- published: 09 Jul 2008
- views: 20611
Sergio Boris is an Argentine film actor.
Two of his most recent films have been the critically well received: Diarios de motocicleta (2004) and El Abrazo partido (2004).
boris-il contratto
Visión 7: Sergio Boris en Beckett Teatro
Boris - Sergio e la tossica
Amore 'a vòi 'a Pirelli? - BORIS 2
Diablo Cortes de la película Diablo. con Juan Palomino. Sergio Boris y Luis Aranosky.
Versus - Pere Faura vs. Sergio Boris - Tardor TA - Captítol 8
O treinador Sérgio Boris falou para o Desporto Almada
Boris - 3x11 - E PIJAMOSE SERGIO BRIO.avi
Boris 2x03 - Itala e Sergio: Romanelli
lo stagista alessandro alle prese con il produttore
Producción: Revista Llegas a bs. as./ Escuela Taller Imagen Producción Periodistica: Juan Crespo Camara y Fotografía: Luis Belotti, Martin Guerra Montaje: Juan Eduardo Barboza http://www.tallerimagen.com.ar/ Más entrevistas en: http://www.revistallegas.com.ar/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Revista-Lleg%C3%A1s/168627203198958
"Viejo, solo y puto", dirigida por Sergio Boris, con Patricio Aramburu, Marcelo Ferrari, Darío Guersenzvaig, Federico Liss y David Rubinstein, los domingos a las 21, en Guardia Vieja 3556 de la CABA. (Gabriela Radice/ Espectáculos). Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el viernes 18 de abril de 2014. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
Sergio si gioca alle corse il compenso di un' attrice, e ripiega su una signorina recuperata per strada... Dall' episodio 3x10 "L' Epifania" Tutti i diritti sono dei relativi proprietari. Non sono detentore dei diritti. Pubblicato a solo scopo divulgativo (Boris merita!)
Diablo is an Argentine film, Spanish language, but the film is subtitled (and pretty accurately as far as subtitles go). Read the IMDb synopsis for the storyline as I'll simply address the film's quality and emotional content. Technically everything is above par considering the film is low budget, great camera-work, set design, makeup, etc. The film also shines where stunt-work is concerned, next to acting caliber little exposes this type of film's lack of budget than it's ability to pull off fights, gunfire, etc. and while Diablo is certainly not an action film per se, it does quite well staging what action is necessary to tell it's story. I have to say I've seen many, many contemporary independent films that attempt to weave together the elements usually associated with the crime genre...
No final do jogo,Cova da Piedade,1- União de Leiria1,para o Campeonato Portugal Prio-Fase Final
punta al sole !!!