The Wayback Machine -
Adolescents - Amoeba
Amoeba biology
Amoeba Feeds!
Geleca de cola branca e bórax (amoeba)
Geleca Caseira sem Borax  (Amoeba Caseira)
Amoeba magnética (como fazer geleca magnética)
Amoeba in motion
amoeba doce brinquedo
Como fazer uma bolha na amoeba
Congelando Amoeba (Geleca) No Nitrogênio Líquido
How A Tiny Amoeba Can Eat Your Brain
Amoeba no Microondas


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Adolescents - Amoeba
Adolescents - Amoeba
  • Duration: 3:07
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Amoeba by The Adolescents From their classic album, Adolescents Uploaded with the written permission of Frontier Records. Liste...
Amoeba biology
Amoeba biology
  • Duration: 5:10
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

Amoeba is a hunter.
Amoeba Feeds!
Amoeba Feeds!
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

An amoeba engulfing a single celled protist called chilomonas.!
Geleca de cola branca e bórax (amoeba)
Geleca de cola branca e bórax (amoeba)
  • Duration: 4:59
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

É muito fácil de fazer em casa as famosas amoebas vendidas nas lojas de brinquedo! Kit Manual do Mundo para fazer geleca: Faceboo...órax_(amoeba)
Geleca Caseira sem Borax  (Amoeba Caseira)
Geleca Caseira sem Borax (Amoeba Caseira)
  • Duration: 11:55
  • Updated: 29 May 2014

Agora conseguimos juntos chegar a uma formula de geleca Caseira sem borax, ou seja, você não precisa sair por ai a comprar os ingredientes tudo você tem em casa... Se gostar deixe seu goste e favorite o video... Se inscreva no Canal e compartilhe-o... Site: Facebook:
Amoeba magnética (como fazer geleca magnética)
Amoeba magnética (como fazer geleca magnética)
  • Duration: 6:44
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Como fazer geleca magnética caseira Geleca caseira: Tinta magnética: Onde comprar ingredientes: P...ética_(como_fazer_geleca_magnética)
Amoeba in motion
Amoeba in motion
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

This a video of an Amoeba . Movement of the Amoeba is shown. First the colorless ectoplasma moves in front of the pseodopodia, followed by the grained entopl...
amoeba doce brinquedo
amoeba doce brinquedo
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Filme de 30 segundos para veiculação na televisão.
Como fazer uma bolha na amoeba
Como fazer uma bolha na amoeba
  • Duration: 3:47
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

Congelando Amoeba (Geleca) No Nitrogênio Líquido
Congelando Amoeba (Geleca) No Nitrogênio Líquido
  • Duration: 4:27
  • Updated: 03 Nov 2013

Canal de games ► Fã Page Facebook ► Twitter ► siga !!/zgraca **************************************************************************** Aqui estão os links para as revisões completas do conteúdo discutido neste vídeo. Por favor, não molestar os criadores de vídeo ou enviar messagens negativas. Se você gosta do que vê em cada um dos seus canais, sinta-se livre para inscrever-se. Obrigado.ênio_Líquido
How A Tiny Amoeba Can Eat Your Brain
How A Tiny Amoeba Can Eat Your Brain
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

There's a dangerous single celled amoeba lurking in lakes across the country that can literally eat your brain! And this year, there's been an unusually high number of cases of people infected. Trace explains what's going on, and how you can protect yourself from this hidden threat. Read More: Brain-Eating Amoeba "It doesn't happen often. But most summers, several Americans -- usually healthy, young people -- suffer sudden, tragic deaths from brain-eating amoeba." Florida boy continues to battle brain-eating amoeba School begins Monday in this rural Florida town about 30 miles east of Fort Myers, but one seventh-grader won't be in class." Naegleria fowleri - Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) "Naegleria is an ameba (single-celled living organism) commonly found in warm freshwater (for example, lakes, rivers, and hot springs) and soil. Only one species (type) of Naegleria infects people:Naegleria fowleri." Plague in the United States "Plague was first introduced into the United States in 1900, by rat--infested steamships that had sailed from affected areas, mostly from Asia. Epidemics occurred in these port cities. The last urban plague epidemic in the United States occurred in Los Angeles from 1924 through 1925." Brain-eating amoebas thrive in US lakes as global warming heats waterways "It's a fatal infection without an effective treatment, and one that strikes in a decidedly gruesome manner: An amoebic organism lurking in water is inadvertently inhaled during a swim on a hot summer's day." Brain-Eating Amoeba: How One Girl Survived "The 12-year-old Kali Hardig of Arkansas is now the third survivor of the rare but nearly always fatal infection caused by the brain-eating parasite Naegleria fowleri." Brain-Eating Amoeba Lurk in U.S. Lakes. But Should You Worry? "Brain-eating amoeba, found in warm lakes, streams, and hot springs, are back. Or more accurately, they never went away. Three people have died in recent weeks after attacks from a single-celled organism called Naegleria fowleri: A girl in Florida, a boy in Virginia and a 20-year-old man in Louisiana." Watch More: Parasites Are OK: Antibacterial Soap: Parasite Got Your Tongue:;=c4-overview ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube Subscribe now! DNews on Twitter Anthony Carboni on Twitter Laci Green on Twitter Trace Dominguez on Twitter DNews on Facebook DNews on Google+ Discovery News
Amoeba no Microondas
Amoeba no Microondas
  • Duration: 2:59
  • Updated: 12 Jan 2014

SITE ► FALA QUE EU TE ESGURMO ► Canal de games ► Fã Page Facebook ► Twitter ► siga !!/zgraca **************************************************************************** Aqui estão os links para as revisões completas do conteúdo discutido neste vídeo. Por favor, não molestar os criadores de vídeo ou enviar messagens negativas. Se você gosta do que vê em cada um dos seus canais, sinta-se livre para inscrever-se. Obrigado.
Como fazer amoeba
Como fazer amoeba
  • Duration: 6:22
  • Updated: 03 Nov 2013
  • Duration: 5:15
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013

Amoeba eats two paramecia (Amoeba's lunch)
Amoeba eats two paramecia (Amoeba's lunch)
  • Duration: 0:44
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Amoeba eats two paramecia.'s_lunch)
brincando com a amoeba
brincando com a amoeba
  • Duration: 3:08
  • Updated: 19 Jan 2014

eu começo a brincar e uma surpresa acontece (se inscrevam no nosso canal e curtam a pagina do facebook vitoria e clara#oficial) :)
como fazer amoeba sem borax
como fazer amoeba sem borax
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

a coisa mais facil do mundo aqui o video do manual do mundo :
como fazer amoeba sem borax (geleca maluca)
como fazer amoeba sem borax (geleca maluca)
  • Duration: 3:22
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

INGREDIENTES - cola de isopor - álcool (pode ser em gel) -água -corante alimentício (opcional) MODO DE FAZER assista o vídeo.
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013

Amoeba meets Stentor
Amoeba meets Stentor
  • Duration: 6:31
  • Updated: 21 Oct 2013
Lana Del Rey - Without You (Live at Amoeba)
Lana Del Rey - Without You (Live at Amoeba)
  • Duration: 4:06
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Lana Del Rey played Amoeba Hollywood back on February 7, 2012. Due to demand we are bringing this performance to you here on our YouTube channel. Buy Lana De...
Amoeba eating a green algae
Amoeba eating a green algae
  • Duration: 1:38
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Two large amoebae (A. proteus or Chaos sp.) seaching for a good meal. The meal will be of whole green algae cells, here Mougeotia sp. If you feel this whole ...
Brain-Eating Amoeba Infects Girl, 12, During Swim in Lake
Brain-Eating Amoeba Infects Girl, 12, During Swim in Lake
  • Duration: 1:45
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Lake might be shut down forever after doctors diagnosed Kali Hardig with a rare meningitis. For more on this story, click here:,_12,_During_Swim_in_Lake
  • Adolescents - Amoeba
    Adolescents - Amoeba
  • Amoeba biology
    Amoeba biology
  • Amoeba Feeds!
    Amoeba Feeds!
  • Geleca de cola branca e bórax (amoeba)
    Geleca de cola branca e bórax (amoeba)
  • Geleca Caseira sem Borax  (Amoeba Caseira)
    Geleca Caseira sem Borax (Amoeba Caseira)
  • Amoeba magnética (como fazer geleca magnética)
    Amoeba magnética (como fazer geleca magnética)
  • Amoeba in motion
    Amoeba in motion
  • amoeba doce brinquedo
    amoeba doce brinquedo
  • Como fazer uma bolha na amoeba
    Como fazer uma bolha na amoeba
  • Congelando Amoeba (Geleca) No Nitrogênio Líquido
    Congelando Amoeba (Geleca) No Nitrogênio Líquido
  • How A Tiny Amoeba Can Eat Your Brain
    How A Tiny Amoeba Can Eat Your Brain
  • Amoeba no Microondas
    Amoeba no Microondas
  • Como fazer amoeba
    Como fazer amoeba
  • A M O E B A
    A M O E B A

Adolescents - Amoeba

Amoeba by The Adolescents From their classic album, Adolescents Uploaded with the written permission of Frontier Records. Liste...

Ado­les­cents - Amoe­ba
Amoe­ba by The Ado­les­cents From their clas­sic album, Ado­les­cents http://​tinyurl.​com/​bluerec...​
pub­lished: 13 Feb 2009
Amoe­ba bi­ol­o­gy
Amoe­ba is a hunter....
pub­lished: 13 May 2012
au­thor: man­tismun­di
Amoe­ba Feeds!
An amoe­ba en­gulf­ing a sin­gle celled pro­tist called chilomonas....
pub­lished: 11 Sep 2007
au­thor: John S. Mead
Gele­ca de cola bran­ca e bórax (amoe­ba)
É muito fácil de fazer em casa as famosas amoe­bas ven­di­das nas lojas de brin­que­do! Kit Man...
pub­lished: 09 Nov 2011
au­thor: iberetheno­rio
Gele­ca Ca­seira sem Borax (Amoe­ba Ca­seira)
Agora con­seguimos jun­tos chegar a uma for­mu­la de gele­ca Ca­seira sem borax, ou seja, você n...
pub­lished: 29 May 2014
Amoe­ba magnética (como fazer gele­ca magnética)
Como fazer gele­ca magnética ca­seira Gele­ca ca­seira: http://​goo.​gl/​3E77U Tinta magnética: h...
pub­lished: 04 Jun 2013
au­thor: iberetheno­rio
Amoe­ba in mo­tion
This a video of an Amoe­ba . Move­ment of the Amoe­ba is shown. First the col­or­less ec­to­plasm...
pub­lished: 30 Apr 2008
amoe­ba doce brin­que­do
Filme de 30 se­gun­dos para ve­ic­u­lação na tele­visão....
pub­lished: 24 Jun 2009
Como fazer uma bolha na amoe­ba
pub­lished: 11 Aug 2013
Con­ge­lando Amoe­ba (Gele­ca) No Ni­trogênio Líquido
Canal de games ► http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​zegracagames?​feature=results_​main Fã Page Fa...
pub­lished: 03 Nov 2013
How A Tiny Amoe­ba Can Eat Your Brain
There's a dan­ger­ous sin­gle celled amoe­ba lurk­ing in lakes across the coun­try that can lite...
pub­lished: 20 Aug 2013
Amoe­ba no Mi­croon­das
SITE ►http://​zgraca.​com.​br/​ FALA QUE EU TE ES­GUR­MO ►http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​SuperJoeG...​
pub­lished: 12 Jan 2014
Como fazer amoe­ba
pub­lished: 03 Nov 2013
pub­lished: 27 Aug 2011
au­thor: sabak peter
Youtube results:
Amoe­ba eats two parame­cia (Amoe­ba's lunch)
Amoe­ba eats two parame­cia....
pub­lished: 28 Aug 2011
au­thor: Vi­jayan T
brin­can­do com a amoe­ba
eu começo a brin­car e uma sur­pre­sa acon­tece (se in­screvam no nosso canal e cur­tam a pag­i­na...
pub­lished: 19 Jan 2014
como fazer amoe­ba sem borax
a coisa mais facil do mundo aqui o video do man­u­al do mundo :http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?...​
pub­lished: 26 Jun 2013
au­thor: wes­ley daniel
como fazer amoe­ba sem borax (gele­ca malu­ca)
IN­GRE­DI­ENTES - cola de iso­por - álcool (pode ser em gel) -água -corante al­i­mentício (opcio...
pub­lished: 22 Apr 2013
photo: AP / RIA-Novosti
In this photo taken Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during an interview with the German ARD television in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, Russia. Putin has dismissed Western criticism of his government's raids of non-government organizations, saying they must account for their foreign funds.
Edit The Inquisitr
17 Jul 2014
Early information has suggested one possible and scary cause for the crash of MH17 — intentional interference using anti-aircraft weaponry on the ground in what was almost definitely a case of mistaken identity. The speculation regarding Vladimir Putin’s plane, however, is a newer thread ... “I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
photo: AP / Joe Pries
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17: What happened before the plane was shot down
Edit The Australian
18 Jul 2014
AVIATION experts and weapons analysts have shed more light on what happened on-board Flight MH17 before it was shot down. The flight, on a Boeing 777-200, was travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Passengers left Amsterdam at 12.15pm (local time) in the afternoon, and were due to touch down in Kuala Lumpur the next day at 6.10am local time. The flight was meant to be a total of 13 hours and 10 minutes ... REVEALED ... WARNINGS IGNORED ... AFP....(size: 6.0Kb)
photo: Public Domain
Su-25UB and MiG-29 (9-13) of Ukrainian Air Force.
Edit Reuters
17 Jul 2014
KIEV (Reuters) - A Russian jet shot down a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter plane that was on military operations over the east of Ukraine, where government forces are fighting to quell a pro-Russian separatist rebellion, a Ukrainian military spokesman said on Thursday. It was the strongest Ukrainian allegation to date of direct Russian military involvement in the conflict. Russia's defence ministry declined to comment on the report ... U.S....(size: 2.3Kb)
photo: AP / Dmitry Lovetsky
People walk amongst the debris, at the crash site of a passenger plane near the village of Grabovo, Ukraine, Thursday, July 17, 2014
Edit Huffington Post
17 Jul 2014
br>By Anton Zverev. GRABOVO, Ukraine, July 17 (Reuters) - A Malaysian airliner was brought down over eastern Ukraine on Thursday, killing all 295 people aboard and sharply raising stakes in a conflict between Kiev and pro-Moscow rebels in which Russia and the West back opposing sides ... As word came in of what Ukraine's Western-backed president called a "terrorist attack", the Russian and U.S ... WRECKAGE, BODIES ... REBEL ACCUSATION....(size: 5.7Kb)

Edit The Examiner
19 Jul 2014
Color me surprised, Transformers. Age of Extinction marks the first Transformers film that didn’t make me feel I infected with that brain eating amoeba currently haunting local lakes. It is easy to point a finger as Shia LaBeouf and declare he was the reason the films didn’t work for me in the past...but…and…listen, try as I might to not kick the lad while he is down the truth is that there is something to be said about his absence....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit New York Post Online
18 Jul 2014
This summer’s scare? Brain-eating amoebas. A 9-year-old water-sport-loving Kansas girl died earlier this month after contracting primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), caused by Naegleria fowleri, an amoeba found in fresh water ... The amoebas thrive in fresh water heated by the summer sun ... for the amoebas....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit The Times of India
18 Jul 2014
From a coquettish Thankamani in Ivan Megharoopan and a prostitute in Vedivazhipadu, to a theyyam artiste in Chaayilyam, Anumol has done many bold roles in Mollywood ... "I am not worried about playing headstrong women characters time and again. I have no fear of getting typecast ... "I would call myself an accidental actor ... Meanwhile, Anumol has signed up for yet another film, Amoeba, directed by theatre artiste Manoj Kana ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit The Examiner
18 Jul 2014
We've heard about the cases of people contracting brain-eating amoebas in lake water. Those appear to be rare, and only affect a very small number of people, according to the CDC. But now Friday, more than 200 people are recovering after contracting a mysterious illness in Washington state after swimming at Horseshoe Lake near Mount Saint Helens ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit LA Daily News
18 Jul 2014
Goldenvoice officials declined to comment, but the news of the recording setting numbers have had industry and local folks abuzz ... Last year, Coachella grossed a total of $67.2 million. Michael Rosas, who works for Amoeba Records in Los Angeles, said the festival grounds have been expanded since 2011, when he went and felt it was “oversold” and he was pushed around a lot ... People who book bands for a living ... ....(size: 2.4Kb)
17 Jul 2014
The death of two children this summer is a jolting reminder of a brain-eating amoeba that lives in warm fresh water ... The amoeba has already claimed the lives ... They say just because the amoeba was there once, doesn't mean it's still there....(size: 1.3Kb)
Edit ABC News
17 Jul 2014
waterborne disease. Just last week, a 9-year-old girl from Johnson County, Kansas, died from primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, an extremely rare but almost invariably fatal brain infection caused by the freshwater amoeba Naegleria fowleri. “It’s a heat-loving amoeba,” said Michael Beach, associated director for the U.S ... Girl Killed by Brain-Eating Amoeba Loved the Water. Warm Weather Stirs Up Brain-Eating Amoeba Warning ... CDC. PHOTO ... CDC....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit The Independent
17 Jul 2014
Fearne Cotton interviewed Lily Allen this week, and, as Twitter says, it was pretty awkward ... Allen then responded on Twitter, denying any bad behaviour, asking ‘Why didn’t you come over yourself?” ... However ... Right ... Following a torrent of unfriendly, hostile responses, which made the writer “feel like an amoeba”, Hattenstone finally asks an acidic Lou Reed, “Are you this horrible in real life or are you putting it on?“ Reed walked out ... ....(size: 6.3Kb)
Edit Business Insider
17 Jul 2014
E.T. will not be phoning home. WASHINGTON — For the first time in history, humanity is within reach of finding Earth-like planets where life exists, but these extraterrestrials may not take the form of intelligent beings, experts say ... [7 Huge Misconceptions About Aliens] ... For example, the extraterrestrial life could consist of simple bacteria or amoebas, instead of complex, multicellular beings ... Original article on Live Science ... OR ... ....(size: 10.2Kb)
Edit The Examiner
16 Jul 2014
Brain eating amoebas and flesh eating bacteria are lurking in the waters. In 2013 Officials found brain-eating amoebas in Louisiana Parish waters ... One man just died from a skin eating bacteria he contracted from the gulf of Mexico, and a young girl died from a brain eating amoeba ... We cannot afford denial any longer, and a Google search on "Flesh eating bacteria" or "brain eating amoebas" will tell you a tale too clear to deny....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit ABC News
16 Jul 2014
Share. ABC News . ABC Sports News Copy ... Hally died July 9 from primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, an extremely rare but almost invariably fatal brain infection caused by the amoeba Naegleria fowleri, which she contracted while playing in the water ... Warm Weather Stirs Up Brain-Eating Amoeba Warning. Louisiana Water Flushed for Brain-Eating Amoeba. Fla ... The amoeba thrives in warm freshwater and enters the brain through the nose ... PHOTO ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit Peace FM Online
16 Jul 2014
Lian Kao, a Taiwanese student recently became blind due to eyeball-eating amoebas ... After the amoebas formed, they began burrowing into the student’s eyeballs, causing her to lose her vision ...       ....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit CBC
16 Jul 2014
Eye doctors are urging consumers to be scrupulous about cleaning and caring for their contact lenses following reports that a Taiwanese student lost her sight after microscopic bugs ate through her eyeballs. ....(size: 0.2Kb)

Amoeba (sometimes amœba or ameba, plural amoebae or amoebas) is a genus of Protozoa. It is a shapeless unicellular organism.

The amoeba was first discovered by August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof in 1757. Early naturalists referred to Amoeba as the Proteus animalcule after the Greek god Proteus, who could change his shape. The name "amibe" was given to it by Bory de Saint-Vincent, from the Greek amoibè (αμοιβή), meaning change.Dientamoeba fragili was first described in 1918, and was linked to harm in humans.

The cell's organelles and cytoplasm are enclosed by a cell membrane; it obtains its food through phagocytosis. This makes amoebae heterotrophs. Amoebae have a single large tubular pseudopod at the anterior end, and several secondary ones branching to the sides. The most famous species, Amoeba proteus, averages about 220-740 μm in length, while in motion. making it a giant among amoeboids. A few amoeboids belonging to different genera can grow larger, however, such as Gromia, Pelomyxa, and Chaos.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Lana Del Rey interviews

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (born June 21, 1986), better known by her stage name Lana Del Rey, is an American singer-songwriter. Raised in upstate New York, Del Rey moved to New York City at age eighteen, where she attended college and began writing music and performing in clubs.

In 2008, Del Rey contracted with an independent label and recorded a self-titled debut album which was briefly available on iTunes in 2010; Del Rey ultimately bought back the rights to the album and it was withdrawn soon after.

In June 2011, she released the song "Video Games" on the Internet, accompanied by a self-made music video that went viral in the following months. The song was later released as a single in October, leading up to Del Rey's major-label debut album, Born to Die, which was released on January 31, 2012 through Interscope Records. Born to Die debuted at number one in seven countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia. The album has spawned two worldwide top 10 hits: "Video Games" and "Born to Die".

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

The Amoeba is so small you need
A microscope to see one
It hurts the eyes, but I'll concede,
I'd rather see then be one
They never sing or laugh or talk
Or eat fondeaux or ciche
And if you take one for a walk
You need a tiny leash
I know the thing must have a brain
Although I couldn't tell you where
It sure must be an awful pain
To be so unicellular

Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba
Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba
We are the scientists our the lab
Looking through a microscope
Those little glass slides they never lie
How can this small mind cope?
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone
Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba
Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba
A one celled creature a one celled thing
It hardly knows it's alive
You're better off dead if you only knew
Your growing life is taking a dive
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone
Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba
Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba
Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba
Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba Ameoba

Simple, pure life, evoked
Gorged with, illness, disease
Mutate, hidden secrets
Transformed, life forms of death
Treachery constantly bleeds from me
Sinking deep in my seams morbidly
The minute attributes seeping through
Shifting and murdering mindlessly
Invade, attack, attract, assail
Inside, my life, in me, bleeding
Out of obscurity, into me physically, mentally
Invoking inwardly, involuntarily
Out of obscurity, into me physically, mentally
Invoking outwardly, involuntarily, tearing me fiendishly
Out in obscurity, into me physically, mentally
Invoking outwardly, involuntarily
Come into me, and spread the disease
And grow within me - your virus
I have become the vector of pain
Injecting in the amoeba
Mutating me, now I'm the disease
Contagion in me amoeba
Exit from me, mutant disease
Spout forth demise, topple all life
Agony breeds in me freely

I destroyed you to protect you
From all the things I never want to be.
I ruined you so I could ruin me.
No guilt, no sympathy for me.
Self destruction never seemed so beautiful.
Anesthesia only hides what won’t die.
I've never climbed so high.
But I only have further to fall.
I never asked myself why.
I never gave it any thought at all.
I need to separate, to divide,
Before I take you down with me.
Perhaps I’m too sick to pray,
Or not sick enough to.
It’s too late for me.
There’s nothing I can do to save you from me.

To set down the words to Amoeba would not reflect the true spirit of the
song, any words will suffice so long as they deal with protozoa, little
pieces of glass, cilia, psuedopods, ben-wa-balls, soap on a rope and

We are the scientists in the lab
Looking through a microscope
Those little glass slides they never lie
How can this small mind cope?
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone
A one celled creature a one celled thing
It hardly knows it's alive
You're better off dead if you only knew
Your growing life is taking a dive
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone

I'm falling more than over
I'm yet to hit the ground
This vision here before me
Has got me heading for the town
You make me not know what is what
You turn my world upside down
So all that I can see is the room
Spinning round and round
What's the colour of the sun today
Or is that the moon it's hard to say
I can see my nose but I can't smell my eyes
It you, you've got me hypnotised
I'm falling more than over
My head has split in three
Unbroken mirror stares me down
But your face is all I see
Make me not know what is what
You turn my world upside down
So all that I can see is the room
Spinning round and round
What's the colour of the sun today
Or is that the moon it's hard to say
I can see my nose but I can't smell my eyes
It you, you've got me hypnotised
When I opened up the door
She met my eyes
And Oh to my surprise
I saw you movin
And I saw you groovin
You were laying it down like a fox on the trott
And boy you were looking hot
And I started loosing
All sense of reason
So I pinched myself
And I slapped my face
And oh to my disgrace
I started bleedin
When you started leaving
And she looked at me
And she said with a smile
Use that thing with a dial
Here have my number
We can do the rumba (rumba)
You make me not know what is what
You turn my world upside down
So all that I can see is the room
Spinning round and round
What's the colour of the sun today
Or is that the moon it's hard to say
I can see my nose but I can't smell my eyes
It you, you've got me hypnotised
What's the colour of the sun today (whats the colour)
Or is that the moon it's hard to say (whats the colour)
I can see my nose but I can't smell my eyes (whats the colour)
It you, you've got me hypnotised.
Amoeba - Amoeba

Sitting on the porch alone
Just broke up with you on the phone
I could sit and cry here all night long
But what would that achieve but
Sore eyes and lack of sleep
Everythings cool
Lock your doors and windows too
Cause I'm coming after you
So don't turn your bac or go to sleep at night
cause I'll be waiting
Sitting on the porch alone
After all is said and done
I'm here having all the fun
Watching you lye there
And bleed
Now who's the fool
But I told you
To lock your doors and windows too yeah
Cause I was coming after you
But you turned your back and went to sleep that night
Amoeba - Amoeba

Look around
Make it familiar to ya
Feel the sounds
That we are pumping through ya
It might be your lucky day
So get up and make it happen lets go
Look at you
You don't know what I'm doing
You look at me
You know just what I'm thinking
I think it's my lucky day
So give in to me you know you want to
Oh baby
I want your body all over me
The way it should be
You're smelling good
Pressed up against my body
Seems like you would
Be willing to get naughty
So what are we doing here
Lets go home and entertain the neighbours
Oh baby
I've got your body all over me
The way it should be
Oh..oh..... (Oh baby, I've got your body all over me. The way it should be)
Amoeba - Amoeba

A riggi digg digg digga
Well hello Mr Froggy
Now what you gonna do today
"I think I'll go and see my mother."
Thats what he says
Well he's hopping along, along down the road
Without a single car in the world
Till around that corner comes a killer
You better watch out little toad
Just get on up!
Just get on up!
Well poor old Mr Froggy
Now he was in a bad way
He could not get to see his mother
And it was her birthday
Till a kind old lady wandered along
Singing a funky frog song
And scraped him up, up off the road
Aren't you lucky little toad!
Just get on up (get on up get on up get on up)
Just get on up!
rigg digg digg just get on up up up!
(get on up get on up get on up get on up)
Amoeba - Amoeba

What have we here?
A beautiful woman it would appear
With a perfect body, perfect face
Wish you were mine to embrace
Cause I would never let you go
I would hold and love you so, so, so so much
And now I'm achin for your touch of paradise, thats nice
Yeah honey
The way you shake that thing
You make me wanna dance
You make me start to sing
The way you strutt your stuff
I just want more and more
Cause I can't get enough yeah
Now you've caught my eye
My head is way up in the sky
I am ready to explode
Until she hits that road
Baby the way you shake that thing
You make me want to dance
You make me start to sing
When you strutt your stuff
I just want more and more
Cause I can't get enough
Baby the way you shake that thing
You make me want to dance
You make me start to sing
When you strutt your stuff
I just want more and more
Cause I can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Get enough get enough
Get enough get enough
Get enough!
Amoeba - Amoeba

Take a long bath with your toaster
Sit and think about the day thats past
If you're still alive
Boil the kettle while you have your last cigarette
It's the simple joys in life thats sure to see you die
Cause we're all guilty of staring up at the sun
And for taking less than what we're given
Take a long look at yourself
Are you just another piece, a piece of the puzzle
Cause you can be a side piece or cornerpice
Something special more than one of another million pieces
Let them all stare blindly ahead while you enjoy the view
Cause we're all guilty of staring up at the sun
And for taking less than what we're given
Cause we're all guilty of staring up at the sun
Taking less and blinding our own eyes
The carnival of life
Fooling all but a few
Stop everything for a while
That they have yet to hold
Cause we're all guilty of staring up at the sun
And for taking less than what we're given
Cause we're all guilty of staring up at the sun
Standing idle and blinding our own eyes
Amoeba - Amoeba

A summer wind is drifting through my hair
With it goes all of me that is there
There's nothing left of me but flesh and blood and bones
I'm alone
I'm alone
Memories come and go like dust in wind and rain
Enjoying them are all of my friends and kin
Into the uncertain future I wind
So blind
So blind
Not so strong
I'm not so strong x 3
It's hard for me to see the light of day
When darkness always seems to be in my way
Open your eyes and take a look around
Lost and found
Lost and found
No No
Please god no
Not that low
please not so low
Not that strong
I'm not that strong x 2
I'm not so strong
No no
please god no
Not that low no
please god no no
Please god no
please god no no
not that low
please god no
Amoeba - Amoeba

Amoeba - Amoeba
Copyright (c) AMOEBA
Hello good to see ya
Glad you came
We're gonna play for you
If it's all the same
So sit back, relax and enjoy the show
Come on fellas, lets go
No don't sit back
Get up jump around
Make alot of noise
And listen to the sound
Of Dean and Steve
Russell and Dave
The boys from Amoeba
Are here to play
Bump Da da li ump ump
Lets rock
Amoeba - Amoeba

Once upon a time, in the deep forest of scwartzhworth,
seven little kids was home alone, and then, the wolf came knocking
on the door. This is the sound of moe.
Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore
Let the party begin!
Well I'm the wolf let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf let me inn let me inn (x4)
Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore
Let me inn!
Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore
Well I'm the wolf let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf let me inn let me inn (x4)
Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore
Let me inn! Let me inn!
Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore
Let me inn! Let me inn!

