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Qantas safety queried

Qantas safety queried

The opposition has questioned whether Qantas would be able to maintain its safety record should foreign ownership lead to maintenance being sent offshore.

PM says ABC is defending the indefensible

PM says ABC is defending the indefensible

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has criticised the ABC for using taxpayer funds to defend itself in a defamation case in which Chris Kenny, a columnist for the Australian, is suing the broadcaster for airing a doctored image of him on the comedy program 'The Hamster Decides'

US calls for Russian troops to return to barracks

US calls for Russian troops to return to barracks

While some European Union members are pushing for sanctions against Russia for its incursion in Crimea, others are stressing mediation and the US has suggested replacing Russian troops in Crimea with international observers.

Greste pleads for PM's help

Greste pleads for PM's help

In response to pleas from veteran Australian journalist Peter Greste for the Prime Minister to speak out about his plight, Tony Abbott has issued a statement saying he's deeply concerned about the case against the al Jazeera reporter who faces seven years in prison if he's found guilty of tarnishing Egypt's reputation.

Sanctions against Fiji to be discussed

Sanctions against Fiji to be discussed

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop discusses China, Indonesia, Ukraine, Israel and Fiji. Ms Bishop says she will discuss the future of sanctions agains Fiji in cabinet.

Cattle to return to high country

Cattle to return to high country

The Federal government has overturned a ban on grazing in the Alpine National Park and 60 head of cattle will be allowed to graze on 262 hectares of the park as part of a trial running until May.

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