
Welcome to the Canberra Organic Growers Society web site.  We are a group of gardeners (mainly urban) dedicated to growing our own organic fruit and vegetables, either in backyards or community gardens.  This web site contains information on various practical aspects of organic gardening and is particularly relevant to the Canberra region.  It also contains information about our community gardens, notices of coming events of interest to gardeners and a blog which includes gardening questions and answers.  The web site will be regularly updated so please subscribe to our RSS feed so that you are notified of any significant additions to the site, new events and breaking news.

News and Events

Upcoming events

25 February 2014 07:30 PM
Talk by Walter Steensby COGS President The topic of the February Presentation Night will be another look at the valuable survey of COGS members done in 2011. This survey served two purposes: first, it provided data and information on the situations and plans of the members; second, it provided data and information for a research project and thesis work being done by yours truly at the University of Canberra. I've been able to assess how far COGS members travel to do their gardening, and have found that over the years people on average are travelling shorter distances to get to their gardens. This is good news in an era of ever-more expensive oil. Come along on Tuesday night for more details."
Northside Community Centre, Dickson

25 March 2014 07:30 PM
COGS AGM and Harvest Night
Majura Community Centre

22 April 2014 07:30 PM
Presentation by Russell Farr who produces organically grown vegetables, berries and eggs at his farm, Windellama, and sells his produce at the EPIC Growers Market. Russell Farr produces organically grown vegetables, berries and eggs at his farm, Windellama, and sells his produce at the EPIC Growers Market. Russell will talk on the operation of the farm. With his broad range of vegetables and berries, this is an opportunity to ask Russell for his organic solutions to problems that arise, and about organic methods of poultry raising and egg production.
Majura Community Centre

27 May 2014 12:00 AM
Randy Knispel will explain how to sharpen your garden tools Randy Knispel is an experienced teacher, coach and facilitator, originally hailing from the USA. He is now the owner of a small property outside Canberra, from which he operates his business, Tru Edge Sharpening. He learned this trade with master sharpener Barry Owen of Columbine Sharpening (Durango, Colorado). Randy will share his knowledge about which are the best sharpening devices, how to care for your garden tools and keep them sharp and in good working order. Bring some tools (and knives) along if you want some specific instruction or if you want to take advantage of Randy’s professional services (he will take them away and arrange a pickup point once the work is done).

Majura Community Centre

Other activities

Organic Gardening for Beginners at CIT Solutions, run by an experienced COGS member (a course fee applies).

The next course will start on 14 June 2014. Each course runs for four sessions of 3 hours each.  Course details and on-line enrolment is available at http://www.shortcourses.cit.edu.au/categories/list.html?page=2%26SubcategoryID=35

Composting and Worm Farms

The next Composting and Worm farming workshop will be held in conjunction with CIT Solutions on 3 May 2014.  Each workshop will be 3 hours (1:30 to 4:30pm).  Workshop details and on-line enrolment are available at  http://www.shortcourses.cit.edu.au/categories/list.html?page=1%26SubcategoryID=35 .  A workshop fee applies.

Organic Pest and Disease Management for Home Gardeners

The next workshop will start on 12 June 2014.  It will provide practical information to enable participants to deal with common pests and diseases encountered in the home garden using organic methods. The main focus will be on pests and diseases of fruit and vegetables in Canberra, but these same techniques are also applicable to ornamental plants. The workshop will consist of three sessions of two hours each. http://www.shortcourses.cit.edu.au/categories/list.html?page=2%26SubcategoryID=35.  A workshop fee applies.

Soil, Potting Mixes and Watering Systems for Home Gardeners

The next workshop is scheduled to start on 12 July 2014. There will be two sessions of two and a half hours each. Learn about managing soil for optimal fertility in growing fruit and vegetables using organic principles. Participants are asked to bring samples of their own garden soil for testing. For those growing fruit and vegetables in pots and planter boxes, potting mixes will also be discussed. Advice will be provided on setting up efficient watering systems for the fruit and vegetable garden. To enrol go to http://www.shortcourses.cit.edu.au/categories/list.html?page=3%26SubcategoryID=35. A workshop fee applies.

Introduction to Horticulture

The next workshop is scheduled to start on 30 April 2014. There will be six sessions of two and a half hours each. If you are interested in growing plants and landscaping or want to know more about the best plants for a Canberra climate, then this course is sure to inspire your green thumb. The course offers a taste of what it is like to be a professional horticulturalist. To enrol go to http://www.shortcourses.cit.edu.au/categories/list.html?page=2%26SubcategoryID=35. A workshop fee applies.

Courtyards and Balcony Gardens

The next workshop will start on 24 May 2014.  It will provide practical information on building and maintaining balcony and courtyard gardens using organic methods. The workshop will consist of one session of three hours. http://www.shortcourses.cit.edu.au/categories/list.html?page=2%26SubcategoryID=35.  A workshop fee applies.

Compostable Material Available from Tuggeranong Hyperdome

The Tuggeranong Hyperdome has a variety of organic waste available for composting or worm farms including waste from Fresh Life the fruit market, waste from the Food court, coffee grinds, serviettes, some cooked meats.
They would prefer these waste products did not go to the tip.  To access these compostable materials for your compost heap or worms please contact Wayne Hudson on 6293 1000 or email Wayne_Hudson(at)cfsgam.com.au.

FREE GardenSmart advisory service and rebate
A horticulturalist will visit your home, assess your garden and then demonstrate practical ways you can use less water in the garden. The horticulturalist will tell you how to make your garden more water-efficient through clever plant choice and garden design and give you practical maintenance and watering advice.  The GardenSmart program also includes a $50 rebate which can be used to invest in water-saving products such as garden mulch, drip irrigation systems or components, weeping hose, tap timers, soil additives for moisture retention, irrigation system controllers, moisture/rain sensors for irrigation systems, water wands, downpipe water diverters, greywater hoses, compost bins, worm farms and books on water-efficient gardening.  To register for GardenSmart, complete and submit the application form available at www.actsmart.act.gov.au. You will then be contacted to arrange a suitable time for the horticulturalist to visit your garden.

The Energy Smart Workshop for ACT Homeowners.

This is a FREE workshop being delivered throughout ACT Libraries. Workshops and places are limited. The workshop runs for 40 minutes per session or 2 hours total and covers
(1) Home Improvements: discover how to make your home more comfortable and less expensive to run;
(2) Energy Consumption: bring along your energy bills and take the guess-work out of your usage; and
(3) Energy Smart Actions: discover free and simple actions that save you money and suit your household.

Take home workbook included packed full of activities, information and options. Prepare for winter today. For session times, refer to www.sustainact.com. Book Mon-Thurs by phoning 6248 0885 or email energysmart@sustainact.com