LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography
LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography by Soma Mukhopadhyay for SuccessCDs ...
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: successcds1
LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography
LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography
LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography by Soma Mukhopadhyay for SuccessCDs Education SuccessCDs Education ( http://www.youtube.com/successcds1...- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 2863
- author: successcds1
Earth, Parallels and Meridians, Latitude and Longitude [IGEO TV ]
Both, meridians and parallels, form the geographic coordinate system base...
published: 25 Sep 2013
Earth, Parallels and Meridians, Latitude and Longitude [IGEO TV ]
Earth, Parallels and Meridians, Latitude and Longitude [IGEO TV ]
http://igeo.tv/ Both, meridians and parallels, form the geographic coordinate system based on latitude and longitude Meridians are the terrestrial geoid highs semicircles passing through the poles, imaginary lines used to determine the microseconds. By extension, are also the maximum semicircles passing through the poles of any reference sphere or spheroid. All observers located on the same meridian are at the same time, in the lighted half of Earth, the Sun at the top of its course when the Sun is at the top of the course indicating noon. By resolution, adopted at an international conference held in 1884 in Washington, and sponsored by then President of the United States, attended by delegates from 25 countries, the "reference meridian ", from which lengths are measured , i.e. , which is considered the "longitude 0 °", is the Greenwich meridian, so called because it passes through the ancient observatory in Greenwich. Circle formed by the intersection of land area with an imaginary plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the Earth is called parallel. On the parallels, and from the Greenwich meridian, meridian that is taken as origin, measure the length, the circle is expressed in degrees, which may be East or West, depending on the direction of measurement of the same. Unlike meridians, parallels are not as great circles, except Equator, do not contain the center of the Earth. The angle ( with vertex at the center of the Earth ) on any plane parallel and meridian for the equator is called latitude and is the same for all points of the parallel , which discriminates between North and South latitude, according to hemisphere. There are five main striking parallels or corresponding to a particular position of the Earth in its orbit around the sun, and therefore receives a particular name: -Arctic Circle (latitude 66 ° 33 ' N = 90 º - 23 º 27'). -Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23 ° 27 ' N). It further north latitude at which the sun reaches its zenith. This occurs at the June solstice. - Equator (latitude 0 °). In Equator the Sun culminates at the zenith on the equinox of spring and autumn. - Tropic of Capricorn (latitude 23 ° 27 ' S). Is the parallel further south where the sun reaches the zenith. This occurs at the December solstice. - Antarctic Circle (latitude 66 ° 33 ' S). Watch Video 3D Earth Globe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrf-BB6cipM- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 15
Geography Jingle-Meridian Stories Challenge
History Challenge # 2 Geography Jingle for Meridian Stories Challenge submitted by MTA iTe...
published: 24 Jan 2013
author: MTA iTeam
Geography Jingle-Meridian Stories Challenge
Geography Jingle-Meridian Stories Challenge
History Challenge # 2 Geography Jingle for Meridian Stories Challenge submitted by MTA iTeam.- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 49
- author: MTA iTeam
How to read Latitude and Longitude coordinates
How to read Latitude & Longitude coordinates. Key terms covered include the Equator, Tropi...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: Darron Gedge
How to read Latitude and Longitude coordinates
How to read Latitude and Longitude coordinates
How to read Latitude & Longitude coordinates. Key terms covered include the Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic & Antarctic Circles, the Prime M...- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 23275
- author: Darron Gedge
World Geography: Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Vocab:
-Great circle route
-Grid system
published: 17 Aug 2013
World Geography: Chapter 1 Introduction
World Geography: Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Vocab: -Globe -Map -Cartographer -Great circle route -Location -Grid system -Hemisphere -Latitude -Longitude -Equator -Prime Meridian -Absolute location -Relative location -Northern Hemisphere -Southern Hemisphere -Eastern Hemisphere -Western Hemisphere -Spatial -Region -Ecosystem -Movement -Human-Environment interaction- published: 17 Aug 2013
- views: 135
Understanding Time Zones
Time zones are based on the fact that the Earth moves 15 degrees longitude each hour. Sinc...
published: 14 Jul 2013
author: Darron Gedge
Understanding Time Zones
Understanding Time Zones
Time zones are based on the fact that the Earth moves 15 degrees longitude each hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day there are 24 standard time zones. (24...- published: 14 Jul 2013
- views: 31
- author: Darron Gedge
What is the Prime Meridian? Intro to lines of Longitude
A brief introduction to identifying the lines of longitude including the Prime Meridian....
published: 14 Jan 2014
What is the Prime Meridian? Intro to lines of Longitude
What is the Prime Meridian? Intro to lines of Longitude
A brief introduction to identifying the lines of longitude including the Prime Meridian.- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 1
Latitude and Longitude
A brief synopsis of latitude and longitude and how they are used to accurately describe lo...
published: 14 Jan 2010
author: Andy Jensen
Latitude and Longitude
Latitude and Longitude
A brief synopsis of latitude and longitude and how they are used to accurately describe locations on the surface of the earth. Feel free to use this video! I...- published: 14 Jan 2010
- views: 309574
- author: Andy Jensen
Aman@!! Prime Meridian line with Manan
the imaginary line dividing the time zones...just luk at it....
published: 17 Apr 2007
author: Aman Dham
Aman@!! Prime Meridian line with Manan
Aman@!! Prime Meridian line with Manan
the imaginary line dividing the time zones...just luk at it.- published: 17 Apr 2007
- views: 401
- author: Aman Dham
Greenwich Prime Meridian Line
Greenwich England cool.. I've been to the east and the west at the same time, thanks to th...
published: 15 May 2007
author: cmilv
Greenwich Prime Meridian Line
Greenwich Prime Meridian Line
Greenwich England cool.. I've been to the east and the west at the same time, thanks to the prime meridian line.- published: 15 May 2007
- views: 2180
- author: cmilv
Geographic and Magnetic Meridian (CM13A)
Geographic and Magnetic Meridian by http://physicsgalaxy.com/home.html Watch thousands of ...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: Physics Galaxy
Geographic and Magnetic Meridian (CM13A)
Geographic and Magnetic Meridian (CM13A)
Geographic and Magnetic Meridian by http://physicsgalaxy.com/home.html Watch thousands of videos and learn Physics in an easy manner! Visit http://www.physic...- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 685
- author: Physics Galaxy
Basic Map Reading: Direction, Orientation, And Location With A Compass pt2-2 1966 US Army 15min
video for embedding at http://search.quickfound.net/map_search_and_news.html "Features and...
published: 24 Oct 2011
author: Jeff Quitney
Basic Map Reading: Direction, Orientation, And Location With A Compass pt2-2 1966 US Army 15min
Basic Map Reading: Direction, Orientation, And Location With A Compass pt2-2 1966 US Army 15min
video for embedding at http://search.quickfound.net/map_search_and_news.html "Features and use of lensatic compass in map orientation, in finding direction a...- published: 24 Oct 2011
- views: 24837
- author: Jeff Quitney
Sunset at Meridian roof
With the end of daylight savings, November brings darker commutes and that nagging feeling...
published: 20 Nov 2013
Sunset at Meridian roof
Sunset at Meridian roof
With the end of daylight savings, November brings darker commutes and that nagging feeling of wondering "where the day went?" But at Meridian it also brings the wonderful opportunity to catch the spectacular sunsets of late fall. With a distinct vantage point, perched atop Meridian Hill, the views overlooking the city in the rapidly diminishing light as it scatters and reflects off the clouds is truly mesmerizing. http://blog.meridian.org/ivlp/purer-here-the-air-whence-we-overlook-the-city/- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 30
Youtube results:
Meridian's International Classroom
Facilitated by Meridian International Center, Paul Public Charter School students chose to...
published: 15 Sep 2008
author: MeridianEducation
Meridian's International Classroom
Meridian's International Classroom
Facilitated by Meridian International Center, Paul Public Charter School students chose to spend their lunch period learning geography and culture through Gl...- published: 15 Sep 2008
- views: 967
- author: MeridianEducation
Longitude and Latitude
http://www.eutoxita.com/ This is my follow-up to "5 Themes of Geography". I'm teaching sci...
published: 01 Oct 2010
author: James White
Longitude and Latitude
Longitude and Latitude
http://www.eutoxita.com/ This is my follow-up to "5 Themes of Geography". I'm teaching science now but my friend & colleague requested something to help stud...- published: 01 Oct 2010
- views: 144924
- author: James White