- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 27
Radio Interview with WSPQ-1330AM of Springville NY
Cdn Sr Nat WSPQ Rd3 Johnston 12 15m PB
Cdn Sr Nationals WSPQ rd1 Johnston 11.28m.MP4
Różanecznik 2012 Pawełki część 1- występ Young Band
شاهد قصه بقره بنى اسرائيل الذى غيرت حياه الملايين وسوف تغير حياتك باذن الله ؟
Surface of the Sun - Sunspot closeup
Rude kitty attacks sleeping cat for no apparent reason
Paper Aeroplanes
Prunc nenăscut, vândut ca o marfă de mama lui!
DescriptionContest entry for radio station jingle contest go to facebook/wspq 1330 and like the past time video
On the morning of Wednesday, 8.6/2014, Senator Gallivan was a guest on WSPQ 1330 AM in Springville. Program host Fred Haier and I talked about the just completed legislative session, funding for education, the Common Core, agriculture and other issues. You can listen to the program here. (Audio recording with photograph during interview)
Część 1. Impreza z okazji VIII święta kwitnącego różanecznika organizowana w Pawełkach. Na tym nagraniu występuje zespół Young Band (na kamizelkach jest błąd), oraz zespół taneczny princeski. Impreza odbyła się 3 czerwca 2012r. Link do części drugiej: http://youtu.be/IWukkg-LFa8 Na tej uroczystości został wykorzystany oryginalny, kupiony utwór "Lollipop" MIKA
Part of the largest sunspot of Active Region 10030 observed on 15 July 2002 with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma. The tickmarks around the edge of the view are there to show the scale. The distance between two ticks is either 1000 km or 100 km as indicated. The numbers in the upper right corner indicates the time since the start of the movie. Observers: Göran Scharmer et al. from the Institute for Solar Physics. Observed with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST). The SST is operated on the island of La Palma by the Institute for Solar Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. from: http://www.solarphysics.kva.se/ (more higher quality videos available)
In typical cat fashion, the cat on the ground attacks the cat sleeping peacefully in the chair for absolutely no reason at all. Cats will be cats! Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v3dbo7-rude-kitty-attacks-sleeping-cat-for-no-apparent-reason.html. For licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.
She was a beauty queen with the future in her hand
Full of dreams and a ticket to wonderland
Young and innocent ready for action
Trying anything for some satisfaction
But she fell deeper and deeper without success
Met the wrong guys and got stuck in a mess
So now she works at a sleazy place
In a red light quadrant of space
Astro girl
Why don't you leave this world
I've been watching her for awhile
Those tender eyes and her beautiful smile
The way she serves the drinks and acts polite
And then disappears when the price is right
I can see that there is something wrong
It's very obvious that she doesn't belong
I wish there was something I could to
To help her start something new
Astro girl