
Izvestia Breeders Stakes 1990 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
This is the third jewel of the Canadian Triple Crown won by Izvestia, Canadian Triple Crow...
published: 19 Aug 2007
author: Dingerz
Izvestia Breeders Stakes 1990 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
Izvestia Breeders Stakes 1990 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
This is the third jewel of the Canadian Triple Crown won by Izvestia, Canadian Triple Crown winner of 1990. Izvestia is by Kinghaven Farms and was trained by...- published: 19 Aug 2007
- views: 3305
- author: Dingerz

Suomi - Neuvostoliitto, Izvestia turnaus 17.12.1986
Suomi voittaa Neuvostoliiton Izvestia-turnauksessa 17.12.1986. Ennen tätä Suomi oli voitta...
published: 10 Feb 2010
author: rickmeister10
Suomi - Neuvostoliitto, Izvestia turnaus 17.12.1986
Suomi - Neuvostoliitto, Izvestia turnaus 17.12.1986
Suomi voittaa Neuvostoliiton Izvestia-turnauksessa 17.12.1986. Ennen tätä Suomi oli voittanut Neuvostoliiton vain kerran aiemmin kansainvälisessä turnauksess...- published: 10 Feb 2010
- views: 30611
- author: rickmeister10

Izvestia Goodbye Tribute 1991 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
This is the goodbye to Izvestia, Canada's 1990 Triple Crown winner. Izvestia tragically br...
published: 19 Aug 2007
author: Dingerz
Izvestia Goodbye Tribute 1991 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
Izvestia Goodbye Tribute 1991 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
This is the goodbye to Izvestia, Canada's 1990 Triple Crown winner. Izvestia tragically broke down in his final race before retirement in 1991. http://www.Ho...- published: 19 Aug 2007
- views: 3163
- author: Dingerz

Izvestia Queen's Plate 1990 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
This is the first leg of the Canadian Triple Crown run in 1990. The winner is Izvestia, Ca...
published: 19 Aug 2007
author: Dingerz
Izvestia Queen's Plate 1990 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
Izvestia Queen's Plate 1990 - Canadian Triple Crown Winner
This is the first leg of the Canadian Triple Crown run in 1990. The winner is Izvestia, Canadian 1990 Triple Crown Winner from Kinghaven Farms. Izvestia was ...- published: 19 Aug 2007
- views: 5236
- author: Dingerz

[AaN] 129 - Baschar al-Assad im Interview für die rus.Tageszeitung "Izvestia"
Augen auf News - 129 - Baschar al-Assad im Interview für die rus.Tageszeitung "Izvestia"
published: 27 Aug 2013
[AaN] 129 - Baschar al-Assad im Interview für die rus.Tageszeitung "Izvestia"
[AaN] 129 - Baschar al-Assad im Interview für die rus.Tageszeitung "Izvestia"
Augen auf News - 129 - Baschar al-Assad im Interview für die rus.Tageszeitung "Izvestia" "Der Präsident der Syrischen Arabischen Republik spricht im Exklusivinterview mit Izvestia über die Gefahr einer Intervention durch die USA und den Westen, über seine Beziehungen zu Wladimir Putin und die Gemeinsamkeit der Schicksale von Russen und Syrern." "Auf dem Höhepunkt der Krise trafen sich Aleksandr Potapow und Jurij Mazarskij in Damaskus mit dem Präsidenten des Landes, Baschar al-Assad. In einem Exklusivinterview für "Izvestia" erzählt er davon, wer es ist, der chemische Waffen einsetzt, er kommentiert die Statements der westlichen Politiker über deren Vorhaben, militärischen Druck auf Syrien auszuüben und bewertet die Hilfe, die das syrische Volk von Russland und dessen Präsidenten erfährt." Quellen: http://apxwn.blogspot.de/2013/08/baschar-al-assad-im-interview-fur.html#more http://izvestia.ru/news/556036 http://www.politaia.org/terror/assad-im-interview-fur-die-russische-tageszeitung-iswestija/ LG Chembuster33- published: 27 Aug 2013
- views: 3056

Mew "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" Live @ Izvestia Hall, Moscow 1-dec-2013
Mew "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" Live @ Izvestia Hall, Moscow...
published: 07 Dec 2013
Mew "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" Live @ Izvestia Hall, Moscow 1-dec-2013
Mew "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" Live @ Izvestia Hall, Moscow 1-dec-2013
Mew "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" Live @ Izvestia Hall, Moscow- published: 07 Dec 2013
- views: 21

1992 Izvestia Tournament, Finland - W.Germany (1)
published: 03 May 2013
author: agro75agro
1992 Izvestia Tournament, Finland - W.Germany (1)
1992 Izvestia Tournament, Finland - W.Germany (1)
- published: 03 May 2013
- views: 34
- author: agro75agro

Paul Oakenfold - Incheba, Bratislava & Izvestia Hall, Moscow - Four Seasons 'Autumn' 2012
Have you seen the latest video? "United Nations Debates DJ MAG Top 100," check it out here...
published: 24 Nov 2012
author: Paul Oakenfold
Paul Oakenfold - Incheba, Bratislava & Izvestia Hall, Moscow - Four Seasons 'Autumn' 2012
Paul Oakenfold - Incheba, Bratislava & Izvestia Hall, Moscow - Four Seasons 'Autumn' 2012
Have you seen the latest video? "United Nations Debates DJ MAG Top 100," check it out here: http://vid.io/xVg Include Paul Oakenfold in your vote for the DJ ...- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 5021
- author: Paul Oakenfold

Neophyte Records - Bigger Than Ever | Izvestia Hall (RU) Trailer
Анонс на русском ниже...
Neophyte Records is coming to Moscow, Russia! After two fantasti...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Neophyte Records - Bigger Than Ever | Izvestia Hall (RU) Trailer
Neophyte Records - Bigger Than Ever | Izvestia Hall (RU) Trailer
Анонс на русском ниже... Neophyte Records is coming to Moscow, Russia! After two fantastic editions of their Bigger Than Ever tour in Holland and Belgium, one of the world's most influential Hardcore labels teams up with Orbital Station (partner of the 2012 Trasher Tour, 2013 Make Some Noise Tour and many more events) for a no holds barred invasion of the Russian capital. The location is none other than Izvestia Hall, a prestigious concert venue right in the heart of Moscow at Pushkinskaya Square. Featuring their biggest line-up yet, the 9th of March 2014 is set to be one of this year's craziest parties! Date: 9th of March 2014 (Doors open at 21:00) Age: 18+ (ID required) Location: Izvestia Hall (Moscow, RU) Line-up Neophyte Records All Stars Evil Activities Neophyte Endymion Furyan Kasparov Panic The Viper Tieum E-Life Or-Beat Reaver Paul Sitter MC Alee Tickets are now available via http://neophyte2014.ru! --------- Neophyte Records едет в Москву! После двух фантастических вечеринок тура Bigger Than Ever в Голландии и Бельгии, один из самых влиятельных Hardcore лейблов планеты объединяется с Орбитальной Станцией (партнёр по Trasher Tour (2012), Make Some Noise Tour (2013) и многих других мероприятий) для беспощадного вторжения в столицу России. Событие состоится в стенах одной из самых престижных площадок страны - Известия Hall. Клуб расположен в самом сердце Москвы на Пушкинской Площади. С крупнейшим лайн-апом тура, 9 марта 2014 станет одной из самых жарких ночей в этом году! Date: 9th of March 2014 (Doors open at 21:00) Age: 18+ (ID required) Location: Izvestia Hall (Moscow, RU) Line-up Neophyte Records All Stars Evil Activities Neophyte Endymion Furyan Kasparov Panic The Viper Tieum E-Life Or-Beat Reaver Paul Sitter MC Alee Tickets are now available via http://neophyte2014.ru! Connect with Neophyte Records & Orbital Station: http://neophyterecords.com http://facebook.com/NeophyteRecords http://twitter.com/NeophyteRecords http://youtube.com/officialneophyte http://soundcloud.com/NeophyteRecords http://instagram.com/NeophyteRecords http://neophyte2014.ru http://vk.com/neophyte2014 http://promodj.com/orbitalstation http://www.youtube.com/user/OrbitalStationMusic #BiggerThanEver- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 747

Izvestia Tournament , 1992 Sweden-Finland (4)
published: 01 May 2013
author: agro75agro
Izvestia Tournament , 1992 Sweden-Finland (4)

Izvestia Tournament , 1992 Sweden-Finland (2)
published: 01 May 2013
author: agro75agro
Izvestia Tournament , 1992 Sweden-Finland (2)

Izvestia Tournament, 1994 Russia-Finland (3)
published: 03 May 2013
author: agro75agro
Izvestia Tournament, 1994 Russia-Finland (3)
Youtube results:

Izvestia Tournament, 1996 Russia-Finland (2)
published: 05 May 2013
author: agro75agro
Izvestia Tournament, 1996 Russia-Finland (2)

Charice - Russian TV Izvestia's "Top 10 Events 2010" (2/18/11) [English Subtitles]
all video footages courtesy of izvestia.ru, TBN Russia TV Channel** Special thanks to http...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: ChariceTVCrew
Charice - Russian TV Izvestia's "Top 10 Events 2010" (2/18/11) [English Subtitles]
Charice - Russian TV Izvestia's "Top 10 Events 2010" (2/18/11) [English Subtitles]
all video footages courtesy of izvestia.ru, TBN Russia TV Channel** Special thanks to http://www.youtube.com/Nplayaz for the English Translations Please ra...- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 41129
- author: ChariceTVCrew

Izvestia Tournament, 1996 Russia-Finland (1)
published: 05 May 2013
author: agro75agro
Izvestia Tournament, 1996 Russia-Finland (1)

1992 Izvestia Tournament Russia-Finland (1)
published: 01 May 2013
author: agro75agro
1992 Izvestia Tournament Russia-Finland (1)