- published: 21 Feb 2012
- views: 2708
- author: Karl Allen

How To Perform A Prescribed Burn
Every landowner should use prescribe burning to enhance growth and clean up their property...
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: Karl Allen
How To Perform A Prescribed Burn
How To Perform A Prescribed Burn
Every landowner should use prescribe burning to enhance growth and clean up their property. It is very beneficial for wildlife and new plants. The blackened ...- published: 21 Feb 2012
- views: 2708
- author: Karl Allen

Controlled Burn - Berlin Maryland
Controlled Burn - Berlin Maryland....
published: 12 Mar 2008
author: Wayne Barrall
Controlled Burn - Berlin Maryland
Controlled Burn - Berlin Maryland
Controlled Burn - Berlin Maryland.- published: 12 Mar 2008
- views: 5141
- author: Wayne Barrall

Dover Fire Department Controlled house burn 4/21/12
This video is of a house burn we recently completed. The plan was to get 4 training burns ...
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: Doverfiredept
Dover Fire Department Controlled house burn 4/21/12
Dover Fire Department Controlled house burn 4/21/12
This video is of a house burn we recently completed. The plan was to get 4 training burns out of the house, 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs. However the 1st trai...- published: 22 Apr 2012
- views: 1094
- author: Doverfiredept

Brush Pile Control Burn 4 21 11
Video of A controlled burn ofr A brush pile, conducted pon 4-21-11 in Griffin Georgia....
published: 22 Apr 2011
author: pwalpar
Brush Pile Control Burn 4 21 11
Brush Pile Control Burn 4 21 11
Video of A controlled burn ofr A brush pile, conducted pon 4-21-11 in Griffin Georgia.- published: 22 Apr 2011
- views: 5429
- author: pwalpar

Prescribed Burns
Iowa State University Extension experts look at how to do a prescribed, or controlled, bur...
published: 10 May 2011
author: IowaStateExtension
Prescribed Burns
Prescribed Burns
Iowa State University Extension experts look at how to do a prescribed, or controlled, burn safely. A prescribed burn is one tool used by land stewards to ac...- published: 10 May 2011
- views: 4750
- author: IowaStateExtension

Eldorado Brookview Controlled Burn
Great video of a controlled burn in Eldorado, with Eldorado Brookview and Hurlock Vol. Fir...
published: 26 May 2013
author: xoticrox
Eldorado Brookview Controlled Burn
Eldorado Brookview Controlled Burn
Great video of a controlled burn in Eldorado, with Eldorado Brookview and Hurlock Vol. Fire Co. Sorry for the techno music, the audio on the video was just a...- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 130
- author: xoticrox

Catching Fire: Prescribed Burning in Northern CA
Catching Fire tells a compelling story of how a small but committed group of local, tribal...
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: klamathmedia
Catching Fire: Prescribed Burning in Northern CA
Catching Fire: Prescribed Burning in Northern CA
Catching Fire tells a compelling story of how a small but committed group of local, tribal, state and federal land managers are bringing back the use of pres...- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 4750
- author: klamathmedia

Prescribed Burn 1: Fireguards 1 of 3
This is the first of several Fireguard videos. This video is designed to help land owners ...
published: 05 Jul 2011
author: bdelder42
Prescribed Burn 1: Fireguards 1 of 3
Prescribed Burn 1: Fireguards 1 of 3
This is the first of several Fireguard videos. This video is designed to help land owners and managers build effective fireguards. These videos are to be use...- published: 05 Jul 2011
- views: 4873
- author: bdelder42

Controlled Burn - Bernardston, Mass
FD's on scene: Bernardston, MA - Northfield, MA - Erving, MA - Vernon, VT - Guilford, VT -...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: MassRockFan
Controlled Burn - Bernardston, Mass
Controlled Burn - Bernardston, Mass
FD's on scene: Bernardston, MA - Northfield, MA - Erving, MA - Vernon, VT - Guilford, VT - Hinsdale, NH.- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 165
- author: MassRockFan

Controlled burn of BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
http://www.energyboom.com CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/EnergyBo...
published: 11 May 2010
author: EnergyBoom1
Controlled burn of BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Controlled burn of BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
http://www.energyboom.com CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/EnergyBoom/85945492130?v=wall&ref;=s This is Coast Guard footage of the cont...- published: 11 May 2010
- views: 85333
- author: EnergyBoom1

Controlled Burning for Wildlife - Mossy Oak
A controlled burn or prescribed burn is a great habitat management tool. Controlled Burnin...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: Mossy Oak
Controlled Burning for Wildlife - Mossy Oak
Controlled Burning for Wildlife - Mossy Oak
A controlled burn or prescribed burn is a great habitat management tool. Controlled Burning (fire) is one of the most efficient, economical, and rewarding ma...- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 182
- author: Mossy Oak

The Benefits of Prescribed Fire
he Nature Conservancy supports the use of controlled burning to manage landscapes that hav...
published: 22 Jan 2010
author: natureconservancy
The Benefits of Prescribed Fire
The Benefits of Prescribed Fire
he Nature Conservancy supports the use of controlled burning to manage landscapes that have adapted over millennia to periodic fire. The Nature Conservancy a...- published: 22 Jan 2010
- views: 2504
- author: natureconservancy

Colebrook Chronicle - January 6 2013 BREAKING NEWS - Balsams Dormitory Controlled Burn
Your weekly northern New Hampshire newscast, every Friday! BREAKING NEWS: Dramatic footage...
published: 06 Jan 2013
author: colebrookchronicle
Colebrook Chronicle - January 6 2013 BREAKING NEWS - Balsams Dormitory Controlled Burn
Colebrook Chronicle - January 6 2013 BREAKING NEWS - Balsams Dormitory Controlled Burn
Your weekly northern New Hampshire newscast, every Friday! BREAKING NEWS: Dramatic footage of a controlled burn of the former dormitories at the BALSAMS Gran...- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 4989
- author: colebrookchronicle

Prescribed burn in young Longleaf Pine stand..
Prescribed fire is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather and fuel parameters...
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: luvscats69
Prescribed burn in young Longleaf Pine stand..
Prescribed burn in young Longleaf Pine stand..
Prescribed fire is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather and fuel parameters to obtain specific management objectives; also known as "controlle...- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 1234
- author: luvscats69
Youtube results:

Controlled Burn Exercise - 2013
Butler County Community College Park and Recreation Management students participated in a ...
published: 05 Nov 2013
Controlled Burn Exercise - 2013
Controlled Burn Exercise - 2013
Butler County Community College Park and Recreation Management students participated in a controlled burn exercise with DCNR Bureau of Forestry personnel. John Brundege and Justin Hamaker show students how to use a drip torch, construct fire line, and mop up the fire once contained with foam. The training is part of the Forestry class taught by Chris A. Calhoun.- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 76

Fire Dancing by Controlled Burn at Temple of PoiGeek Expo 08
Watch as Controlled Burn (http://controlledburnreno.com ) sets the stage ablaze -- literal...
published: 15 Jul 2008
author: poipriestess
Fire Dancing by Controlled Burn at Temple of PoiGeek Expo 08
Fire Dancing by Controlled Burn at Temple of PoiGeek Expo 08
Watch as Controlled Burn (http://controlledburnreno.com ) sets the stage ablaze -- literally -- with their large size fire balls and flaming show! This set w...- published: 15 Jul 2008
- views: 574
- author: poipriestess

Elevator BurnYT.mp4
A controlled burn of a grain elevator in Halstad, MN Nov 20, 2011. 11 different rural fire...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: Darin Johnson
Elevator BurnYT.mp4
Elevator BurnYT.mp4
A controlled burn of a grain elevator in Halstad, MN Nov 20, 2011. 11 different rural fire departments, 6 pumpers, 12 tankers hauling water. Times of Major E...- published: 24 Nov 2011
- views: 15038
- author: Darin Johnson

Controlled Burn Demonstration at NPS Academy 2013, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
An NPS fire crew demonstrates the controlled burn method of wildfire management for SCA NP...
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: conservationinaction
Controlled Burn Demonstration at NPS Academy 2013, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Controlled Burn Demonstration at NPS Academy 2013, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
An NPS fire crew demonstrates the controlled burn method of wildfire management for SCA NPS Academy students in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 127
- author: conservationinaction