and Tony McN...
published: 13 Feb 2009
author: thesrcldn
Oliver James demands apology for Thatcherism
Oliver James demands apology for Thatcherism
Oliver James demands apology for Thatcherism from top politicians Theresa May and Tony McNulty on Newsnight.- published: 13 Feb 2009
- views: 3285
- author: thesrcldn

Thatcherism and Reganomics
Greed is Good....
published: 22 Jan 2012
author: LaceylovesBigSam82
Thatcherism and Reganomics
Thatcherism and Reganomics
Greed is Good.- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 70
- author: LaceylovesBigSam82

Margaret Thatcher's Definition of Thatcherism
Excerpt of a BBC Interview with Robin Day, broadcast on 8 June 1987....
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: A Smith
Margaret Thatcher's Definition of Thatcherism
Margaret Thatcher's Definition of Thatcherism
Excerpt of a BBC Interview with Robin Day, broadcast on 8 June 1987.- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 72
- author: A Smith