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Manus Island unrest gets party political

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Manus Island unrest gets party political

Manus Island unrest gets party political

After one death and many injuries during a riot at the Manus Island detention centre, the Federal Opposition is pressuring Immigration Minister Scott Morrison but could find itself and former PM Kevin Rudd answering any inquiry on how the offshore processing centre was established.
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Witness reveals story behind Manus Island violence

Witness reveals story behind Manus Island violence

A witness to violence at the Manus Island offshore processing centre claims that, following provocation by detainees, guards allowed armed locals into the centre where they assaulted asylum seekers.
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Two hours that changed Ukraine's history

Two hours that changed Ukraine's history

Weeks of stand-off between security forces and anti-government protesters in Ukraine came to a dramatic climax over the weekend and, as an uneasy truce holds, we can look back at the hours that could change the country's history.
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Veteran surfer reveals sexual seachange

Veteran surfer reveals sexual seachange

A colourful veteran of surfing in Australia recently shocked peers by undergoing a sex change and is hoping his story will change attitudes and inspire others struggling with their identity.
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