
Cantonese Vs. Mandarin
Even though both Cantonese and Mandarin uses the same standard Chinese script the two lang...
published: 25 Aug 2013
Cantonese Vs. Mandarin
Cantonese Vs. Mandarin
Even though both Cantonese and Mandarin uses the same standard Chinese script the two languages are still mutually unintelligible and very have many different aspects to it. Find out more in this video! Watch: Taiwan vs. Mainland Mandarin Chinese: http://e.ntd.tv/18fVaER Special thanks to Ben from Learn Chinese Now: http://e.ntd.tv/LearnChineseNow Subscribe for more Off the Great Wall: http://e.ntd.tv/SubscribeOTGW Make sure to share with your friends! ______________________________ Want more? Check out our favorite videos: http://e.ntd.tv/BestOfOTGW OTGW Merchandise! http://e.ntd.tv/OTGWmerch Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OffTheGreatWall Twitter: http://twitter.com/ntdotgw And let's not forget Google Plus: http://e.ntd.tv/GooglePlusOTGW Find Carmen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/carmenotgw Instagram: @CarmenOTGW Find Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/danotgw ______________________________ MOBILE LINKS: More OTGW Vids! China's 10 Most Expensive Tourist Attractions: http://e.ntd.tv/1f25n6B The Asian Parents Dictionary: http://e.ntd.tv/14T4yvf The Real Dim Sum Guide: http://e.ntd.tv/17pjqjK- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 12579

Cantonese Slang!
You guys requested a Cantonese slang video so here it is! Cantonese is a rich and versatil...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Cantonese Slang!
Cantonese Slang!
You guys requested a Cantonese slang video so here it is! Cantonese is a rich and versatile language. Let us know what's your favorite slang! WANT TO MEET CARMEN & DAN IRL? Check out our first MEET & GREET: http://e.ntd.tv/1bKkcfu http://e.ntd.tv/NTDtelevision Subscribe for more Off the Great Wall: http://e.ntd.tv/SubscribeOTGW Make sure to share with your friends! ______________________________ Want more? Check out our favorite videos: http://e.ntd.tv/BestOfOTGW OTGW Merchandise! http://e.ntd.tv/OTGWmerch Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OffTheGreatWall Twitter: http://twitter.com/ntdotgw And let's not forget Google Plus: http://e.ntd.tv/GooglePlusOTGW Find Carmen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/carmenotgw Instagram: @CarmenOTGW Find Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/danotgw NTD Television: http://e.ntd.tv/NTDtelevision ______________________________ MOBILE LINKS: More OTGW Vids! If Superheroes were Asian...: http://e.ntd.tv/18MsTla Shanghainese Phrases & Slang: http://e.ntd.tv/1cYp2ZN Cantonese vs. Mandarin: http://e.ntd.tv/16Ifuf1- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 11357

The Complicated Chinese Family Tree - Cantonese Version!
Poster available for sale now!: http://e.ntd.tv/XCCHfe We've fixed our boo boos, straighte...
published: 14 Mar 2013
author: Off the Great Wall
The Complicated Chinese Family Tree - Cantonese Version!
The Complicated Chinese Family Tree - Cantonese Version!
Poster available for sale now!: http://e.ntd.tv/XCCHfe We've fixed our boo boos, straightened out the lines and added jyutping! You guys asked for it. Here's...- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 193596
- author: Off the Great Wall

White Family speaks Chinese (Cantonese, Hong Kong).外國人說中文
White family speaking in Chinese, find out why they can all speak fluent Cantonese. Canton...
published: 26 Aug 2013
White Family speaks Chinese (Cantonese, Hong Kong).外國人說中文
White Family speaks Chinese (Cantonese, Hong Kong).外國人說中文
White family speaking in Chinese, find out why they can all speak fluent Cantonese. Cantonese is a dialect of Chinese spoken in Hong Kong and the south of China, it is supposedly a lot harder to learn than Mandarin as there are so many tones, and probably impossible to master - unless you were born or grew up here and caught the tonal thing early on. 外國人說中國- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 6250

You speak Cantonese ah?
We took the challenge of making a short in Cantonese and this was what we managed. And yes...
published: 15 Oct 2013
You speak Cantonese ah?
You speak Cantonese ah?
We took the challenge of making a short in Cantonese and this was what we managed. And yes, our Cantonese is terrible so forgive us. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO US! DKP FB - http://fb.com/dankhooproductions DKP Twitter - http://twitter.com/dan_khoo DKP Instagram - http://instagram.com/dankhooproductions STARRING Dennis Yin - http://youtube.com/iamdennisyin Audrey Loke - http://instagram.com/audreypuiyan FILMED BY Jeremy Choy - http://instagram.com/bboyrice Leonard Ng - https://www.facebook.com/leonard.ng.90 LOCATION SPONSOR Salty Customs - http://saltycustoms.com CREDIT SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ9SpGe4Zp0- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 119399

Mandarin VS Cantonese (Feat. Carmen from OTGW) | Learn Chinese Now
Ben and special guest Carmen from Off the Great Wall discuss the differences between Manda...
published: 27 Aug 2013
Mandarin VS Cantonese (Feat. Carmen from OTGW) | Learn Chinese Now
Mandarin VS Cantonese (Feat. Carmen from OTGW) | Learn Chinese Now
Ben and special guest Carmen from Off the Great Wall discuss the differences between Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Subscribe to Learn Chinese Now! http://www.youtube.com/learnchinesenow Ben on Twitter: http://www.twitter/com/benhedgesntd T-Shirts and other products: http://www.zazzle.com/laowaiapparel- published: 27 Aug 2013
- views: 3363

Stephen Chow Hail the Judge - Cantonese Full Movie (HD)
Hail the Judge (Chinese: 九品芝麻官) is a 1994 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Wong Jing, sta...
published: 10 Nov 2013
Stephen Chow Hail the Judge - Cantonese Full Movie (HD)
Stephen Chow Hail the Judge - Cantonese Full Movie (HD)
Hail the Judge (Chinese: 九品芝麻官) is a 1994 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Wong Jing, starring Stephen Chow, Cheung Man, and Ng Man Tat.- published: 10 Nov 2013
- views: 515

How Carlos Douh Learn Cantonese and Speak Cantonese Like a Champ
Find out how Carlos Douh learn Cantonese and speak it like a native Hong Kong-er. Carlos c...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: DaGeniusLab
How Carlos Douh Learn Cantonese and Speak Cantonese Like a Champ
How Carlos Douh Learn Cantonese and Speak Cantonese Like a Champ
Find out how Carlos Douh learn Cantonese and speak it like a native Hong Kong-er. Carlos created the viral video "I am a Hong Kong Girl with 公主病 (Gung Jyuh B...- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 5235
- author: DaGeniusLab

How to Speak with Numbers in Chinese - Cantonese Version
You guys requested it! The Cantonese version of How to Speak with Numbers in Chinese! If y...
published: 16 Jun 2013
author: Off the Great Wall
How to Speak with Numbers in Chinese - Cantonese Version
How to Speak with Numbers in Chinese - Cantonese Version
You guys requested it! The Cantonese version of How to Speak with Numbers in Chinese! If you haven't seen the Mandarin version click here: http://e.ntd.tv/1a...- published: 16 Jun 2013
- views: 31135
- author: Off the Great Wall

Greetings You Need to Know For the Chinese New Year - Cantonese Version
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OffTheGreatWall
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ntdotgw
published: 30 Jan 2014
Greetings You Need to Know For the Chinese New Year - Cantonese Version
Greetings You Need to Know For the Chinese New Year - Cantonese Version
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OffTheGreatWall Twitter: http://twitter.com/ntdotgw http://e.ntd.tv/NTDtelevision 1. 财源广进 Cáiyuán guǎng jìn 2. 吉星高照 Jí xīng gāo zhào 3. 年年有余 Niánnián yǒu yú 4. 生意兴隆 Shēngyì xīnglóng 5. 万事如意 Wàn shì rú yì 6. 工作顺利 Gōngzuò shùnlì 7. 事业有成 Shìyè yǒu chéng 8. 平步青云 Píng bù qīngyún 9. 马到成功 Mǎ dào chéng gōng 10. 龙马精神 Lóng mǎ jīngshén 11. 身体健康 Shēntǐ jiànkāng 12. 学业有成 Xuéyè yǒu chéng 13. 金榜题名 Jīn bǎng tí míng 14. 阖家欢乐 Hé jiā huānlè 15. 心想事成 xīn xiǎng shì chéng 16. 笑口常開 xiào kǒu cháng kāi 17. 岁岁平安 suì suì ping ān 18. 恭贺新禧 gōng hè xīn xǐ Subscribe for more Off the Great Wall: http://e.ntd.tv/SubscribeOTGW Make sure to share with your friends! __ OTGW Merchandise! http://e.ntd.tv/OTGWmerch Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OffTheGreatWall Twitter: http://twitter.com/ntdotgw And let's not forget Google Plus: http://e.ntd.tv/GooglePlusOTGW Find Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/danotgw Find Mike on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikexingchen NTD Television: http://e.ntd.tv/NTDtelevision __ MOBILE LINKS: More OTGW Vids!- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 6434

Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master - Cantonese Full Movie (HD)
倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 The Evil Cult Jet Li stars in this kung fu fantasy whose circuitous plot, adapt...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master - Cantonese Full Movie (HD)
Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master - Cantonese Full Movie (HD)
倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 The Evil Cult Jet Li stars in this kung fu fantasy whose circuitous plot, adapted from a story by Yin Jong, boasts such delirious developments as kung-fu cannibals, evil nuns, invincible heroes, and killer autoharps. Set during the Yuen Dynasty, many sects compete for possession of the two golden swords which contain the secret to dominance of the world of martial arts. The first faction, led by Shaolin, consists of Shaolin, Wu Tang, Ngo Mai, Kun Lun, Hung Tung and Wah Shan. The second is the Ming Sect, otherwise known as the Fire Sect or Evil Sect, led by branch leaders Queen of Purple Dragon, King of White Eagle, King of Gold Lion and King of Green Bat. A student of Wu Tang, befriends Gold Lion and marries the daughter of White Eagle. He is killed for the secret of the location of the missing sword. His infant son witnesses this and vows revenge on the heads of the sect. Unfortunately he has a jinx which prevents him from learning martial arts.- published: 13 Oct 2013
- views: 6175

Learn Cantonese - Learn How to Introduce Yourself in Cantonese
http://www.CantoneseClass101.com/video Learn to introduce yourself in Cantonese with our C...
published: 30 Mar 2012
Learn Cantonese - Learn How to Introduce Yourself in Cantonese
Learn Cantonese - Learn How to Introduce Yourself in Cantonese
http://www.CantoneseClass101.com/video Learn to introduce yourself in Cantonese with our Cantonese in Three Minutes series! In Hong Kong, manners are importa...- published: 30 Mar 2012
- views: 58063
- author: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101.com

Learn Chinese Lesson 1 (Cantonese)
Learn Chinese Cantonese in this beginning lesson that uses a simple listen and repeat form...
published: 06 Aug 2008
author: LearnChineseEZ
Learn Chinese Lesson 1 (Cantonese)
Learn Chinese Lesson 1 (Cantonese)
Learn Chinese Cantonese in this beginning lesson that uses a simple listen and repeat format.- published: 06 Aug 2008
- views: 219089
- author: LearnChineseEZ
Vimeo results:

捍粵人士高呼明朝名將袁崇焕戰場上金句:“ 掉哪媽,頂硬上!"
Date: 25 July, 2010
Location: Guangzhou, China
people involved: Guangzhou cantonese speake...
published: 26 Jul 2010
捍粵人士高呼明朝名將袁崇焕戰場上金句:“ 掉哪媽,頂硬上!"
Date: 25 July, 2010
Location: Guangzhou, China
people involved: Guangzhou cantonese speakers
Guangzhou where is the source of Cantonese,unfortunately, the local government is trying to stop the people to learn and to speak their own mother language, the government is KILLING the culture! and we, the Guangzhou citizens, are standing here to fight for our RIGHT! to protect our CULTURE! to love our LANGUAGE! Switch to NEW Flash Player

Mtee "Havoc in Heaven" Mandarin/Cantonese
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the beloved, animated film, "The Monkey King", The Br...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: Blind, Inc.
Mtee "Havoc in Heaven" Mandarin/Cantonese
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the beloved, animated film, "The Monkey King", The Brand Partner/Taiwan, hired Blind and director Chris Do, to direct a feature length documentary. The film highlights a diverse group of artists, entrepreneurs and influential people from the world of music, fashion and pop culture as they participate in this epic collaboration with apparel giant, Meters/Bonwe and MTee.
Chris and his crew traveled throughout Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Beijing, Guang Zhou and Shanghai) on a marathon shoot to capture the vibrant street culture of these artists.

廣州罪人紀可光,被萬人齊呼 “收皮!”
Date: 25 July, 2010
Location: Guangzhou, China
people involved: Guangzhou cantonese speake...
published: 25 Jul 2010
廣州罪人紀可光,被萬人齊呼 “收皮!”
Date: 25 July, 2010
Location: Guangzhou, China
people involved: Guangzhou cantonese speakers
Guangzhou where is the source of Cantonese,unfortunately, the local government is trying to stop the people to learn and to speak their own mother language, the government is KILLING the culture! and we, the Guangzhou citizens, are standing here to fight for our RIGHT! to protect our CULTURE! to love our LANGUAGE!
Youtube results:

Basic conversation in Cantonese with a native after studying for 1,5 month. #Add1Challenge
I have been learning Cantonese intensively for 1,5 month now. In this video you see me hav...
published: 21 Oct 2013
Basic conversation in Cantonese with a native after studying for 1,5 month. #Add1Challenge
Basic conversation in Cantonese with a native after studying for 1,5 month. #Add1Challenge
I have been learning Cantonese intensively for 1,5 month now. In this video you see me having a basic conversation with my teacher Jacob who I found on Italki.com. For some reason I hesitate much more when I record myself. My Cantonese would be slightly better than I show you in this video. Do you also want Jacob to teach you Cantonese or Mandarin? Jacobs profile: http://www.italki.com/teacher/792488 My blog: http://www.janvanderaa.com- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 314

(R-18) 學廣東話 - 黃明志 Learn Cantonese by Namewee feat. Vienna Lin [ASIA MOST WANTED 亞洲通緝] 專輯
Namewee Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Namewee-%E9%BB%83%E6%98%8E%E5%BF%97/16005...
published: 27 May 2013
author: name wee
(R-18) 學廣東話 - 黃明志 Learn Cantonese by Namewee feat. Vienna Lin [ASIA MOST WANTED 亞洲通緝] 專輯
(R-18) 學廣東話 - 黃明志 Learn Cantonese by Namewee feat. Vienna Lin [ASIA MOST WANTED 亞洲通緝] 專輯
Namewee Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Namewee-%E9%BB%83%E6%98%8E%E5%BF%97/160059088428 Please take note that some of the content is R-18 Material,...- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 758344
- author: name wee

Two White Guys speaking wicked Chinese (Cantonese)
My two nephews, born and raised in Macao and Hong Kong showing off their Cantonese chops....
published: 14 Mar 2010
author: arrozconpollo100
Two White Guys speaking wicked Chinese (Cantonese)
Two White Guys speaking wicked Chinese (Cantonese)
My two nephews, born and raised in Macao and Hong Kong showing off their Cantonese chops.- published: 14 Mar 2010
- views: 483919
- author: arrozconpollo100

[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantonese
[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The...
published: 03 Jan 2014
[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantonese
[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantonese
[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone[Action Movies 2013] Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantone- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 2852