
The Corporation
THE CORPORATION is a Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark...
published: 22 Jul 2012
author: TheAzureWhale
The Corporation
The Corporation
THE CORPORATION is a Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-da...- published: 22 Jul 2012
- views: 261652
- author: TheAzureWhale

The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
The Corporation is a 2003 Canadian documentary film written by University of British Colum...
published: 22 Aug 2013
The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
The Corporation is a 2003 Canadian documentary film written by University of British Columbia law professor Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-day corporation. This is explored through specific examples. Bakan wrote the book, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, during the filming of the documentary. The documentary shows the development of the contemporary business corporation, from a legal entity that originated as a government-chartered institution meant to affect specific public functions, to the rise of the modern commercial institution entitled to most of the legal rights of a person. The documentary concentrates mostly upon North American corporations, especially those of the United States. One theme is its assessment as a "personality", as a result of an 1886 case in the United States Supreme Court in which a statement by Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite[nb 1] led to corporations as "persons" having the same rights as human beings, based on the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Topics addressed include the Business Plot, where in 1933, General Smedley Butler exposed an alleged corporate plot against then U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt; the tragedy of the commons; Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning people to beware of the rising military-industrial complex; economic externalities; suppression of an investigative news story about Bovine Growth Hormone on a Fox News Channel affiliate television station at the behest of Monsanto; the invention of the soft drink Fanta by the Coca-Cola Company due to the trade embargo on Nazi Germany; the alleged role of IBM in the Nazi holocaust (see IBM and the Holocaust); the Cochabamba protests of 2000 brought on by the privatization of a municipal water supply in Bolivia; and in general themes of corporate social responsibility, the notion of limited liability, the corporation as a psychopath, and the corporation as a person. Through vignettes and interviews, The Corporation examines and criticizes corporate business practices. The film's assessment is effected via the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-IV; Robert D. Hare, a University of British Columbia psychology professor and a consultant to the FBI, compares the profile of the contemporary profitable business corporation to that of a clinically diagnosed psychopath (however, Hare has objected to the manner in which his views are portrayed in the film; see "critical reception" below). The Corporation attempts to compare the way corporations are systematically compelled to behave with what it claims are the DSM-IV's symptoms of psychopathy, e.g. callous disregard for the feelings of other people, the incapacity to maintain human relationships, reckless disregard for the safety of others, deceitfulness (continual lying to deceive for profit), the incapacity to experience guilt, and the failure to conform to social norms and respect the law. However, the DSM has never included a psychopathy diagnosis, rather proposing antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) with the DSM-IV. ASPD and psychopathy, while sharing some diagnostic criteria, are not synonymous.- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 5

The Corporation (2003)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JohnXavier1975 Directed by: Mark Achbar, and Jennifer Abbo...
published: 27 May 2012
author: JohnXavier1975
The Corporation (2003)
The Corporation (2003)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JohnXavier1975 Directed by: Mark Achbar, and Jennifer Abbott. Produced by: Mark Achbar, and Bart Simpson. Written by: Joel Ba...- published: 27 May 2012
- views: 15289
- author: JohnXavier1975

The Corporation [ITA]
The Corporation è un documentario canadese del 2003, diretto da Mark Achbar e Jennifer Abb...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: GlendoraPerkele
The Corporation [ITA]
The Corporation [ITA]
The Corporation è un documentario canadese del 2003, diretto da Mark Achbar e Jennifer Abbott e tratto dall'omonimo libro di Joel Bakan. È stato distribuito ...- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 26452
- author: GlendoraPerkele

The Richest Man In Babylon - Thievery Corporation [Full Album]
Label: Eighteenth Street Lounge Music -- ESL0060 Format: CD, Album Country: Europe Release...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: LisaAzulada
The Richest Man In Babylon - Thievery Corporation [Full Album]
The Richest Man In Babylon - Thievery Corporation [Full Album]
Label: Eighteenth Street Lounge Music -- ESL0060 Format: CD, Album Country: Europe Released: 2002 Genre: Electronic Style: Dub, Downtempo Artwork By [Design]...- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 429351
- author: LisaAzulada

The Corporation - La Corporacion (español - spanish)
The Corporation' es un documental dirigido por Mark Achbar y Jennifer Abbott que durante d...
published: 21 Jan 2011
author: Iloveperuvian
The Corporation - La Corporacion (español - spanish)
The Corporation - La Corporacion (español - spanish)
The Corporation' es un documental dirigido por Mark Achbar y Jennifer Abbott que durante dos horas y cincuenta y tres minutos se interna en el mundo empresar...- published: 21 Jan 2011
- views: 327336
- author: Iloveperuvian

A Corporação (2003) - Versão completa - The Corporation ( Leg. Pt-Br)
Lista de Reprodução com DOCUMENTÁRIOS DE ALERTA: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7...
published: 12 May 2011
author: ECOmantiqueira
A Corporação (2003) - Versão completa - The Corporation ( Leg. Pt-Br)
A Corporação (2003) - Versão completa - The Corporation ( Leg. Pt-Br)
Lista de Reprodução com DOCUMENTÁRIOS DE ALERTA: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=77EAE5CD253D9436 Excelente documentário canadense de 2002, que apres...- published: 12 May 2011
- views: 208642
- author: ECOmantiqueira

Thievery Corporation - Until the Morning
From TC's third album "The Richest Man in Babylon" Track 14 [[Until the Morning]] Vocals b...
published: 29 Mar 2008
author: suiriryoku
Thievery Corporation - Until the Morning
Thievery Corporation - Until the Morning
From TC's third album "The Richest Man in Babylon" Track 14 [[Until the Morning]] Vocals by Emiliana Torrini Go out and buy a record.- published: 29 Mar 2008
- views: 5116290
- author: suiriryoku

1/28/2014 -- Police State Corporation + Social Media Censorship (discussion) -- Freedom Frequency
All about SERCO .. http://chrissysumer.com/2014/01/sercos-web-2/
This show covering the t...
published: 28 Jan 2014
1/28/2014 -- Police State Corporation + Social Media Censorship (discussion) -- Freedom Frequency
1/28/2014 -- Police State Corporation + Social Media Censorship (discussion) -- Freedom Frequency
All about SERCO .. http://chrissysumer.com/2014/01/sercos-web-2/ This show covering the topics of SERCO, Weather Modification, Radio Frequency, Censorship, The Act of 1871,and Fukushima. Friday's 2 hour show was great!! This video is just a 15min excerpt .. listen to the whole discussion (Friday Jan 24) here: http://fprnradio.com/freedomfrequency Listen to Part 1 (15min) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQObfTnEFpc Listen to Part 2 (15min) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WxxnHwm2kk Listen to Part 3 (15min) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhZspOo8wHM For those who don't already know, I'm hosting a new radio show .. called "Freedom Frequency" ... Every Friday night, from 8-10pm Eastern :) Link to current and past shows here ! http://www.fprnradio.com "Freedom Frequency 1871" is a radio show dedicated to truth, justice & peace. Standing up for what is right, owning up to the Oath to protect our liberty from tyranny. Covering the spectrum of alternative news information, everything from Earthquakes to Shadow Government. Fighting the good fight since 2010, onwards into the future we strive... LIVE: Fridays 8:00pm-10:00pm Eastern- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 1589

"He [Patrick Henry] boycotted the Constitutional Convention of 1787 because, as he so eloq...
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: ruralkiller
"He [Patrick Henry] boycotted the Constitutional Convention of 1787 because, as he so eloquently put it, "I smell a rat " and suspected the worst: that the i...- published: 11 Jun 2012
- views: 61805
- author: ruralkiller

Hentai Corporation - Equilibristic Brides [CENSORED]
Don't mess with the Beaver!
UNCENSORED VERSION: http://vimeo.com/76036988
published: 05 Oct 2013
Hentai Corporation - Equilibristic Brides [CENSORED]
Hentai Corporation - Equilibristic Brides [CENSORED]
Don't mess with the Beaver! UNCENSORED VERSION: http://vimeo.com/76036988 http://hentaicorp.cz http://facebook.com/hentaicorp http://soundcloud.com/hentai-corporation PŘISPĚJTE NA DESKU A DOSTANETE BOBŘÍ HLAVU ČI CHLUP: http://hithit.com/cs/project/266/hentai-corporation-debutove-album Director/Script: Jarek Plouhar D.O.P: Lukáš Marek, Šimon Havel Costumes: Samiha Malehová Choreographer: Lukáš Vilt Gaffer: Lukáš Reichl Make-up & SFX: Barbora Lazarczyková Titles: Dan Kurz Production: http://wearerenegades.cz Special thanks to: Jan Jareš, Tereza Průšková, Ian Cratch, Pavel Wilhelm Přibyl, Jan Avi Pacner, Dominik Táborský, Petr Vízdal & Martin Klimpar Presskit [cz] : http://hentaicorp.cz/bobri Lyrics: Embryos are bleeding to death to be part of the web of life Generations of young lads are torturing the messiah Manipulation without hesitation Blow to the face of Ra Evil Sinners, schism of healers, disorder has to be razed You're just a, you're just a deluxe virgin schizo Dear mothers gave you power to conquer godly sorrow Recirculation of genome composition Sun-ups are gonna pay For the wormholes, moronic sore laws, infection will be spread Nights of apocalyptic sights Nights with equilibristic brides Your tales are satanic vibes Plasmatic shits, acolytes of Krang Everything's got to be ovarian, shy die, die shy- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 50928

THE CORPORATION [1/23] What is a Corporation?
1. The Corporation is today's dominant institution, creating great wealth but also great h...
published: 23 Jan 2007
author: machbar
THE CORPORATION [1/23] What is a Corporation?
THE CORPORATION [1/23] What is a Corporation?
1. The Corporation is today's dominant institution, creating great wealth but also great harm. This 26 award-winning documentary examines the nature, evoluti...- published: 23 Jan 2007
- views: 1047963
- author: machbar

Thievery Corporation Collection - Babylon Recall
11 songs that reminds the Thievery Corporation music style // 11 canciones que recuerdan e...
published: 03 Aug 2013
author: xPEPE13x
Thievery Corporation Collection - Babylon Recall
Thievery Corporation Collection - Babylon Recall
11 songs that reminds the Thievery Corporation music style // 11 canciones que recuerdan el estilo musical de Thievery Corporation 00:00 - Zero Gravity 05:05...- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 19
- author: xPEPE13x

What is a Corporation?
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: reference180
What is a Corporation?
What is a Corporation?
http://bit.ly/15NmAAD.- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 119
- author: reference180
Vimeo results:

Orange Tiny Top Ups HD
Commercial for Orange's Tiny Top Ups campaign.
Client: Orange
Agency: Fallon
Created & Pr...
published: 15 Apr 2011
author: A Large Evil Corporation
Orange Tiny Top Ups HD
Commercial for Orange's Tiny Top Ups campaign.
Client: Orange
Agency: Fallon
Created & Produced by A Large Evil Corporation

We shot this inspired by the movie "Jumper"...
published: 11 Sep 2009
author: JUSIDALU Corporation
We shot this inspired by the movie "Jumper"

I Dreamt of Flying
I Dreamt of Flying 'I Dreamt of Flying' is a mixed media documentary, combining hand-drawn...
published: 14 Apr 2011
author: A Large Evil Corporation
I Dreamt of Flying
I Dreamt of Flying 'I Dreamt of Flying' is a mixed media documentary, combining hand-drawn illustration with archive material. The piece focuses on the crews of Bomber Command who sacrificed their lives in the skies to help end World War II, and illustrates the distinct contrasts between the heroic and romanticised perceptions of the R.A.F, and the brutal and terrifying realities so many young airmen faced night after night. The film is a tribute to those men who risked their lives and to my grandfather; an RAF tail-gunner 1943-44.
Written, drawn, animated and directed by Alex Bland
Awards and Screenings:
*Winner of 'Best Imaginative Response to War Award' - Imperial War Museum Film Competition (2008).
*Runner Up, Documentary Award - Soho Rushes (2008).
*Selected for 'New British Talent' touring programme - onedotzero (2008-2009).
Youtube results:

Thievery Corporation LIVE @ 34 River Party [Full concert]
Thievery Corporation LIVE @ 34 River Party, Nestorio, Kastoria, Greece [Full concert] RIVE...
published: 17 Jul 2013
author: River PartyTV
Thievery Corporation LIVE @ 34 River Party [Full concert]
Thievery Corporation LIVE @ 34 River Party [Full concert]
Thievery Corporation LIVE @ 34 River Party, Nestorio, Kastoria, Greece [Full concert] RIVER PARTY: https://www.facebook.com/RiverPartyNe... https://twitter.c...- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 2476
- author: River PartyTV

The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length
This is an early version of Corporation Nation that has a couple errors. 1) $ amount of pe...
published: 12 Jan 2011
author: GnosticMedia
The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length
The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length
This is an early version of Corporation Nation that has a couple errors. 1) $ amount of pension funds is 26 trillion, not 36 trillion. 2) There are a couple ...- published: 12 Jan 2011
- views: 52329
- author: GnosticMedia

Thievery Corporation - Live at KCRW (2011)
http://www.kcrw.com | SETLIST (click on a time mark to go to a song): 1. Web of Deception ...
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: Alin82
Thievery Corporation - Live at KCRW (2011)
Thievery Corporation - Live at KCRW (2011)
http://www.kcrw.com | SETLIST (click on a time mark to go to a song): 1. Web of Deception 1:51 2. Lebanese Blonde 6:22 3. Take My Soul 11:37 4. (Interview) 1...- published: 24 Dec 2011
- views: 177610
- author: Alin82

Hentai Corporation - The River
Song: The River
Artist: Hentai Corporation
Album: The Spectre Of Corporatism: Starship Sha...
published: 19 Dec 2013
Hentai Corporation - The River
Hentai Corporation - The River
Song: The River Artist: Hentai Corporation Album: The Spectre Of Corporatism: Starship Shaped Schnitzels From Planet Breadcrumbs Are Attacking A Giant Tree Monster Who Has A Vagina And Holds Hitler Hostage Music: Petr Škarohlíd Lyrics: Radek Škarohlíd In the silence of the magic fields Stretchy forces are pulsing in me Tissue forests bridge my fears I'm connected with the stable realm I'm the river, the flow of human sinners, the postulate of Mothers Pure energy rules the scene. A mirror flashes like silky cream, Hearts are wet in fatty peace Like in bizzarre eclectic dreams, I'm the river, the clone of surreal fantasies of Mothers- published: 19 Dec 2013
- views: 1437