
ABC Early 1970s Commercials
Here's a bunch of commercials seen on ABC stations at various times in the early 1970s. Th...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: retronewfoundland
ABC Early 1970s Commercials
ABC Early 1970s Commercials
Here's a bunch of commercials seen on ABC stations at various times in the early 1970s. They include... * Spic N Span * Salvo * Socialites Shoes * Serta Perf...- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 9244
- author: retronewfoundland

Weird Abandoned House 1970s Time Capsule
vintage appliances and an alter to tobacco in front of the toilet I revisited this house o...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: shango066
Weird Abandoned House 1970s Time Capsule
Weird Abandoned House 1970s Time Capsule
vintage appliances and an alter to tobacco in front of the toilet I revisited this house on 6-8-2013, video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojD_qEAsB7Q.- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 54735
- author: shango066

Family Life in the 1970s (Full Documentary)
Family Life in the 1970s (Full Documentary) .
published: 09 Sep 2013
Family Life in the 1970s (Full Documentary)
Family Life in the 1970s (Full Documentary)
Family Life in the 1970s (Full Documentary) . 2013 This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here relate to important times and figures in history, historic places and people, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education. The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Greece, Egypt, science, technology, nature, planet earth, the solar system, the universe, World wars, battles, military and combat technology, current events, education, biographies, television, archaeology, Illuminati, Area 51, serial killers, paranormal, supernatural, cults, government cover-ups, the law and legal matters, news and current events, corruption, martial arts, space, aliens, ufos, conspiracy theories, Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, strange phenomenon, origins of Mankind, monsters- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 216

New York in the 1970s, filmed in Super 8 by Irving Schneider (corrected version)
This film of New York City streets, parks, and people was made in the early 1970s by amate...
published: 19 Jul 2013
New York in the 1970s, filmed in Super 8 by Irving Schneider (corrected version)
New York in the 1970s, filmed in Super 8 by Irving Schneider (corrected version)
This film of New York City streets, parks, and people was made in the early 1970s by amateur filmmaker Irving Schneider. Includes scenes of Brooklyn Heights, Washington Square and Greenwich Village, the Garment District, Times Square and 42nd Street, and Central Park. Music by John Coltrane. This version fixes most of the issues with the transfer from Super 8 film to digital video, but there's still some shakiness at the splices.- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 46

1970s' Number Ones
I uploaded this video a few years ago and it has proved quite popular. WMG muted the audio...
published: 17 Apr 2010
author: Máire McSorley
1970s' Number Ones
1970s' Number Ones
I uploaded this video a few years ago and it has proved quite popular. WMG muted the audio some time ago but have since changed their policy and should monet...- published: 17 Apr 2010
- views: 1009721
- author: Máire McSorley

1970s American Culture Sociology Documentary Films Health, Education, Fashion, Drug Use
published: 02 Feb 2013
author: CizgiFilmDunyasi1
1970s American Culture Sociology Documentary Films Health, Education, Fashion, Drug Use
1970s American Culture Sociology Documentary Films Health, Education, Fashion, Drug Use
http://www.gcmforex.com?A=2066.- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 2606
- author: CizgiFilmDunyasi1

Top 10 Television Sitcoms of the 1970s
This was the decade when sitcoms came of age and became a tool for social commentary. Join...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: WatchMojo
Top 10 Television Sitcoms of the 1970s
Top 10 Television Sitcoms of the 1970s
This was the decade when sitcoms came of age and became a tool for social commentary. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down the Top 10 Sitcoms of th...- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 24124
- author: WatchMojo

FASHION, 1970s
published: 25 Nov 2010
author: Footage File
FASHION, 1970s
FASHION, 1970s
902158, 1970s, FASHION, VARIOUS NEW YORK CITY CROWDS WALKING, VARIOUS FASHIONS AND HAIR STYLES, AFROS., http://www.myfootage.com/details.php?gid=58&sgid;=&pid...;- published: 25 Nov 2010
- views: 59967
- author: Footage File

Electric Dreams - BBC Documentary - The 1970s
Watch this amazing BBC Documentary to find out how technology evolved during 1970's. To wa...
published: 05 May 2012
author: Madusha Dedigamuwa
Electric Dreams - BBC Documentary - The 1970s
Electric Dreams - BBC Documentary - The 1970s
Watch this amazing BBC Documentary to find out how technology evolved during 1970's. To watch the next episode(1980's) visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 28984
- author: Madusha Dedigamuwa

Top 60 Songs of the 1970s
In the First World, this decade saw the rise of experimental classical music and minimalis...
published: 15 Oct 2011
author: ulaghchi
Top 60 Songs of the 1970s
Top 60 Songs of the 1970s
In the First World, this decade saw the rise of experimental classical music and minimalist music by classical composers. Funk, disco, art rock, progressive ...- published: 15 Oct 2011
- views: 115408
- author: ulaghchi

1970s | Fighting On The Football Terraces - England Hooligans
The documentary touches on the fighting on the football terraces during the 70's that brou...
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: Fanarchiv
1970s | Fighting On The Football Terraces - England Hooligans
1970s | Fighting On The Football Terraces - England Hooligans
The documentary touches on the fighting on the football terraces during the 70's that brought the british national game into disrepute.- published: 24 Jun 2012
- views: 85734
- author: Fanarchiv

EEVblog #575 - DIY 1970s Spectrum Analyser
Phil VK2BDF from the Manly Warringah HAM Radio Society shows off his 1970's vintage home m...
published: 31 Jan 2014
EEVblog #575 - DIY 1970s Spectrum Analyser
EEVblog #575 - DIY 1970s Spectrum Analyser
Phil VK2BDF from the Manly Warringah HAM Radio Society shows off his 1970's vintage home made 200MHz DIY spectrum analyser. Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-575-diy-1970s-spectrum-analyser/ EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com EEVblog Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/eevblogstore-20 Donations: http://www.eevblog.com/donations/ Projects: http://www.eevblog.com/projects/ Electronics Info Wiki: http://www.eevblog.com/wiki/- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 19202

Scary 1970s British Public Information Films
Things shown on the telly that made me hide under the sofa seat. Horrible to think these t...
published: 16 Jul 2007
author: Dan Gale
Scary 1970s British Public Information Films
Scary 1970s British Public Information Films
Things shown on the telly that made me hide under the sofa seat. Horrible to think these things were shown during daytime. Films starring or narrated by Dona...- published: 16 Jul 2007
- views: 244776
- author: Dan Gale

1970s Chocolate Bars
Typical Chocolate Bars eaten by children in the 1970s....
published: 13 Jan 2010
author: gills4thrills
1970s Chocolate Bars
1970s Chocolate Bars
Typical Chocolate Bars eaten by children in the 1970s.- published: 13 Jan 2010
- views: 81521
- author: gills4thrills
Vimeo results:

The Challengers - 1970s Formula Atlantic Racing
Featuring soon-to-be famous drivers who raced in the Formula Atlantic races in the 1970s. ...
published: 05 Aug 2010
author: Alex King
The Challengers - 1970s Formula Atlantic Racing
Featuring soon-to-be famous drivers who raced in the Formula Atlantic races in the 1970s.
This was originally produced by a local Canadian broadcast company.

Jeffreys Bay 1970s
More on Jeffreys Bay
Encyclopedia o...
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: ENCYCLOPEDIA of SURFING videos
Jeffreys Bay 1970s
More on Jeffreys Bay
Encyclopedia of Surfing

Crude home movies from the 1970s depicting activities at a certain location in the San Fer...
published: 07 Jul 2009
author: David Berry
Crude home movies from the 1970s depicting activities at a certain location in the San Fernando Valley.

Uluwatu, 1970s
More on Uluwatu
Encyclopedia of Surfing
published: 14 Apr 2013
author: ENCYCLOPEDIA of SURFING videos
Uluwatu, 1970s
More on Uluwatu
Encyclopedia of Surfing
Youtube results:

Holiday traffic, Devon 1970s
Newsreel of holiday traffic jams in Devon, England, early 70s, great for the car spotter.....
published: 04 Oct 2007
author: boo66
Holiday traffic, Devon 1970s
Holiday traffic, Devon 1970s
Newsreel of holiday traffic jams in Devon, England, early 70s, great for the car spotter... Look out for the Austin 3 Litre and the Aston-Martin DBS!- published: 04 Oct 2007
- views: 65740
- author: boo66

This is an amazing little documentary! I bought it on eBay as a 16mm film and have had it ...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: GuildfordGhost
This is an amazing little documentary! I bought it on eBay as a 16mm film and have had it converted to DVD. I'll bet you've not seen it before!- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 19752
- author: GuildfordGhost

California High School: The 1970s: A Piece of Time in a Place Called Whittier.
A documentary film made for and by residents of Whittier California, about us who lived he...
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: David Bailey
California High School: The 1970s: A Piece of Time in a Place Called Whittier.
California High School: The 1970s: A Piece of Time in a Place Called Whittier.
A documentary film made for and by residents of Whittier California, about us who lived here from 1970 through 1981 and even to the present day.- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 521
- author: David Bailey