
L. Patrick Gray NatLamp Missing White House Tapes
"This is L. Patrick Gray of the FBI... I know I'm in there... If I don't come out with my ...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: Doug Cody
L. Patrick Gray NatLamp Missing White House Tapes
L. Patrick Gray NatLamp Missing White House Tapes
"This is L. Patrick Gray of the FBI... I know I'm in there... If I don't come out with my hands up, I'm coming in after me..."- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 631
- author: Doug Cody

CIA Secret Wars: Agent Exposes Assassinations, Black Ops, Conspiracies, Torture (1989)
During the period of U.S. combat involvement in the Vietnam War, there was considerable ar...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: The Film Archive
CIA Secret Wars: Agent Exposes Assassinations, Black Ops, Conspiracies, Torture (1989)
CIA Secret Wars: Agent Exposes Assassinations, Black Ops, Conspiracies, Torture (1989)
During the period of U.S. combat involvement in the Vietnam War, there was considerable argument about progress among the Department of Defense under Robert ...- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 2448
- author: The Film Archive

L'immagine di Dorian Gray
11 maggio 2013 alle ore 21:00 Cineteatro Ambra (DLF), viale Brigata Ravenna, Alessandria L...
published: 07 Jun 2013
author: Paolo Lodici
L'immagine di Dorian Gray
L'immagine di Dorian Gray
11 maggio 2013 alle ore 21:00 Cineteatro Ambra (DLF), viale Brigata Ravenna, Alessandria La Compagnia del Carciofo dell'IIS Volta di Alessandria presenta L'i...- published: 07 Jun 2013
- views: 99
- author: Paolo Lodici

Missing the Gray
Album: Talentless Stripe
Song: Miss the Gray
Song meaning: The song reminded me of ...
published: 11 Jan 2012
Missing the Gray
Missing the Gray
Album: Talentless Stripe Song: Miss the Gray Song meaning: The song reminded me of some of the old days where i was chilling bored but free and with some old friends or by myself without a worry. Though those where just normal nothing special moments, i still miss them to the point of heartbreak. Just got a new guitar and randomly made a song came out with a 90's feeling that i liked and it got stuck in my head all day definitely one of my favorites. The whole song is twice as long so i shortened it.- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 38

Patrick Bruel, Felix Gray-Au Cafe des Delices
published: 04 Dec 2011
author: TheMila1313
Patrick Bruel, Felix Gray-Au Cafe des Delices
Patrick Bruel, Felix Gray-Au Cafe des Delices
- published: 04 Dec 2011
- views: 48626
- author: TheMila1313

Café des délices - Patrick Bruel et Félix Gray
Lors d'une émission de TV québecoise, Patrick Bruel raconte l'histoire de sa célèbre chans...
published: 03 Aug 2008
author: particolari
Café des délices - Patrick Bruel et Félix Gray
Café des délices - Patrick Bruel et Félix Gray
Lors d'une émission de TV québecoise, Patrick Bruel raconte l'histoire de sa célèbre chanson - Café des délices - écrite et composée par Félix Gray ( de son ...- published: 03 Aug 2008
- views: 138534
- author: particolari

Derek L. Gray's "Good Brothers" Part One
From the first annual African American Theater Festival, we proudly introduce a scene from...
published: 24 Nov 2010
author: debonairefilms
Derek L. Gray's "Good Brothers" Part One
Derek L. Gray's "Good Brothers" Part One
From the first annual African American Theater Festival, we proudly introduce a scene from Derek L Gray's 'Good Brothers'. A story about friends Keith, Mark,...- published: 24 Nov 2010
- views: 251
- author: debonairefilms

Dallas . Linda Gray et Patrick Duffy . Monte Carlo.
Linda Gray et Patrick Duffy invités dans l'émission la mediasphère ,lors du festival de Mo...
published: 20 Jun 2013
author: TYMY100
Dallas . Linda Gray et Patrick Duffy . Monte Carlo.
Dallas . Linda Gray et Patrick Duffy . Monte Carlo.
Linda Gray et Patrick Duffy invités dans l'émission la mediasphère ,lors du festival de Monte Carlo à l'occasion du lancement de la série Dallas le samedi 22...- published: 20 Jun 2013
- views: 685
- author: TYMY100

Derek L. Gray's "Good Brothers" Part Two
From the first annual African American Theater Festival, we proudly introduce a scene from...
published: 26 Nov 2010
author: debonairefilms
Derek L. Gray's "Good Brothers" Part Two
Derek L. Gray's "Good Brothers" Part Two
From the first annual African American Theater Festival, we proudly introduce a scene from Derek L Gray's 'Good Brothers'. A story about friends Keith, Mark,...- published: 26 Nov 2010
- views: 102
- author: debonairefilms

Patrick SWAYZE & Jennifer GREY ♥♥♥♥ ♫ Dirty Dancing ♫
Clip-Vidéo de Dirty Dancing que j'ai réalisé pour mettre en valeur ses magnifiques chorégr...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: melodylovely1
Patrick SWAYZE & Jennifer GREY ♥♥♥♥ ♫ Dirty Dancing ♫
Patrick SWAYZE & Jennifer GREY ♥♥♥♥ ♫ Dirty Dancing ♫
Clip-Vidéo de Dirty Dancing que j'ai réalisé pour mettre en valeur ses magnifiques chorégraphies sur cette belle histoire d'amour ! ♥♫♥ Merci pour votre fidé...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 3961
- author: melodylovely1

Patrick Swayze & Jennifer Grey - The Time of My Life (Dirty Dancing)
Um pequeno tributo em http://www.vcviu.com.br Cena final do filme Dirty Dancing com a músi...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: Codelino
Patrick Swayze & Jennifer Grey - The Time of My Life (Dirty Dancing)
Patrick Swayze & Jennifer Grey - The Time of My Life (Dirty Dancing)
Um pequeno tributo em http://www.vcviu.com.br Cena final do filme Dirty Dancing com a música The Time of My Life na voz de Bill Medley e Jennifer Warnes. Pat...- published: 15 Sep 2009
- views: 5555658
- author: Codelino

Larry Hagman, Linda Gray & Patrick Duffy
Behind the scenes at the AARP magazine photo shoot promoting the all new Dallas. Dallas ai...
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: dsrtprincess
Larry Hagman, Linda Gray & Patrick Duffy
Larry Hagman, Linda Gray & Patrick Duffy
Behind the scenes at the AARP magazine photo shoot promoting the all new Dallas. Dallas airs Wednesday nights on TNT.- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 19000
- author: dsrtprincess

Patrick Gray - Clip of the Day
published: 10 Oct 2010
author: innerwoody
Patrick Gray - Clip of the Day

✿ Convention Grey's Anatomy ✿ + annonce des Guest
✿´`·♡·´`✿ TOUTES LES INFOS EN BAS ✿´`·♡·´`✿
Voici une première vidéo sur une ...
published: 11 Feb 2014
✿ Convention Grey's Anatomy ✿ + annonce des Guest
✿ Convention Grey's Anatomy ✿ + annonce des Guest
✿´`·♡·´`✿ TOUTES LES INFOS EN BAS ✿´`·♡·´`✿ HelloOo, Voici une première vidéo sur une convention qui se déroulera sur LILLE le 07,08,09 juin 2014 . Je vous laisse le lien de So Sweet Sensation pour tous les renseignements dont vous avez besoin , tarifs, date, heure etc ... Les associations concernée sont : Le désir de Fortunée Rêves Fondation Patrick Dempsey ♡ Liens concernant la convention ♡ Site : http://www.weezevent.com/heart-to-heart Page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SoSweetSensation?fref=ts Guest Présent : Sarah Drew, Sara Ramirez ( deux autres seront bientôt annoncés) ♥ N'hésitez pas à Liker la vidéo, partager, et vous abonner pour ne rien louper ! S'ABONNER C'EST GRATUIT ♡ pour tout le reste il y a Mastercard : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=missbouly __ ♥ Mes Différentes Cachettes : ✿ Ma page Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Audrey-MarshmaloO/255343527833352 ✿ Mon Blog : http://marshmaloo.blogspot.com ✿ Mon Twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/AMarshmaloo ✿ Mon Ask : http://ask.fm/Audmarshmaloo ✿ Mon Instagram : http://instagram.com/audmarshmaloo ✿ Adresse Postale : Bureau de Poste , Bte n°19 pour Audrey , 4 Rue des deux chaussées 1160 Bruxelles ( BELGIQUE ) ✿ Contact Partenaire : audmarshmaloo@gmail.com ♡ Musique ♡ : Youtube ♥ Les essentiels de cette vidéo : ♡ Vêtements / accessoires ♡ : ------------------------------------- Haut : Newlook Boucle d'oreille: Romwe Bague : swarovski Vernis UNE C11 Montre : Fossil ♡ Maquillage visage ♡ ---------------------------- Base : CC Crean Bourjois Fdt Bourjois Happy Light N°52 Correcteur Rimmel Wake Me up Contouring : Boho green & Hoola Benefit Enlumineur : Benefit " Highbeam" Poudre de finition : Pimer & Poreless Too Faced Ral : MAC " Pure Zen" ♡ Maquillage Yeux ♡ : --------------------------- Sourcil : Crayon 09 Hema Kit Sourcil : Catrice Crayon 24/7 Demolition Fard Neve Cosmetics et Crayon zero Mascara Givenchy ♡ Matériel Vidéo ♡ Appareil : Canon 650 D Logiciel : Movie maker- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 1317
Vimeo results:

Max Holland "Leak: Why Mark Felt became Deep Throat" (September 27, 2012)
In the first program of the fall season Max Holland appeared at the Gerald R. Ford Museum ...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: Gerald R. Ford
Max Holland "Leak: Why Mark Felt became Deep Throat" (September 27, 2012)
In the first program of the fall season Max Holland appeared at the Gerald R. Ford Museum the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation. Holland currently is Editor of Washington Decoded, an independent online American History and current events magazine which has been covering important events since 2007. Holland has been featured in numerous major publications including the N.Y. Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal. He has authored, co-authored, or edited 6 books. He appeared before another overflowing audience to discuss his newest book “Leak: Why Mark Felt became Deep Throat”which discusses the secret source which helped expose the Water Gate Scandal.
In his new book, Holland seeks to dispel this notions appropriateness in a world where the relationship between politics and media can often be skewed by the hidden agenda of government officials.
Holland began by setting the stage for the events that would take place in the fall of 1972. Forty years ago this summer, five men with close ties to the Nixon Campaign, broke into the National Democratic Headquarters at the Watergate Office Complex. Less than 6 months later, however, the Nixon Administration would find itself in the middle of the worst political scandal since “Teapot Dome” in the 1920’s and the first impeachment process in 100 years which ultimately culminated in President Nixon’s resignation from office in August of 1974.
Holland then moved his focus to what would be the equivalent of the “good guys” in a Hollywood movie....Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, writers for the Washington Post. These two men were made famous by publishing articles with information provided to them by a secret source inside the FBI known only as “Deep Throat” which provided information on the break in and cover-up. This man’s true identity would later be brought to light shortly before his death in December of 2008. “Deep Throat” was a senior official inside the FBI by the name of Mark Felt.
Felt had been in line to take over as head of the FBI. Much to his chagrin, Nixon appointed an outsider, L. Patrick Gray as Acting Director. This single act incited a war of succession within the ranks of the FBI which was fought, according to Holland, in “the most vicious bureaucratic way possible”. Holland’s extensive research has led him to believe that contrary to popular belief, and the way his anonymous character was portrayed in the book and motion picture, “All the President's Men”, Felt had leaked the information not as a “principled whistleblower”, but rather a careerist, out for his own gain. Felt believed that leaking the information regarding Watergate would provoke Nixon into turning against Gray, and in an attempt to gain control over the bureau, would appoint an insider…himself. Felt was so set on disrupting Gray’s reign, that much of what he revealed to Bob Woodward was “factually untrue’ as he “really didn’t care about the truth”, rather “inciting the White House against Pat Gray”.
Holland firmly believed that Woodward and Bernstein took liberty in representing Felt’s motives in the way they portrayed him in “All the President’s Men”. He attributes this disregard for facts to what he referred to as “new journalism”, a kind of writing where one places them self into the story. This can easily be seen, according to Holland, in that Felt is quoted in the book as saying things never recording in Woodward’s notes.
Holland adamantly believes that the truth and fact matter. Filling in voids with untruths simply made it harder to realize the true agenda of Mark Felt in order to understand the Watergate episode. It also matters in the sense that it reminds us who the real heroes are. Holland believes these men include Earl Silbert, the Chief Prosecutor, having stated that “Felt deserves a lot less credit as opposed to Silbert who acted with great integrity".
This ordeal also gave proper perspective on the appropriate role of the press. Although not an election issue, the media kept Watergate in the news. Nixon, was forced to make constant “non-denials” so that by 1973 when the Administration was forced to admit their involvement the press turned on them with ferocity.
Finally, Holland credits Watergate for “lifting the lid on the complex, somewhat adversarial but symbiotic relationship between the press and government”. It showed how the press could be manipulated by people in government who have their own agenda. Holland drew comparisons to the press before the run up of the invasion of Iraq as a modern day example.

The Project: An Alternate Reality Game
The Project was an experimental Alternate Reality Game that combined transmedia storytelli...
published: 13 Aug 2013
author: The Project
The Project: An Alternate Reality Game
The Project was an experimental Alternate Reality Game that combined transmedia storytelling, performative role-playing, and live gameplay. The game unfolded both online and through site-specific events in Chicago from April 1-25, 2013. Over the course of these three and a half weeks, visitors explored what at first appear to be three unrelated conspiracy groups (known as Ilinx, Ortgeist, and SONOS). A collective of players encountered a series of initiation and play events that told a story about a portal to another world. This world was discovered through challenging games, audiovisual media, responsive environments, and interactions with characters. All of the events were related to a larger undertaking known only as "The Project." Along the way, visitors discovered a deeper myth about strange phenomena known as the Sandbox and the Anomal.
For more information about The Project and related work by creators Patrick Jagoda (Professor of English & New Media at the University of Chicago) and Sha Xin Wei (Professor of Fine Arts and Computer Science at Concordia University), see: http://graycenter.uchicago.edu/experiments/alternate-reality-a-pervasive-play-project
This work was made possible through generous support from the Richard and Mary L. Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry, a collaborative fellowship from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the University of Chicago.

Woodbury Lions Club hosting American Red Cross blood drives
Blood Drives in Cannon County for over 60 years. {{more}}
It has been said that the Lion...
published: 18 Aug 2010
author: Cannon Citizen
Woodbury Lions Club hosting American Red Cross blood drives
Blood Drives in Cannon County for over 60 years. {{more}}
It has been said that the Lions Club drives are the best in the Tennessee Valley Region Blood Services area, which includes all of Tennessee, parts of Kentucky, and Alabama.
The extra effort put forth by the Lions Club has little to do with it. The Woodbury Lions Club has a committee of members that work together to help insure that everything runs smoothly, along with community volunteers who like to help out.
Some of the volunteers have more experience working with blood drives that the actual Red Cross staff who go out daily working with blood drives within the area.
Committee chairmen’s Patsy and Carl Hirlston and Bobby Bogard with committee members Ken and Artie Jean McIntyre, Lois Larimer, Clyde Thomas, Nolan Northcutt, Robert Jennings, Charlie Brown, Clyde and Kitty Bush, Chris Brushaber, Danny Miller, Cliff Swoape, Andy Jacobs, Doug Combs, and Gina Mitchell, all work together along with community volunteers of Bessie Miller, Orval and Esther Gray, Juanita Burks, Cathey Parker, Betty Harder, Shirley Borren, Jane Jennings, Grace Young, Nile Young, Della Young, Robert Young, Kay Campbell, Carol Davenport, Bobbie Henline, Jim Henline, Betty Paschal, Ann Todd, Mary Sue Vinson, and Mary Nelle Hillis too create a professional staff that assist members of the American Red Cross staff.
The Lions Club assigns a task of greeting donors and signing them in, handing out water and assigning donors with a number.
Copies of the Cannon Courier are provided for donors to read before or after their donation.
Red Cross provides snacks and the Woodbury Lions Club has additional snacks such as: a one-of-a-kind trail mix, peanut butter and crackers, baloney and crackers, and cheese and crackers.
A staff works in the canteen area who assist the donors after they have donated by getting them a drink of juice, water, soda, or coffee and then sitting with them and talking. They also watch the donor to see if the donors face color changes or if their arm starts bleeding from where the donor had given blood.
Woodbury Club also keeps records of each donation and awards donors with pins and Certificates when completing gallon donations. Along with taking pictures of donors receiving awards and being pinned with a gallon donation pin, plus having members of the Lions Club calling and reminding donors of upcoming blood drives also adds a little bit more to why Cannon County Blood Drives are better and produces more regular donors than other areas which has a larger population.
Woodbury Lions Club host six blood drives a year, always the third Thursday in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Each blood drive is noon until six pm except May’s drive, which runs from 9 am until 6 pm. May’s blood drive is a donor appreciation drive, and most of the businesses in Cannon County donate door prizes.
In the last five to six years, each donor was able to win three of four items because of the generosity of the businesses and their support of the Lions Club and wanting to reward the true everyday heroes of Cannon County, those who give of themselves to help save the lives of others. In most cases, they are saving the lives of people who they do not know.
On May 20th, 2010 the following businesses provided door prizes for the heroes of Cannon County: A Touch of Home Flower’s & Gifts, Arts Center of Cannon County, Auto Zone, Birdsong Adhesives, Boyd’s Garage, Briar Rose Flowers and Gifts, Bromley/Jennings Automotive, Cannon County Chiropractic, Cannon Market, Captain D’s, CareAll, Cell Plus, Coco Tan & Spa, Chilangoes Mexican Restaurant, Curves, Cutting Edge Hair Salon, D J’s Pizza and Steakhouse, Family Dentistry Deason & Bucher, Farm Bureau Insurance, First National Bank, Flower Occasions, Gina’s Boutique, Hardee’s, Hayes Bros Auto Care, Hibdon’s Body Shop, Higgins Car Wash, J P’s Fine Swine Bar-B-Que, Jennings Jewelers, Joe’s Place, Legendary Cuts, Lightwriters Photography, Lions Pizza Den, The Millennium Hair Salon, Moonlite Drive-In, NAPA, The Old Feed Store, One Stop Market, Parsley’s Market & Deli, Paul Reed’s Furniture, Paul’s Auto Service, Piggly Wiggly, Potter’s Ace Hardware, Quick Shop Market, Reed’s Building Supply, Regions Bank, Roger Hindman Body Shop, Scavenger Hunt Flea Market, Scavenger Hunt Trading Post, The Scoreboard, Shirt Shack, Shotgun County Pawn & Gun, Smitty Tire Shop, Stewart’s Printing, Stone Gait Tack and Feed, Subway, West End Tobacco Store, Woodbury Auto Express, Woodbury Insurance Agency, and Woodbury Lawn & Garden. Every donor and volunteer received a promotional ink pen from DTC, a pillbox from Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Cooperation, Chap Stick from FirstBank, a value meal card from Sonic, and a 3 pound bag of stone ground corn meal from The Readyville Mill.
The Red Cross also provided promotional items and the Woodbury Lions Club provided $10 gift c

Headwater Live - "Freight Train"
Headwater performing "Freight Train"
Filmed in Vancouver, BC at the Arts Club Theatre, Feb...
published: 03 May 2009
author: Jenn Strom
Headwater Live - "Freight Train"
Headwater performing "Freight Train"
Filmed in Vancouver, BC at the Arts Club Theatre, Feb 2009.
Jonas Shandel (guitar, vocals)
Matt Bryant (mandolin, vocals)
Tim Tweedale (steel guitar)
Patrick Metzger (upright bass)
Marc L'Esperance (drums)
Adam Iredale-Gray (fiddle)
Youtube results:

Patrick Swayze (cancer) on Barbara Walters Special
http://movietv.pinurl.com - It's such a wonderful message for all of those people that are...
published: 09 Jan 2009
author: kazzakrock
Patrick Swayze (cancer) on Barbara Walters Special
Patrick Swayze (cancer) on Barbara Walters Special
http://movietv.pinurl.com - It's such a wonderful message for all of those people that are fighting the same monster (cancer). I still remember his movies Di...- published: 09 Jan 2009
- views: 289778
- author: kazzakrock

Johnny Hallyday et Patrick Bruel " Que je t'aime " - Johnny Hallyday, Le Grand Show 21/12/2013
Johnny Hallyday propose un «Grand Show» au cours duquel il chante en duo quelques-uns de s...
published: 22 Dec 2013
Johnny Hallyday et Patrick Bruel " Que je t'aime " - Johnny Hallyday, Le Grand Show 21/12/2013
Johnny Hallyday et Patrick Bruel " Que je t'aime " - Johnny Hallyday, Le Grand Show 21/12/2013
Johnny Hallyday propose un «Grand Show» au cours duquel il chante en duo quelques-uns de ses plus grands succès tels que «L'Envie», «Que je t'aime», «20 ans», ou encore «Un jour l'amour te trouvera», à l'occasion de la sortie de son dernier album «Born Rocker Tour», Diffusion samedi 21 décembre à 20h45 sur France 2 http://www.france2.fr/johnny #Johnny https://twitter.com/France2tv https://www.facebook.com/france2?fref=ts Avec Patrick Bruel- published: 22 Dec 2013
- views: 1465

The Time of My Life - Dirty Dancing (12/12) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
Dirty Dancing Movie Clip - watch all clips http://j.mp/y74XX4 click to subscribe http://j....
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: movieclips
The Time of My Life - Dirty Dancing (12/12) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
The Time of My Life - Dirty Dancing (12/12) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
Dirty Dancing Movie Clip - watch all clips http://j.mp/y74XX4 click to subscribe http://j.mp/sNDUs5 The dance hall goes wild with a provocative dance led by ...- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 370947
- author: movieclips

Josh Henderson, Linda Gray, and Patrick Duffy at the Dall...
Josh Henderson, Linda Gray, and Patrick Duffy at the Dallas party at the 53rd Monte-Carlo ...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Josh Henderson, Linda Gray, and Patrick Duffy at the Dall...
Josh Henderson, Linda Gray, and Patrick Duffy at the Dall...
Josh Henderson, Linda Gray, and Patrick Duffy at the Dallas party at the 53rd Monte-Carlo Television Festival - Day 3 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco, on 6/12/13. Thanks for watching this video! Video Credit: Getty Images- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 11