
Dervish Session - Midsummers Night
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: Jon Antonsson
Dervish Session - Midsummers Night

Dancing Derviches in Istanbul, by Alexis Urusoff
Ritual dance of Derviches in Old Train Station in Istanbul....
published: 24 Jan 2008
author: Alexis Urusoff Ramos
Dancing Derviches in Istanbul, by Alexis Urusoff
Dancing Derviches in Istanbul, by Alexis Urusoff
Ritual dance of Derviches in Old Train Station in Istanbul.- published: 24 Jan 2008
- views: 208767
- author: Alexis Urusoff Ramos

The Traditional Irish band Dervish performs "The Coolea Jigs", live in the witf performance studio.
"The Coolea Jigs", live in the witf performance studio....
published: 09 Mar 2012
author: witf
The Traditional Irish band Dervish performs "The Coolea Jigs", live in the witf performance studio.
The Traditional Irish band Dervish performs "The Coolea Jigs", live in the witf performance studio.
"The Coolea Jigs", live in the witf performance studio.- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 3427
- author: witf

Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com
Traditional Irish music from LiveTrad.com, this time with supergroup Dervish, playing an i...
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: Livetrad
Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com
Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com
Traditional Irish music from LiveTrad.com, this time with supergroup Dervish, playing an intimate session at Hargadon's Bar in the centre of Sligo, Ireland. ...- published: 27 Aug 2010
- views: 31048
- author: Livetrad

A Spiritual Offering: Whirling Dervishes of the Istanbul Historical Turkish Music Community 1 (HQ)
A spiritual dance and music performance precedes our day of discussions on SUFIism. (HQ)...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: SmithsonianVideos
A Spiritual Offering: Whirling Dervishes of the Istanbul Historical Turkish Music Community 1 (HQ)
A Spiritual Offering: Whirling Dervishes of the Istanbul Historical Turkish Music Community 1 (HQ)
A spiritual dance and music performance precedes our day of discussions on SUFIism. (HQ)- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 29199
- author: SmithsonianVideos

http://raffaeleconiglio.blogspot.com Once a year the Dervishes of Prizren, in southern Kos...
published: 10 May 2011
author: Coniglio76
http://raffaeleconiglio.blogspot.com Once a year the Dervishes of Prizren, in southern Kosovo, celebrate "Nevruz," (new day). Nevruz marks the first day of s...- published: 10 May 2011
- views: 53039
- author: Coniglio76

Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com Clip 4
Traditional Irish music from LiveTrad.com, this time with supergroup Dervish, playing an i...
published: 13 Dec 2010
author: Livetrad
Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com Clip 4
Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com Clip 4
Traditional Irish music from LiveTrad.com, this time with supergroup Dervish, playing an intimate session at Hargadon's Bar in the centre of Sligo, Ireland. ...- published: 13 Dec 2010
- views: 28737
- author: Livetrad

Dervish - The Swallow's Tail
Dervish Live from Dublin....
published: 16 Mar 2010
author: geomantic1
Dervish - The Swallow's Tail
Dervish - The Swallow's Tail
Dervish Live from Dublin.- published: 16 Mar 2010
- views: 21347
- author: geomantic1

Dervish - An t-Úll (Cathy Jordan performing in a pub)
Tá scéilín nua 'gam le h-insint dóibhse (I have a new story to tell you) Cúrsaí spóirt agu...
published: 25 Nov 2007
author: Ciarán Ó hÁgáin
Dervish - An t-Úll (Cathy Jordan performing in a pub)
Dervish - An t-Úll (Cathy Jordan performing in a pub)
Tá scéilín nua 'gam le h-insint dóibhse (I have a new story to tell you) Cúrsaí spóirt agus comhrá dí (about sport affairs and chat) Úll breá gleoite do chui...- published: 25 Nov 2007
- views: 73281
- author: Ciarán Ó hÁgáin

Dervish & Andy Irvine - The Rambling Siúler. Shrewsbury Folk Festival 2010
Dervish & Andy Irvine - The Rambling Siúler Dervish and guests (Andy Irvine, Moya Brennan,...
published: 16 Jan 2011
author: shrewsburyfolkfest
Dervish & Andy Irvine - The Rambling Siúler. Shrewsbury Folk Festival 2010
Dervish & Andy Irvine - The Rambling Siúler. Shrewsbury Folk Festival 2010
Dervish & Andy Irvine - The Rambling Siúler Dervish and guests (Andy Irvine, Moya Brennan, Karen Matheson and Steve Knightley) played the main stage of the S...- published: 16 Jan 2011
- views: 22220
- author: shrewsburyfolkfest

Riverdance - The Russian Dervish Moscow Folk Ballet - 1995
Riverdance is a theatrical show consisting of traditional Irish stepdancing, known for its...
published: 19 Jun 2013
author: World4Entertainment
Riverdance - The Russian Dervish Moscow Folk Ballet - 1995
Riverdance - The Russian Dervish Moscow Folk Ballet - 1995
Riverdance is a theatrical show consisting of traditional Irish stepdancing, known for its rapid leg movements while body and arms are kept largely stationar...- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 52
- author: World4Entertainment

Dervish dream...(Karunesh)
Tu tienes esos ojos que quiero ver hasta ya no poder ver nada más......
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: Luiiviia
Dervish dream...(Karunesh)
Dervish dream...(Karunesh)
Tu tienes esos ojos que quiero ver hasta ya no poder ver nada más...- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 2170
- author: Luiiviia

Dervish 'The Green Gowned Lass' at FleadhLive 15/8/13
Dervish: Brian McDonagh - Mandola, Mandolin; Liam Kelly - Flute and whistles; Tom Morrow -...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Dervish 'The Green Gowned Lass' at FleadhLive 15/8/13
Dervish 'The Green Gowned Lass' at FleadhLive 15/8/13
Dervish: Brian McDonagh - Mandola, Mandolin; Liam Kelly - Flute and whistles; Tom Morrow - Fiddle, Viola; Shane Mitchell - Accordion; Cathy Jordan - Vocals, Bodhran and Bones; and Michael Holmes - Bouzouki. Featuring Dancer, Declan McHale. Dervish played "The Green Gowned Lass" for "Fleadh Live" on the 15th August 2013, at the All-Ireland Fleadh, Derry 2013 / Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Doire '13.- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 460
Youtube results:

Dervish - Ar Éirinn ní nesfainn cé hí (with lyrics)
Dervish - "Ar Éirinn ní nesfainn cé hí" from their album "Live in Palma". The collection o...
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: otrapintaplease
Dervish - Ar Éirinn ní nesfainn cé hí (with lyrics)
Dervish - Ar Éirinn ní nesfainn cé hí (with lyrics)
Dervish - "Ar Éirinn ní nesfainn cé hí" from their album "Live in Palma". The collection of pictures has been taken during the last 4 years in Ireland: Co. A...- published: 24 Feb 2011
- views: 14109
- author: otrapintaplease

Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com Clip 3
Traditional Irish music from LiveTrad.com, this time with supergroup Dervish, playing an i...
published: 13 Dec 2010
author: Livetrad
Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com Clip 3
Dervish - Traditional Irish Music from LiveTrad.com Clip 3
Traditional Irish music from LiveTrad.com, this time with supergroup Dervish, playing an intimate session at Hargadon's Bar in the centre of Sligo, Ireland. ...- published: 13 Dec 2010
- views: 21289
- author: Livetrad