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Venlo promo
Die 2 Brüder von Venlo Reportage
Venlo: Poging verkrachting 19-jarige studente op de Baarlosestraat
Venlo: Beroving echtpaar/diverse overvallen
Jennifer and Louisa shopping in Venlo 2013
Wegmisbruikers - Verkeerscontrole Venlo
Wietpas: Illegaal drugs op straat kopen in Venlo (verborgen camera)
Venlo stedje (van lol en plezeer) 1936
René van der Gijp over 'hooligans' VVV-Venlo (VI 13-09-2010)
29047 Journaal (René Steegmans) - Venlo 2003 - lokale omroep Omroep Venlo TV


Radio Stations - Venlo

Dream Stream Radio Pop,Dance Netherlands
Omrop Fryslan Omropnonstop Folk Netherlands
Regio FM Wierden 90s,80s,Pop Netherlands
Randstadradio Classic Rock,Top 40,Hip Hop Netherlands
Trance FM DJ Channel Electronica Netherlands
Berkelland FM News,Oldies,Pop Netherlands
Radio 10 Gold 80s Hits 80s Netherlands
VOS FM Varied Netherlands
Hofstreek Omroep Varied Netherlands
Jupiter Radio Varied Netherlands
TWR Worship & Praise Christian Netherlands
Pro FM Dance,Electronica Netherlands
JV Radio (Radio 058) Pop Netherlands
PartyFriends FM Top 40 Netherlands
SRC FM Varied Netherlands
Omroep Centraal Gemert-Bakel Public Netherlands
Keizerstad Hits Pop Netherlands
Factory Station Varied Netherlands
Radio Centraal Den Haag Public Netherlands
Golfbreker News Netherlands
Vechtdal FM Varied Netherlands
AVRO 60ies Steenen Tijdperk 60s Netherlands
RTV Zilverstad Public Netherlands
Concertzender Live Varied Netherlands
LOG (Lokale Omroep Goirle) Public Netherlands
Intergalactic Rap Attack! Hip Hop,Rap Netherlands
Radio DRP: House Electronica Netherlands
Omroep Gelderland Unknown Netherlands
Radio NL Varied Netherlands
DFM RTV INT Varied,Contemporary,Experimental Netherlands
All4You Hitradio 90s,Pop,Dance,Top 40 Netherlands
Radio Acacia Folk Netherlands
Concertzender Jazz Jazz Netherlands
RTV Oost Alles Plat Varied Netherlands
Maasland FM Varied Netherlands
Muziekteam Varied Netherlands
Radio Castricum 105 Varied Netherlands
Intergalactic Classix Adult Contemporary,Electronica Netherlands
Soul Movement R&B; Netherlands
Earthbeat Radio Ambient,New Age Netherlands
Klokradio live Varied Netherlands
Nova Classic Rock Classic Rock Netherlands
Radio 5 FM Alternative,Public Netherlands
Concertzender Oude Muziek Classical Netherlands
Kontakt FM News Talk Netherlands
Flamingo Radio Varied Netherlands
EHAM - Amsterdam (Schiphol) Varied Netherlands
RTV Parkstad Radio Public Netherlands
MonicaTeam Varied Netherlands
Compleet Team Varied Netherlands
Firma Fun Team Varied Netherlands


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Venlo promo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:08
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013

Venlo promo Located on the river Meuse and at the hub of major highways, Venlo has a long tradition as a trading city. At the end of the nineteenth c...
  • published: 10 Sep 2010
  • views: 3714
  • author: venloline promo
Die 2 Brüder von Venlo Reportage
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:36
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013

Die 2 Brüder von Venlo Reportage

Aktuelle Angebot von den 2 Brüdern in Venlo: 2 Brüder von Venlo Reportage
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:46
  • Updated: 28 Feb 2013


Venlo, direkt an der deutschen Grenze gelegen in der Provinz Limburg. Samstag, 19. März 2011.
  • published: 21 Mar 2011
  • views: 1147
  • author: Ehrenfilmer
Venlo: Poging verkrachting 19-jarige studente op de Baarlosestraat
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:00
  • Updated: 12 Dec 2012

Venlo: Poging verkrachting 19-jarige studente op de Baarlosestraat

De dader heeft haar geslagen, gebruikte pepperspray en probeerde haar te bedwelmen. Poging verkrachting 19-jarige studente op de Baarlosestraat
Venlo: Beroving echtpaar/diverse overvallen
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:53
  • Updated: 03 Dec 2012

Venlo: Beroving echtpaar/diverse overvallen

Een grijze BMW 550i is betrokken bij verschillende criminele activiteiten. Beroving echtpaar/diverse overvallen
Jennifer and Louisa shopping in Venlo 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:42
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2013

Jennifer and Louisa shopping in Venlo 2013 and Louisa shopping in Venlo 2013
Wegmisbruikers - Verkeerscontrole Venlo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:15
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2013

Wegmisbruikers - Verkeerscontrole Venlo

Alles over het programma Wegmisbruikers vind je op: - Verkeerscontrole Venlo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:59
  • Updated: 21 Feb 2013

Sloop " DE KNOEPERT " Grootste Flat Van Nederland In Venlo Ging Tegen De Vlakte

VENLO 26-05-1999 - Het had de dag van de definitieve afrekening moeten worden. De Knoepert (De grootste flat van Nederland met maar liefst 24 verdiepingen ho...
  • published: 04 Oct 2007
  • views: 17429
  • author: DjBranco " DE KNOEPERT " Grootste Flat Van Nederland In Venlo Ging Tegen De Vlakte
Wietpas: Illegaal drugs op straat kopen in Venlo (verborgen camera)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:52
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013

Wietpas: Illegaal drugs op straat kopen in Venlo (verborgen camera)

Sinds de invoering van de wietpas (1 mei 2012) krijgen buitenlanders geen toegang meer tot de Nederlandse coffeeshops. Coffeeshop Nobody's Place in Venlo moe...
  • published: 05 May 2012
  • views: 35265
  • author: debatop2 Illegaal drugs op straat kopen in Venlo (verborgen camera)
Venlo stedje (van lol en plezeer) 1936
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:43
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

Venlo stedje (van lol en plezeer) 1936

1936 - Funs van Grinsven (16 september 1908 - 18 Augustus 2003) Venlo stedje (van lol en plezeer) Oet heimwee geschreeve.
  • published: 27 Jul 2011
  • views: 9743
  • author: botjeti stedje (van lol en plezeer) 1936
René van der Gijp over 'hooligans' VVV-Venlo (VI 13-09-2010)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:06
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013

René van der Gijp over 'hooligans' VVV-Venlo (VI 13-09-2010)

René van der Gijp over 'hooligans' VVV-Venlo (Voetbal International 13-09-2010)é van der Gijp over 'hooligans' VVV-Venlo (VI 13-09-2010)
29047 Journaal (René Steegmans) - Venlo 2003 - lokale omroep Omroep Venlo TV
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:32
  • Updated: 18 May 2013

29047 Journaal (René Steegmans) - Venlo 2003 - lokale omroep Omroep Venlo TV

29047 Journaal (René Steegmans) - Venlo 2003 - lokale omroep Omroep Venlo TV Extra journaaluitzending in verband met zinloos geweld incident in Venlo omtrent... Journaal (René Steegmans) - Venlo 2003 - lokale omroep Omroep Venlo TV
Gala Den Hulster Venlo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:32
  • Updated: 02 May 2013

Gala Den Hulster Venlo

Naar een gala kom je tegenwoordig niet meer met de fiets of met de auto van je ouders. Een tractor, tuctuc of een oldtimer is meer van deze tijd. Na de exame... Den Hulster Venlo
Reportage coffeeshop Nobody's Place in Venlo over de wietpas
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 02 Feb 2013

Reportage coffeeshop Nobody's Place in Venlo over de wietpas

Mochten de plannen nog doorgaan nu het kabinet is gevallen, dan raakt Nederland op 1 mei een belangrijke toeristische trekpleister kwijt: de nederwiet. Vanaf...
  • published: 24 Apr 2012
  • views: 7286
  • author: debatop2 coffeeshop Nobody's Place in Venlo over de wietpas

Venlo promo Located on the river Meuse and at the hub of major highways, Venlo has a long tradition as a trading city. At the end of the nineteenth c...
  • published: 10 Sep 2010
  • views: 3714
  • author: venloline

Venlo promo
http://​www.​venlo.​nl Lo­cat­ed on the river Meuse and at the hub of major high­ways, Venlo has...
pub­lished: 10 Sep 2010
au­thor: ven­lo­line
Die 2 Brüder von Venlo Re­portage
Ak­tuelle Ange­bot von den 2 Brüdern in Venlo: http://​kaffee-freun.​de/​zwei-brueder-von-venlo...​
pub­lished: 15 May 2012
Venlo, di­rekt an der deutschen Gren­ze gele­gen in der Prov­inz Lim­burg. Sam­stag, 19. März 20...
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2011
au­thor: Ehren­filmer
Venlo: Poging verkracht­ing 19-jarige stu­dente op de Baar­loses­traat
De dader heeft haar ges­la­gen, ge­bruik­te pep­per­spray en probeerde haar te bed­wel­men....
pub­lished: 12 Dec 2012
Venlo: Berov­ing echt­paar/di­verse over­vallen
Een gri­jze BMW 550i is be­trokken bij ver­schil­lende crim­inele ac­tiviteit­en....
pub­lished: 10 Oct 2012
Jen­nifer and Louisa shop­ping in Venlo 2013
pub­lished: 24 Jun 2013
au­thor: Louisa janssen
Weg­mis­bruik­ers - Ver­keer­scon­t­role Venlo
Alles over het pro­gram­ma Weg­mis­bruik­ers vind je op: www.​sbs6.​nl/​wegmisbruikers....​
pub­lished: 27 Sep 2011
Sloop " DE KNOEPERT " Groot­ste Flat Van Ned­er­land In Venlo Ging Tegen De Vlak­te
VENLO 26-05-1999 - Het had de dag van de defini­tieve afreken­ing moeten wor­den. De Knoepert...
pub­lished: 04 Oct 2007
au­thor: DjBran­co
Wi­et­pas: Il­le­gaal drugs op straat kopen in Venlo (ver­bor­gen cam­era)
Sinds de in­vo­er­ing van de wi­et­pas (1 mei 2012) kri­j­gen buiten­lan­ders geen toe­gang meer tot...
pub­lished: 05 May 2012
au­thor: de­batop2
Venlo sted­je (van lol en plezeer) 1936
1936 - Funs van Grinsven (16 septem­ber 1908 - 18 Au­gus­tus 2003) Venlo sted­je (van lol en p...
pub­lished: 27 Jul 2011
au­thor: bot­jeti
René van der Gijp over 'hooli­gans' VVV-Ven­lo (VI 13-09-2010)
René van der Gijp over 'hooli­gans' VVV-Ven­lo (Voet­bal In­ter­na­tion­al 13-09-2010)...
pub­lished: 06 Jan 2011
au­thor: Oran­jeEINSVI
29047 Jour­naal (René Steeg­mans) - Venlo 2003 - lokale om­roep Om­roep Venlo TV
29047 Jour­naal (René Steeg­mans) - Venlo 2003 - lokale om­roep Om­roep Venlo TV Extra jour­naa...
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2011
Gala Den Hul­ster Venlo
Naar een gala kom je tegen­wo­ordig niet meer met de fiets of met de auto van je oud­ers. Een...
pub­lished: 10 Jun 2012
Re­portage cof­feeshop No­body's Place in Venlo over de wi­et­pas
Mocht­en de plan­nen nog door­gaan nu het kabi­net is gevallen, dan raakt Ned­er­land op 1 mei e...
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2012
au­thor: de­batop2
Youtube results:
Plaats van Herin­ner­ing - Fliegerhorst Venlo
Bij Venlo liggen de ruïnes van een enorm Duits oor­logsvliegveld. De Fliegerhorst is een we...
pub­lished: 26 Oct 2011
au­thor: GeschiedenisTV
"Fish Inn Team" Meer­val op Maas Venlo
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2013
Essen bis nach Venlo in 18min
Von Essen bis nach Venlo in 18min, wird ein wenig vorge­spult, damit die lan­gen streck­en ni...
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2011
au­thor: vex­o2­fast4u
On­twikke­l­ing stad­skan­toor gemeente Venlo
An­i­matie van het defini­tief on­twerp van het nieuwe stad­skan­toor van de gemeente Venlo gema...
pub­lished: 27 Sep 2011
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
Over 100 killed in Islamist attack in Nigeria
Edit The Times of India
17 Feb 2014
KANO, Nigeria. Suspected Boko Haram Islamists have killed more than 100 people in an attack on a village in Nigeria, a local senator said. The attackers stormed the village in Nigeria's restive northeastern Borno state on Saturday, slaughtering scores of civilians and sending many others fleeing ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
photo: AP / Sergey Ponomarev
File - Russian army Topol ballistic missile on a mobile rocket launcher make its way down a road during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Moscow's Red Square on May 9 in central Moscow, Russia, late Tuesday, May 3, 2011.
Edit Al Jazeera
18 Feb 2014
- More than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the planet's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons materials remains insecure, according to a series of US intelligence reports obtained by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit ... "We judge it highly unlikely that Russian authorities have been able to recover all of the stolen material." ... Nuclear operations were temporarily shut down ... "A key question is ... View the reports below. ... ....(size: 6.9Kb)
photo: White House / Pete Souza
President Barack Obama talks with House Speaker John Boehner after the President participated in a Q&A with the House Republican Conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., March 13, 2013.
18 Feb 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party itself a frightful despotism..." -President George Washington, Farewell Address 1796 ... It had made it nearly impossible for the two opposing armies to continue warring ... Army suppliers too often provided defective food, clothing, and gunpowder ... (1) Rourk, James L ... 238 ... 175....(size: 7.0Kb)

Edit Stockhouse
18 Feb 2014
SOUTH JORDAN, Utah, Feb ... ABOUT MERIT ... Merit employs approximately 3,000 people worldwide with facilities in South Jordan, Utah; Angleton, Texas; Richmond, Virginia; Malvern, Pennsylvania; Maastricht and Venlo, The Netherlands; Paris, France; Galway, Ireland; Beijing, China; and Rockland, Massachusetts. CONTACT ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit noodls
18 Feb 2014
... serves client hospitals worldwide with a domestic and international sales force totaling approximately 200 individuals.South Jordan, Utah; Angleton, Texas; Richmond, Virginia; Malvern, Pennsylvania; Maastricht and Venlo, The Netherlands; Paris, France; Galway, Ireland; Beijing, China; and Rockland, Massachusetts....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit Business Wire
18 Feb 2014
VENLO, the Netherlands--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vistaprint N.V. (Nasdaq. VPRT), a leading online provider of professional marketing products and services to micro businesses and the home, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire People & Print Group B.V ... People & Print Group differentiates its offering in part by an emphasis on outstanding and personalized customer service levels ... (finance advisor) ... (Nasdaq ... ....(size: 10.4Kb)
Edit noodls
18 Feb 2014
(Source. VistaPrint NV). - Company to expand product base and extend customer reach -. VENLO, the Netherlands--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 18, 2014-- Vistaprint N.V. (Nasdaq. VPRT), a leading online provider of professional marketing products and services to micro businesses and the home, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire People & Print Group B.V ... The small business market is large and fragmented ... (Nasdaq ... or....(size: 9.0Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
12 Feb 2014
Institute Launches New Product Registry and Scorecard. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute has announced significant milestones in 2014 following its largest year since the non-profit launched in 2010 ... Hunt has been a Trustee of the Roy A ... The Institute is headquartered in San Francisco, California with satellite offices in Amsterdam, NL, Venlo, NL and Raleigh, NC ... RELATED LINKS....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit Stars and Stripes
11 Feb 2014
Carnival listings were compiled by Stars and Stripes staff from the websites of national, regional and city tourist boards. Please verify details before traveling. Austria. VILLACH. March 1. VIENNA. Ball Season, including Johann Strauss Ball Feb. 15; Coffee House Owners’ Ball Feb. 21; Vienna Opera Ball Feb. 27; Bonbon-Ball Feb. 28; Lawyers Ball, March 1. Belgium. AALST. Parade in town center, 1 p.m. March 2. AMAY ... ANDENNE ... ARLON. March 20-23 ... 17 ... VENLO....(size: 6.6Kb)
Edit noodls
05 Feb 2014
(Source. arvato AG) arvato News ... This international team currently works at three locations. Venlo (The Netherlands), Metz (France) and Duisburg (Germany). The Venlo team, responsible for customer contacts in The Netherlands and Belgium, will move to Maastricht in February ... Customer service representatives working in Venlo, will either move to the Maastricht office or remain in Venlo and join teams dedicated to other customers....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
04 Feb 2014
SOUTH JORDAN, Utah, Feb. 4, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Merit Medical Systems, Inc ... Eastern (4.00 p.m ... Pacific) ... Merit employs approximately 2,900 people worldwide with facilities in South Jordan, Utah; Angleton, Texas; Richmond, Virginia; Malvern, Pennsylvania; Maastricht and Venlo, The Netherlands; Paris, France; Galway, Ireland; Beijing, China; and Rockland, Massachusetts ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Feb 2014
... radiology and endoscopy. Merit serves client hospitals worldwide with a domestic and international sales force totaling approximately 200 individuals.South Jordan, Utah; Angleton, Texas; Richmond, Virginia; Malvern, Pennsylvania; Maastricht and Venlo, The Netherlands; Paris, France; Galway, Ireland; Beijing, China; and Rockland, Massachusetts....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
04 Feb 2014
MELVILLE, N.Y., Feb ... Media Lab Propels Performance and Time to Market. On March 1st, Canon Solutions America will open a new media lab in Boca Raton, Florida. Designed for live testing across inkjet and toner-based products, the lab is the first of its kind in North America and complements the company's existing labs in Poing, Germany and Venlo, Netherlands. .   ...   ...   ...  . New Paper Fills Educational Book Niche ... ....(size: 6.3Kb)
Edit Detroit news
03 Feb 2014
Christine Ferretti The Detroit News Comments. Big Rapids — A 20-year-old man has been charged in connection with the Saturday morning shooting a Ferris State University student at his off-campus apartment. Ferris State safety director Bruce Borkovich says DeCory Downing is charged with attempted murder and having a firearm in a felony. An arraignment is forthcoming ... Saturday at the Venlo Place apartments ... He’s since been released ... Tweet ... H....(size: 10.3Kb)
Edit STL Today
02 Feb 2014
Police in western Michigan are investigating a student's shooting at an off-campus apartment complex near Ferris State University ... shooting at the Venlo Place apartments ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
02 Feb 2014
BIG RAPIDS, Mich ... The university is in Big Rapids, about 50 miles north of Grand Rapids ... Saturday at the Venlo Place apartments ... She says charges are expected by Tuesday ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)

Venlo ([ˈvɛn.lo] ( listen)) is a municipality and a city in the southeastern Netherlands, next to the German border. It is situated in the province of Limburg.

In 2001, the (now former) municipalities of Belfeld and Tegelen were merged into the municipality of Venlo. Tegelen was originally part of the Duchy of Jülich centuries ago, whereas Venlo has a past in the Duchy of Guelders. On 1 January 2010, the (now former) municipality of Arcen en Velden, was merged into the municipality of Venlo.

Roman and Celtic coins and remains of a Roman bridge across the river Meuse have been found in Venlo; it may have been the settlement known as Sablones on the Roman road connecting Maastricht with Xanten. Blerick, on the west bank, was known as Blariacum.

Documents from the 9th century mention Venlo as a trade post; it developed into one of the more important ones in the Meuse-Rhine area, receiving city rights in 1343, and becoming a member of the Hanseatic League in 1375.

Because of its strategic importance, the city of Venlo was besieged several times. The most significant siege was that of 1702, carried on by Menno van Coehoorn. Consequently, Venlo was incorporated into the Generaliteitslanden of the United Provinces and later became part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

René van der Gijp (born April 4, 1961 in Dordrecht, Netherlands) is a retired football right winger.

His father Wim van der Gijp, as well as his uncle Cor van der Gijp, also were capped by Holland.

During his club career, Van der Gijp played for Sparta Rotterdam, PSV, KSC Lokeren, Neuchâtel Xamax, FC Aarau and SC Heerenveen.

He also made 15 appearances for the Netherlands national team, scoring 2 goals.

Van der Gijp works as a TV pundit with Dutch channel RTL. In a weekly show called Voetbal International.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -é_van_der_Gijp

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
