Reviving the Tasmanian Tiger in a crop of sorghum

Updated February 21, 2014 09:10:49

Audio: Amazing Tasmanian tiger maze (ABC Rural)

The sighting of a Tasmanian Tiger in a Hagley farm paddock in Northern Tasmania has amazed locals.

The tiger can be seen clearly from the air in a field of sorghum on a Hagley farm.

Anna and Rowan Clark's 'Rupertswood' farm is a typical mixed farm with prime lambs, seed and cereal crops.

The idea for the tiger maze came to Rowan during some 'idle' time in the tractor as he was spraying crops using GPS guidance and generating yellow marking lines.

"I thought what a good idea to have a maze.

"Looking up on Google and finding that it's a pretty big thing in Europe and America, I thought, well, why not have a go?"

A conversation around the breakfast table cemented the idea, says Anna.

"We didn't really know crop mazes existed, we just happened to have an English girl staying with us at the time.

She said,' I used to spend our childhood [looking at mazes], the family would pack up the car and go and do crop mazes for our holidays'!"

The Clark's commissioned an English firm that specialises in creating crop mazes, and gave them a brief to design a Tasmanian tiger.

The next challenge was to convert the design into GPS co-ordinates and mow the design into the 5 ha crop.

The forage sorghum crop is expected to flower when the maze is open to the public on Saturday the first of March.

The Tiger Maze will open for the following three weekends and can be booked for midweek viewings.

Topics: rural, environment-education, contemporary-art, internet-technology, agricultural-crops, hobart-7000

First posted February 20, 2014 16:09:10